Unexpectedly Expecting the Sheik's Baby (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 6)

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Unexpectedly Expecting the Sheik's Baby (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 6) Page 3

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Cassy looked at her two friends, not really sure what to say. In the end, she simply grabbed at the first excuse she knew they would accept. “I was in a meeting all day with Darren. First thing he said this morning, before the clients arrived, was that we should get a drink at the end of the day. I told him that I had plans.” She shrugged and pulled her arm to one side, stretching barely used muscles. “These are my plans.”

  Naya and Ella shared a glance, and shuddered with revulsion. “He is such a slime ball,” Cassy grumbled to no one in particular, staring straight ahead even though the aerobics instructor was still sifting through her music near the sound system.

  Naya had to agree, having heard about Darren before. He was a sexual harassment lawsuit just waiting to happen. “Yeah, be careful around him. He’s slimy and skeevy, who knows what he’d do.”

  Cassy clenched her teeth. She didn’t want to repeat Darren’s other comments after the lunch break. She needed to think about what Darren had said and talk herself back from the brink of fury. She needed to calm herself down and bury all of her hurt and anger because it wasn’t productive. Men like Darren were slime. Nothing more.

  Cassy thought about telling Naya and Ella about Mr. Ferocious. But for some reason, she couldn’t do it. Was it…perhaps…that her conversations with the man were…maybe a little special? Special and personal?

  Good grief! What was she thinking? Her interactions with the man hadn’t been special! They’d been…nerve-wracking!

  Cassy shook her head. “You are in so much trouble,” she muttered to herself.

  Instead of lingering on the exciting sensation of talking with the tall, dangerous man, Cassy focused on Darren’s obnoxiousness. Turning, she watched Ella and Naya stretching, preparing for the aerobics class.

  With a huff, she grumbled, “It isn’t fair that he gets to make the female population miserable simply because he’s closer to becoming a partner.”

  Ella and Naya smiled, glancing at Cassy, who had already staked out her position on the hardwood floor, obviously eager for the class to start. “Yeah. I think someone should do something about that,” Ella said pointedly, raising her eyebrows.

  Cassy would have said something more, but the aerobics instructor slipped her microphone over her head and called everyone to get rowdy, trying to pep up the class participants. The three of them lined up among the other participants as class started.

  Fifty-five minutes later, Ella and Cassy stumbled after Naya as they headed out.

  Naya bounced, energized after class, while Ella and Cassy lurched as best they could down the street. Ella and Naya didn’t work close by, but they’d driven to Cassy’s building and parked because it was the garage closest to the gym.

  “See you guys!” Naya called, waving as she headed for her car.

  Cassy stood by her own car, sweat still soaking her shirt as she stared at the door handle, wondering if she had the strength to get in.

  “You okay?” Ella asked, heading towards her own car, which was parked a few spaces away.

  Cassy stood there staring at the door, barely able to nod her head.

  Ella walked slowly over to her friend, also staring at the door handle. “Why aren’t you getting into your car?” she asked.

  Cassy stared at the door for another long moment, willing the door to open on its own. Unfortunately, it didn’t comply. Darn shame, she thought as she sighed. “I can’t lift my arms,” she admitted.

  Ella laughed weakly. “I was afraid you were going to say that. I was going to ask you for a ride because I can’t lift mine either.”

  The two women nodded to Naya as she drove out of the parking lot, looking completely refreshed and revived. “Why do we let her drag us to these classes?” Cassy asked.

  Ella chuckled. “I think you chose this one, my friend.”

  Cassy grunted, her only indication that she disagreed. “Well, next class, I’m going to watch you guys while drinking one of those strawberry smoothies while sitting against the wall.”

  Ella laughed again, her head falling backwards because it was too hard to hold her head up and laugh at the same time. “No, you won’t. You’re the most irritatingly optimistic of all three of us. By the next time we decide to take a class, you will be fully recovered and think you can make it through the class with more energy. You’ll also convince yourself that we’ll have lithe, sexy bodies by the end of class. But in reality, Naya is the only one that will look good. Those curves don’t need exercise to look amazing.”

  Cassy snorted as she took in her friend’s full breasts, tiny waist, and long, slender legs. “Yeah. You’re clearly the ugly duckling of the group.”

  “Shut up and figure out how to unlock your door. You can drive me to my car.”

  Cassy grunted again. “Your car is parked three spaces down from mine.”

  Ella glanced over her shoulder and shook her head. “I won’t make it.”

  The two found themselves holding each other up as they giggled, knowing that somehow, one of them would need to find the strength to open their car door. Cassy sighed and pushed her still sweaty hair out of her eyes. “Okay, time to go home and work now. I was stuck in a meeting all day today and now I have to get caught up on everything I couldn’t do during the day.” She felt her phone vibrate in her tote bag, indicating that she had yet another e-mail to deal with.

  Ella shook her head. “You’re going to burn out if you keep doing twenty hour days, Cassy.” She pushed away from her friend’s car, forcing her feet to carry her towards her own.

  Cassy waved weakly as they departed.

  Fifteen minutes later, she unlocked the door to her apartment, her arms still weak and her muscles protesting, but there was nothing wrong with her body that a good pizza couldn’t fix, she thought. And a beer. Did she have any beer left? She wasn’t sure. Maybe there was some wine leftover from the other night when Ella and Naya had been over. They had been commiserating about their love lives. Well, their lack of love lives, she corrected as she pushed her key into the lock of her apartment door.

  Her stomach grumbled and she wondered how long it would take for the pizza to be delivered. Probably too long. Maybe she would soak in a bubble bath and relax. Even dialing the phone seemed like too much hassle.

  She tossed her keys onto the kitchen counter as she passed by, dumping her computer case and gym bag, now filled with her work clothes, on the floor.

  She was just about to enter her bedroom when movement to her right caught her eye. She glanced over, just in time to see a shadowy figure stand up. Her scream as the large form approached should have alerted the police three blocks away. She wasn’t sure how her neighbors could have missed it. It also had the galvanizing effect of shooting adrenaline through her system. Since flight wasn’t a possibility, she took a fighting stance, more than ready to defend her honor and her furniture.

  “Get out!” she screeched, her hands already in position.

  The raspy chuckle startled her. Did rapists and burglars laugh? And did they always sound so…sexy?

  “Relax, little one,” the voice murmured. A light flipped on and she blinked. “Nasir,” she whispered, stunned and terrified for a whole slew of different reasons now. Then she shook her head, closing her eyes as she frantically tried to remember how Darren had addressed him. “I mean, Your Highness!”

  She looked around, feeling vulnerable in her skimpy workout clothes that were sticky with sweat. Her hair was matted to her head and she was pretty sure that her makeup had been either sweated or wiped off. She tried to tug her top down lower, wishing it was long enough to hide her stomach and Cassy vehemently prayed that she didn’t have mascara streaks on her cheeks.

  Goodness, he was so sophisticated and gorgeous, but not in a traditional way. No, he could never be classified as classically handsome. Not even close. He was rugged, raw, dangerous. Terrifying. Why did that word keep popping up in reference to this man? Why couldn’t she come up with another adjective?

cause it was perfect to describe him.

  “What are you doing here? And how did you get into my apartment?” She should be nervous, shouldn’t she? Well, she was nervous. The man was huge and there was something about him that just…set off her nerves. But she didn’t feel like she was in danger. At least not physical danger.

  His dark eyes moved over her features and Cassy again felt the need to wipe under her eyes, just in case her mascara was smudged.

  Lifting his hands in the air, he nodded at her nervousness. “I’m truly sorry to have invaded your privacy, Cassandra. I saw the way your co-worker looked at you after our lunch and I didn’t want any other rumors to be applied to you. But I came to see you.” He paused, letting his words sink in. “We didn’t have enough time to talk after lunch today.” His eyes surveyed her figure in the revealing clothes. “I would like to have dinner with you, if that is convenient,” he explained.

  Cassy froze. Was he serious? What was going through his mind? Seriously?

  Somewhat flattered and…okay, so she was impressed that he’d been so considerate. Not many men would have noticed another man being sexually rude. So the fact that Nasir had noticed Darren’s rudeness earlier was…interesting. Still, Cassy couldn’t let this man into her life.

  She crossed her arms over her chest, feeling naked with those dark eyes on her. She shook her head, feeling her wet hair stick to the nape of her neck and wishing she had more clothes on. “No. But thank you for the invitation,” she said with just enough bite that he couldn’t miss, trying to come across as firm. She really should be upset that he’d broken into her apartment but…well, he had a valid reason. And in truth, she was grateful that he’d been so considerate.

  Thankfully, the black eyebrow that lifted appeared more amused than offended. Unfortunately, his reaction didn’t bode well for her getting him out of her apartment quickly. Goodness, she was in a pickle here. How does one tell off one of the most important clients she’d ever had?

  “It looks like you had quite the workout. I’m sure you are ravenously hungry.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him that she wasn’t hungry at all, but her stomach chose that moment to grumble loudly. “I am hungry. So, if you would be so kind,” she emphasized the last word, “get out of my apartment, then I can shower and have my dinner.”

  He reached out, gently caressing her arm, setting her skin on fire. And a whole bunch of other things, she realized, praying that he wouldn’t notice that her nipples were pressed against the thin material of her exercise top.

  Had his eyes flickered downwards? She wasn’t sure, but she’d wager her next paycheck that they had.

  But he was also relentless. “Tonight you are tired and I invaded your privacy. Eventually, you will trust me. At that point, we will dine together and you will tell me all about yourself and your friends. I’m truly fascinated and interested to know all about you.”

  She couldn’t believe his…it wasn’t exactly arrogance since the guy was actually apologizing. But…! Cassy clung to her anger, even though she wasn’t sure that she had a reason for it any longer. He’d apologized twice for invading her privacy, plus he had a valid reason.

  Still, he wasn’t the kind of man she normally dated. Deep down inside, Cassy knew that she wouldn’t ever be able to control this man. And Cassy always needed control when she dated any man.

  Stiffening her shoulders, she looked up at him. “No,” she replied firmly, shifting her feet so that she was better balanced. “I’m going to shower and have dinner all by myself and work for the rest of the evening. If you have something you need, then you should call my office.”

  Nasir almost laughed, delighted with her spunk. Other women would be throwing themselves at him by now. They would also already be naked, most likely. But this little beauty was shaking in her shoes, while looking sexy as hell. “I’m truly sorry to have scared you, Cassandra,” he offered quietly, his eyes moving over her features. “But we will be together. There is something undeniable between us,” he said, moving slightly closer.

  She tried to back up, to make some space. But her feet wouldn’t move. The wall behind her didn’t help either. She shivered when his hand came up to touch her jaw, caressing her in a way that no man had ever taken the time to do. Most men were after just one thing and it frightened her that this man was approaching her in a different manner. She understood the male species only on one level – the boorish one. This simple, gentle caress left her breathless not to mention confused and…wanting more? Surely not!

  “I don’t play games,” she finally managed to say even though her lips felt numb.

  He looked down at her from his great height for another long moment and she held her breath, praying he would go away. This was not a man she could handle! He terrified her and made her feel things that she didn’t like, let alone understand.

  “Understood,” he said, nodding his head. “You have set the rules and I will follow them.” He let his hand fall away from her cheek and Cassy was horrified to find herself wishing he would continue touching her. “For now, little one. But be assured of one thing,” he murmured, his eyes moving over her face. “You are an excellent lawyer, and a beautiful woman. I’d like to explore both of those parts of you.” Another soft caress that caused her heart to skip a beat…well…several beats, actually.

  A moment later, he was gone. Cassy touched the place where his finger had set her skin on fire, blinking to try to focus on reality. It was hard because a small part of her wanted to race towards the door where he’d just disappeared and beg him to stay. Their conversation over lunch this afternoon had been…stimulating!

  But that was silly, she told herself. She couldn’t actually WANT to spend time with that man! No, she was just tired –exhausted actually– after a long night working and then a grueling workout.

  That must be it, she thought. She was just losing her mind. Cassy sighed, telling herself that exhaustion was the only answer as to why she would want that man to come back.

  With a sigh, she picked up her phone and ordered her pizza. “Better make it a large tonight,” she told the operator at her favorite pizza parlor. She didn’t even cringe at the extra calories. She couldn’t eat the whole pizza tonight, but she looked forward to having her dinner already made for the next several nights! She’d eat an extra apple during the day, she promised herself. And a banana.

  Okay, so she wasn’t going to do either of those. Nor was she going to make herself a salad, which might dilute some of the grease.

  Cassy walked over to her fridge and peered inside. No salad. Actually, no food at all. She had a single, small cup of yogurt, but other than that….

  Slamming the fridge closed, she walked away, feeling righteous because she’d at least attempted to have a salad, then jumped into the shower, quickly washing off the sweat and stress of the day. When she was finished, she pulled on a pair of leggings and an old sweatshirt just in time for the doorbell to ring, indicating that her pizza had arrived.

  For the next five hours, she ate pizza, sipped wine, and worked on the cases she’d ignored during the day. And if her thoughts lingered on a certain man with the most incredible shoulders and eyes that could melt her insides? Well, she just told herself to focus harder! Nobody was going to stop her from making partner!

  Chapter 2

  “You’re on a flight to Zurich,” Darren announced as he poked his head into Cassy’s doorway.

  Cassy looked up, startled by both his sudden appearance as well as his words. But by the time she was able to focus on something other than her computer monitor, he was already gone, leaving her baffled, wondering if she’d heard him correctly. “I’m what?” she asked in confusion. But neither the screen in front of her nor the case file beside her were willing to explain. Standing up, Cassy hurried down the hallway, trying to catch up with the guy.

  “Darren!” she called out. He slowed, glancing over his shoulder at her. “What did you just say?” she asked, coming to a stop, more
than a little breathless. The occasional aerobics class wasn’t really helping her cardiovascular system when she ate several slices of pizza afterwards.

  Darren kept walking as he said, “You’re needed in Zurich. We are in charge of overseeing the transfer of a house.” He shrugged a shoulder dismissively. “It might actually be a palace or something like that.”

  Cassy blinked, then stopped, not sure if she’d understood correctly. Going to Zurich was one thing. But she was supposed to help with the sale of a palace? Really? Surely, she’d misunderstood. When she realized that she was standing in the hallway, alone once again, she hurried after Darren who had made it almost to his office. “One of our clients owns a palace?”

  Darren scowled at her. “Weren’t you listening?” He glanced impatiently at his watch. “You have less than an hour to get to the airport. Your flight takes off from Heathrow in about forty minutes.”

  Cassy gasped and checked the clock on the wall behind him. “I can’t make it out to Heathrow Airport in forty minutes,” she argued. “That’s at least an hour’s drive from here! Traffic will be a nightmare.” She paused, thought about it, and corrected her statement. “Traffic is always a nightmare! No one could drive from downtown London to Heathrow airport in forty minutes!”

  Darren had no compassion for a junior associate getting such a prime assignment. In fact, he was pissed that he hadn’t been chosen, so he took his irritation out on Cassy. It sounded like a peach assignment. He’d love to take over the task, go through the contracts, and ensure that all of the signatures were done correctly. He would then take in the night life, hit one of the nicer restaurants in the downtown Zurich area, relax for a couple of days, and charge everything to the client.

  But this particular client had specifically asked for Cassy, which meant she would get additional visibility with the senior level partners and that meant she was that much closer to making partner. That meant she’d make it to partner level two years earlier than he’d made partner. And that simply wasn’t going to work. No, he wanted the oh-so-adorably-sexy Cassandra Flemming in his bed, not in the boardroom with him.


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