Unexpectedly Expecting the Sheik's Baby (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 6)

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Unexpectedly Expecting the Sheik's Baby (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 6) Page 10

by Elizabeth Lennox

  She laughed, a strained sound that he knew was filled with nervous tension and sensuous excitement. “I don’t think I can relax,” she admitted, her nails digging into his shoulders.

  “Cassy!” he growled, shaking his head to regain control. But it was difficult. She was just so tight and so gorgeous. Her body was such a delight, even now as she was shifting against him, her body trying to adjust to his invasion, but her adjustments were only making it harder for him to hold back.

  “Just stay still, love,” he told her as he lifted her hips, moving at a better angle to go deeper. Obviously, that angle was better for her too because she gasped and arched, pulling him deeper into her heat.

  He’d been watching her face and froze when he saw her flinch. But when those gorgeous eyes opened, he knew that she wasn’t just okay, she was amazing.

  “Oh Cassandra,” he started moving, thrusting into her heat. In and out, he tried to be gentle, but the way she moved, her lips falling open as her head pressed against the bed, it was hard. Hard to slow down when her hips kept enticing him faster. Hard to ease up when her nails dug into his shoulders. And it was damn hard to maintain his control when she looked like a goddess, her hair spread out around her and her body straining towards another climax.

  So when he knew his control was slipping, he reached down between their bodies and helped her over the edge. And that small touch was all it took for Cassy to splinter apart into a thousand pieces as her orgasm carried them over the edge into bliss.

  When the throbbing finally subsided, he pulled her into his arms, holding her gently as he rolled over to her side, bringing her with him as he stared up at the ceiling. Never before had sex felt so incredibly powerful.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, her hand resting on his chest.

  Nasir laughed softly. “I think that’s my line,” he murmured as his fingers trailed along her waist.

  She laughed and it was such a sweet, feminine sound, so unlike her, that he was charmed. “I wasn’t sure what you were thinking there.”

  He shook his head. “I wasn’t.” He tweaked her nipple to make her squirm. “I was only trying to get you to the finish line.” He lowered his head and kissed that peak. “Next time, we’ll take more time. Enjoy the journey a bit more.”

  Cassy’s eyes widened even as her body responded. “Next time?”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Were you planning to just use me and throw me away?”

  Her laughter was instantaneous. “I wasn’t planning anything. Especially not this,” she said, referring to their naked state.

  Nasir stood up, then bent down to lift her into his arms. “You need to soak in a hot bath. It will help ease the soreness before our next adventure.”

  Cassy threw her arms around his neck, feeling shy all of a sudden. “I don’t…a bath isn’t necessary.”

  He chuckled. “It is not only necessary but…” he froze halfway to the bathtub, a stunned expression in his eyes. “Cassy, I…” he shook his head.

  Her arms tightened around him and his expression scared her. “What’s wrong? Did you forget a meeting?”

  He didn’t move for a long time, just blinked at her. “Not a meeting.” He set her down on the edge of the enormous, marble bathtub. His hands moved to her knees, resting there for a long moment. Cassy’s stomach muscles tightened as she stared at him.

  “Please, tell me what I did wrong,” she begged, the old fears coming back to life in an instant.

  Nasir shook his head. “No, love. I messed up.” He slapped a hand on his forehead, furious with himself. “I’m so sorry, honey.”

  “Nasir, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  “I didn’t use protection.”

  Cassy stared at him, not sure what he was saying. Protection? Protection from what?


  Nasir saw the realization hit her and they sat silently for a long moment. Cassy bowed her head as she counted back through the month. When she looked back up at him, she breathed a sigh of relief. “I don’t think it will be an issue. It should be a safe time for me.”

  He peered at her, trying to see the truth in her eyes. “Are you sure?”

  Was she sure? No. The timing was ‘right’ to avoid a pregnancy, but nothing was one hundred percent safe. “I should be starting my period any day now,” she assured him. That was the truth, but she also knew that her periods weren’t completely regular. She’d just have to cross her fingers.

  He lifted her hand and kissed the palm. “I’m so sorry, Cassandra. I’ve never, ever, forgotten protection before. I just…” he shook his head, berating himself for putting her in danger like this. “I can only tell you that you took my breath away.”

  She curled her fingers along his cheek, amazed that he would say something so sweet. She didn’t believe him, but it was still nice to hear. “How about if I take a quick shower and get back to work?” she suggested, wanting to retreat to safety now. She needed to think, to process what had just happened.

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Oh no, my beauty,” he said and stood up once again. “I believe a promise was made.” He turned on the water for the enormous tub behind her. Immediately, steam started to rise. “I always fulfill my promises.”

  He stood up and kissed her gently. “I’ll be right back.”

  Cassy watched with fascination as he walked unselfconsciously out of the bathroom. And yes, her eyes were glued to his firm butt, impressed by the flexing muscles. She’d felt that butt in her hands, but seeing it was a completely different experience.

  When he returned, he had several condoms in hand, which he tossed onto the side of the tub.

  “Multiple?” she gasped, breathless at the thought.

  “Oh yes,” he said and lifted her into his arms again.

  “I can walk,” she told him, but her arms immediately wrapped around his neck.

  “I’ve noticed. And believe me, I like watching you walk,” he teased as he lowered her into the water in his arms. “But I also like holding you.”

  She sighed as the warm water surrounded her, soothed muscles she hadn’t realized were sore. But as the warmth seeped into her skin, she knew that she’d done a workout unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

  As the water drifted over her body, she started to become self-conscious once again. It didn’t help that Nasir was staring at her breasts. “What are you thinking about?” she asked, starting to scoot over to the other side of the tub.

  Nasir pressed a button, which started the jets. He took her hand, not letting her escape. “I’m thinking about all the ways I am going to make love to you tonight.” He kissed her shoulder, “And tomorrow morning,” he kissed her neck as he pulled her onto his lap, pulling her legs apart so that she was straddling his hips. “And tomorrow after lunch.”

  She laughed, pulling away slightly. “I have to work. You hired my firm to get a job done.”

  He slid his hands along her thighs and she savored the feeling of his rough, hair covered body against her. Then her core pressed against his erection and she was shocked by the blatant need that flared in his eyes. “You can work in between. I promise I won’t disturb you.”

  She sighed as his hands teased the sensitive skin on the backs of her knees. “You’re disturbing me now,” she pointed out, gasping when he lifted her higher, kissing her and causing that part of her to rub against his ridged abdominal muscles. The friction was…delightful!

  “Nasir,” she whispered a moment before his lips covered hers, ceasing all further discussions about work schedules. Cassy didn’t mind in the least. She was a bit too focused on the here and now, and that part of him that was once more alive, ready and, apparently, more than willing to show her more.

  When he spun her around, she was surprised by the movement, but not unwilling. “Tell me if you’re too sore,” he said, but his eyes were moving down her body, stopping at her breasts. “Are you okay?”

  Cassy laughed. “You’re asking this n
ow?” she asked, feeling his fingers slide up the inside of her thighs and sending tingles of need through her.

  He looked into her eyes. “Cassy, if you are too sore, you will tell me,” he commanded. His hands stilled and she held her breath.

  “I’m not too sore,” she said, not sure if she was or wasn’t, but it didn’t matter. Not at this point, anyway. She needed him. He’d sparked something in her that set her body on fire and he was the only one who could help.

  He bent down and kissed her stomach, teasing the flesh there with his teeth. “You’re sure?”

  She moaned, her head falling backwards and she bit her lip. “I’m sure,” she told him, even though she wasn’t sure about anything. Nothing at all. Well, except for the fact that what he was doing felt incredibly good.

  “So, this doesn’t hurt?” he asked, sliding his fingers along her thighs.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “And this?” he asked, his fingers moving even closer to that part of her that needed his touch.

  “No,” she whispered, her words thick as desire weighed her down.

  Nasir watched her body grow taut with anticipation. She looked incredible! Seeing her like this after her resistance earlier was headier than the best wine.

  “Do you know how beautiful you look right now?” he asked, his hands skimming from her thighs to her breasts, then back down again, slowing across her softly rounded stomach.

  “No.” She wasn’t really listening to his words. Not when his hands were doing things like that to her body.

  Over and over, his hands, mouth, teeth moved across places on her body that she had never known were sensitive. It was like he was finding things about her that had been hidden. And she loved every moment of it. For the first time since her breasts started to develop, she wasn’t ashamed of her body. He made her feel proud. He made her feel wanted, beautiful, and desired. It was such a change in mentality that she embraced it. At this particular moment in time, she didn’t care if the world outside would agree with her. He liked her body. He knew how to make her body sing. This was all she needed. For now.

  “Here,” he handed her the condom. “Figure this out.”

  She looked down at the foil package, then at his face and was thrilled by the possibilities. “Fine,” she said, and moved back slightly.

  He only pulled her closer. “No, do it from here.”

  She looked up into his eyes, not sure how or why. But she was too eager, her body on fire now. All she wanted was to feel that magical moment when he was inside of her, moving with that friction like he’d shown her…however long ago it had been. She had no concept of time. Her only anchor was Nasir and the way he was touching her.

  She opened the package and stared at the condom for a moment. But it took only seconds to figure it out. She understood immediately why he wouldn’t let her pull away. The tension escalated as their bodies shifted against each other while she worked the condom down his erection. When it was finally on, she put her hands on his shoulders, more than ready to take the lead.

  He smiled as his hands held her still, her body poised just above his throbbing shaft. “Think you are in charge, huh?” he asked.

  She licked her lips, her legs tightening. “Please,” she begged, needing him inside her. “Just…”

  “Patience,” he soothed, bringing her closer to him. “Relax.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t. Just…”

  “Relax, Cassy,” he ordered again, and with extreme gentleness, he allowed her to sink down onto his shaft. She closed her eyes as he filled her up, stretching her. When she flinched, he held her still, soothing her with his words, his voice. “Very slowly, love,” he coached.

  “I can’t go slowly.”

  His chuckle sent a thrill of excitement through her, just when she realized that the fullness she felt meant that he was fully embedded inside of her. Sighing, she held onto his shoulders, wanting to move, to create that wonderful friction. But his hands held her hips still.

  “Ride me,” he whispered. “Like this.” And he lifted her hips, showing her how to roll her hips so that she received maximum friction.

  When that feeling shocked through her, she shook her head. “This is…it isn’t…” She pulled back but he only pulled her forward once more.

  “Trust me, Cassy. I won’t hurt you and I won’t let you fall.”

  Cassy bit her lower lip and nodded even though she didn’t really get it. Allowing him to show her, to shift her hips, she tried to understand. But every time she shifted her body the way he showed her, the feelings were too strong, too intense. “Nasir, it isn’t…”

  “It will. Just trust me, Cassy,” he interrupted her again.

  Cassy kept on trying and, as soon as she got into the rhythm, she understood. With each downward thrust, she pressed against his body, the friction increasing her body’s response. And when she moved upwards, she did it again, but it felt different. Not wrong, just different. Both movements were…amazing! Over and over again, she followed his instructions. Her body wasn’t sore after the initial invasion, but throbbing now, desperate for that elusive release.

  When he shifted his hips, leaning back slightly, that was all it took to send her over the edge, spiraling into that throbbing, blissful pleasure. She was mindless now, unaware of Nasir pounding into her and finding his own release. It was one of the most glorious moments of her entire life!

  In the aftermath, she clung to him, gripping his shoulders as she sucked in air, trying to get her balance back. His strong arms held her steady as they both sank back into the water.

  Cassy suspected she was like a wet rag over his chest, but every time she tried to move, he only tightened his arms around her.

  So she stayed, the water bubbling around them, his arms around her and her cheek resting against his broad shoulder.

  It was heaven.

  Chapter 5

  Cassy rolled over, her eyes slowing opening. Another beautiful morning, another day in the arms of Nasir! She sighed happily.

  Lifting her head out of the pillows, she looked around, eager to feel him against her. In fact, it was odd not to be curled up next to him already. For the past two mornings, she had woken up to him kissing her. And then….

  She smiled and looked around, eager to see him again. Oh my, how her life and attitude had changed over the past seventy-two hours!

  But when she reached out, her hand only found cold sheets. No warm, muscular man, ready to make love to her again.

  She sat up and pushed her hair out of her eyes. It was still early so the sunshine hadn’t penetrated the hazy morning fog, but it was light enough to see that she was alone.

  There were no sounds outside of the bedroom indicating that the guards were still there. And she couldn’t even sense if the other servants were still in the house.

  It was strange, after getting used to so many others being around her all the time, to suddenly find herself alone.

  Pulling the sheets up higher, she wondered what was going on. Where was Nasir? Why wasn’t he here?

  And more importantly, if he’d had to leave, why hadn’t he woken her up to let her know?

  Cassy slipped out of bed, a feeling of dread creeping up on her. Stepping into the shower, she tried to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why Nasir wasn’t here with her. But her mind spun in useless circles.

  He wouldn’t do this to her, she told herself over and over again. But as she dressed, she pulled on her old suit, ignoring the beautiful clothes that he’d purchased for her. She felt better, more in control with her wool suit back on, even though she’d had to wear one of the lacy bras since Nasir had ruined her sports bra that first day. Rejecting all of the lovely clothes and the delicate underthings, she stepped out into the beautifully decorated hallway, no longer seeing the priceless art hanging on the walls or the beautiful furniture that seemed to have been designed and built specifically for this house.

  Standing very still, she looked around. Not
hing. No movement, no bustling servants preparing for the day.

  Pausing, she listened for the sounds of a busy household, of an aide hurrying from one room to the next, trying to get Nasir’s attention on one matter or another.

  Eerily, there were no guards. No aides. No one rushing around. No one even in the house, it seemed. Her stomach tightened with dread.

  Walking down the elaborate staircase, she couldn’t believe the silence in the house. It had always been abnormally quiet, but there had been an energy in the air, a sense of urgency because there were so many guards, servants, and aides constantly interrupting Nasir, no matter what he might be doing.

  There was no one here!

  Correction, the housekeeper was here. When Cassy stepped through the doorway to the kitchen, the kind, older woman smiled at her. “Good morning, Ms. Flemming,” she called out as she poured Cassy a cup of coffee. “What would you like for breakfast?” she asked, handing Cassy the delicate cup.

  Cassy looked around, not even able to sip the coffee because her stomach wouldn’t settle. Something was very wrong. “Um…is Nasir, I mean, His Highness around?” she asked, dreading the answer.

  The woman shook her head. “Unfortunately, His Highness needed to leave on urgent business. But he asked that I cook you whatever you’d like before your flight.” The woman turned to the counter and picked up an elegant envelope and handed it to Cassy. “He left this note for you. I was ordered to give it to you immediately.”

  Cassy almost fell into the chair, absently spilling some coffee onto the saucer. Was she dismissed? Was he finished with her? She stared at the note in her hand, not wanting to read it. Not wanting to see the words of dismissal. Even his bold scrawl on the outside of the envelope made her cringe with dread.

  Cassy suspected that it would have been much worse if he’d been here to tell her himself. At least, with him gone, she could just head back home by herself, not worry about the pity in his eyes when he had to tell her that he was moving on.


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