Hope Redeemed--A Spanish Novella

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Hope Redeemed--A Spanish Novella Page 10

by Jenny Wheeler

  He placed a gentle, protecting hand on her abdomen. “Blessed with a fruitful wife.” He grinned. “How lucky can a man get?”

  Josefa sank gratefully onto the soft bed in the quiet, shuttered room, already savoring the images from this day of all days. They’d been transported from the chapel to Francine and Antal’s house in a garlanded bridal carreta drawn by two white oxen. Doña Valentina and Aunt Benecio and the rest of the family followed close behind in similar garlanded carts. Behind them rode relatives and friends on horseback, a noisy colorful cavalcade wending their way out of town to the Orleans Hills estate, a band of musicians accompanying the gay procession, singing their own ribald songs louder than they’d ever sung the hymns in church.

  Horses impatient at the pace of the oxen pulling the carretas pawed the ground fretfully, raising dust clouds. Dashing caballeros caught up maidens to ride in front of them, the dun-colored habits and tiny-brimmed sugar-loaf hats of the equestriennes foils for the men’s gay velvet suits. Metallic embroidery sparkled on their jackets; twisted silver shone from their sombreros.

  And infused through it all, the smell of a hundred flowers, garlanded in the women’s hair or pinned to their dresses, wilting in the sun, releasing their warm fragrance even as they faded.

  The three-hour meal replete with toasts and compliments had pulsed with merriment, but now Josefa desperately needed to rest before the festivities resumed at dark, when the bride and groom were expected to dance until dawn.

  “How could I have imagined, six months ago, that I would ever be this happy?” Josefa traced her finger down Santiago’s firm tanned jaw. “When Rory died, I thought I would never be happy again.”

  Her heart still lurched in pain at his name, but it felt right somehow to speak it on this most wondrous of days.

  Santiago took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Ah, Rory. He’ll always be with us.” He stroked her head. “I hate it that he’s not here to share this occasion with us. That I never got to know him as a brother while he was alive.” He cupped her chin in his hand. “But for me to have the honor to have you as my wife . . . So much has happened in the six months since he died. And I suppose there’s a very good chance we wouldn’t be wed if he was still alive.” He dipped his head, his expression momentarily bleak. “The thing I most want to make sure of now is that I care for his child as well as he would have.”

  Josefa rolled onto her back and adjusted the pillows behind her head. They’d retreated to the privacy of one of the Esterhazy’s guest rooms for their siesta. After all the demands of the past few weeks, she cherished this rare time alone.

  “Oh, Santiago, thanks to Aunt Benecio for being so wise about that. She really put me right there — although I know we nearly went off the rails over it.”

  She rolled to face him. The tenderness inside her threatened to spill over in tears again. She stared at him in a dazed delight. She was still finding it hard to believe she really had won this man as her lawful wedded husband.

  “Strange, isn’t it, how thanks to your own unhappy childhood, you’ve got such a good idea of what you don’t want to repeat.”

  Santiago nuzzled the side of her face.

  A laugh of wonder at her good fortune rippled up from deep inside. “And now, if I’m going to be dancing under that Full Strawberry Moon in a few hours, I really must sleep.”

  Tomorrow morning, after they had danced and entertained their guests all night, there would be the final seal on it all, the tossing of the cascarones, eggshells filled with silver and gold confetti or scented toilet water. Guests prepared ahead of time for this concluding storm of merriment, showering bride and groom — and one another — until everyone was spangled and drenched.

  She gazed tenderly at the man lying next to her, already asleep, and imagined his handsome face, his long brown hair, messed and damp, the spangles on his fine cheekbones glistening. This man. Her husband.


  Enjoy Hope Redeemed? Get Of Gold & Blood Boxed Set, Books #1-3

  If you’ve enjoyed Hope Redeemed why not jump into the Of Gold & Blood book bundle – Books 1 – 3 in the series, 1000+ pages of heart-wrenching romance and pulse-pounding suspense!

  In California’s Gilded Age, all that glitters can be love… or murder.

  California, 1868. The three Russell brothers have been separated by time and tragedy. When they reunite in a proverbial promised land, they must heal the past and build a future for themselves and the strong women who hold their hearts. But the rough pioneer frontier breeds more danger than delight…

  The Russell clan continues to find themselves at the center of mysterious deaths and murderous adversaries. Unwilling to let corruption ruin their dreams of a prosperous future, can they solve these deadly crimes before they’re fitted for their own pine boxes?

  The Of Gold & Blood bundle features the first three books in this historical mystery series. If you like enduring romance, captivating characters, and edge-of-your-seat suspense, then you’ll love Jenny Wheeler’s compelling page-turners.

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  Once again, I wish to voice by warmest thanks to the staff at Birkenhead Library, my local library, where I always find ready support and great service.

  I am indebted to the New Zealand Library Interloan facility for arranging access to reference titles not generally available, and to the services of C.J. Simmons, Interloan & Information Supply Librarian. In particular I owe a huge “Thank You” to Professor Ann Twinam, Professor of History, Walter Prescott Webb Chair in History, University of Texas at Austin and author of Public Lives, Private Secrets: Gender, Honor, Sexuality, and Illegitimacy in Colonial Spanish America.

  ‘Public Lives, Private Secrets’ outlined in detail the complicated practices governing colonial Spain’s treatment of children born either out of wedlock or in other unconventional circumstances. Not only was it invaluable as I worked on my character Santiago’s story, but Professor Twinam generously replied to my emails seeking clarification on some issues. Of course, if I have interpreted her material incorrectly I apologize in advance and accept full responsibility, but I am very grateful for her personal assistance.

  Two other delightful books sourced through the same facility gave me first person accounts of courtship and marriage in early California. They were A Scotch Paisano in Old Los Angeles, Hugo Reid’s Life in California, 1832 – 52 Derived from his correspondence, by Susanna Bryant Dakin, and The Lives of William Hartnell, by the same author.

  I am once again indebted to the great team of people who have helped me publish this Book #6 in the Of Gold & Blood series. They include copy editor Stephen Stratford, proof editor Nikki Crutchley, and the faithful readers who assisted with reading early editions and giving feedback and reviews.


  Jenny Wheeler is the author of the Of Gold & Blood Old California mystery series:

  Poisoned Legacy #1.

  Brother Betrayed #2.

  Double Jeopardy #3.

  Tangled Destiny (Christmas novella and Prequel.) #4

  Unbridled Vengeance #5

  Hope Redeemed, A Spanish Novella, #6

  Boxed Set/Book Bundle Of Gold & Blood, Books 1 – 3.

  Jenny’s online home is at jennywheeler.biz or email [email protected]

  You can connect with Jenny on:

  Facebook: @JennyWheeler.Biz

  Twitter: @Jenny_Biz

  Instagram: @jenn

  Pinterest https://www.pinterest.nz/jennywheelbooks/

  Goodreads: https://goodreads.com/author/show/11371547.Jenny_Wheeler

  Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/jenny-wheeler


  ISBN 978-0-473-49841-2 (epub)

  ISBN 978-0-473-49842-9 (Kindle)

  ISBN 978-0-473-49840-5 (Paperback)

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, and events are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people, companies, institutions, organizations, or incidents is entirely coincidental.




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