For this exercise, you will need to pull all four of your Pages out of your deck. Line them up in the following order: pentacles, swords, cups, and wands. Then go ahead and set your intention for some issue, problem, or concern you are currently having with your health or physical body. I recommend writing this intention out and placing it above the four Page cards you’ve laid out in front of you. You can also set some crystals there and light a candle if you feel moved to do so. In this exercise we are going to be using the Page of Pentacles as a grounding point, mainly because this young Page represents the physical, material world. Take three nice deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth and allow yourself to gently relax. Keep your gaze on the Pages as you repeat the following text:
Today I walk hand in hand with the Page of Pentacles to take stock of all my healthy, life-affirming habits. I document and record these things so I can best keep track of them. (Pause)
I ask the Page of Swords to monitor my thoughts, beliefs, and communication surrounding my health intention. May this Page show me where I am out of alignment and where I am communicating correctly about my health and well-being.
I ask the Page of Cups to monitor my feelings and emotions about my current state of health and well-being, and to alert me when my feelings are out of alignment with my current set of health goals.
I ask the Page of Wands to work with the Page of Cups so that I can be intuitively guided to healthy foods, healthy thoughts, healthy people, and nourishing conversations.
I know by walking with the Pages I will be able to better navigate my health and well-being goals.
Take another deep breath and close your eyes; if you feel moved to, picture your intention as being fully fulfilled. Smile as you visualize this completed intention, so that you fill it with positive energy. Take two more nice deep breaths and release the visualization. If you want to, you can keep the cards out, along with any crystals you have used, and leave everything set up until your candle burns down.
One of the hardest lessons for a Page to learn is discipline. It is not in a child’s nature to sit still for long. Your own inner child energy gets restless when it is not being stimulated, or when it is being stifled and contained. In this exercise, you get to take the shackles off and let one or all four of the Pages out to roam wild. Take a nice deep breath, settle your body and your mind, and slowly bring up a mental image of yourself as a small child. Once you see yourself in your child image, see if you can figure out which sort of Page you are. What does your energy feel like? Take another nice deep breath and allow your mind to drift to a time when you were fully focused, when your child self was happy, content, and immersed in a task. Hold this scene in your mind’s eye for as long as possible. Make it bright and colorful. Enlarge it so it takes up all of your vision. When you feel you have memorized all the joyful elements you can, take another deep breath and write down in your journal any additional information you have about this memory or the task that kept you so still and focused.
Pull all four Pages out of your deck and place them facedown in front of you. Close your eyes, scan the cards, and then select the one you get an intuitive hit from (this could be the card that feels warmer or cooler than the others) and turn it over. Whichever Page you have selected is the one that you need to work with today, so go ahead and put the other three Pages back in your deck. This exercise is more about learning how to make a deeper connection with your Page card. Now think about how you would plan a day’s worth of activities for this Page. What places would this Page like to visit and what sort of adventures would this Page find the most alluring? If you have the Page of Pentacles, there is a good chance something outside in the backyard or at the local park might be of interest. If you selected the Page of Wands, think more creative and action-based activities, like painting or paintball. If you selected the Page of Cups, perhaps a trip to the library or the beach would be in order. And lastly, if you selected the Page of Swords, maybe a museum or comic book store might be the way to go. Once you have mapped out what you consider your ideal day for your Page, consider going to do all of those activities. You pulled this Page for a reason, maybe because it’s time to walk in this Page’s shoes for a while.
Before we begin this section, I just want to let you know that some of what you are about to read may sound very similar to what you just read in the Page’s section. That is because it is. Pages are in training to be Knights, and they overlap in many and various ways. The real difference here is action over observation. Where the Page was more of an active observer, collecting data and then seeing how it applied to the path they found themselves taking, the Knights are action-oriented. This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where things get very, very real. Alright, glad we had this little chat before you dive in, but now it’s time to continue.
The Knights are where your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs become action-based habits. These habits will then dictate how you engage with the world around you. Habits are nothing but internalized learned behaviors and things we have programmed into our minds and bodies over extended periods of time. Slowing down, being more aware, and really being present with your thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions are not easy tasks. But it is essential to attaining a more joyful, healthy, and abundant life. Pathworking with the Knights is a step in the right direction when it comes to creating and maintaining new, life-honoring habits. Here you can train your skills right alongside them. Learn how to be more mindful with the Knight of Swords. Learn how to tap into your emotions and use them to empower you with the Knight of Cups. Learn how to stop being reactive and plan your moves with precise action with the Knight of Wands. And of course, learn how to be in the world of material things but not a part of it with the Knight of Pentacles. Let the next phase of your mindfulness training begin.
The Knight of Swords carries on the lessons that they started learning back when they were a Page. Now, however, it is time to really dig deep and focus like never before. The Knight of Swords knows how important it is to create a calm and focused mind, for this is imperative in battle. When the mind is overcome with fear and self-doubt, one can become a target. However, when the mind is calm, it can make quick and decisive actions that will benefit not only the Knight themselves but all of those that surround them. There is more at stake when one becomes a Knight. This is no longer the journey of one, the single journey of the Page; this is where one person’s journey becomes an integral part of other people’s stories. This level of responsibility is something the Knight of Swords takes very seriously, which is why you will find this Knight meditating for hours on end, morning, noon, and night. Focus, flow, and awareness are key to this Knight’s success. Working with the Knight of Swords will bring you to a quieter, more peaceful state of being. This Knight will show you how to still your mind, expand all of your senses and use what is around you to your advantage. Just don’t be fooled into thinking that this Knight is passive. Every action this Knight takes causes a reaction, and they know only too well in which direction that energy will flow and what sort of ripples it will create. This Knight means business and won’t take too kindly to anyone thinking they can half-ass their lessons with them. That sword the Knight yields is sharp, and they are not afraid to cause some pain if they feel it’s necessary. Therefore, think carefully before you choose to walk with the Knight of Swords and remember that humility will be your longest-serving friend.
The Knight of Wands seriously wants to light a fire under your ass. This Knight has no interest in your excuses and won’t take no for an answer. This Knight will never understand why people stand still, nor will this Knight understand why people are afraid of the word no, or why others think failure is such a big deal. As far as the Knight of Wands is concerned, you will never truly know anything unless you do it, which is wise, to be honest. Far too often we play out ridiculou
s scenarios in our heads to convince ourselves to never ask that question, never take that first step, never try changing, never … you can fill in the blank. The Knight of Wands doesn’t comprehend this sort of limited thinking. The fiery potential this Knight burns with stops them from ever thinking that they cannot do something. How liberating is that? How different would your life be if you just did all the things your heart desired for you to do? What would your life look like? How different would you feel about who you are and your place in the world? According to this Knight, there are only two types of people: those who do and those who bitch about those who do. The Knight of Wands doesn’t listen to people who only complain or only have negative things to say. This Knight takes that sort of toxic energy and burns it away. This is a skill we could all use: to take the toxic energy in our lives and use it as fuel. In many ways, the Knight of Wands is talented in the arts of transmutation and alchemy. Though not as skilled as the Queen and King, the Knight is certainly no slouch at taking something dangerous and harmful and turning it into something productive and beneficial. Through your work with this Knight you will also learn how to keep your creative and spiritual spark burning, even when it feels like the world is doing its best to snuff your light out. I hope your clothes are flame resistant!
The Knight of Cups may be a bit of a romantic, but they know how to use one’s heart to create a life worth living and loving. This Knight is all about the “feels,” even if it ends up getting them into trouble or causing self-inflicted emotional pain. If this Knight can’t feel it, then this Knight is not going to do it, end of story. Emotions are really tricky things, and I know I am guilty of sometimes wishing I never had any at all. It sure would make life easier if we didn’t have to constantly wade through every single emotion we have—fear, doubt, regret, sorrow, grief, resentment, and anger. Life would be so much more fun if all of those things never existed. Unfortunately, emotions are an important part of the physical game. They are our navigation system and literally guide us from one phase of our lives to another, and the Knight of Cups is an excellent navigator. Sometimes this Knight is depicted with their eyes closed, showing how this Knight is able to tap into something other than physical sight to move and stay on top of the horse they ride. This Knight is well on the way to understanding how to use the power of one’s emotions to benefit one’s path. This meditative process of “feeling” your way through each moment is not easy to learn, for there is a lot of detachment involved. You see, it is one thing to attach to your emotions, but it is quite another to let them go and merely see how they influence, guide, or trigger your responses. As I said, emotions are tricky things. They can limit you or expand you. They can give you life-affirming energy or leave you feeling depleted and drained. Emotions can guide you toward the life of your dreams, or they can get you lost in a world of darkness and pain. Let this Knight guide you through the first steps of detachment. Let the Knight of Cups show you some of the tricks they have learned to stay focused and disciplined in the sea of choppy, emotional waters. Most of all, let this Knight heal and open your heart, so you can learn to love feeling again.
The Knight of Pentacles is a being of slow and steady movement. This Knight won’t be rushed and believes that the only way to build a strong and lasting foundation is to lay it one brick at a time. That is exactly the way this Knight engages with all aspects of the physical realm: one piece at a time. The Knight of Pentacles is not one to multitask and considers this line of thinking and doing to be flawed and misguided. This Knight believes you should give yourself totally to the moment, to whatever task, person, problem, or situation you find before you. Anything less would be disrespectful. The slow, steady pace of the Knight of Pentacles is going to be hard for some people to deal with, especially considering we all seem to live in a world that moves faster than we have time to comprehend. It is not easy being a slow and steady person in a fast-paced environment. Sometimes it makes you a target, and other times it makes you invisible. Sometimes being both of these things can be beneficial. When people start to attack you for being too slow or taking too long, or accuse you of dragging your feet, just remember that your way of doing or being does not have to conform to anyone else’s timeline. The Knight of Pentacles is very aware of this, and is used to being left behind by the other Knights, as they eagerly ride off for some form of adventure. Being left behind makes you feel invisible, but at least you no longer have to hear about how long you take getting things done. Training with the Knight of Pentacles guarantees that when you commit to something, you do so completely and fully, and make sure it is done in the right way in divine time.
Most of us tend to sharpen the skills we are already good at and put off things we don’t usually excel in. Knights must sharpen all their skills, not just the ones they are good at. They have to practice and practice and practice. Part of that practice is meditation and visualization. This is such an effective part of skill-building that 90 percent of the world’s top athletes also use this mindfulness technique to sharpen their skills. Now it’s your turn. Pick a skill that you truly want to learn, even though right now you are just miserable at it. Maybe it’s cooking healthy meals, maybe it’s balancing your checkbook, maybe it’s painting, maybe it’s rock climbing. It really doesn’t matter what it is; just be brave, pick your worst skill, and bring it to the meditation cushion along with a timer set for five minutes. Settle yourself by taking some nice deep breaths. Before you hit the timer and close your eyes, focus in on the skill you want to learn and see yourself doing it. Really get into the environment you see yourself in while using this skill—the people there, the clothes you are wearing, the expression on your face, and the feeling of your body. Tap into this, and then hit that timer, close your eyes, and stay focused on your image until your timer beeps at you. Repeat this as often as you feel you need to or until you start to see results.
Pull all four Knights out of your deck and place them facedown in front of you. Close your eyes, scan the cards, select the one you get an intuitive hit from, and turn it over. Whichever Knight you have selected is the one that you need to work with today, so go ahead and put the other three Knights back in your deck. Place your Knight either on your meditation altar or somewhere in front of you so you can keep your focus on the card. Relax into your breathing, drop your shoulders, and settle your mind. Keep your gaze on the card as you allow yourself to relax more deeply. Just keep your focus on the card in front of you and allow any thoughts, images, or chatter to just move on through your mind. When you feel focused and relaxed, go ahead and close your eyes. Stay still and silent for as long as you can, just letting the information or messages float in. When you feel done or no longer feel connected to the card and its messages, pick up your journal and write down any and all messages that this Knight sent you. Don’t overthink this process by trying to question whether or not what you heard, felt, or saw was just your imagination. Just write it down; imagination or not, the information is important and relevant to where you are in this moment. You may want to do further journal work to go deeper with your Knight’s message.
For this exercise, you are going to have to either keep your smartphone with a note-taking app handy, or have a small journal and pen and carry it around with you for a whole day. Yes, this is going to be a whole day of mindful wandering, though it would be incredibly helpful if you kept it up for as long as you could tolerate it. Knights are meticulous about their habits, which is why they have a strict schedule and a fairly consistent routine. They know what they do with their time, how much energy they use on each task, and who they spend their time with. They also have gaps of time for relaxation, contemplation, and higher learning. Today you are going to wander through your day like a Knight, and you are going to track your life in the space of twenty-four hours. This is amazing mindfulness and habit training, as we typically just zo
mbie our way through our daily lives. You want to be aware of everything you do from the time your feet touch the floor in the morning until you lay your head back on the pillow at night. Grab your phone or journal and begin your mindful wandering through a day in the life of you. Use the information you gather as a way to view how you use your time. Which habits suck your energy and which habits invigorate you? Let this data guide you to better manage your day and your energy.
You have now reached the stage of your development when it is time to bring your gifts, talents, and skills to a much bigger audience. No more practicing in the dark and only showing off to a few close friends. Think of this stage as being dragged out of the shadows of obscurity into the spotlight. Like it or not, none of us who has gotten to this level can escape attention from strangers. When we reach the position of Queen, we must understand that everything we have worked for and everything we have built has not been for us alone, and now it is time to give back. This is not always an easy thing to do, especially for us introverts, who, despite loving coaxing from all four of the Queens, will have to be dragged out from under the blanket fort we have built in the corner of our room. In many respects, the Queens are here to teach us how to take ownership of what we have created, and to stand proud and learn how to take a compliment, no matter how uncomfortable. The Queens show us how to take our rewards with grace and how to give back with a focused mind, an open heart, a generous pocket, and a true desire to help others.
The Queens have some of the most extensive networks in the tarot empire. There is nothing and no one these lovelies do not know, and connecting people is one of their favorite pastimes. This is another way you will know when you have entered into the stage of the Queen. You will know people, and not just any people, but people who can make things happen. You will be able to connect people to each other so that they too can advance along their soul paths. The Queens also have a lot of teaching energy around them, and they will impart knowledge, wisdom, and tricks of the trade willingly and without the need for coaxing or scheming. Just know that there will be some sort of payment involved, be it money, time, or whatever else the Queens deem necessary in exchange for the wisdom they share.
Pathworking the Tarot Page 10