Magestic 3

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Magestic 3 Page 43

by Geoff Wolak

  It was a sign, a sign that the provocateurs were still out there, and that vigilance was needed. The world received a peace dividend a few days later, missile silos being decommissioned across America and Russia, and a few years ahead of schedule the people of East Germany rose up and took to the streets against their repressive regime. The Berlin wall came down a few days later, six years ahead of time, and Germany would now move towards unity.

  Thatcher had survived her assassination attempt, because on the day in question the assassin was struck by lightning, the same kind of lightning that had killed Bill Clinton. But her own cabinet booted her out a month later, for being such a bossy-boots.

  The return of Dark Star was widely reported, a collective cheer going up, the ship seen arcing across the skies just to make a point. And, two days after its return, Dark Star contacted Hillary Clinton - to inform her that the boss was on his way, and would arrive in Britain in two days time. Her presence was requested, as was that of Premier Gorbachev and the Chinese Premier, as well as the French and German leaders.

  A day later, Dark Star informed the new British Prime Minister, Michael Heseltine, of a time portal that would open at the RAF base north of Astor Mansions, and that aerial drones would be brought through to help against the Zim. Without fully understanding what the heck Dark Star was on about, the airfield was made ready. The RAF police sat and waited, no idea what to expect.

  At 7am the following morning a portal crackled open, and RAF police from 2048 stepped through, greeting their counter-parts. A ramp was put in place, drones carried through with their wings off. As the resident RAF personnel observed, the wings were attached, and the large toy planes took off down the runway, climbing away. But that process carried on all day without a break, and more than a hundred drones were duly launched, each flying off - and each radar invisible.

  By 10pm, the visiting RAF crews had withdrawn through the portal, and our alien friends got our frequency, the frequency we wanted them to get. All was again quiet on the airfield as the various world leaders landed in London, the press now camped-out at the base gates. During the night the drones took up station, and were in place for dawn.

  Toby appeared with his squadron at 7am, landing on the airfield in a neat line. ‘Got the kettle on, love?’ he asked a lady RAF officer in the control tower.

  The US Secret Service were now at the base, many British police officers in yellow jackets seen checking people, RAF Regiment “Gunners” on the perimeter fence, faces black and green. Dignitaries started to arrive at 8am, Prime Minister Heseltine the first. A large marquee tent had been set-up on the grass for the press, several other tents to be used for holding satellite press conferences.

  The world leaders had gathered in the main tent, and were chatting away with drinks in hand when the portal opened. Sixty Kenyan Rifles stepped out in two parallel lines, all large and menacing, large laser rifles held. They formed a funnel, the world leaders now informed that Jimmy had arrived, and the dignitaries stepped out of the tent to see the lines of soldiers.

  US Marines stepped through next, again sixty of them, and they advanced beyond the Kenyans. Jimmy stepped through and halted, taking in the scene – and the partial cloud cover, before stepping forwards. Behind him came Shelly carrying a briefcase, and behind her trailed Sandra and Jesus dressed smartly.

  Jimmy led his team forwards, through the funnel and towards the tent. As his group neared the leaders, many were staring past Jimmy at what appeared to be two aliens. Looks were exchanged.

  Prime Minister Heseltine stepped forwards, a hand extended. ‘Mister Silo, I presume. Welcome to Earth.’

  ‘Welcome to Earth, Heseltine?’ Jimmy queried. ‘I was born in Newport, and spent most of the past thirty years living just down the road.’ Heseltine blinked. ‘And I’ve met you before, your other self.’

  He stepped past the British leader, and to the Chinese Premier, issuing a long greeting and entering into a detailed chat for five minutes, the others leaders stood waiting, and observing, especially observing Jesus and Sandra. Next, Jimmy greeted Gorbachev, again a detailed chat for several minutes. He spoke to the French President in French, the German leader in German, and finally approached Hillary Clinton. ‘Hilary, how are you today?’

  ‘Hilary?’ she queried.

  ‘I’ve known your other self for decades, and I know you inside out, young lady.’

  ‘Young Lady? I’m the President of the United States.’

  ‘You’ve been in office a short while, and you control one country. I control eight entire worlds, and have being doing so for hundreds of years. But if you think you have any real power, hang onto that thought; you have a few minutes left with the illusion.’ He turned. ‘Please, everyone, let’s go inside and get comfortable. It might rain.’

  An indignant President Clinton sat opposite Jimmy on a long table, the other leaders settling. Jimmy waited, remaining standing as everyone settled. Shelly sat, data-pad to hand, Jesus and Sandra stood behind Jimmy - and attracting many looks.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ Jimmy began. ‘The arrival here of Toby Holton was an accident, and should not have happened. To you … this is your home, your only home, and it means a great deal to you. To us, well … there are hundreds of worlds just like this, all Cold War era, all full of small-minded politicians trying to blow up the planet. Which world … is more deserving of another, more deserving of our help?

  ‘Fact is … we help where we can, but that process is planned – not accidental. But, Toby has worked hard to persuade me to come here, so now I’m involved. So understand something now, all of you: compared to the aliens that bother you, my power is vast; those aliens are just flies buzzing around.

  ‘Outside, you’ll see US Marines and Kenyan Rifles from the future, each man genetically modified and just about indestructible. If you shot one with your weapons of this era you’d just piss them off. Their weapons can shoot at targets miles away, and they can shoot dozens of people at the same time, a million discharges before a weapon needs a top-up. The rifles they carry could shoot down one of your fighter aircraft quite easily. At my disposal, I have millions of men like that.

  ‘You’ve also seen our space-faring craft, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Yesterday, we used this airfield to launch drones, and you foolishly allowed us to do so. Those drones are very advanced, radar invisible, solar powered, and are now sat over the Arctic, and over your countries. From this minute forwards, any launch of a ballistic missile – armed with nuclear weapons - will result in that missile being shot down.’

  The leaders exchanged looks.

  ‘Those drones will fire upon us?’ Clinton asked, seeming most put out.

  ‘Those drones, madam, will not fire on you, they will destroy in flight any nuclear missile aimed at another country. No missile, cruise missile, nor bomber aircraft will reach its target – if that target is Russia or China. The same goes for Russian and Chinese weapons, French and British. If you launch, you’ll just lose the weapons.’

  ‘You’re imposing this on us?’ Clinton demanded.

  ‘Yes, because you’re children that need guidance. And because you are children, you will not start wars with each other, you may focus your attentions elsewhere – such as serving those you are supposed to represent, the people. If anyone objects to the missile defence shield – tough shit; it’s in place, and it will stay in place. Your nuclear arsenals are now useless.’

  Leaders checked translations, seeming shocked.

  ‘Just who the hell do you think you are?’ Clinton demanded.

  ‘I represent the people, all six billion of them, that were due to die in a few short years, when the leaders of this world screwed up what they had, and started a nuclear war. You’ve made some progress, granted, and you should be commended for it, but avoiding a war in a few years is step one. For you to survive for any length of time … will take a hundred careful steps.

  ‘At a future date, America will suffer a devastating
earthquake and tidal wave, millions killed. We know exactly when and where. An earthquake in the Middle East will halt all oil production from that region. We know exactly when … and where. A flu virus will break out that kills a hundred million people, America will suffer a financial crash like 1929, then go to war with China, Los Angeles and San Francisco nuked, most people in those cities being killed.

  ‘Water will run out in the Middle East - causing wars, a plague will strike Africa and kill sixty million, AIDS will kill a hundred million, the petrol-dollar will crash the American system, taking the rest of the world with it. After 2025, an Arab army will rise up and enslave Europe. And finally, if you survive all of that, you have an alien problem, and they won’t give up till you are all dead.’

  The leaders stared up in shock.

  ‘You can walk the lonely path of history alone, or you can accept my guidance – and you can survive, you can all survive. Or, you can continue on with your ignorance, and perish. The next forty years will be like an obstacle course for you, and your chances of survival are not great - even with my help. Without my help, mankind will die out on this world. So when I impose a missile shield … it’s for your benefit, and it’s for the people - those that wish to live, and to see their kids grow up.

  ‘Behind me, you can see two people that look a lot like aliens. They’re not Zim, they are ninety-nine percent human, but were created in a lab. On their world, a flu virus was developed that killed everyone apart from a few thousand people living on isolated islands, or in the jungles. On their world, the creatures in a lab took over, survived and flourished – with a little help, and now there are billions of them, all looking like the people behind me. If you lot don’t start paying attention, then all that will be left on this world will be cockroaches, mankind extinct.

  ‘What you face is tough, very tough, but it can be overcome. All you need do … is to decide that the survival of mankind is more important than your individual egos. I know that’s hard for most of you, so I will assist – by putting my foot up your arses, and I’ll work around you. I’ll deliver drugs that cure everything, and the people will listen to me, not to you. I’ll tell certain oil companies where the best undiscovered oil fields are, where gold and diamonds are hidden, where lost treasures sit in the ocean, what the stock markets will do next week, and what great inventions are yet to come – and make a fortune for their inventors.

  ‘Or, we can cooperate. We can sit down and talk like human beings, and make a plan, a plan to get you to 2048 in one piece – and in peace. Where I come from, children raised in China study in America, and work in Africa. Russians buy houses in Los Angeles, and run businesses in China. Americans have luxury houses in the African jungle, and run businesses in Russia and China. You, fine leaders, will know when you’ve reached the right point in your decision making. It will be when the people currently sat next to you come and stay at your homes, your children playing together.

  ‘Now, the two individuals behind me will remain here for many years, and they will brief you on your future, and the problems you face. If you can talk with them, and take their advice, then you pass the first test. If you ignore them, show racial prejudice towards them or harm them, I will leave you all to die in ignorance.

  ‘They will teach you how to make body-scanners that will detect the aliens, and how to make radar scanners that will see their ships. All you need to do … is to look beyond the skin, and see the person. Thank you for your time today.’

  Shelly stood, and followed Jimmy as he stepped out of the tent. The leaders sat shocked, watching through the tent flaps as Jimmy walked back to the portal. Sandra and Jesus stepped forwards, and sat, pleasant smiles offered.

  Gorbachev said, in Russian, ‘We shall offer you homes in Russia, where we will make you welcome.’

  Sandra thanked him, in Russian, whilst the translators did their bit.

  Clinton piped up with, ‘Most of the research is going on in Houston, which is where technical advice would be of most benefit.’

  Sandra said, ‘We shall remain in Britain to start with, with the kind cooperation of the British Government if they offer it, but will visit all of your nations; we … are impartial. We would like to begin by creating a commercial company called CAR Ltd, of which all nations here would have a share. We would then direct you towards where oil reserves could be found, vast oil reserves.’

  ‘How … vast?’ Clinton asked.

  ‘More than is known about in the Middle East,’ Jesus explained. ‘We shall also provide you with the technology for advanced solar panels, and electric cars than will run five hundred miles on a ten dollar charge.’

  Clinton readied her pen, a notepad opened.

  Prodigal son

  I welcomed Toby back at the house, and he had been gone just five weeks. Dark Star had been jumping through time, and was – for now – keeping an eye on Sandra and Jesus.

  ‘Well?’ I said, pouring a drink. ‘Do you think they’ll make it?’

  He accepted the drink. ‘If they can get over their prejudices and deal with Sandra and Jesus, then yeah, they have a good chance. And Sandra knows Jimmy’s life inside out; she has all the technical data in her head.’ He shrugged. ‘When they strike oil the world will sit up and pay attention.’

  ‘I’ve been getting reports, and when they disabled most of their nukes I was optimistic. Still, it’s a long road, and they have quakes, SARS and The Brotherhood to face – even with Sandra’s help.’

  ‘A good move by Jimmy, I can see that now,’ Toby admitted. ‘They have to face their prejudices, and cooperate, and Sandra’s face on the news will be a hell of a shock for that lot. Previous fucking US President kept us from the press – and we’re human.’

  ‘Well done, anyway, it was a good idea, and well thought out; you gave them a focus beyond their own narrow views. Oh, and Sandra is pregnant; they reversed the op’ that prevented fertilisation.’

  Toby smiled. ‘That’ll come as a shock to the people there.’

  I lifted my eyebrows. ‘I think that’s the whole point.’

  A long way off, across cosmic strands and timelines, an alien ship entered orbit over Earth after a six year flight, and started to scan for EM signatures. It found none. No satellites, no debris in orbit, no nothing. It dropped down to ten thousand feet over Europe and scanned the ground, finding nothing, Europe being just a large forested area.

  The craft returned to the exact point of the portal opening, finding that trees had been cut down – many looking like they had been blown down, a structure now in ruins, pieces of metal scattered far, residual radiation evident. It scanned the area in great detail, and noted structures under the ground. Landing nearby, the pilot clambered out, and began walking towards the known structures. He found a marble plinth, on it words in English. “Kilroy was here, up yours!”

  A blast knocked him to the ground. Lifting up, and now enveloped in smoke, dirt raining down, he turned to see smoke rising where his ship had been. He ran towards it. Arriving at the scene, he found his ship utterly destroyed, parts scattered over a two hundred yard radius. He would have a long wait till he was reported overdue, just bears and wolves for company, a few early Neanderthal humans about to reach Europe.

  In order to fool the Zim, Jimmy and the team had jumped across to a distant world, and had been met by our ships, each carrying parts for a portal. Some bits of kit had been carried through by the soldiers, and a portal was duly assembled. One of our craft then fired its particle beam at a capacitor on the ground, charging it sufficiently. The team stepped through.

  At the second location, parts were landed by our craft - arriving from the Moon, a week taken to assemble another portal. That portal then opened to its final destination, but went back the opposite way across the timelines, and to Britain. With the meeting concluded, Jimmy and the team stepped back through, and dialled a third planet, where the ships were now dropping another portal.

  The first portal to have been utilised had
been destroyed from above by our craft, followed by a nuke being fired at it from orbit. The second portal, the important one, was taken apart, the components dropped in the deep oceans of that world. High above that world, Dark Star’s new sister ship was jumping back and forth in time, scanning for alien vessels.

  Time was relative, and back at the embassy on Seether I received reports from that ship, bounced through to me by Jimmy. Three alien ships had gone looking for the first one, and all had been destroyed. The next step was obvious. They sent three ships back to an earlier date to observe what had happened to the others. Dark Star II had journeyed back through time and had left probes ten years earlier. And, after every encounter, Dark Star returned to Moon Base. The base would dial in to the world at random and check with the probe to see when other ships arrived. Having detected ships, Dark Star II would be sent back to a point a few days prior, and would sit and wait.

  Three ships, arriving a month before the first pilot had come out of hibernation, took up station and observed. That pilot came out of hibernation without knowing that the three ships had been destroyed, their debris gathered up and nudged towards the Sun’s gravity well.

  Linking in to Jimmy, I commented, ‘We could play this game forever.’

  ‘Could they?’ he posed.

  ‘They’ll use up a few ships.’

  ‘Expensive ships. Besides, you’re missing the obvious.’

  ‘I am?’

  ‘Yes,’ he explained in his fatherly way. ‘They exist at a single point in time – as we are now, and from that time they’re sending ships out to investigate other worlds. It’s not like their future government is doing that, but that everything is about the here and now. Their ships are not advancing in technology, and they don’t understand how ours are so advanced so as to destroy theirs. If they waited twenty years and sent ships back, then they’d have a better chance.’


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