Kings of Midnight: Book One of The Midnight Saga

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Kings of Midnight: Book One of The Midnight Saga Page 33

by J Q Anderson

  Fifteen minutes later, we hurried down the theater hallway. A few dancers were gathered around the announcement board outside the studio. Two girls from the corps turned when they saw us standing behind them. One of them gave me a soft pat on the shoulder.

  “Wow,” she said.

  I frowned and scanned the board for my name, my stomach tightening. My pulse halted when I saw my name next to the role of Princess Aurora on Second Cast. Holy shit. And I would be partnering with Marcos. Nata would be Aurora on First Cast, partnering with Diego. I turned, unsure how she would feel about the change of partners.

  “You did it,” she whispered in my ear as she pulled me away from the other dancers. Casting was a sensitive issue. Nobody jumped up and down when they got a big role since it meant someone standing close by didn’t get it. “This is it. Princess Aurora in New York City. You made it to the top, babe.”

  “You don’t mind partnering with Diego?”

  “Not at all,” she said. “I love having Marcos as my partner, but I’m eager to dance with Diego. He’s an exceptional dancer.”

  I nodded. Was this real? Marcos startled me wrapping his arms around both our waists, easily lifting us from the ground.

  “My princesses.” He kissed Nata’s cheek, then mine. “This is going to be fun. Let’s celebrate.” He kissed my cheek again more intently, snapping me out of my daze. I blushed, trying to free myself from him, but he squeezed me against his rock-hard side. “I’m so fucking proud of you,” he said into my ear. His warm breath tickled me, and I tilted my head away, but he didn’t budge. “It was a matter of time, I told you.”

  “You’re not bummed you aren’t partnering with Nata?”

  “Nope. This makes more sense because of your height. And Diego’s a great partner.” He gave me one more squeeze and let go. My stomach was in a nautical knot by now. The excitement about finally partnering with Marcos was tainted with the sudden angst of having to tell Sebastián. I still couldn’t believe it. I never imagined this would happen so soon. But damn, despite all complications, it felt good. Oh, Mamá, I did it. I couldn’t wait to tell her.

  “Well,” Nata said, “after Federico’s meeting, Cami and I have some serious shopping to do for the cast party tonight. Unless you want to come with?”

  “Nah, I look hot in whatever I wear.” He winked, earning a full eye roll from Nata.

  “What did Carla get?” I said.

  “She’s one of the fairies. That means I’ll get laid tonight. Big time.”

  Nata made a puking gesture, and he grinned as he turned away.

  My parents were thrilled at the news when I called. Mom cried as they congratulated me and wished me a successful tour. I hung up, feeling excited. Now, Sebastián. Clutching the phone in my hand, I locked it and slipped it back into my pocket. It could wait.

  After the meeting, Nata and I left the theater and strolled for a few blocks to find a taxi.

  “Let’s go to the Alto Palermo Mall and do some damage. You’re not saying no.” She nudged my shoulder.

  “You just went shopping.”

  “So? Thanks to your amazing intervention with Julián, I have money again. Besides, cast parties are always a good reason to go shopping. Don’t be a buzzkill.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Okay, what’s going on?” she said. “Why are you not more excited?”

  “I am excited. Just…shocked, is all.”

  “Every girl in the company would’ve killed for that role. It’s the most important day of your career, and you look…stressed.”

  I let out a heavy sigh, running both hands through my hair the way Sebastián did when he was tense. We were by a small café, and I took a seat at a table on the sidewalk. I pulled up my legs and hugged them. Nata sat beside me. A waiter approached, and she ordered two espressos to get rid of him.

  “You’re killing me here,” she said. “What could possibly be the matter? Did you fight with Sebastián again?”

  “Not yet. But I don’t think he’ll be thrilled with my news.”

  “Why in the hell not?”

  I chewed on my bottom lip.


  “He showed up at the bar the other night and almost went at it with Marcos.”

  “What? How do I not know this? Where was I?”

  I shrugged.

  “What happened?”

  “Marcos and I were having a drink at the bar, and he was a bit…buzzed.”

  “Shit. I know where this is going. He had his hands all over you, didn’t he?”

  “Sebastián went nuclear. I had to stand between them. Marcos didn’t back off, either.”

  “I’m sorry. That sucks. So now you think he won’t approve of the tour because you’ll spend all that time with Marcos. Look, you and Marcos work together. There’s not a way around that. Sebastián will come around. He has to. Anyone dating a dancer has to understand that they need to be flexible, or things won’t work.” She squeezed my hand as the waiter appeared with our espressos. “You know that you dating Sebastián is a bit…tough for me to get used to, but I’m thinking of you right now.”

  “What do I do?”

  She took a deep breath, thinking. “First off, you need to set boundaries with Marcos. He’s your partner now, so that means you’re equal. You’re not his sidekick, so don’t let him fool around with you. And with Sebastián…you have to be firm. Does he know about the tour at all?”

  “I was waiting till I knew it was a sure thing.”

  “Tell him. Tonight.”

  I gave her an anguished look.

  “This is important,” she said.

  I pressed my forehead to my knees.

  She rubbed my arm. “You’re not alone, you know? You have me, and Marcos. He can be an idiot sometimes, but he’s also a professional and doesn’t let things get in the way of work. We both have your back.” She leaned over to hug me. “This is a big moment for you. You should be happy.” Squaring her shoulders, she tugged on my hand. “Let’s go buy something sexy and insanely expensive. That’ll shake off your mood. We’ll get you some indecent underwear for when you deliver the good news to the gangster.”


  She laughed. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”

  Four hours later, I slid into the back seat of a cab, shoving bags of stuff I couldn’t afford. Nata made me buy a gray sequin dress with a very low back. It was scandalously short, but she assured me it would improve my chances of a good outcome with Sebastián. To top it off, I bought a pair of Ricky Sarkany sandals and obscenely expensive underwear. I wanted Sebastián to take a good look at me before saying no to anything I asked.

  Marcél was watering the peonies in the front when my taxi pulled in. He approached and took my bags, letting me know he would put them in the guest bedroom. I found Sebastián at the kitchen bar with a glass of red wine.

  “There you are.” He pulled me into his arms. “Mmm…Hi, gorgeous. I’ve missed you. Where did you go all day?”

  “I went home to get more clothes. Then Nata and I went shopping. I’m starving, can we eat?” I walked to the stove and lifted the lid on the pot with Marcél’s beef Bourguignon. “This smells amazing.” Not wanting to bother Marcél, I reached for plates and served us. Sebastián was lucky, Marcél could seriously cook.

  After dinner Sebastián had to make a few phone calls, so I went to the guest bedroom to take a bath before the party. I undressed and was pouring in bubbles when a soft knock startled me. I snatched a towel and wrapped it around me. Sebastián opened the door and leaned his head on the frame.

  “Why are you here? My bathtub’s bigger.”

  “Oh, Marcél brought my shopping here, and I didn’t want to invade your space.”

  “Don’t be silly,” he said. “I love the tornados of clothes you leave in my room.”

  I winced. “Sorry, I know I’m such a slob. It must drive you crazy.”

  He shook his head dismissively. “Maybe we could take a bath together?�
�� He smiled suggestively.

  I dropped the towel, and his eyes widened a fraction before he surveyed every inch of my body. I locked my hands on my waist, cocking my head as I waited for his eyes to meet mine.

  “Like the view? Helloooo?”

  “I love the view. Will never get tired of it. Come here.” He pulled me to him and I kissed his chest. Oh, he smelled incredible.

  “Hmmm…your clothes are still on.”

  He stripped off his clothes slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. It was sexy as hell. I ran my fingers down the chiseled muscles on his chest, and everything south of my navel clenched. He stepped closer and gripped my head at the nape, burying his fingers in my hair.

  “What you do to me.” His mouth seized mine and I melted. There was something carnal and, oh, so hot about the way he held me. I groaned into his mouth, and his hard cock pressed against me. Suddenly I couldn’t kiss him fast enough, deep enough. My fingers moved to his waist, fumbling with the button of his jeans and undoing his zipper. On an impulse, I broke away and dropped to my knees, pulling down his jeans and boxers. His cock sprang free, hard, big, and beautiful. A flood of desire rushed through me, and I kissed his tip before taking him into my mouth. He let out a surprised, guttural groan as I wrapped my lips around him and ran my tongue along his length, slowly. My heart raced. I had never done this before, and I didn’t really know what I was doing, but it felt right. So right. Shielding my teeth, I started moving, my tongue stroking him as I took him in deeper. He mumbled a curse through gritted teeth, and his fingers traced my jaw to my hair as I worked him. Restraint rumbled in his throat as he let me own him.

  “You’re going to kill me,” he muttered, his voice hoarse and his breaths coming out in short pants. I looked up at him, his beautiful face and body coming undone as I sucked him harder. “Camila, fuck.” His hands clenched my hair, bringing me to him as I took him in as far as I could. I felt powerful, disarming him like this. I worked my tongue and my lips around him, taking him deeper, faster. His hot, hard cock throbbed as his hands fisted my hair and his hips rocked faster, fucking my mouth. I moved around him, meeting his fastening rhythm. Then his grip on my hair tightened and his hips snapped twice, his whole body rigid.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, reaching his climax and spilling into my mouth. I swallowed him, owned him. My beautiful man. When I glanced up at him, his face was frozen in ecstasy.

  Slowly, I stood, and he took me in his arms, his glorious body hard and misted with sweat.

  “Where the hell did that come from?” he murmured, catching his breath. I bit my lip and gave him a small shrug.

  “An impulse. It was my first time, but it looks like I did all right.” I stifled a smile.

  He took my face in his hands. “You are a goddess. Every fucking fantasy come true. I’m so goddamn lucky.” He kissed me hard and picked me up in his arms before stepping into the hot, spilling tub.

  “So what’s this party?” Sebastián stood facing his floor-to-ceiling closet, wearing only boxers and a half-buttoned, blue linen shirt. His rolled-up sleeves showed a few inches of his tanned forearms, his raven hair a sexy mess. He was glorious sight. I watched the show from the bed, memorizing every inch of his body, and smiled. He was all mine. When he turned his head he caught me staring. “Like the view? Hellooo?”

  “Oh, yeah. It’s a fine view from here.”

  He winked and blushed a little. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Um…come here.” I patted the bed beside me.

  “Everything all right?” He sat and caressed my face. I leaned against his palm, savoring the contact.

  “I have some very…exciting news.”

  “Great. I’m in need of very exciting news. What is it?”

  Scratching my temple, I shot a dirty look at the door where my courage had fled. Then I straightened my shoulders and took a settling breath.

  “About a year ago the company planned a tour to New York, but then they canceled it because there weren’t enough funds. This morning Federico announced that they received a very generous donation, so the tour is back on. He posted the roles, and I got the lead in Sleeping Beauty, with Second Cast. We leave in a month.” I scanned his expression, but his face was impassive. Unease churned in my stomach. Shit.

  “That’s big, Cami…Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. It is big…huge. New York’s what I’ve been working for my whole life.”

  He nodded. His gaze traveled around the room. Then he stood abruptly, running his hands through his hair as he walked to the window where he stopped, staring at the willows outside.

  I waited. For a millennium, it felt.

  He finally turned, letting out a heavy sigh. “How long will you be gone?”

  “About two weeks.”

  He let out another heavy sigh. “I’m so proud of you, Camila. I am. It makes me happy to see you get closer to your dreams.”


  “You can understand my apprehension.” Worry lines creased his forehead. “Who’s your partner on this tour?”

  “Sebastián, I need you to be okay with this.”

  He closed his eyes, pressing his lips as he shook his head slowly. “You’re spending two weeks in New York with a guy that’s itching to get into your panties, and you want me to just be okay with it.”

  “Yes. This is work.”

  He rubbed the fatigue off his face and sighed. “I’m tired of arguing about this guy.”

  “Then let’s not.”

  He looked at me for a long moment. I felt my muscles tensing, one by one, with every passing second.

  “I would like to come with you,” he said in a stern voice.

  I frowned. “To New York?”


  “Um…Sebastián, these tours are nonstop. Nobody brings anyone along. I mean, we rehearse, we perform, we eat, we sleep. There’s no time for anything else.”

  “I won’t get in the way, but I want to be there with you. I want to make sure you’re safe.”

  Now it was me rubbing my face in frustration. This was an outcome I hadn’t considered. Tension gripped my shoulders. I stood and headed to the closet. Shit. I took a long, cleansing breath. Okay, well…I would figure this out somehow. Later.

  I startled when he hugged me from behind.

  “I don’t mean to make things difficult for you. I won’t come if you don’t want me to. But aside from my feelings about you being away with that fucker, this is a big moment in your career, your first lead role, and I want to be there for you.”

  I wrapped my arms over his, feeling the tension leave my body as I exhaled.

  He kissed my head. “I can come for your first performance and leave after.”

  I turned, wrapping my arms around his waist and looked up at him.

  “I would love that.” Rolling onto my toes, I kissed him softly. “Now this party tonight”—I searched his eyes—“is for the dancers who are in the tour. If you’d rather not come—”

  “I’ll come. Unless you don’t want me to.”

  “Don’t be silly. I just…I need you to be nice. To the other dancers.”

  “If your friend keeps his hands off you, we won’t have any problems.” He kissed my head. “I’ve got to shave.”

  Chapter 32

  Diego swung open the front door and greeted us with exaggerated enthusiasm, his eyes already glassy from his own pre-party, no doubt. I hugged him and he shook hands with Sebastián. I needed alcohol. My whole body was tangled in one hypertense knot. Diego waved us in and told us to grab a drink and have fun.

  Girls in short dresses and guys in worn jeans and tight tees filled the loft in San Telmo that Diego shared with two other guys. It was spacious and simple: hardwood floors, leather couches, and massive windows to the street. The ultimate bachelor’s pad.

  I sighed in relief when I saw Carla. Tonight was my big chance to bring together the two parts of my life that were still disconnected, and I had a better shot at thin
gs going well with Carla present. She was already getting serious points for the Band-Aid dress she was wearing. She hooked a tanned leg in a four-inch heel around Marcos as she leaned in to kiss him. Perfect. The gap between Sebastián and my career was shrinking already.

  We had all been asked to bring a bottle of booze, so every inch of the kitchen counter was covered with liquor. Sebastián said hello to a guy he knew, one of the dancer’s boyfriends, and I went to get us drinks. I left the wine we’d brought at the bar and greeted Marcos and Carla with a quick kiss on the cheeks. Marcos lifted my hand up and whistled, making me twirl to get a good look at my new, super-short sequin dress.

  “Baby, you look hot.”

  I blushed and glanced nervously at Carla, but she was nodding in approval. I pulled my hand away, feeling Sebastián’s eyes on my back. It was a good thing I was no threat to Carla. She was the kind of girl that walked into a room and turned every head: blazing blonde hair, ice-blue eyes, plump lips. The works.

  Marcos kissed my knuckles and nodded at her, letting out a long sigh. “Shitty luck of yours, Cams. I’m very taken. Your mogul boyfriend will have to do tonight.”

  Carla slapped his shoulder, raising her glass to clink mine. “Congrats, Camila. Aurora, huh? Pretty awesome.”

  “Thank you. Congrats to you too. And you get to take the prince home.”

  She smiled, giving Marcos a suggestive look. He pulled her against him and gave her a wet kiss on the mouth.

  “Okay, you guys are too chummy for me.” Just as I turned, Sebastián’s arm snaked around my waist. Carla looked up at him and her cheeks instantly turned pink.

  “Hey, nice to finally meet you. Sebastián, right? I’m Carla.” She smiled broadly, showcasing perfect teeth.

  Sebastián rewarded her with a full smile, causing her blush to deepen. “Nice to meet you, too, Carla.” Then his smile quickly faded. “Marcos,” he said icily.

  “Sebastián,” Marcos answered, mocking Sebastián’s tone. Marcos’s expression was impassive, but his eyes said, Fuck you. Sebastián’s, Fuck you back.


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