Cinderella and the Geek (British Bad Boys)

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Cinderella and the Geek (British Bad Boys) Page 9

by Christina Phillips

  “Well, good.” She gives me a fake smile and resumes scrutinizing the menu.

  It’s not often I wish I’d inherited some of the silver tongue that my brother has in abundance, but there’s no way he’d be sitting here without a clue what to say. Fuck no. Lucas is never stuck for words when it comes to chatting up gorgeous girls.

  I rack my brains, but only one thing clangs through my mind. She can’t be pissed about that? She was fine when I picked her up, but she sure isn’t now, and I can’t think of anything else that might’ve upset her. Even if it is an inexplicably delayed reaction.

  I lean across the table so there’s no chance of anyone overhearing me. “Do you regret what happened in the limo on the way home?”

  Her fingernails poke through the faux parchment menu. “Do you?”

  “What?” Why’s she turning this back on me? “No. I’ve wanted to kiss you for months.”

  Didn’t mean to admit that.

  Her mouth opens in what looks like disbelief. Should I be insulted? Why is she so shocked? Encounters are so much easier to handle when you’re in developmental control of all conceivable outcomes.

  “Have you really?” Her voice is barely above a whisper. “Why?”

  “Why?” Is she for real? “What sort of question’s that?”

  “But you never said anything before.”

  “Should I have?”

  “Well, duh.” She smiles again. “I had no idea.”

  “I didn’t want to risk you leaving Blitz if you found out, did I?”

  She laughs, and I grin. Thank fuck things are back on track. Just as I thread my fingers through hers, my phone rings again. Should’ve switched the bloody thing to mute, because there’s no way I’m answering it now.

  “There’s one hitch to this plan of yours. I am leaving Blitz in three weeks.”

  “Yeah, but not because I kissed you.”

  “True.” She brushes her lips against mine. “And we can do a lot in three weeks.”

  She doesn’t mean what I want her to mean. Or does she? Before I can clarify, a waiter comes over to take our order and the moment passes. The breakfast turns out to be five stars, and the coffee out of this world. I’m on my third cup when she makes a random comment about Di and Joe, and it takes a second before the penny drops. Apparently, far from having one crazy moment on my couch over the weekend, they’ve been dating for nearly a month.

  How did I not know this?

  Alice smiles as she pours herself another cup of tea from the small porcelain teapot that came with her order. And more importantly, why did I not know she prefers tea to coffee? “I could see they were meant for each other the day he started.”

  “How could you see that? They were at each other’s throats.”

  “That’s how I knew.”

  I finish my coffee, but it still doesn’t make sense. “Anyone else dating that I should know about?”

  “No. And I wouldn’t have mentioned Di and Joe if I’d known you were so clueless about it.”

  “That’s harsh.”

  She smiles and dabs the corner of her mouth with her napkin before sighing and sitting back on the chair. “Thanks for this. It’s been the best weekend ever.”

  “It’s not over yet.” Then I remember something. “Wait, do you need to get home early?”

  “No.” The word tumbles out a little too quickly, but I’m sure not disputing her. “I can easily reschedule my driving lesson.”

  “When’s your test?”

  She shudders. “Five o’clock on Thursday. I don’t want to think about it.”

  “You’re not nervous, are you?” Weird, I’d never imagine Alice would freak out over her driving test. She’s always so together.

  “I think the correct term is bricking it.”

  “Nah. You’ll be fine.”

  “Easy for you to say. I bet you never hoped your instructor would cancel lessons, just for the reprieve.”

  I laugh. “If you hate them so much, why go through with them?”

  She gives me a mock pitying look. “Because I want to drive.”

  A brainwave hits. One that will not only help her, but give me a legitimate reason to spend more time alone with her. “If you want more practice this week, we could do an hour after work each day. More, if you need it.”

  The shock on her face is priceless. “That’s nice of you to offer, but there’s no way you’ll get me behind the wheel of your Range Rover.”

  “Just as well. I wasn’t thinking of that.” Not true, as I made the offer without thinking at all, but I sure as hell have a great idea now. “I know someone. You’ll love the car. What do you say?”

  “I don’t know. It might ruin our friendship.” She’s trying to not laugh, and I take her hand and thread my fingers through hers.

  “No, it won’t.”

  “It’s not like you have much spare time to help me out like that, is it?”

  I can tell she’s warming to the idea, even if she’s trying to put obstacles in the way.

  “Spare time is overrated. My parents didn’t believe in it. If there was a minute outside of school that Lucas, Mac, or I weren’t doing some extracurricular activity, then it was a minute wasted.”

  “Really?” She appears enthralled. “What kind of things did you do?”

  I hadn’t expected her to ask that. I’d only shared that about my childhood to show her I can always make time for important stuff. Now, I’ve no choice but to dig into those memories I’d much rather keep locked away.

  Where the hell do I start? The three of us survived just about every activity that was on offer.

  “Our school offered everything. Sailing, mountaineering…” I pause as Alice’s eyebrows shoot up beneath her fringe. “Debating.” I shudder, the horror still fresh even after all these years. “Sports. You name it, we tried it. Although once Lucas started football, that was it. He dropped everything else, the lucky bastard.”

  “Wow, that’s,” she clears her throat, “not exactly what I was expecting. My extracurriculars were far more boring. Stuff like extra coaching in maths.” She pulls a face.

  “I wouldn’t have minded that. In the end, they gave up on me, I was such an antisocial arsehole.” I grin to hide my regret that I hadn’t tried harder. Looking back, it wasn’t such a big deal, and it meant a lot to Mum.

  A raw shard of tangled guilt and loss scalds my heart. Too late now.

  “Well, for such an antisocial arsehole you haven’t done too badly.”

  “Not exactly what my parents had in mind, though.” My dad still can’t wrap his head around the fact I make up worlds for a living when I could be saving the real one.

  “I guess we can’t always please them.”

  Isn’t that the truth.


  Since Alice is keen, we explore parts of the mansion that’s open to the public before wandering through the mini-maze. We start off holding hands, but by the time we reach the center, my arm’s around her shoulder, holding her close.

  “You know what,” she says as she wraps her arm around me, “this would make a great place to hold some of your Blitz parties.”

  “What, the maze?” I grin down at her as she slaps my chest with her other hand.

  “No. Well, I suppose you could, but I meant the mansion. They hire out their rooms for all kinds of functions.”

  “Is this a hint that you want your leaving party held here?” I’m still not thrilled that she’s leaving, but I’ve got used to the idea. Plus, since we’ve leveled up our relationship, it’s not like we’ll never see each other again once she starts university.

  “No.” There’s an odd note in her voice. “I don’t mind it being at Blitz. I was thinking maybe for when Oscar Jarrod came over. You could bring him here for a social thing.”

  It hadn’t occurred to me to do anything social when Oscar Jarrod arrived, but she has a point. “He likes golf.”

  “There you are, then. You and Caleb better practice your swings

  I’ve played golf a few times with my father and Lucas, but I can’t say it’s really my thing. “I guess deals can be made on the golf course as easily as anywhere else.”

  She groans. “That’s not the idea but whatever. Do you want me to make a booking on Monday?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”


  We take a long lunch in my local pub, The Slurping Toad, which, despite its name, offers great food and a beer garden complete with goldfish ponds.

  When Alice goes to the bathroom I take the opportunity to check my phone. The most recent text message from Mac snags my attention.

  ARE YOU DEAD?????????????????

  Jesus, anyone’d think I don’t have a life outside of answering my bloody phone. Without checking any of the texts from Caleb, or the one Lucas left five minutes ago, I shoot off a reply.


  Within about three seconds she calls me, so I shove my phone back in my pocket, just as Alice emerges from the bathroom.

  Just ask her. It shouldn’t be so hard. Except I don’t want her to think I’m inviting her back home just so I can get her into bed.

  Even if I do want to get her into my bed.

  I clear my throat, but before I can spit out the words, her phone rings.

  “Hey, Mum.” She smiles at me and then pulls an apologetic face. “Yes, sorry. I was going to call in a minute.”

  I down the last of my beer and try not to eavesdrop, which is impossible given that Alice is sitting next to me on the timber bench.

  “Yes, okay.” She darts me a glance before refocusing on the table. “See you later. Bye.”

  She lets out a long breath. “I should’ve switched my phone off, the same as you.”

  I think of the are you dead message from my sister.

  “Nah, not a good idea. You don’t want your mum to worry.”

  She gazes at me as though I just said something amazing. “That’s so sweet of you to say.”

  Right. Sweet isn’t how I want Alice to think of me, but there’s no way I’m going to tell her how much I wish it was possible my own mother could still phone me at awkward moments, just to give me an ear bashing.

  The last thing I want to do is take Alice home, but we’ve been out for over seven hours, which is a long first date by anyone’s standards. “We could come here after work tomorrow. Grab something to eat.”

  “I’d like that. My shout, though.”

  “You’re saving for university.”

  “I think my savings will survive the splurge.”

  I kiss her. Can’t help myself. How am I going to be able to keep my hands off her at work tomorrow? “It’s a deal.”

  Chapter Eleven


  After I drop Alice home, I park down the road to check my messages. Obviously, something of mind-blowing importance has happened, considering how many times the three of them tried to contact me.

  I go back to the first one from Caleb.

  U kissed Alice u knob

  I have to read it twice before the words fall into place. I snort, not sure whether I want to laugh or curse. And then I frown. How the fuck does Caleb know I kissed her?

  His third message leaps out at me.

  Ur all over YouTube

  “What the fuck.” I glower at his message. Some prick filmed our kiss and posted it online. How low can you go? I stab a button and listen to Mackenzie’s messages.

  “Oh my God, Harry, have you seen it yet? So adorable! Call me back.”

  Her next message isn’t nearly so chirpy.

  “Where the fuck are you? Caleb can’t get any answer, and now you’re ignoring me. Why’re you ignoring me? What are you doing? No, wait, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. Just call me.”

  My teeth grind as I open Lucas’s text message.

  You dog! Nice one, bro!

  I don’t know why his comment annoys me so much. It’s typical Lucas, and generally I don’t take a lot of notice of anything he says. He has a one-track mind when it comes to girls, and his subtext here is obvious.

  Since I’m in no mood to speak to either of my siblings, I call Caleb.

  “Mac’s worried you had an accident,” he says as soon as he answers his phone.

  “Yeah, she wouldn’t be if you hadn’t told her about the fucking YouTube kiss.” I’m under no delusion that he contacted her as soon as he couldn’t get a response from me. He’s always texting her shit. “What the fuck’s that all about?”

  “You haven’t seen it?”

  I exhale a long breath. If I hadn’t been offline, there’s no doubt I would’ve come across it, since it’s obviously linked to my inglorious win. If I hadn’t spent the day with Alice, then I would’ve been online.

  I don’t remember the last time I spent seven consecutive hours without having one eye on the internet, unless I’m asleep.

  No wonder Mackenzie thought I’d died when no one could get in contact with me.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  There’s an ominous silence.

  “Is Alice with you?”

  Jesus, anyone would think she’s his little sister and I’ve just crossed a line. It doesn’t help that I feel like I have crossed an invisible line with Alice, but that’s between me and her. Nothing to do with Caleb.

  “No, she isn’t.” I’m not fucking telling him we spent the day together.

  He grunts, apparently mollified by my reply. “I’ll send you the link. So it was just part of the act, then? You weren’t hitting on her?”

  I’m practically speechless at his accusation. Since when do I hit on girls? I leave that to my more than capable twin.

  “Just send me the link,” I growl before hanging up on him.

  The link comes through straight away, and I click on it. It’s the official channel of Steele, professional and polished, and the title screams out at me.

  Beauty and the Geek

  “Gimme a fucking break.” I’m still majorly narked by the whole thing but mesmerized as I watch the short clip. Alice is stunning, and even though it’s excruciating watching myself kiss, it’s also kind of surreal.

  Like something from the movies. No awkward bumping of noses or fumbling hands. It looks like a perfectly executed scene.

  I watch it a few more times, even though the angle is all wrong to get a good look at her face. By the time I toss my phone onto the passenger seat and make my way to Blitz, there’s a stupid grin on my face, as all I can think about is tomorrow evening I’ll be able to kiss her all over again.



  After Harry drives off, I take a deep breath before opening the front door, and the aroma of roast beef surrounds me. If Mum hadn’t called, would Harry have invited me back to his apartment?

  There’s no way of telling. There definitely would’ve been time before my dreaded driving lesson. All I know is this is going so much better than any of the secret fantasies I’ve had over the last eight months. I know it’s nothing serious, but it’s almost like we’re dating, and I’m pretty sure I won’t need to resort to getting him drunk before I can have my wicked way with him.

  There’s a silly smile on my face as I walk down the hall. Although I wasn’t surprised when Mum called to see if I’d be back for dinner—as we always have a Sunday roast at the weird time of four thirty and it’s not the sort of meal you want to have by yourself—it was kind of embarrassing. But Harry was just perfect about it, as though he understands it’s been only Mum and me for so long. Although we’ve had years to prepare for me going off to university, it’s a double whammy if she also has to get used to there being a significant other in my life.

  Oh my God, Alice. Get a grip. This is just a casual thing with Harry, and his laid-back response was because he’s that kind of guy. It doesn’t mean he’s thinking long term or anything.

  Obviously, neither am I. That would just be crazy. So why can’t I stop day dreaming about it?

  Brian from her work strolls
out of the kitchen holding a dish of roast potatoes and I stop dead.

  “Hello, Alice.” He smiles genially.

  “Uh, hi Brian.” I’ve known him for years, as he’s not just a work colleague but also a good friend of Mum’s, but he’s never been around here on a Sunday afternoon before because that’s when he sees his kids. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything’s great. What about you? Have a nice time today?”

  “Yes, er…”

  Mum follows Brian from the kitchen. Is she wearing blusher?

  “Hello, darling. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything when I called?”

  “What?” The word blurts out, dripping with guilt, but she doesn’t seem to notice.

  “Well, I wasn’t sure if you were doing some big work thing with Harry and everyone. I mean, obviously you weren’t doing an all-day breakfast.” She smiles, like that’s funny, and I have the overwhelming urge to tell her it was just Harry and me. But she’d guess he means more to me than a brief fling, and then she’d get that worried look on her face, when she thinks the world’s about to crash around our ears.

  Luckily, she doesn’t expect an answer. She adds, “You don’t mind if Brian stays for dinner, do you?”

  Relieved that she clearly doesn’t wrongly suspect I’m about to throw my future away by falling for the first guy who’s taken an interest in me, I shrug. “No.”

  Not that I’m hungry, after the huge breakfast and large pub lunch I consumed today, but I decide to keep that to myself. Otherwise, Mum’ll ask questions, because that’s what we do, and there’s no way I want to pretend Harry and I spent half the day with colleagues from Blitz.

  “Thanks, love,” Brian says. “I know Sundays are your special time with your mum.”

  That’s nice of him, but I wouldn’t say Sundays are our special time. We’re together all the time. Not like him and his kids, which reminds me…

  “How’re Lucy and Liam?”

  “Oh, they’re great,” he says as we make our way into the dining room. “Growing up. Doing their own thing, now. Lucy’s on holiday with her boyfriend this week.”

  She’s what? Lucy’s only eleven years old. It takes me a couple of seconds to figure out the one and only time I met her was about six years ago. For some weird reason, this makes me feel old.


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