Lessons in Love

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Lessons in Love Page 14

by Jerry Cole

  As Nate snuggled even closer, his hand brushed over Victor's crotch, feeling Victor's bulge slowly swelling under the blanket again already. What sort of a libido did Victor have? It was odd how he never seemed to be eager, but he was always ready. Even when he initiated it was more of a suggestion, and yet as soon as Nate was interested, Victor was prepared to ravish him.

  Remembering they were both still naked, Nate's hand made its way back under the covers to Victor's cock, feeling how hard and hot it was already, feeling the gentle throb as it hardened more and more to Nate's touch, ready for him.

  He wanted to taste it. Like a girl climbing out of a pool and throwing a towel over her head, Nate cast the blanket up and in a second was underneath it. He felt Victor jump a little at the sudden movement, but there was no complaint. Leaning over, he ran his tongue over the tip of Victor's cut cock, swallowing precum. It tasted good. Nate ran his tongue over the piercing again. He couldn't sate his curiosity about it. He bit down lightly on the metal and tugged a little. Victor moaned. How could that feel good? But if it did, then he would do it more. Nate tugged again. The noises coming from Victor, muffled by the blanket, were a combination of pain and pleasure, which Nate didn't understand. But just because he didn't understand Victor's tastes didn't mean he couldn't satisfy them.

  Nate leaned in, taking the cock in deeper, moaning at the scent and taste of sex. Victor always tasted so damn good. It was so hard to resist. Even though until then Nate had been so focused on using protection, with Victor he found himself getting lost in the moment, not thinking things through, just going crazy.

  Throwing back the blanket, he pulled back up, looking at Victor nervously. "I know this is kinda late, but..."

  Victor seemed a little dazed, but strained to pay attention to Nate properly.

  "You get tested, right?" Nate carried on, wondering what purpose this even served at this point in their relationship. "Like, you know you aren't carrying anything. Cause we've done a lot and I haven't always remembered condoms and—"

  "Oh, yeah, I get tested... Did you just go down on me not knowing that?" Victor said, looking a little alarmed. "You need to look after yourself better. I thought you must have asked or something, or... do you get tested?"

  Nate realized that, despite Victor's shock, neither of them had actually bothered to ask. This alarmed him, of course. It was also kind of a relief to know that he wasn't the only one getting so caught up in the moment that he'd neglected his health. "Yeah, I get tested. I mean, I know it's not one hundred percent, but the tests have always come back clean so far."

  Victor sighed. "I feel like some sort of a lovesick teenager. Why didn't I ask you?"

  Nate shrugged. "Well, we have now..." Just then the doorbell rang, making Nate jump slightly. Victor groaned in frustration and, standing up, threw on a bath robe which was conveniently positioned by the front door, and answered. As Nate pulled the blanket over his own lap, he wondered how often this had to happen to Victor for him to be literally prepared to open the door naked and with a boner. Or maybe he had just prepared the room in advance? Nate was dragged back to reality when the pizza guy's words caught his ear.

  "I never took you for queer," the pizza guy said with a nervous shrug. "Last time it was a chick, wasn't it?"

  Victor just smiled. "I like both, but last time was actually a transman, for what it's worth."

  "Yeah, I don't believe in that," the pizza guy muttered. "No offense, just my opinion. But dicks are men and pussies are women."

  Victor glared a little. "That has nothing to do with you delivering pizza."

  "What, can't I give my opinion?" the guy asked, getting even more flustered.

  Victor checked the pizza and put it down on the table where he kept his keys. "I didn't ask for it," he replied, counting out the change.

  The pizza guy watched Victor's hands. "Don't you usually tip?" he asked.

  "No, there is no tip. Get some manners," Victor replied, shoving the pizza money into the guy's hand, closing the door in his face and walking back across the room, to the kitchen where he grabbed a couple of plates and a couple of bottles of beer, all the while talking to himself. "Okay, that is the last time I pay on delivery. App-certified payments only from now on. Can you believe some people? Like... he should know what my perspective is right off the bat, and he thinks he can come into my house and go on about his stupid ‘opinion’ just because he's carrying pizza? Does he walk up to cancer patients and tell them to wear a wig or something? Actually, don't answer that, I bet he does."

  Nate was stunned. He probably wouldn't have ordered from them again if he were Victor either. But he'd never have had the balls to stand up to homophobia. Especially not something as, well, comparatively mild as that. Every time Nate had heard "it's just my opinion," he had dropped it. He worried that the person was just trying to be natural and he was forcing a debate unnecessarily. He worried the person was being nice and that any pressure would result in violence. But Victor had, with so much ease, basically told the guy to fuck off.

  "You look a little unwell, are you all right?" Victor asked, handing Nate a plate with two slices of pizza before turning to open them each a beer.

  Nate took the plate and collapsed back, pulling the stuffed crust off the pizza to eat first, like some sort of an appetizer. It was still way too hot to eat and it stuck painfully to the roof of his mouth. Nate washed his mouth with beer, removing the melty cheese and feeling the skin on the roof of his mouth peel a little. He didn't remember it being quite so hot, although maybe Victor lived closer to the pizza place. It had been so long, Nate couldn't remember the last time he'd had takeout pizza. It was a luxury in his home growing up. "I guess I've just never seen anyone do that before. Not with one of the 'just my opinion' dudes," Nate finally explained.

  "Haven't you ever had to stand up for yourself?" Victor asked.

  "I've never been in a position where standing up for myself wouldn't get me beat up," Nate said. "It's either been something so loosely racist or homophobic that I felt like the aggressor for confronting it, or something so intimidating or violent that I was terrified I'd get the shit kicked out of me."

  Victor nodded. "I understand that. But just because someone makes you feel like the bad guy for standing up for yourself doesn't mean you should stop. That stupid pizza dude probably feels like the biggest victim in the whole damn world because a gay guy made him uncomfortable. It's not about his feelings, though, it's about reminding him not to be an asshole to people. I can deal with shit like that, but some people can't, and if pizza dude carries on, one day he's going to end up being the guy who scares some kid into the closet, or provokes someone to violence against themselves or others, or who just doesn't get invited anywhere anymore because everyone is ashamed of him. You don't tell them off for your own pleasure, you tell them off as a sort of service to the rest of society. Even pizza guy benefits if he's less of a dick from now on."

  Nate hadn't thought of it that way before. He nodded. "I see."

  "Want to finish what you'd started?" Victor said, guiding Nate's hand to his cock. "I mean, while the pizza cools."

  "That sounds like a good idea," Nate said, allowing himself to be guided back to Victor's cock, exposed through the dressing gown like an actor waiting as the curtains are drawn.

  Victor tasted amazing as usual. Nate couldn't help but feel a bit distracted by the smell of pizza at first, though. Pizza was pizza. Pizza was something comforting, delightful, warm and happy. Then again, so was Victor. Nate realized that the soreness on the roof of his mouth was interfering with his ability to just suck. Especially on the rare occasion when the piercing brushed the tender skin. He found himself taking Victor in deeper and deeper to avoid this. Nate didn't particularly feel like doing anything reckless either. Not that Victor seemed to mind, tangling his fingers in Nate's closely cropped tight curls, moaning softly, enjoying a more relaxed experience again. It seemed he liked the slower, gentler, more teasing experience.
/>   Looking up, seeing Victor eating a slice of pizza while receiving a blowjob, Nate's first thought was how regal he looked. The second was how much of a douchebag he looked. Victor was somehow treading the line between someone enjoying themselves without a care, and someone who thought eating pizza during a blowjob was their God-given right.

  Right now though, entitlement was actually kind of sexy. It was nice to be in charge and tease Victor, but it was also nice to let Victor be in charge, controlling and luxuriating in every aspect of the act. Now his mouth was no longer being tormented, Nate relaxed and just let Victor fuck his throat. Victor's hands gripping Nate's hair, Victor's hips bucking forward, the sound of Victor moaning, his pizza long forgotten, was somewhat magical. There was something that made Nate proud that he'd managed to draw Victor away from anything else, to end his arrogant position and completely take over his world.

  Pushing Nate's head down, Victor came in his throat with a deep moan, almost collapsing as he did, only held up by the primitive urge to just stay inside Nate, to complete the act which, on a basic instinctive level, his body believed it was performing. Victor's dick didn't care where exactly it was, only that it was warm, wet, and soft, and that it was vitally important to stay there until every last drop of cum had entered this perfect cavity.

  Pulling out of Nate's mouth, Victor looked about to collapse again, letting out a frustrated groan that he was still standing. Nate panted for air, feeling his throat a little sore, a trail of saliva leaving the corner of his mouth, wondering if a human was even supposed to go that long without breathing. Looking up, he saw Victor's hand extended. Victor helped Nate to his feet and seconds later they both collapsed on the sofa again, blankets wrapped around them in a small messy nest, beers in hand, hearts slowing down a bit, watching the next episode of Wolves in Suits and trying to work out what had gone on in between.

  "Okay, that is way more than a guy my age should do in two hours," Victor remarked, reaching for another slice of pizza. "I'm an old man, you can't abuse me like that. My body needs at least a day and a full meal between sex acts."

  "Your body reacts to so much as a sharp breeze with a full boner, old man," Nate said with a slight chuckle, finally grabbing his plate. The pizza was cool enough to eat, but the cheese was still just stringy enough. It was good stuff. Nate carried on eating the stuffed crust, curling up on top of Victor.

  However much Nate tried to take charge, he always found that Victor's size and intimidating appearance encouraged a degree of submission. It was like he was some sort of an angry, primitive warrior, and Nate was a shy yet willing young man from one of the villages Victor's battalion was passing through, wowed by the shiny armor and proud muscles of these brutes. Or, at least, by Victor's piercings, sharp brown eyes, and strong arms.

  Something about it was arousing, but it made Nate feel peculiar. It was always awkward to play a submissive role for any white guy, but, even if Nate felt confident that Victor had no conscious racist thoughts, that didn't change the fact that he was a privileged white guy. Victor had most certainly been raised to think of himself as superior on a subconscious level, to take charge. Victor himself had said he wanted to change that. What better way to change it than by making sure Victor thoroughly explored his own submissive side? Victor already had a bit of a masochistic leaning.

  Nate smirked a little to himself as he ate his pizza, pondering the most delicious ways of getting Victor on his knees. It would be challenging to counter his own desire to submit to such a strong man. But, oh so rewarding for them both. Challenge accepted.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Although they now taught entirely different classes, Victor had to see Nate again. He missed him already. It was odd, how he could spend time with so many people and just want to get away from them, but no matter how much time he spent with Nate, it was never enough. It was like the more time they spent together, the more obvious it was that they belonged together. Every little trial was overcome and just made them grow closer.

  In only a few weeks, Victor was getting to a point he had never reached in any other relationship. It was the point where he looked forward to the struggles and trials because of the growth they promised to both him and Nate.

  Yesterday had been amazing. And not just the sex, though it was the best he'd had since he was back at college, possibly the best he'd had ever. No, just talking to someone, being corrected and giving Nate something to think about as well, enjoying laughing and learning as two, combined with the typical relaxation and happiness of a quiet night in, just that was wonderful.

  It felt so simple, looking back, but it had meant so much to Victor. It had been so long since he had felt truly comfortable with anyone, and Nate's persevering love through it all was more than Victor could have ever wished for. It was a feeling of security he had not experienced in a very long time.

  Nate just gave him the strength and energy to carry on, motivated him to levels he didn't think he was capable of, inspired him to be better in general. To reconsider his actions and thoughts. To work harder as a teacher. To clean his house. All the things that Victor used to be so relaxed about, so lackadaisical about, and Nate gave him the motivation he needed to actually take them seriously.

  Victor had never known this to happen. He had never, in his whole life, met someone who inspired him to actually do more. Until meeting Nate, Victor had always assumed that true strength came from within, that all he had to be was who he wanted to be, that he didn't have a duty to anyone but himself.

  Now he saw things differently. Now Victor saw that sometimes people needed a bit of external hardship, a bit of rejection and punishment, to make them realize the ways in which they could better themselves.

  Victor would have resented anyone else who tried to tell him what to do with his life, who tried to tell him he'd done wrong. Every time someone had told him to watch what he said or did, he'd assumed they were busybodies, or idiots, or asking him to do their work for them. But not Nate. Victor knew that Nate, much like himself, just wanted to make the world a better place for everyone. And even if that meant being told what to do, Victor would accept it... from Nate.

  He loved every minute he spent in Nate's company. Even if Nate made him reconsider who he was, even if Nate had been the source of so much fear and distress, even if Nate one day outright told him he was an asshole who was hurting everyone, Victor would still love Nate. He craved the man like he had craved nothing and nobody before. And he sought him out.

  Finally spotting Nate in the hallway outside the teachers' lounge during break, Victor only glanced about himself briefly, making sure no students were watching, before rushing over to where Nate was.

  "Couldn't wait until the break room?" Nate asked, seeing Victor approach, before turning around to affix a third grade student's work to the display board in the hallway outside the lounge.

  Victor found a flush rising across his cheeks, but he couldn't deny it. Victor wrapped his arms around Nate and kissed the back of his neck softly, feeling his heart beating hard and fast.

  Nate sighed. "I must be honest, I preferred working with the older kids, but the younger ones have their own charm. Seeing them discover how numbers actually work is sweet, don't you think?"

  "I think you're sweet," Victor muttered.

  Nate laughed under his breath. "That's beside the point. How did you deal with teaching younger kids?"

  "I can give you a few more classes if you come home with me tonight," Victor said in an overly teasing voice before kissing Nate's neck again.

  "Not at work," Nate insisted, turning around stepping back with a smile and caressing Victor's cheek. "But yes, let's go somewhere together tonight. Wait until we're home again, and then we can do whatever you like."

  Victor stepped in, gazing into Nate's beautiful dark eyes. He was so perfect. "I love you," he whispered as quietly as he could.

  Nate's face flushed just enough to be noticeable, and his eyes swooped down briefly, a smile tugging the
corners of his cheeks. Then, rather than stay bashfully waiting, Nate suddenly leaned in, grabbing Victor's chin and pulling him into a tender kiss. It caught Victor's breath. He loved it whenever Nate took control like this, however rare it was.

  Victor kissed Nate back gently, his hand finding its way to Nate's firm round ass and giving him a gentle, possessive squeeze. Nate's ass was lovely. So firm, with just enough give to make it grabbable. It was like Victor's version of those stress toys kids were always playing with, those squishies. Victor could squish Nate's ass all day long.

  Nate pulled back. "Okay, that's enough, we have to get back to work, it's neither the time nor the place."

  Victor placed both hands on Nate's ass, pulling him in closer again. "It's okay, just a bit longer. I missed you."

  "It's been, like, four hours," Nate said with a chuckle. "You will live."

  "Maybe I won't, maybe I'll die without your kisses to sustain me," Victor teased.

  "Seriously, if you can't behave yourself I'm going to say we can't even kiss at work," Nate insisted. "We can't be a bad example to the kids. This is really, really inappropriate."

  "What is inappropriate?" Victor asked. "Do you really think that seeing a gay couple would impact them that much? They're kids, but they know that it's fine for two men to be together. If not, it would be a valuable lesson. I thought you of all people would understand that."

  Of course Victor knew what Nate had actually meant. But it was easier to pretend and buy himself a few more minutes of kissing and closeness and groping. He could tell from the look on Nate's face that his mischief had already been discovered.


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