The Bellringer

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The Bellringer Page 61

by William Timothy Murray

  "Yet," he went on, "it is not a thing for us to decide."

  "You, at least, seem convinced that I am the one," Robby said to Ashlord. "Is there more to know about this place? This Griferis?"

  Ashlord sat down at the table and nodded, but it was Ullin who spoke.

  "The legends of the west have it named Grigferith Vale, but the elves of Vanara call it by its ancient name, Griferis, and it is also called the Crack Between Worlds. It is said that the kings of old were chosen there, tested and tried. A land of fire and ice and where the living mingle with the dead, and where live the Judges of God. But, so it is said, the way to Griferis has been lost."

  "That is not how they do it, now, surely. Not how kings are picked, I mean," Billy put forward.

  "No," said Ashlord. "How the present King of Duinnor gained his power is a mystery. Perhaps he went through Griferis. It was he who named the Houses of Men to stand with the Houses of the Elifaen. And it is he who summons children of the Named Houses to serve Duinnor as Kingsmen. Perhaps to keep an eye upon them."

  "I don't understand," Sheila spoke up. "Even if Robby wants to be King, and even if we find this place, and even if these judges, whatever they are, still exist, and even if they name him King, how will he actually become King of Duinnor? The present King will surely oppose any who try to take the throne."

  "I have few answers, Sheila," Ashlord said. "But it is told that no one who has emerged from Griferis has ever failed to become a ruler, even when opposed by mighty forces, including those of the Dark Lord himself."

  "So it boils down to trust," Billy said. "Trust that Robby is to be King. Trust that these here stories are true. Trust that we can find the place. Trust that Robby will pass the test, er trial, er whatever. An' trust that he'll be able to take the throne. It's all crazy."

  Billy shook his head, closing his eyes and putting a hand to his bandage that was showing a tiny splotch of red. The fire crackled and a log fell over in the grate. No one spoke or stirred as the weight of what had been discussed drew taut their credulity. Even Ashlord sighed and nodded, but said nothing. Robby bowed his head in thought.

  "No, Billy. It's not about trust," Robby said quietly to himself. Looking up, he went on. "It's not about trust at all. It's about hope. What hope do our people have in the face of this disaster? Can they look to the west? Or the north? They pray, but who hears their prayers? If they thought there was some hope, at least, maybe they could hang on for a time. Maybe I don't want to be King. Maybe I don't trust the stories or even myself. But as long as there is hope, I can trust in that, if nothing else. Ashlord, how do I find this place, this Griferis?"

  Ashlord looked at Robby, and, seeing his resolve, nodded.

  "We must look for it in the west."

  End of Volume 1

  161 Days Remaining


  Thank you for reading The Bellringer! I hope you've enjoyed the tale thus far. And I cordially invite you to share your thoughts, questions, and comments at

  There is much more to come! Volume 2, The Nature of a Curse, picks up where The Bellringer left off, as Robby and his friends begin their quest and set out on a grueling journey, full of unexpected encounters and conflicts. Robby reluctantly learns to assert his will on others. He begins to develop his mysterious abilities, but other powers align to thwart him. As the miles recede behind Robby and his company of friends, the path becomes more difficult, and more treacherous. Soon they will all learn important lessons about The Nature of a Curse.

  Thanks again!

  William Timothy Murray

  * * *

  The Door is Open!

  Maps, Stories, Chronologies,

  and much more.

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  * * *

  The Year of the Red Door

  Volume 1

  The Bellringer

  Volume 2

  The Nature of a Curse

  Volume 3

  A Distant Light

  Volume 4

  The Dreamwalker

  Volume 5

  To Touch a Dream


  This glossary is an abridged version intended as a convenient reference. An asterisk at the end of a definition indicates that a fuller definition is contained within The Reader's Companion to the Year of the Red Door.

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  Jump to the Main Glossary

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  The Main Characters:

  Robby Ribbon -- Store clerk in his father's general store. Son of Robigor and Mirabella Ribbon. Among other gifts, he has the uncanny ability to untie knots, and unfasten locks, and to open things that are barred, sealed, or shut.

  Sheila Pradkin -- Girl of County Barley, ward of Steggan Pradkin. Sheila is Robby's friend and lover. She hardly remembers her parents and does not know who they are. She was given over to Steggan Pradkin under mysterious circumstances, likely having to do with the dangers of the Redvests who had taken over her homeland.

  Ashlord/Collandoth -- A Melnari, called Ashlord by Men, Collandoth by Elifaen. Sometimes referred to as Collandoth the Wanderer, and sometimes known as Collandoth the Watcher. He is very old, though he does not appear very old, with long black hair and beard, barely touched by gray. He has had a varied and complicated career. He has been at various times a mystic, warrior, witch-hunter, teacher, academic, diplomat, and counselor to Queen Serith Ellyn and many other high lords and ladies. Some regard Collandoth as a holy man. He has a Familiar in the form of a small owl, called Certina.

  Billy Bosk -- Son of Garend and Frizella Bosk, brother of Raenelle. Good friend of Ibin Brinnin, Robby Ribbon, and Sheila Pradkin. Billy was named after his ancestor, Bilaylin Bosk, who was known as Bilaylin the Hammer.

  Ibin Brinnin -- Young man of County Barley, close friend of Billy Bosk. It is thought that a sickness while a young child scarred his mind so that even as an adulthood he seemed childlike and slow-witted. He has a speech disorder so that he tends to stammer and run his words together. He was orphaned when his parents died. He was taken in by the Bosk family.

  Ullin Saheed Tallin -- Kingsman and veteran of many desert campaigns. He is the grandson of Lord Danig Tallin, son of Aram and Sharyn Tallin, and Mirabella's nephew. For a while, Ullin Saheed performed clandestine missions into the desert, and it was during one of those that he met and fell in love with Micerea, a Dragonkind woman. He was later assigned to the Post Riders as a Special Courier, reporting directly to Collandoth (Ashlord).

  Mirabella Ribbon -- Mother of Robby Ribbon, wife of Robigor Ribbon, daughter of Lord Danig Tallin. Mirabella is Elifaen, as was her mother and two older brothers (all three of whom are deceased). She is much older than her husband, but since she is Elifaen she has the appearance of a young woman. She became estranged from her father when she married Robigor Ribbon.

  Micerea -- Dragonkind woman, dreamwalker, conspirator, instructor to Robby Ribbon. Daughter of Gurasa, the great Dragonkind general.

  Esildre -- A Firstborn Elifaen of the House of Elmwood who, with her brother, was instrumental in the victory over the Dragonkind at the Battle of Saerdulin. She was later cursed by Secundur. As a result, if her eyes meet any other person's, the two will be filled with a terrible and licentious desire for one another. The result is almost always that the person who succumbs to Esildre's curse will go mad and shortly thereafter commit suicide. She is the daughter of Lord Banis of Duinnor, who is corrupt and second only to the King in power. It was her father, Lord Banis, who sent Esildre to Secundur in order to seal a pact between himself and the Lord of Shadow. And it was when Esildre escaped Secundur's clutches, some centuries later, that Secundur cursed her.

  Martin Makeig -- Former captain in the Tracial Royal Navy. He saved Prince Lantos
and other members of the Tracian royal family at the Battle of Grisland Strait. Although victorious, Makeig's ship was sunk during the engagement. Makeig and a few of his men made it ashore, but were pursued by the Redvests. After an arduous journey, Makeig and a few of his men found their way Hill Town (in the Thunder Mountains), a kind of refuge and haven of Loyalist men, women, and children. Makeig's men soon formed the central core of defenders of Hill Town, with Martin Makeig their leader.

  Raynor -- A Melnari, sometimes called Raynor the Wise. It was Raynor who was in charge of the Kingsman Academy for many years, losing his position when he fell out of favor. He turned to tutoring and book selling. Esildre and her brother, Navis, were students of Raynor. He has a Familiar in the form of a rabbit, called Beauchamp.

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  Main Glossary:

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  Jump to Section:

  A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- XY --Z

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  Airemoor-- A village on the road between Vanara and Duinnor. (See Map Coordinates D4)

  Al Sairs-- The personal household army of Gurasa, the great Dragonkind general. Though small in numbers, comprising only three hundred at most, this elite force drew its members mainly from Gurasa's own tribe centered on the region of Almedian. Fierce and loyal to Gurasa, they followed him throughout his rise to power and fame, participating in many battles, often serving as shock troops during assaults or as guerilla fighters harassing enemy lines. When Gurasa's career was ended, the Al Sairs continued to serve him during his unofficial exile in Almedian.

  Aldergiest Toll-- An account of the battle of Tulith Attis recorded by Aldergiest the Blue. Written in the years shortly after the battle, the ancient writer was apparently at Tulith Attis or knew some of those who survived to relate the details of the battle. It is known that he was a young Man at the time of the battle, and his accounts were first cataloged in the archives of Vanara in the year 345 S.A.

  Almedian-- A small walled town of the northeastern Dragonlands, and home to Soltani Gurasa of the House of Golden Sand a famous Dragonkind general.* (See Map Coordinates D5)

  Alonair-- One of the Firstborn of the Faerekind, a maker of fabulous statues and carvings of stone. It was Alonair who set before the Dragonkind the challenge of the Great Stone that preceded the first great conflict between Faerekind and Dragonkind and eventually led to The Fall and the Departing of Aperion's Host.*

  Altoria-- One of the smaller realms to the south at the edge of the world where the sea begins. To its east is Masurthia, to the north is the Great Bletharn Plains, and to the west is the Hinderland (or Hinderlands), a vast area of marshlands and bogs bordered by the impenetrable Tulivana Mountains.* (See Map Coordinates F7)

  Alziekfria-- The ruling class and elite of the Dragonkind, mostly the wealthy or those favored by the Emperor. The name means "free from sickness." This is because this wealthy and influential class receive healing darakal extracts in greater quantity and frequency than other Dragonkind and thus enjoy much better health. As a result, most Alziekfria are very different in appearance than others of the Dragonkind.*

  Amandoel-- The name given to Heneil by people of his time, meaning The Builder.

  Ancient Speech-- The language that was spoken by most during the First Age and somewhat into the Second Age. Sometimes it is referred to as the Second Tongue (after the First Tongue, also called Faerish, which was all but lost after The Fall).

  Anerath-- A spirited horse belonging to Ullin Saheed Tallin. The name comes from the Ancient Speech, and means "water prancer." Anerath was a gift to Ullin Saheed from the Thrubolds, renown horsemen and breeders of Duinnor, in gratitude for his having saved their son's life at the Battle of Garmitor.

  Aperion-- A Firstborn Faerekind and the First and True King of the Faere, so appointed by Beras during the Time Before Time. Aperion sought to stop the bloodshed between the Dragonkind and the Faerekind and who led the faithful and loyal Faerekind out of the world. It was Aperion who caused those who remained upon the earth to be Scathed of their wings, becoming the Elifaen, or Fallen Ones.*

  Aperion's Fire-- A term used by occupants of Nasakeeria. It is what they call the mysterious wall of flame that ignites and surrounds Nasakeeria whenever a person attempts to enter (or leave) Nasakeeria.* (See Map Coordinates F2)

  Applewait-- Family of Greenfar.

  Aram-- (Aram Saheed Tallin) Son of Danig Tallin and Kahryna of Fairoak. Aram was their middle child, being younger than his brother and older than his sister (Dalvenpar and Mirabella). Aram Saheed wed Sharyn Northstar (of a house of Men) was father to Ullin Saheed. Aram became a Kingsman after his older brother's death, but was himself killed at Gory Gulch.

  Arbuckle-- (Ned Arbuckle) Elderly bridge tender of Passdale. By the time he became Passdale's bridge tender, Arbuckle was a man of some considerable experience and ability.*

  Aremon-- A Nasakeerian hunter of the late Second Age.

  Arkstan-- Proprietor of the Rivertree Tavern in Passdale.

  Arldewain-- One of the Elders of Nowhere.

  Atlana-- Daughter of Lord Banis and Lady Tiryna of the House of Elmwood and sister to Navis and Esildre. She was the mother of Coreth and Faslor.*

  Attis-- Thought to be the name of the original builder of Tulith Attis, an ancient fortress near Lake Halgaeth in the Eastlands. It was later the name for the town at the base of Tulith Attis, all of which was destroyed during the Dragonkind invasion of 322 S.A. (See Map of County Barley)

  Avatar-- An uncanny apparition that changes in form each at the beginning of each regnal year of the Unknown Kings of Duinnor. Its form lends the name commonly given to a regnal year (The Avatar never takes on the same form as during any previous year.). The Avatar serves the Unknown King in mysterious ways, not all of which is known. It is known, however, that the Unknown King sometimes sends the Avatar to summon someone to the King's High Chamber.*

  Averstone-- A small village in the frontier between Vanara and Duinnor. It is situated along the old mountain road that runs from Vanara to Duinnor, and is only a few miles away from Elmwood Castle. For a number of years, Averstone was an important waypoint, particularly with those traveling to Elmwood Castle, with several inns, stables, coachhouses, and blacksmiths vying for customers. However, during the latter part of the Second Age, Averstone began to decline when Lady Esildre suddenly stopped receiving guests which coincided with road improvements that were made along other routes. (See Map Coordinates D3)

  Ayreltide-- A winged horse in the service of Lady Islindia, Queen of the Wood. He exists as such only during the day and night period when Islindia brings forth her memories into actuality.

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  Bailorg-- (Braig Bailorg Denuth Delcorman) One of the Elifaen, perhaps a Firstborn, but not a member of any known House. He was a mysterious figure, an acquaintance of Pellen in Duinnor during the early Second Age. He was also seen from time to time in various courts, traveling extensively throughout the realms. It is suspected that he traveled into the Dragonlands on several occasions. He was reported to have spent a great deal of time in the region of Shatuum as well, and is thought to have been present with the Dragonkind at the Battle of Tulith Attis, after which he disappeared for many years.*


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