Never Desire a Duke

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Never Desire a Duke Page 2

by Dawn Brower

  Grant Barrett, the Duke of Darling, strolled into his library hoping to find it empty. He breathed a sigh of relief when it was as he had hoped. His mother usually stayed at Darling Abbey, the seat for the dukedom, but Grant preferred London. His manor was large enough for the both of them, but with his mother in residence, it seemed as if the walls closed in on him. She stifled his activities, and he hated when she questioned him.

  Couldn’t a man do what he wanted without his mother breathing down his neck?

  Apparently not... Grant went to the sidebar and poured a snifter of brandy. He rarely drank so early in the day, but sometimes a drink was necessary. He needed the fortification if he had to converse with his mother again. She’d been a harpy for days, and Grant was close to fleeing to the country. The only reason he hadn’t yet was the yearly masquerade. He didn’t want to miss the ball. Though, if he didn’t attend, he might regret his decision. He’d go and enjoy the entertainment provided. After the ball, he would consider rusticating. It could help save his sanity. His friend offered him the use of his seaside manor. Grant would write him a missive accepting the invitation. He could depart in a couple of days.

  “Darling,” his mother called out.

  She never used his given name. Ever since he came into the title, she had stopped calling him Grant. He was now Darling, and the title came first. Grant might be her son, but she didn’t see him as such. He was the duke, and the duke should be respected. Unless he wasn’t doing what the dukedom needed, and then it was her right to explain to him how he was neglecting his duties.

  Grant took a deep breath. “Yes, Mother.”

  He didn’t take titles seriously or honorifics. Grant would not refer to her as the Dowager Duchess of Darling or as Her Grace. Something she hated, but he took great pleasure thwarting her on. She breezed into the room and stopped in front of him. The icy glare she flashed him would wither a lesser man. Grant was unaffected and barely restrained from rolling his eyes.

  “We need to discuss the eligible young ladies this season.” Her tone was shrillish and grated his ears.

  “I disagree,” he replied dryly. “That’s the last thing we need to discuss.’

  “You need to find a wife. The dukedom needs an heir.”

  He didn’t want a wife. All the eligible ladies were dull, and their incessant chatter drove him mad. If Grant had to marry, he wanted to actually like his wife. He needed a woman that would stir his interests, but so far, no lady had. His mother was right, though. He needed to marry and beget an heir; however, he didn’t understand the rush. He had plenty of time.

  Grant sipped his brandy. “I’ll marry when I find the right woman.”

  “You don’t have that luxury. You’re not as young as you think you are.” She waved her hand at him angrily. “Your father was only five years older than you when he died. Stop wasting time. I expect you to have a fiancée by the end of this season.”

  “I’m making no promises.” He downed the rest of his brandy. It burned as it went down his throat. The more and more he thought about it, time in the country sounded better. If his mother wouldn’t leave, he definitely would. He would have to go someplace his mother was unlikely to look for him, though. If he wanted peace, he’d have to disappear.

  “If you don’t start to actively look, I’ll ensure you don’t have many choices.” She lifted her lips up into a menacing smile. “You will get married and have a child on the way by year’s end. I’ll ensure it happens.”

  “Are you going to give me pointers in the bedroom next?” That was crass, but Grant hated being threatened. If she was going to throw down the gauntlet, then he would make her uncomfortable with her ultimatums.

  “If I have to,” she retorted. “But from what I hear, you have plenty of skill there. Make sure to shoot it where it’s meant to make a baby.”

  Grant’s mouth fell open in shock. Good God, his mother had no boundaries where it came to his potential offspring. She flashed him a satisfied grin, then started toward the door. “Start looking tonight. I promise you won’t like it if I take control of the situation.” With those words, she left the room, leaving Grant with much to consider.

  Chapter 2

  Amelia sat at her vanity and started to prepare for the evening. She would need help with her gown, but that could wait until after her hair was dressed properly. Teddy’s maid would assist her. Amelia didn’t have a maid, and hadn’t since the end of the season the previous year. That was when she’d given up. She did almost everything for herself, and most of her gowns she could put on without assistance. The dress for the masquerade was a bit more complicated, though.

  Before she moved to her cottage, she would visit a modiste and have some simple gowns created. There would be no more elaborate gowns for her, and she would have to hire a housekeeper. One that could cook... She didn’t want to have a lot of servants, and she wouldn’t last long if she had to prepare her own meals. Cleaning wouldn’t be too difficult, but she had no skills with cooking. She could hire some individuals from the village to work a few days a week to clean and other necessary duties she was inept with. That way she didn’t need any to live with her, but she could have some extra help.

  All of that could be taken care of after the masquerade. She could be residing at the seaside in a month. Amelia couldn’t wait, but she also looked forward to her last night in society. She hoped she wouldn’t be disappointed. Though there was only one way she would be—if the Duke of Darling didn’t attend.

  She had to stop thinking negatively. He would be there. The problem would be determining which gentleman was the Duke of Darling under his mask. Amelia sighed and wove a cornflower blue ribbon in her golden-brown hair as she plaited it. Then she twisted the braid into a bun at the nape of her neck. She loosened a few strands, so they framed her face in loose curls.

  A knock echoed through the room. “Miss Amelia,” the maid said as she entered the room. “Are you ready for help with your gown?”

  Amelia sighed. “I am.” There wasn’t anything else to do with her hair. The ribbon was enough adornment. Besides, her mask had large blue feathers that would cover most of her forehead and hair from the front.

  “Lady Carrolton is almost ready. She said she would meet you in the foyer.” Bess, Teddy’s maid, went to where Amelia’s gown was hanging, then brushed it so there were no wrinkles. “It’s a lovely gown.”

  It was the same cornflower blue of the ribbon she had woven in her hair. It had lace at the waist, and seed pearls along the bodice and along the sleeves. Pearls also decorated the hemline. It was perhaps the most beautiful gown she had ever owned. “I believe so,” she told Bess. “The modiste created a masterpiece.” And she almost hadn’t worn it. That would have been a mistake, and she was glad she had found a reason to attend the masquerade.

  “Come over here then.” She took the dress down. “It’s time to wear this lovely gown.”

  Amelia stood and walked over to her. Bess held the dress open so Amelia could step into it, and then she smoothed down the chemise. “Thank you for assisting me tonight.”

  “Think nothing of it,” Bess said. “I don’t mind helping you.”

  Bess pulled the dress up all the way, and Amelia slipped her arms through the sleeves. “That went smoothly,” Bess said. “Now I have to fasten all these buttons and tie the ribbon in the back. It shouldn’t take too long.”

  Amelia smiled. “Take your time. I am not in a hurry.” She’d rather arrive late, anyway. There was no reason to be one of the early arrivals. Amelia had very specific plans for the evening, and the Duke of Darling was not the type to walk into a ballroom until the last possible second.

  Bess started working on the buttons, and she had not been wrong. It didn’t take long for her to have them all in place. Then she started on the white satin ribbon. “There you go. Now you can put on your dancing slippers and meet Lord and Lady Carrolton downstairs.”

  “I’ll need a few more minutes,” she told Bess. “Please in
form them I’ll be down as soon as possible.”

  “I will.” Bess nodded and then exited Amelia’s bedchamber.

  Amelia picked up her slippers and sat. She put them on her feet, then closed her eyes. Bravery had never been her biggest attribute. She would have to find some if she hoped to succeed with the duke. He lost interest quickly when he wasn’t amused by those around him. If she failed to even gain his attention, the night would be over before it had begun. Somehow, she would have to discover the best way to lure him to her side. Coquettishness was not a skill Amelia had mastered.

  She would not fail...

  And if she told herself that often enough, she might actually succeed. Amelia stood and exited her bedchamber. She had stalled enough already, and there was a duke she had to seduce. Tonight would be one she wouldn’t forget. It would have to be enough. Something to help her through the long nights and days alone. She wouldn’t have children or a husband, but she would have her memories...

  She tilted her lips into a sensual smile. The duke wouldn’t let her down. She refused to believe he wouldn’t live up to all her fantasies. That night in the garden all those years ago had given her enough to create them. He had been perfect, charming, and seductive. Amelia would have willingly fallen into his arms if he had asked.

  It was too bad he hadn’t asked. Then this night wouldn’t be necessary...

  But it was, and she would have everything she wanted when it was over. She pasted an amicable smile on her face when she reached the bottom of the stairs. “Are we ready to depart?” She lifted a brow at her brother.

  “We’re waiting on you.” He held out his arm. “Teddy is already in the carriage. I’ll escort you out."

  Amelia didn’t say a word. She was far too nervous to speak more than necessary. Instead, she allowed her brother to escort her to the carriage, then inside. She settled across from Teddy. Then Ezra climbed in and settled next to his wife. Soon after that, the carriage started moving. Now she had to see the rest of her plans through.

  Grant hadn’t bothered with anything elaborate for his evening wear. He dressed in all black including his mask. It was a nice contrast against his golden blond hair. Ladies would fall over themselves to be near him. But that wasn’t anything unusual. The difference tonight would be he had to be extra careful. His mother had been acting odd, and he didn’t know what scheme she had planned. All he knew with certainty was that it wouldn’t be good. At least not with the plans he had for his life.

  Marriage didn’t have to happen now. He hadn’t met a woman that he wanted to ask to be his duchess. He could sire an heir later. His father had died young; that didn’t mean he would. His mother needed to let go of her anxiety. He’d choose a wife when he was ready and not on her timetable. These things needed to be done carefully.

  The wonderful part of masquerades was a person could pretend to be whomever they wanted. The masks were not removed until the stroke of midnight, and no one was announced. Invitations were taken at the door, then everyone mingled at their leisure. Grant walked up to the entrance and handed the servant his invitation and then strolled toward the ballroom.

  The room was illuminated with candles in sconces along the wall, and two large chandeliers. The strands of a quartet were on the verge of ending and dancers exited the floor. Soon the strands of another song would fill the room. Grant wasn’t certain he wanted to dance yet, but he hadn’t dismissed the idea entirely. He’d prefer a waltz, but with the right lady.

  He eased his way through the crowd, ignoring most of the guests. No one stood out to him, but that was the way masquerades worked. Conversations echoed around him, but they were all tedious. Boring chatter about the weather or politics. Things he had no interest in.

  If something didn’t intrigue him soon, he might leave before he indulged in anything at the ball. What did it say about him he’d developed a sense of ennui so pronounced nothing appealed to him? He sighed and walked along the wall. Perhaps he should walk in the gardens. He stepped through a door that led to a private balcony. The Duke of Graystone’s family used it. They had one similar to it at the Duke of Graystone’s county seat, but this one was on a smaller scale. They did not allow guests to use it, but he knew Graystone wouldn’t mind that he did.

  Grant moved over to the railing. He stared down at the garden and considered his options. It would be inherently more fun if he had a companion to walk with, but so far, he hadn’t had much luck.

  “Is there something interesting down there?” It was a feminine tone, and he smiled. Hopefully, it wasn’t the Duchess of Graystone or one of her sisters. They were all happily married and wouldn’t offer much entertainment.

  He turned around and stared at her. There wasn’t much light outside, and of course there wasn’t a full moon to offer any assistance in that regard. Her dress was light. Perhaps green or blue? Grant couldn’t be certain. Her mask almost completely covered her face. “Not unless you like roses.”

  “I do, in fact, love roses.” She moved closer to him. “But they’re not my favorite flower.”

  She was almost right in front of him now. Through the limited light and what he could view of her face, she seemed lovely. “Don’t keep me in suspense.” His tone held a hint of humor. “What is your favorite?”

  “I have a better idea.” She took another step closer. “Let’s play a game. You try to guess, and I’ll tell you if you’re right.”

  He chuckled. “And what do I get if I guess correctly?”

  She was quiet for a moment. “What boon would you like?”

  Grant had been about to leave, and by some twist of luck, this vixen had wandered on to the balcony. Before he answered her, he had to discover her identity. “How are you related to the Duke of Graystone?”

  “I’m not,” she answered smoothly. “He’s not my family.”

  “And his wife?”

  She shook her head. “No relation.”

  Grant smiled. His luck was definitely improving. He closed the distance between them. “Then I accept your challenge.”

  She laughed. It was rich and throaty, and it made his prick harden. He hadn’t ever been aroused by laughter before. What was it about this woman that made his entire body come alive with need? “But we haven’t set terms yet.”

  “They don’t matter.” He lifted his hand and pressed his thumb and forefinger on her chin in a light pinch, then trailed his thumb along her jawline. “I’m intrigued.”

  “What boon do you want?” Her voice was breathy as she spoke. It filled Grant with anticipation. “I believe in rules, and I expect you to follow them.”

  “Rules are meant to be broken,” he told her in a low, sensual tone. “I have become proficient in splintering even the strictest of edicts.”

  Her interest was piqued. If it hadn’t been, she would have left the balcony already. Grant would have her before the night was over. Then he could easily rusticate in the country.

  “Still,” she began. “I must insist. If we’re to play, I want us both to understand what is expected.” She ran her tongue across her lips, and he barely suppressed a groan.

  He lifted his lips into an appreciative smile. “Let’s keep it simple. If I guess correctly, I’d like a dance.” Grant would like far more than that, but he’d start with having her in his arms. “A waltz to be more specific.”

  “We can dance without playing this game.” She gestured toward the balcony doors. “Inside there is a ball in progress. No one would object to you leading me on to the floor and waltzing before the ton.”

  “Not the way I intend to waltz...” Grant explained.

  A sharp intake of breath was her only reaction. “All right,” she agreed. “Don’t you want to know what I’d like if you lose.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t need to know.” Grant leaned down so his mouth was near her ear. “I’m going to enjoy our time together no matter what you wish from me.” He waited a moment. “So, my lady, are you ready to play?”

  Chapter 3<
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  Amelia shivered as a cool breeze rolled over her. Tiny bumps spread across her arm, and she rubbed at them absentmindedly. She had started the evening with so many plans, and all of them involved the Duke of Darling. He never arrived at a social gathering early, despite that, she’d kept searching for a gentleman that could be him. Through the sea of masks, that had been nearly impossible; however, she had easily dismissed several men. He had luxurious golden locks that were hard to mistake as someone else.

  She’d despaired when she couldn’t locate him. He wasn’t going to attend, and her heart broke a little at the disappointment. The evening would not go as she had wanted. She would not have her one night of passion to remember. Some things were not meant to be, and she would have to accept that.

  That was why she had sneaked off and went on to the private balcony. Amelia had wanted time to herself. She had never expected the one thing she desired would be there, waiting for her. When had he arrived, and why was he hiding on the balcony? She shook those thoughts away. They didn’t matter. She’d found him, and that was all she required. He wanted to play? Amelia had no issue with that because he was the only man she would partake in such games with.

  She licked her lips and then smiled. “The real question is,” she began, “are you prepared to lose?” Amelia was enjoying herself far too much. Even if he guessed correctly, she would still win. He was here and wanted to be with her. The mystery kept him by her side, and she would not give up this time with him easily.

  He trailed a finger across her arm. “I don’t lose.” Darling leaned in and said, “I will have you in my arms, and soon.”

  Amelia nearly moaned. Why wait? She wanted to beg him to pull her into his arms and forego any actual byplay. “Then take your first guess.”


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