Gunman's Reckoning

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Gunman's Reckoning Page 33

by Max Brand


  At this Lord Nick very frankly frowned in turn. And when he frowned hisface grew marvelously dark, like some wrathful god, for there was anoble, a Grecian purity to the profile of Henry Nicholas Reardon, andwhen he frowned he seemed to be scorning, from a distance, ignoble,earthly things which troubled him.

  "I know it isn't exactly easy for you, Garry," he admitted. "You haveyour own pride; you have your own position here in The Corner. But Iwant you to notice that mine is different. You've spent a day for whatyou have in The Corner, here. I've spent ten years. You've played aprank, acted a part, and cast a jest for what you have. But for theplace which I hold, brother mine, I've schemed with my wits, played fastand loose, and killed men. Do you hear? I've bought it with blood, andthings you buy at such a price ought to stick, eh?"

  He banished his frown; the smile played suddenly across his features.

  "Why, I'm arguing with myself. But that look you gave me a minute agohad me worried for a little while."

  At this Donnegan, who had allowed his head to fall, so that he seemedto be nodding in acquiescence, now raised his face and Lord Nickperceived the same white pain upon it. The same look which had been onthe face of the cripple so often in the other days.

  "Henry," said the younger brother, "I give you my oath that my pride hasnothing to do with this. I'd let you drive me barefoot before youthrough the street yonder. I'd let every soul in The Corner know that Ihave no pride where you're concerned. I'll do whatever you wish--withone exception--and that one is the unlucky thing you ask. Pardner, youmustn't ask for Jack Landis! Anything else I'll work like a slave to getfor you: I'll fight your battles, I'll serve you in any way you name:but don't take Landis back!"

  He had talked eagerly, the words coming with a rush, and he found at theend that Lord Nick was looking at him in bewilderment.

  "When a man is condemned to death," said Lord Nick slowly, "supposesomebody offers him anything in the world that he wants--palaces,riches, power--everything except his life. What would the condemned mansay to a friend who made such an offer? He'd laugh at him and then callhim a traitor. Eh? But I don't laugh at you, Garry. I simply explain toyou why I have to have Landis back. Listen!"

  He counted off his points upon the tips of his fingers, in the confidentmanner of a teacher who deals with a stupid child, waiting patiently forthe young mind to comprehend.

  "We've been bleeding Jack Landis. Do you know why? Because it was Lesterwho made the strike up here. He started out to file his claim. Hestopped at the house of Colonel Macon. That old devil learned thelocation, learned everything; detained Lester with a trick, and rushedyoung Landis away to file the claims for himself. Then when Lester cameup here he found that his claims had been jumped, and when he went tothe law there was no law that could help him. He had nothing but hisnaked word for what he had discovered. And naturally the word of aruffian like Lester had no weight against the word of Landis. And, yousee, Landis thought that he was entirely in the right. Lester tried theother way; tried to jump the claims; and was shot down by Landis. SoLester sent for me. What was I to do? Kill Landis? The mine would go tohis heirs. I tried a different way--bleeding him of his profits, afterI'd explained to him that he was in the wrong. He half admitted that,but he naturally wouldn't give up the mines even after we'd almostproved to him that Lester had the first right. So Landis has been miningthe gold and we've been drawing it away from him. It looks tricky, butreally it's only just. And Lester and Lebrun split with me.

  "But I tell you, Garry, that I'd give up everything without anafterthought. I'll give up the money and I'll make Lebrun and Lestershut up without a word. I'll make them play square and not try to knifeLandis in the back. I'll do all that willingly--for you! But, Garry, Ican't give up taking Landis back to Lebrun's and keeping him there untilhe's well. Why, man, I saw him in the hut just now. He wants to go. He'safraid of the old colonel as if he were poison--and I think he's wise inbeing afraid."

  "The colonel won't touch him," said Donnegan.


  "No. I've told him what would happen if he does."

  "Tush. Garry, Colonel Macon is the coldest-blooded murderer I've everknown. But come out in the open, lad. You see that I'm ready to listento reason--except on one point. Tell me why you're so set on thiskeeping of Landis here against my will and even against the lad's ownwill? I'm reasonable, Garry. Do you doubt that?"

  Explaining his own mildness, the voice of Lord Nick swelled again andfilled the room, and he frowned on his brother. But Donnegan looked onhim sadly.

  "There is a girl--" he began.

  "Why didn't I guess it?" exclaimed Lord Nick. "If ever you find a manunreasonable, stubborn and foolish, you'll always find a woman behindit! All this trouble because of a piece of calico?"

  He leaned back, laughing thunderously in his relief.

  "Come, come! I was prepared for a tragedy. Now tell me about this girl.Who and what is she?"

  "The daughter of the colonel."

  "You're in love with her? I'm glad to hear it, Garry. As a matter offact I've been afraid that you were hunting in my own preserve, but ifit's the colonel's daughter, you're welcome to her. So you love thegirl? She's pretty, lad!"

  "I love her?" said Donnegan in an indescribably tender voice. "I loveher? Who am I to love her? A thief, a man-killer, a miserable playactor, a gambler, a drunkard. I love her? Bah!"

  If there was one quality of the mind with which Lord Nick was lessfamiliar than with all others, it was humbleness of spirit. He nowabased his magnificent head, and resting his chin in the mighty palm ofhis hand, he stared with astonishment and commiseration into the face ofDonnegan. He seemed to be learning new things every moment about hisbrother.

  "Leave me out of the question," said Donnegan.

  "Can't be done. If I leave you out, dear boy, there's not one of themthat I care a hang about; I'd ride roughshod over the whole lot. I'vedone it before to better men than these!"

  "Then you'll change, I know. This is the fact of the matter. She lovesLandis. And if you take Landis away where will you put him?"

  "Where he was stolen away. In Lebrun's."

  "And what will be in Lebrun's?"

  "Joe Rix to guard him and the old negress to nurse him."'

  "No, no! Nelly Lebrun will be there!"

  "Eh? Are you glancing at her, now?"

  "Henry, you yourself know that Landis is mad about that girl."

  "Oh, she's flirted a bit with him. Turned the fool's head. He'll comeout of it safe. She won't break his heart. I've seen her work onothers!"

  He chuckled at the memory.

  "What do I care about Landis?" said Donnegan with unutterable scorn."It's the girl. You'll break her heart, Henry; and if you do I'll neverforgive you."

  "Steady, lad. This is a good deal like a threat."

  "No, no, no! Not a threat, heaven knows!"

  "By heaven!" exclaimed Lord Nick. "I begin to be irritated to see youstick on a silly point like this. Listen to me, lad. Do you mean to saythat you are making all! this trouble about a slip of a girl?"

  "The heart of a girl," said Donnegan calmly.

  "Let Landis go; then take her in your arms and kiss her worries away. Iwarrant you can do it! I gather from Nell that you're not tongue-tiedaround women!"

  "I?" echoed Donnegan, turning pale. "Don't jest at this, Henry. I'm asserious as death. She's the type of woman made to love one man, and oneman only. Landis may be common as dirt; but she doesn't see it. She'sfastened her heart on him. I looked in on her a little while ago. Sheturned white when she saw me. I brought Landis to her, but she hates mebecause I had to shoot him down."

  "Garry," said the big man with a twinkle in his eye, "you're in love!"

  It shook Donnegan to the core, but he replied instantly; "If I were inlove, don't you suppose that I would have shot to kill when I metLandis?"

  At this his brother blinked, frowned, and shook his head. The point wasapparently plain to him and wiped out his previous conv
ictions. Also, iteased his mind.

  "Then you don't love the girl?"


  "Either way, my hands are cleared of the worry. If you want her, let metake Landis. If you don't want her, what difference does it make to youexcept silly sentiment?"

  Donnegan made no answer.

  "If she comes to Lebrun's house, I'll see that Nell doesn't bother himtoo much."

  "Can you control her? If she wants to see this fool can you keep heraway, and if she goes to him can you control her smiling?"

  "Certainly," said Lord Nick, but he flushed heavily.

  Donnegan smiled.

  "She's a devil of a girl," admitted Henry Reardon. "But this is besidethe point: which is, that you're sticking on a matter that meanseverything to me, and which is only a secondhand interest to you--apoint of sentiment. You pity the girl. What's pity? Bah! I pity a dog inthe street, but would I cross you, Garry, lad, to save the dog?Sentiment, I say, silly sentiment."

  Donnegan rose.

  "It was a silly sentiment," he said hoarsely, "that put me on the roadfollowing you, Henry. It was a silly sentiment that turned me into awastrel, a wanderer, a man without a home and without friends."

  "It's wrong to throw that in my face," muttered Lord Nick.

  "It is. And I'm sorry for it. But I want you to see that matters ofsentiment may be matters of life and death with me."

  "Aye, if it were for you it would be different. I might see my wayclear--but for a girl you have only a distant interest in--"

  "It is a matter of whether or not her heart shall be broken."

  "Come, come. Let's talk man talk. Besides, girls' hearts don't break inthis country. You're old-fashioned."

  "I tell you the question of her happiness is worth more than a dozenlives like yours and mine."

  There had been a gathering impatience in Lord Nick. Now he, also, leapedto his feet; a giant.

  "Tell me in one word: You stick on this point?"

  "In one word--yes!"

  "Then you deny me, Garry. You set me aside for a silly purpose of yourown--a matter that really doesn't mean much to you. It shows me where Istand in your eyes--and nothing between the devil and the moon shallmake me sidestep!"

  They remained silent, staring at each other. Lord Nick stood with aflush of anger growing; Donnegan became whiter than ever, and hestiffened himself to his full height, which, in all who knew him well,was the danger signal.

  "You take Landis?" he said softly.

  "I do."

  "Not," said Donnegan, "while I live!"

  "You mean--" cried Lord Nick.

  "I mean it!"

  They had been swept back to the point at which that strangest of scenesbegan, but this time there was an added element--horror.

  "You'd fight?"

  "To the death, Henry!"

  "Garry, if one of us should kill the other, he'd be cursed forever!"

  "I know it."

  "And she's worth even this?"

  "A thousand times more! What are we? Dust in the wind; dust in the wind.But a woman like that is divine, Henry!"

  Lord Nick swayed a little, setting himself in balance like an animalpreparing for the leap.

  "If it comes to the pinch, it is you who will die," he said.

  "You've no chance against me, Garry. And I swear to you that I won'tweaken. You prove that you don't care for me. You put another above me.It's my pride, my life, that you'd sacrifice to the whim of a girl!" Hispassion choked him.

  "Are you ready?" said Donnegan.


  "Move first!"

  "I have never formed the habit."

  "Nor I! You fool, take what little advantage you can, because it won'thelp you in the end."

  "You shall see. I have a second sight, Henry, and it shows me you deadon the floor there, looking bigger than ever, and I see the gun smokingin my hand and my heart as dead as ashes! Oh, Henry, if there were onlysome other way!"

  They were both pale now.

  "Aye," murmured Lord Nick, "if we could find a judge. My hand turns tolead when I think of fighting you, Garry."

  Perspiration stood on the face of Donnegan.

  "Name a judge; I'll abide by the decision."

  "Some man--"

  "No, no. What man could understand me? A woman, Henry!"

  "Nell Lebrun."

  "The girl who loves you? You want me to plead before her?"

  "Put her on her honor and she'll be as straight as a string with both ofus."

  For a moment Donnegan considered, and at length: "She loves you, Henry.You have that advantage. You have only to let her know that this is avital matter to you and she'll speak as you wish her to speak."

  "Nonsense. You don't know her. You've seen yourself that no man cancontrol her absolutely."

  "Make a concession."

  "A thousand, Garry, dear boy, if they'll get us clear from this horriblemess."

  "Only this. Leave The Corner for a few hours. Give me until--tonight.Let me see Nelly during that time. You've had years to work on her. Iwant only this time to put my own case before her."

  "Thank heaven that we're coming to see light and a way out!"

  "Aye, Henry."

  The big man wiped his forehead and sighed in his relief.

  "A minute ago I was ready--but we'll forget all this. What will you do?How will you persuade Nelly? I almost think that you intend to make loveto her, Garry!"

  The little man turned paler still.

  "It is exactly what I intend," he said quietly.

  The brow of Lord Nick darkened solemnly, and then he forced a laugh.

  "She'll be afraid to turn me down, Garry. But try your own way." He bithis lips. "Why, if you influence her that way--do it. What's a ficklejade to me? Nothing!"

  "However I do it, you'll stick by her judgment, Henry?"

  The perspiration had started on Lord Nick's forehead again. Doubt swayedhim, but pride forced him on.

  "I'll come again tonight," he said gloomily. "I'll meet youin--Milligan's?"

  "In Milligan's, then."

  Lord Nick, without a word of farewell, stamped across the hut and out.

  As for Donnegan, he stepped backward, his legs buckled beneath him, andwhen big George entered, with a scared face, he found the little manhalf sitting on the bunk, half lying against the wall with the face andthe staring eyes of a dead man.


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