I am so fortunate to have found the Pitch Wars community early on in my journey. Thank you to Brenda Drake and the incredible class of 2016. And to my mentor and dear friend, Heather Ezell: you gave me my very first yes and taught me so much. Thank you for your endless support, wisdom, and love.
To Cristin Terrill, Beth Revis, and the Wordsmith Workshops community, especially the 2018 Port Aransas group—thank you for all the brainstorming, feedback, and delicious food.
To my fellow 21wonders, I am grateful to be debuting with such a talented and supportive group of writers. I can’t wait to read all your books.
To everyone who read my earlier manuscripts, especially Peter Mountford—thank you for being so encouraging. Anthony and Sharlene—you believed in me before I believed in myself. Thank you.
To Julia Ember, Diya Mishra, Stephanie Brubaker, Nova McBee, #TeamElana, and my #mentorsonthemountain/sound friends. I am so thankful to be on the journey with you.
To my non–writer world friends who have cheered me on and supported me during this journey. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Endless love to you all.
My pup Doppler has sat by my side as I’ve written every single book and never once tired of her spot, even through five manuscripts and eight years. Infinite snuggles to my best girl.
Chip, you completed our family and gave us the most perfect group of best friends there ever was. You and Mir are our people. Thank you.
To my family, grandmother, and especially my parents. Mom and Dad, thank you for raising me to love books. Our Red Robin and Barnes & Noble dates are some of my favorite memories, and I’m so lucky to have had your support and encouragement all these years. I hope this book makes you proud. I love you.
Mir. What can I say that would ever convey the depth of my love and gratitude for you? You were my first soulmate, first cheerleader, first fan, and biggest support. This book would not exist without your ride-or-die love for me. I can’t believe how lucky we are. I love you.
To Tyler, my love. So much of this book was inspired by the way you love me. Thank you for calming my anxious mind, seeing me in every season, and making me so sure of being loved. From the first day we met, you believed I would get here. You gave me the space, time, and confidence to write this book, and I am forever thankful. I love you with everything.
And finally, to Jesus, for surrounding me in love and creating a world with so much magic.
About the Author
Rachel Griffin was born on the vernal equinox and is a proud spring witch. She has a deep love of nature, and when she isn’t writing, you can find her wandering the Pacific Northwest, reading by the fire, or drinking copious amounts of coffee and tea. Rachel has mentored in Pitch Wars since 2017 and became a certified weather spotter for the National Weather Service while doing research for this book. She lives in the Seattle area with her husband, small dog named Doppler, and growing collection of houseplants. The Nature of Witches is her debut novel. Visit her on social media at @TimesNewRachel or online at rachelgriffinbooks.com.
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