Arcade and the Golden Travel Guide

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Arcade and the Golden Travel Guide Page 1

by Rashad Jennings

  Also by Rashad Jennings

  The IF in Life


  Book 1: Arcade and the Triple T Token


  Arcade and the Golden Travel Guide

  Copyright © 2019 by Rashad Jennings, LLC

  Illustrations © 2019 by Rashad Jennings

  Requests for information should be addressed to:

  Zonderkidz, 3900 Sparks Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546

  Epub Edition July 2019 9780310767374

  * * *

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Jennings, Rashad, 1985-author. | Osborne, Jill, 1961-author.

  Title: Arcade and the golden travel guide / Rashad Jennings; with Jill Osborne.

  Description: Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zonderkidz, [2019] | Series: The coin slot chronicles; 2 | Summary: In Virginia for the summer, Arcade and his friends restore a local mini golf course and continue to follow the token on fantastic adventures, in spite of recent troubling incidents. |

  Identifiers: LCCN 2019010861 (print) | LCCN 2019014567 (ebook) | ISBN 9780310767374 () | ISBN 9780310767435 (hardback)

  Subjects: | CYAC: Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. | Miniature golf—Fiction. | Brothers and sisters—Fiction. | Friendship—Fiction. | Magic—Fiction.

  Classification: LCC PZ7.1.J4554 (ebook) | LCC PZ7.1.J4554 Ap 2019 (print) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

  LC record available at

  * * *

  Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Zonderkidz is a trademark of Zondervan.

  Illustrated by: Alan Brown

  Art direction: Cindy Davis

  Interior design: Denise Froehlich

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  Ebook Instructions

  In this ebook edition, please use your device’s note-taking function to record your thoughts wherever you see the bracketed instructions [Your Notes] or [Your Response]. Use your device’s highlighting function to record your response whenever you are asked to checkmark, circle, underline, or otherwise indicate your answer(s).

  To ALL kids and kids at heart . . .

  I trust that by now you’ve enjoyed book one of The

  Coin Slot Chronicles—Arcade and The Triple

  T Token. If you haven’t yet, there’s still time to get

  caught up. Believe me, we’re just getting started!

  I’d like to dedicate this second book to you, the

  readers. You are blessing me with the incredible

  privilege of introducing the world to the undying kid

  in me—Arcade Livingston. I assure you the Arcade

  in me is alive, well, and still thirsting for wisdom,

  knowledge, and understanding. And I am absolutely

  honored to have all of you along for the journey!

  I’d also like to give a shout out to my brothers

  Butch and Bryan, who always encourage me

  and challenge me to GO FOR IT!

  And last, I pray that something you read in this—

  the second book of Arcade’s incredible adventures—will

  help you in your own great quest to becoming the

  best version of yourself . . . Happy travels!


  Also by Rashad Jennings

  Chapter 1: Sideways

  Chapter 2: Home, Strange Home

  Chapter 3: Golf Stalkers

  Chapter 4: Triple T Transfer

  Chapter 5: Derek’s in Trouble

  Chapter 6: 20th Precinct

  Chapter 7: Return to Forest

  Chapter 8: Seeds

  Chapter 9: Visors Up!

  Chapter 10: Bridge View

  Chapter 11: Pot Pies and Pyramids

  Chapter 12: Sneaking Out

  Chapter 13: Journey Box

  Chapter 14: Sister Wrath

  Chapter 15: Clueing Them In

  Chapter 16: Suspicious Fivesome

  Chapter 17: Cinnamon Ride

  Chapter 18: Sprinkler Heads

  Chapter 19: The Low Life

  Chapter 20: Midnight Detective Session

  Chapter 21: More Bread!

  Chapter 22: Glow Golf

  Chapter 23: Go Golf

  Chapter 24: Namaste

  Chapter 25: Above and Beyond

  Chapter 26: Miss Gertrude

  Chapter 27: Building a Bridge

  Chapter 28: Scones and Cranes

  Chapter 29: Happy Birthday, Arcade

  Chapter 30: Sneaky, Good Plans

  Chapter 31: Raising Hopes and Windmills

  Chapter 32: Patch and Paint

  Chapter 33: Bridging the Gap

  Chapter 34: Over

  Chapter 35: The Last Plank

  Chapter 36: Breaking the News

  Chapter 37: The Big Surprise

  Chapter 38: Back at Bridgeview

  Chapter 39: Restore

  Discussion Questions


  Read the Excerpt from Arcade and the Golden Travel Guide Chapter 1: 102nd Floor



  Going UP or DOWN?”

  The voice blaring over the speaker in the elevator sounds a lot like . . . mine?

  Zoe, my older sister who begged me not to use the token this time, crosses her arms and leans against the elevator wall.

  “Arcade, you heard yourself. Are we going up or down?”

  I throw my hands up and stomp a foot. “I don’t know! I’ve never been given a choice before.”

  I feel for the gold chain around my neck. The Triple T Token is not hanging there now because I dropped it in the golden coin slot when glitter fell from the ceiling and elevator doors appeared in the living room of our brownstone.

  Yeeeeah. It’s been an unusual couple of months in New York City.

  Loopy, my chocolate-colored Shih-poo, jumps up and scrapes on my leg.

  “How did you get in here, Loopy?” I pick him up and he licks my chin. He has gold and silver glitter stuck to his ears.

  “UP or DOWN?” The voice on the speaker asks again.

  “Um . . . Zoe, which is better, up or down?”

  “Oh, so NOW you’re asking me? No way, bro, I’m not gonna be the one to make the decision that dumps us in the middle of Siberia.”

  “Siberia? That would be cool! Cold, actually. I read about it in a book once.” I pull Loopy in close and rub his neck with my chin.

; Zoe rolls her eyes and plops down cross-legged on the elevator floor. “So what’s your decision? Up? Or down?” She flings a hand in the direction of the doors. “All you have to do is push the right button.”

  I check out the elevator wall and my hands turn clammy. “ZOE!!! THERE’S ONLY ONE BUTTON!”

  “WHAT?” Zoe jumps up and feels around on all the walls. “Only one button? That figures. The Triple T ‘Transport to Trouble’ never disappoints.”

  “That’s not what the three Ts stand for.”

  “Then prove it.” Zoe sticks out her index finger and pokes the air. “MAKE. A. DECISION.”

  I stare at the one red button and scratch my head. “This is confusing.” Then, an idea hits and goosebumps pop out on my arms. “Hey, you think I could pick sideways?”

  Zoe waves her arms wildly. “Who knows? There’s only one button. Perhaps we could choose diagonal or circular . . . only it’s an elevator, Arcade, and elevators only go UP or DOWN!”

  “We? I thought you told me to decide.”

  Zoe sighs. “Leave it to you to think of something that’s not one of the choices.”

  I shrug. “It’s worth a try.” I take a deep breath. “I choose . . . SIDEWAYS!” I reach out and push the red button.

  Immediately, Zoe, Loopy, and I are thrown to the right side of the elevator as it speeds . . . SIDEWAYS!

  “OOOF!” I slide down to the floor, holding Loopy tight. “I don’t know where we’re going, boy. So when these doors open . . . if these doors open . . . don’t go running off. These adventures sometimes end in a—”


  A bright gold flash fills the car. The elevator screeches to a halt. Zoe, Loopy, and I tumble to the other side and slam against the wall.

  “OUCH!” Zoe lies in a heap on the floor.

  I blink and wait for the white spots in my vision to clear, then push myself up. “I told ya sideways would work.”

  Zoe straightens her glasses and glares at me. “Looks like we’ve arrived in Siberia.” She tightens the laces on her hot pink high tops and brushes glitter off her black leggings. “Too bad we didn’t bring coats.” She stands and waits for the doors to open.



  Home, Strange Home

  The doors part, and we step out onto a parking lot across the road from rolling countryside. Dark clouds loom in the distance, but it’s warm. No need for a coat.

  Loopy jumps out of my arms and sniffs around near my feet. I look around at the homes dotting the hills, surrounded by acres of green grass and shade trees.

  “Zoe, I think we’re back in Forest!”

  Forest, Virginia is where we lived until a couple months ago when we packed up our normal lives and moved to the craziness of the Upper West Side of New York City.

  Zoe stares at the view and stretches her arms above her head. “Beauty and humidity. I remember this. Glad I’m dressed appropriately.”

  “Well, your fashion choices are a little rough.” I laugh.

  Zoe punches me in the shoulder and then steps behind me. She covers my eyes with her hands. “Turn around.”

  I do a quick one-eighty, dragging Zoe behind me, and she removes her hands. We’re in the side parking lot of the old miniature golf course and arcade where my cousin, Derek, and I used to hang out. But wait . . . did they repaint? Because the colors on the building look brighter.

  “Forest Games and Golf.” Zoe rubs her upper arms. “Much warmer than Siberia. Shall we go check it out . . . or would you rather go sideways?”

  “Nah, I’m going in.” I pick up Loopy and head for the side entrance. I’ve always liked playing in the arcade, even if it is a little run-down.

  My jaw drops as we step in the door. The game room is packed! “Whoa, what happened to this place?”

  It’s a much different scene than the last time I was here. The games are all working! Ping-pong and air hockey tables are jammed with players. Big game consoles fill the room. And kids are lined up to play . . . pinball? The aroma of cardboard-crust pepperoni pizza hangs in the air, and people are even lined up for that!

  Zoe reaches up and pulls her glasses off her face. She opens her eyes wide and puts one hand on her hip. “Something’s . . . off.”

  I glance around at the crowd. “You got that right. These people’s clothing choices are way worse than yours.” I point to a guy in the pinball line. “Is he really wearing a denim hooded vest? It’s so weird it’s kinda cool.”

  Zoe grabs me by the arm and drags me out the front entrance. We both stand in awe of the mini-golf course.

  “That windmill is fixed.” I point to a windmill that’s been lying on its side over the creek as long as I’ve been coming to the place.

  Zoe shakes her head. “No, that windmill is new.”


  “Hey! Kid with the red glasses!”

  I put my hand up to adjust my red frames. Yep. He’s talking to me.

  An older, muscular guy with a little lighter skin than mine racewalks in my direction. He scowls. “Hey! No dogs allowed! Can’t you read?”

  “No dogs?” Oh, yeah, Loopy is still in my arms. He barks.

  “Get him out of here. Now!”

  The man points in the direction of the front entrance door where a sign about no dogs hangs. I hug Loopy closer to my chest. “I’m sorry, my dog just uh . . . followed me here.”

  The guy narrows his eyes at Loopy. “Dogs are a NUISANCE!” Then he steps back, his frown softening a bit. “I’ll make a deal with you. If you pay for a round of golf, you can keep him this once. But only outside! And don’t let him run around snapping at people’s heels and stealing their golf balls!” Then he stomps off.

  I look down at Loopy, who is panting, his tongue dripping saliva on the hot cement. “You hear that, Loop? Don’t snap or steal.”

  “Do we really have to play a round of mini-golf?” Zoe wrings her hands. “The game stresses me out. You hit the ball in a hole up at the top of the hill and have no control where it comes out at the bottom. It always spits me out on the wrong side of a barrier.”

  I hand Loopy to Zoe. “Here. I’ll go in and buy our games. Maybe my token will return and rescue you right in the middle of a bad shot.”

  The Triple T Token had been taking us on unpredictable adventures through the elevator doors since the old lady at the library gave it to me weeks ago. I still didn’t know exactly how everything worked, but I had learned this: when the token heats up and glitter falls from the sky, it’s best for everyone if I slip it in the golden coin slot right away. One time I didn’t, and all my underwear burned up.

  I pull open one of the double doors and jet over to the cashier line for the mini-golf games. Zoey’s right, something’s off with these people. The older teen boy in front of me in line is wearing a shiny green shirt with a HUGE collar. His date, a pretty girl who looks a little like Zoe but with big shoulder-length black hair, is wearing two pairs of socks—one scrunched on top of the other.

  “Clubs and scorecards are over there.” The cashier, a teenage girl wearing a purple blouse that makes her shoulders look puffy, directs the couple to the cart behind me.

  They turn, hold hands, and give each other charming smiles.


  “You’re going down, Dottie Jamison!” The boy is paying so much attention to his girlfriend that he bumps into me, causing me to drop my wallet.

  He reaches down to pick it up. “Sorry about that, kid.” He hands me the wallet and grabs the girl’s hand again, walking her to the cart to pick out their golf clubs.

  Dottie Jamison?

  Dottie Jamison is my mom’s maiden name!


  Golf Stalkers

  My legs get all shaky as I step up to the cashier to pay for two rounds of mini-golf.

  “Which course?” the girl with the really tall bangs and chunky jewelry asks as she chews half her gum. The other half sticks out the side of her mouth.

  “Uh, which course
are they playing?” I point to Dottie and her boyfriend, who are now walking out the double doors.

  “Windmill course. That’s a popular one. Might be a little bit of a wait at some of the holes.”

  “That’s okay.” I open my wallet to pull out some money. “How much?”

  The girl shifts the gum to the other cheek. “Two-fifty a round. So five bucks.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Really? That’s cheap!”

  She shrugs and chews. “Well, it’s not REAL golf, you know.”

  I throw a five-dollar bill on the counter. “Clubs and scorecards over there?” I point a thumb over my right shoulder.

  She winks. “You got it, genius.”

  I shove my wallet in my pocket, run for the clubs, balls, and scorecards, and take off to find Zoe.

  She’s right where I left her, holding Loopy. This time it’s my turn to grab her by the arm and drag her. “Let’s go. The course is getting crowded!”

  She puts on the brakes. “Whoa, what’s with all the mini-golf enthusiasm?”

  I pull a little harder, but she just leans back.

  “I have something important . . . to . . . show . . . you! Ugh, Zoe, why aren’t you moving! You’re so stubborn!”

  She pulls her arm away and puts her hand to her chest. “Me, stubborn? You should talk, Mr. Sideways.”

  Uggggggggh. Zoeeeeeeeee.

  I hold out a pink golf club to her. “Please. I want us to play behind a very interesting couple.”

  Zoe’s eyes perk up. “Big collar and two pairs of socks? I saw them come out. They were so cute, and obviously in love. They couldn’t take their eyes off each other.”

  “Yes, them!” I point over to the first hole of the windmill course, where the couple is getting ready to play. A family with five children has jumped in behind them.

  I grab Loopy from Zoe and turn to walk toward the hole. Loopy jumps down and runs over to Dottie’s boyfriend, who isn’t wearing any socks, and starts licking his ankles.

  “Aww, Abram, he likes you!” Dottie kneels down and scratches Loopy behind the ears.


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