Beyond the Darkness

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Beyond the Darkness Page 8

by Katie Reus

  Nyx lifted a delicate shoulder. “Just a guess. The way you two banter and you let her get away with anything. Plus you talk to her differently. It’s the way Rhea and Solon from the Stavros pack act with each other.”

  “They’re not related.”

  “I know, but they act like brother and sister. I don’t have any examples to go on with my own family so it was just a guess.”

  Bo wasn’t sure how he felt about anyone knowing personal information about him, but deep down he didn’t worry about Nyx using that knowledge against him. Even his demon side trusted her, and that was a rarity. “No one else knows.”

  Her big blue eyes widened. “Oh, I won’t say anything, I was just curious.” Then she gave him one of those sweet, shy smiles that made him feel like a complete monster for wanting someone so innocent. He also wondered just how damn innocent she was and how much it would take to get her naked and under him. “Now it’s your turn to ask a question.”

  “Why does your family want you back?” If he knew maybe he could figure out just what the hell type of supernatural being she was.

  Her smile and the light in her eyes dimmed and he wanted to punch himself in the face. Or maybe the nuts. Anything to make this erection go down.

  “They think they can force me into marriage.”

  An ancient Greek vase on a pedestal a few feet away exploded into a hundred pieces. Nyx gasped and swiveled, her eyes growing wide as the pieces froze in midair. Bo rolled his neck once, trying to ease the tension as he mentally ordered the pieces back together.

  When she looked back at him, her pretty face was a mask of confusion, but at least there was no fear. “You don’t have to worry, they won’t make me. They can’t.”

  He was fairly certain she misunderstood his reaction, which was fine with him. If she knew how fucked up he was over her, she’d have too much damn control over him. He held out an arm to her, ready to get the hell out of here and head to his club. “You sound sure of that.”

  She linked her arm through his, her long, elegant fingers resting on his forearm. He inhaled her sweet scent, trying not to be so obvious that he looked like a perv, but it was hard not to shudder at the feel of her touching him. However innocently. “My father’s side likes to ignore my mother’s heritage. In doing so they forget I’m more powerful than all of them.” Her words were said as fact without a trace of arrogance.

  He opened the front door since his Mercedes was already waiting. His other three vehicles were in his garage, but the Mercedes was classic, understated and more importantly, had bullet-resistant windows and magic-resistant spells on it. He wasn’t taking chances with Nyx’s safety. The scent of blooming magnolia trees filled the air as they stepped outside. He loved the scent of the Gulf Coast this time of year. After all his years on the earth, it was one of his favorites. Probably because it reminded him of his mother, who he missed every day. “That’s an interesting piece of information. Why tell me that?”

  “I trust you, Bo.” She smiled at him again, so open and trusting he didn’t know what the hell to do with the feelings that exploded inside him.

  She shouldn’t trust him. He was a monster who wanted to do wicked things to her. He’d make it perfect for her, make her crave him so she never wanted to walk away.

  “You trust me enough to tell me what you are?” he asked.

  Her grin turned cheeky. “I agreed to answer one question. If you want to know that, we’re going to bargain for it.”

  Bo could think of a lot he’d bargain just to know a shred of information about the innocent yet sensual woman holding onto his arm. “Bargain?”

  She nodded and for the briefest moment, her gaze flicked to his mouth before she glanced away, her cheeks flushing a faint shade of pink.

  Oh, hell. He couldn’t be sure what she was thinking, but if she was remotely interested in him… Bo tugged the car door open for her with more force than necessary. He couldn’t think about that now.

  He had a full night of work and other shit to take care of. He could worry about his plan to claim Nyx later.

  Chapter 8

  “This baby is a little heavier because of the silver-coated bullets, but it’s a beauty.” Solon picked up the next weapon he’d laid out on the table to show Bran, holding it out as if he was showing buried treasure.

  Bran hid his smile at the other male’s enthusiasm. Finn had sent more warriors out on patrol tonight because of what had happened at Bo’s club last night. Since Keelin had said she couldn’t go out with him tonight—and he couldn’t sit around waiting for her like a pathetic adolescent—he was going to scout out some areas in the city before meeting with the Moana Alpha in a few hours.

  “If you start making out with that thing I’m leaving,” Rhea muttered, arms crossed over her chest as she looked at Solon, though the adoration in her face was clear.

  Bran had seen them interact on more than one occasion—and the female was a truly impressive warrior, having taken down a dragon by herself—and he was certain Rhea viewed Solon as a little brother.

  Solon frowned at her, his dark eyes flashing in annoyance. “He asked to see my weapons.”

  “I don’t think he wanted you to start stroking your newest one and calling it ‘my precious’.”

  Bran couldn’t help but laugh as the male grumbled and tucked it into one of his shoulder holsters. Like a switch flipping, humor fled his body as he scented Keelin. He turned toward the entrance to the training room and two seconds later she appeared in the doorway.

  Dressed in all black—skintight pants and a tank top that should be illegal—her gray eyes widened in surprise as she took in the three of them and another four warriors at a neighboring table quietly talking among themselves. Bran had heard his brother’s mate Fia call Keelin one of the great beauties of the dragon race and it was true. Dressed in what he considered battle gear, Keelin was a wet dream come to life. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a tight braid against her head, the first time he’d seen it like that. All she needed was a couple weapons in hand and she’d fit right in with the warriors down in the training room.

  “Keelin,” Rhea said, breaking away from them before Bran could find his voice. “I totally forgot to tell you. Finn’s got us doing extra patrols so I can’t train you tonight. I’m so sorry.”

  “Train?” Bran asked, catching up with Rhea, his shoes sinking slightly into the training mats as he crossed the floor toward Keelin.

  She flicked him an unreadable glance. “Rhea’s showing me some physical defense moves.”

  Keelin was a dragon. A deadly force. He started to ask why, but after she’d been shot and nearly tortured by her cousin—and nearly killed—she must want to be able to defend herself from other supernaturals.

  Her cheeks flushed pink and she looked at him as if embarrassed. “She’s just teaching me about modern weapons and stuff,” she continued, even though he hadn’t responded.

  Rhea started to say more but Keelin glared at her, making the other female’s mouth snap shut in surprise.

  “Come on, Rhea, we’ve gotta go,” Solon said, striding past them, loaded down with hidden weapons. The male dropped a quick kiss on Keelin’s head as he passed, making Bran’s dragon flare to the surface, clawing and snarling, but he managed to lock his beast down.

  For now. Wolf shifters were naturally affectionate and it was clear many of them had taken a liking to Keelin. He couldn’t act like an ass because of a friendly overture.

  “I’m really sorry, Kee. I promise to make it up to you this week,” Rhea said.

  Keelin shook her head, smiling. “It’s okay.”

  “You coming Bran?” Rhea asked.

  He’d planned to head out with them, but… “Nah. I’ll let Finn know when I leave though.” As everyone started leaving the training and weapons room, Bran nodded at the mats. “Is she teaching you about weapons only or are you physically training?” Because her dress code indicated they were, and if anyone was going to be teaching Keelin
g hand-to-hand, it was him. No one else was touching her, and especially not another male.

  Surprising him, Keelin glanced down at her intertwined hands, as if embarrassed. “She’s teaching me self-defense in human form too.”

  “Why are you embarrassed?” he asked.

  When she met his gaze her embarrassment was even starker. “You obviously know about what happened to me since you were there,” she said, her voice filled with disgust. “Before that, before we even got to Montana, we were all attacked on the way there.”

  “By the Veles clan?” He’d heard about it.

  She nodded, her lips pulling into a thin line. “One of the Veles dragons attacked me. We were both in human form. He was so much stronger than me and I couldn’t shift with all the stress. Everything happened so fast and…” She swallowed hard and for a moment he saw shame in her eyes. Not being able to shift under stress wasn’t exactly rare, at least for a non-warrior, but it was clear she was angry at herself.

  “He hurt you?” His voice was raspy and hoarse, fear slicing through him without reprieve. He’d heard about the incident but hadn’t realized Keelin had been hurt.

  She shook her head. “No, but he tried to rape me.”

  Fire burned the back of Bran’s throat. That hadn’t been what he’d expected at all. “He’s dead?” Because if he wasn’t, that male was on borrowed time. Keelin straightened suddenly and inhaled, likely scenting his fire. Damn it. He toned it down.

  Her head tilted a fraction to the side as she studied him, but she nodded. “He’s dead, but it doesn’t change the fact that I want more training. I can’t always depend on my shifter side to protect me, especially if I’m attacked by another dragon. I’m not a warrior and I need to know everything I can about self-defense.”

  Bran nodded in agreement. “That’s smart.”

  She seemed surprised by his statement, her eyes flashing that silvery color. “You agree?”

  “Of course. If you want I can help train you tonight. Just tell me what you and Rhea have been going over and we’ll start there. I can even show you how to flip a supernatural male onto his back.” If he got to touch her while training, that was just a bonus.

  She placed her hands on her hips, her expression unbelieving. “Even an Alpha?”

  He’d let her flip him onto his back any time she wanted if it involved her riding him soon after. “Yep. You’re small so people will underestimate you. You can use that to your advantage in any battle. Flipping someone or taking them off guard isn’t enough but once you’ve stunned someone enough to push them off balance, you have options.” Keelin seemed pleased by that.

  “Thank you,” she said quietly, her arms loosening at her sides.

  “For what?”

  “For treating me like an equal.” She headed for the nearest mat, her movements lithe and as quiet as any predator he’d ever seen.

  Her words were interesting and something he filed away. He was starting to understand the female more. She said she didn’t want a mate, but what she didn’t want was to be in chains or treated like she was weak or less than anyone. Bran would never to do that to her. He’d just have to show her.

  As she stood there, bouncing from foot to foot on the mat he wondered if she was a little nervous. He hoped not because of him. “Tell me what you’ve learned so far.”

  “Mainly we’ve gone over every weapon known to man. I honestly probably won’t ever need to use them and they feel a little offensive to my dragon, but Rhea is very thorough.”

  Bran understood. Their animal natures were separate but at the same time dual. Using a weapon when they were living, breathing weapons made no sense to their animal side.

  “Other than that she’s taught me how to get out of bad situations when I’m in human form. It’s only been a couple weeks and only when she can fit me in to her schedule so I have a lot to learn.”

  “So all defense?”


  “Okay, tonight we’ll do something with simple offense. And I wasn’t kidding about you flipping a male. You’re actually the right size for this move.”

  She smiled at him again and he wondered if she had an issue with her size. She was smaller than any dragon he’d ever met but to him she was perfect. He loved the way she fit right up against him.

  “If you wanted to attack me in human form, how would you do it? Without your fire.” Because some creatures, not just dragons, could protect themselves from dragon fire. It was always temporary spell stuff, but she was right, she needed every weapon in her arsenal. He tensed, straightening his stance readying for an attack. He doubted she could hurt him, but he wanted to see her technique, if she even had one.

  Looking impossibly unsure she bit her bottom lip. “I don’t know how I’d do it.”

  “Oh.” He immediately relaxed and took a step forward, ready to show her some surefire moves when she pounced, moving lightning fast and ramming into his middle in a tackle.

  She’d taken him off guard and her follow through was decent, but he instinctively grabbed her and flipped her onto her back, covering her body with his as they slammed against the mat. If she’d been a true enemy there were half a dozen ways he’d end her life now.

  That was the farthest thing from his mind as his gaze dipped to her mouth. The feel of her under him had his entire body going rock hard. Their bodies were perfectly aligned for raw fucking, something he shouldn’t be thinking about. But it was damn hard not to. He rolled his hips once, his erection impossible to hide. She sucked in a breath and her eyes went heavy-lidded as she watched him.

  Though he wanted more than anything to lean down and capture her mouth, making sure she could protect herself was more important than anything. He met her fiery gaze again, completely ensnared by this female. He cleared his throat, forcing himself to get his shit together. “Acting innocent or weak is smart,” he said, impressed by what she’d just done. “Now I’m going to teach you how to actually take down an opponent.”

  About an hour later Keelin’s body was damp with sweat as adrenaline pumped through her. If only she could flip the obnoxious male in front of her. But he’d stripped off his shirt and she was finding the sight of his bare, oh-so-muscular chest a distraction. It was affecting all her senses, both visual and sensory because every time she touched him, her brain went haywire.

  “You can do it,” he insisted, watching her with those green eyes, a mix of lust and frustration in his gaze.

  She figured he was annoyed with her for not flipping him yet. He’d shown her the move too many times to count and she understood the dynamics, but every time she slid into his body and embraced him she wanted to wrap her legs around him and kiss him senseless. She blamed her inner dragon.

  “Again.” There was a bite of authority in his voice as he practically growled at her.

  Letting out a growl of her own, she rushed him. The second her arms entangled around him she had to bite back a groan. She knew what she was supposed to do but his dark scent invaded her senses as she wrapped one arm around him. Instead of finishing the final few steps, she inhaled deeply, feeling almost drugged by that scent.

  “Damn it, Keelin.” He didn’t bother flipping her this time.

  “I know I can do it,” she said, feeling the need to defend herself. “I don’t think that’s the problem.”

  Hands on hips with no shoes or socks on—he’d taken them off almost immediately—he stood a few feet in front of her, the mat slightly depressing under his weight. “What’s the problem?”

  “You. All shirtless and stuff. My dragon won’t let me fight you.” Oh, God. It was so embarrassing even admitting it. She needed to spar with someone else to test out her theory.

  “Huh.” He watched her then, his expression curious—and a tiny bit smug. “I believe that.”


  He nodded, that sexy gaze dropping to her mouth and the scent of his lust filling the room. She had a feeling he’d been holding off until now but had apparentl
y decided to let his control slip because that scent was so overwhelming she was ready to strip right there. “Every time I flip you onto your back I don’t feel like I’m training you.”

  Before she could respond she scented someone else nearby. Turning toward the entrance she smiled when she saw Spiro, one of the warriors entering. He had on sweatpants and nothing else. “Hey, Spiro. You’re not out patrolling?”

  He shook his head. “I was on the day shift. Have you guys seen a black hoodie with a wolf on the front lying around here?” he asked, heading for a cluster of rowing machines.

  “No… Hey, would you mind sparring with me for a sec?” she asked, ignoring the way Bran stiffened next to her.

  Spiro glanced over from the workout machines, an amused expression on his face. “You want to spar?”

  “Bran’s taught me some new moves and I want to try one out.”

  Spiro looked at Bran, then her, before bending down to pick up a discarded hoodie tucked behind one of the rowers. “Why don’t you wait until Rhea’s back?” There was something in his voice that rankled her.

  Keelin crossed her arms over her chest. “Why?”

  Looking uncomfortable, Spiro rubbed a hand over his dark hair. “She’s a female.”

  “And you think you’re stronger than Rhea?”

  “I didn’t say that and no—but don’t tell her that—it’s just, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Feeling insulted, Keelin pasted on a smile and remembered everything Bran had taught her. “I understand. It’s okay if you don’t want your ass kicked by a female. I get it.”

  Spiro stiffened then rolled his eyes. “You’re not baiting me that easily.”

  “Let him go, Keelin,” Bran murmured. “I don’t think it’s a gender thing. He’s just afraid of dragons.”

  That was apparently the right thing to say. Spiro dropped the hoodie and stalked to the middle of the mat. “All right. Show me what you’ve got.” His body was coiled tight as he faced off with her.

  Keelin looked at Bran and raised her eyebrows. She could tell he didn’t want to, but he stepped back, moving off the mat and giving them space. When she looked back at Spiro she smiled sweetly. “You’ll have to bear with me. I’m still trying to get some of the mechanics of these moves down.”


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