Beyond the Darkness

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Beyond the Darkness Page 11

by Katie Reus

  Finally the female looked at Keelin again, her gaze curious. “Since Bran is apparently too rude to introduce us, I’m Nalani.”

  Keelin nodded politely, manners drilled into her from a young age. “I’m Keelin Petronilla.”

  At that, Nalani’s eyebrows raised. “I thought you looked familiar. You bear a striking resemblance to your mother.”

  “You’ve met her?” That meant this female was seriously old.

  She nodded. “Centuries ago. She is very strong.” That was apparently all she was going to say on the matter because she turned back to Bran. “My clan has a home not far from here. We will have the meeting there. The humans will notice this fire soon so we should go. One of my men can drive the vehicle out front. I assume it’s yours?”

  “It is and I will drive it myself.” There was no give in Bran’s voice.

  Nalani flicked a lock of her long, dark hair back over her shoulder. “Fine. One of my men will go with you.” Just like with Bran, there was no give in her voice either.

  Jaw clenched tight, Bran nodded, but his entire demeanor was hard. Without looking at Keelin or touching her, he motioned that she should walk ahead of him.

  She felt strangely hurt that he wasn’t touching her or claiming her in front of the other female, but she didn’t say anything. Just headed toward the waiting SUV. Even though she had a dozen questions she knew she wouldn’t be able to ask them. Not if they were going to have a freaking shadow in their vehicle.

  She really wanted to get to the bottom of whatever had just happened. Because demons appearing like that out of nowhere, was insane.

  Chapter 11

  Naram wanted to scream at the sky. He was too weak, however. And if he did, he’d reveal himself to the nearby dragons. Across the street from the burning beach house, he stood on an empty lot overgrown with grass.

  He’d wasted so much energy—so much blood—on those stupid fucking demons. He’d sent them directly into the home in a surprise attack. Using his gift of magic he’d done what only two types of beings could do. He’d released those demons without using a Hell Gate.

  Now he would pay for the expenditure of energy. Even if he’d had all his powers back that type of action would have drained him. But since he’d used magic and the assistance of dragon blood, he was useless.

  It would take him a day or two to completely recover. Time he shouldn’t have to waste because of the incompetence of those demons. As it was he was barely keeping his eyes open. The blackness of sleep beckoned to him and he needed to return to his shelter so he’d be protected. His castle was his only safe haven. His entire body felt like one giant bruise.

  “Perhaps it’s a good thing,” Shar murmured, low enough for his ears only.

  “How?” Even talking took too much energy, but he didn’t want to reveal that to Shar. He liked the young demon well enough, but he also understood that Shar followed him only because of what Naram could give him. There was no mercy for the weak in this world. If he proved an incapable leader Shar would leave him.

  “You expended a lot of energy,” he said quietly, mirroring Naram’s own thoughts. “Even if they’d killed the male there’s no guarantee we would have been able to take her on. Not if she was in her animal form. So Akkadians aren’t useful to us but you’ll find another way. Perhaps a binding spell or a form of dark magic to restrain her.”

  “That is…a good point.” He tightened his jaw, trying to hide his slurred speech. His muscles were starting to tremble as blackness crept in on him. In his weakened state he wasn’t thinking clearly, but the male was correct. Being so drained he wouldn’t have been able to defeat her anyway. Not unless she’d been truly weakened by the Akkadian demons.

  He thought about what Shar proposed, but a binding spell on another supernatural being, especially one as strong as a dragon, was exceptionally difficult. Impossible really. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t use other dark magic on her.

  Naram just needed to figure out her weakness, what would work on her. Because everyone had a weakness. He would find it, then destroy her. And take back what belonged to him.

  * * *

  Keelin glanced around the open pool area of the mansion the Moana clan had taken them to. The cabana they were under had striped gold and bronze curtains billowing in the light breeze and someone had brought them a bottle of champagne. As if this was some sort of social visit. The place was impressive though and Keelin could appreciate the art she’d seen on the way in.

  The Alpha had been telling the truth, it wasn’t far from the home they’d just burned to a crisp. If she strained she could just hear the sound of sirens in the distance. Probably because of the fire.

  Now she and Bran were sitting on what she guessed was custom-made outdoor furniture. The heavy wood seats with plush cushions were comfortable and the type of material that would weather any storm. Not that she cared.

  The Alpha female was still keeping them waiting. It had only been ten minutes since they’d arrived but it felt rude. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was intentional.

  “Power play?” Keelin murmured to Bran, who sat directly next to her. It could be the only reason the stupid female was doing this.

  He snorted, his laid-back pose casual and deceptively unassuming. They’d chosen a loveseat under the awning to sit on together and he’d thrown his arm around the back of her seat. He still hadn’t touched her, not since they’d left the burning house, and she wasn’t sure why. He shouldn’t be angry with her for any reason so that couldn’t be it.

  She didn’t know how he could be so relaxed when they had stuff to do. Since that Moana dragon had rode with them on the way here they hadn’t been able to communicate much with the Stavros pack. Though she had sent a mass of texts to Finn telling him exactly where they were going. So if the Moana clan attacked them, his pack would tell her and Bran’s clans and there would be hell to pay from a whole lot of people. Still, they needed to let Finn know everything else that had happened.

  When Bran squeezed her shoulder she looked over in surprise, even as she felt immense pleasure from that soft touch. “What?”

  “Let’s go. This is bullshit. They need my help, not the other way around.” He started to stand but just as he did, Nalani emerged from the sliding glass doors of the house—topless.

  Seriously? She wore a long skirt of some sort of mesh material that was completely sheer, gold bangles on her wrists and ankles so that she jangled every time she moved, and no freaking top. That was just obnoxious. Keelin wondered if she was doing it for Bran’s sake. With such a beautiful female displaying herself she couldn’t help but feel insecure. And pissed.

  “Don’t get up on my account.” Nalani waved a dismissive hand in the air.

  “I’m not. We’re leaving.” Bran’s voice was hard and unforgiving. Keelin had never heard that tone before but it sent a shiver down her spine.

  Keelin inwardly smiled that the female’s breasts didn’t seem to be a distraction to Bran.

  Apparently his tone had the same effect on the other female. She straightened and picked up her pace, her breasts moving as sensually as she did. Keelin hoped Bran wasn’t checking the female out but refused to look at him.

  “Please stay.” Nalani held out her hands in a peaceful gesture. “I had clan business to attend to. I wasn’t trying to be rude.” Her words sounded sincere but Keelin wasn’t sure she bought the excuse.

  Something about this female rubbed her the wrong way. Of course that probably had a lot to do with the way Nalani had been checking out Bran, and now was flaunting her bare breasts at him.

  He paused but sat back down. This time his demeanor wasn’t casual, but that of a predator poised and ready to strike. “How many of your clan are missing?”

  The other Alpha sat too. “Four, but one is dead, as you know, so I’ve lost five.”

  Bran hadn’t discussed much on the phone with her because the Alpha female had been resistant to talking at all. Now that he’d met her he f
ound himself impossibly annoyed at her rudeness. “Do you know anything about the carvings on the dead female?” he asked, wanting to take her off guard. Bran hadn’t revealed specifics of what he knew on the phone, just that he knew dragons were disappearing and that he wanted a meeting.

  Her blue eyes started to glow as she watched him. “We don’t know the origins of them. Not even me so they must be truly ancient. Now tell me how you know about them.” It was subtle but he heard the razor’s edge of authority in her voice.

  Bran wasn’t telling this female shit. He shrugged. “I make it my business to know when my kind are being threatened. What can you tell me about the ones who have gone missing? Habits, places they liked to visit, anything important.”

  “Why should I?” she demanded.

  He shrugged. “You don’t have to. I’m here because I want to help but if you won’t share information, I’m gone. No skin off my back.”

  Her jaw clenched, her eyes flashing bright blue. “You’re just as obnoxious as your father was.”

  Bran’s father had been obnoxious, arrogant and extremely powerful so that wasn’t exactly an insult. “What’s your point?”

  “You just expect me to share information with you in return for nothing?”

  “Not nothing. I hope to help discover who’s taking your clan members.”

  “For what end?”

  “What the hell do you think? To fucking stop them.” Like he needed to explain himself.

  To his surprise, the other Alpha half-smiled and leaned back against her cushioned seat, seemingly more at ease. “Good. I have a file on each missing dragon I will have one of my men send to your email.” She looked toward the back of the house. “Now,” she continued. Though he couldn’t see anyone, he knew her warriors were lurking nearby. He scented at least a dozen. “One of my clan members sent a message to August McGuire about my dead clan member. I’m assuming he’s the one who sent you?”

  It took a lot to surprise him, but her question did. Next to him Keelin shifted restlessly, but he kept his focus off her. He’d been forcing himself not to touch her or make any outward possessive gestures since the moment the Moana dragons had arrived. He wasn’t sure that he trusted them yet—or ever would—and didn’t want them to know Keelin meant so much to him. It could make her a target if they wanted to hurt him. Because seeing Keelin hurt, especially because of him, would gut him.

  “You know August?” he asked, refusing to commit one way or another.

  “I know of him. If I hadn’t wanted him to find my female, he wouldn’t have.” That deadly edge was back, the power rippling off her fiercely.

  He hoped he never had to find out which of them was stronger. He’d fought in enough battles and he hated fighting his own kind. Their lives were precious enough and it went against his nature.

  “The female who was killed…was she involved with anyone? Have any ties to demons?”

  Nalani paused for a moment but shook her head. “She wasn’t mated or seeing anyone. Not seriously anyway. She slept with whoever she chose, mostly humans. She found them amusing. And she liked to frequent the half-demon’s club in Biloxi.”

  Bran kept his expression neutral. “Bo Broussard’s club?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  That was interesting but could mean nothing. As far as Bran knew Bo’s place was the only supernatural-only club in the area. There were a lot in New Orleans but that was an hour and a half away.

  “I’m acquainted with Bo, as is Keelin,” he said, nodding to her. “If it’s acceptable to you, I’ll show him the pictures of all the missing dragons you send me.” He’d be doing it anyway but figured he should show some good will and let her in on it. Bo would have many contacts, as well as the Stavros pack, and Bran was going to use every resource at his disposal.

  “Thank you. I’ve done enough research on the half-demon that I don’t think he would be involved in anything so treacherous as taking dragons. He enjoys his life. And I don’t think he’s powerful enough anyway.”

  Bran nodded, agreeing. The half-demon was powerful but incapacitating a dragon shifter was difficult, especially if they were of the warrior class.

  She cleared her throat then, her gaze flicking curiously to Keelin, then back to him. “I’ve heard there are talks of alliances between dragon clans.”

  It wasn’t a question but he was under the impression she was asking something. “Yes. My clan and Keelin’s have been working together and will continue to do so.”

  “You have also been talking with the Stavros pack.” Now her gaze switched completely to Keelin. “You live with them.”

  So the Alpha had known who Keelin was before she’d introduced herself earlier.

  “At the moment.” Keelin’s answer was succinct, her body language making it clear she was uncomfortable.

  All the more reason for them to get out of there. He’d gotten the information he’d come for.

  The female nodded once, her expression still unreadable as she turned that laser-like focus back on him. “I don’t scent that you two are mated.” The bold statement was clear she referred to them being mated to each other.

  “We’re not.” Yet. Because Bran had every intention of locking down the female next to him. Originally it had been a purely primal reaction to her, something he didn’t fully understand, but now that he’d gotten to know her, Bran wasn’t walking away from Keelin. He cared way too much for his own sanity.

  Next to him Keelin went impossibly still, her scent becoming completely unreadable. His inner dragon clawed at him, not liking the distance she was putting between them, not understanding her reaction.

  Nalani nodded, more to herself than him. “I’m looking to form an alliance. A strong one.” Her fingers trailed almost absently between her breasts, the action probably meant to be sensual. Her intent was very clear. She was looking to mate with another clan’s Alpha.

  He gritted his teeth at the display. She could look and tempt all she wanted, but he was interested in only one female. He hated that she was pulling this shit in front of Keelin. He didn’t think she was being disrespectful to Keelin on purpose since they hadn’t made public claims on each other, but he still didn’t like it. Bran stood, needing to get him and Keelin the hell out of there. “We have leads to follow up on, but I thank you for your hospitality.”

  Keelin and Nalani stood at almost the same time. Both women smiled politely at each other and murmured equally polite goodbyes, then Nalani asked Keelin if she could set up a meeting with the Petronilla Alpha. Keelin, to his amusement, was very vague with her answer, refusing to commit to anything, her expression hard, the sharp glint in her bright eyes unmistakable.

  They were escorted back through the house to the front where his SUV was still parked. The long wraparound driveway led to an iron gate, much like the one the Stavros pack had. This property was just as private and screamed of wealth. Like most dragons, the Moana clan clearly had high living standards.

  Even though he knew they weren’t alone, not truly, once it was just the two of them by his SUV, he said, “I think we should head to Bo’s club.”

  “Do you?” The bite of sarcasm to her question took him off guard. Before he could answer, Keelin started stripping. His dick immediately hardened as she revealed perfect pink nipples and full rounded breasts. But she barely glanced at him.

  Wait… “What are you doing?” he demanded as quietly as he could, not wanting to draw any undue attention to them.

  “I’ll fly. You can fucking drive by yourself,” she snapped, stalking away from him and shifting before he could say a damn word.

  He’d rarely heard her say the word fuck so he knew she was pissed but he couldn’t understand why. Maybe it was because Nalani had been half-naked? But it wasn’t as if he’d been staring at the other female. And it wasn’t as if he could have asked their host to cover up. Though every possessive fiber of him wanted to stalk after Keelin and follow he knew he couldn’t show any sort of weakness in fron
t of the Moana dragons he had absolutely no doubt were watching them. If he chased after her they’d note it. Until he was mated to Keelin he couldn’t let these unknown dragons be privy to anything that could possibly harm her.

  A strange sensation of joy surged through him as he watched her shift. She was so fucking beautiful it almost hurt his eyes. Her jade wings glittered under the moonlight, her sleek body a burst of diamond-colored scales that twinkled riotously. She looked over her shoulder at him, her gray eyes glowing with barely concealed rage. She snapped her jaw at him once before launching into the sky and disappearing completely from view.

  Damn it. He jumped into the SUV, knowing she’d beat him to the club in her dragon form. He didn’t want her unprotected and he was going to get to the bottom of whatever her problem was. Which he was pretty sure had to do with the half-naked Alpha he couldn’t have done anything about. Fucking females.

  Chapter 12

  Keelin couldn’t stop the rage pulsing through her. For the first time in memory she actually had to rein her dragon side in from breathing fire at anything and everything. But mainly at Bran. Leaving him behind had been the best decision.

  He could just drive himself to Bo’s and hope she was there when he arrived. If he would even care. She couldn’t believe the way he’d basically ignored her that whole time.


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