The Pony Rider Boys in Texas; Or, The Veiled Riddle of the Plains

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The Pony Rider Boys in Texas; Or, The Veiled Riddle of the Plains Page 12

by Frank Gee Patchin



  "We will move to-morrow shortly after daybreak," announced the foremanat supper that night.

  "Will you put me on the fourth guard this evening, Mr. Stallings?" askedTad Butler.

  "You take the fourth guard? A cowpuncher who hasn't had a wink in morethan two days? Why, I wouldn't ask a steer to do that! No kid, you rollup in your blankets and sleep until the cook routs you out forbreakfast."

  "I'll take my trick just the same. I can sleep at home when I get back.I don't want to miss a minute of this fun," returned Tad.

  "Fun--he calls it fun!" grunted Lumpy.

  "It's just the beginning of the fun," answered Big-foot. "I knew thingswould begin to happen when we got near the Nueces."

  "Why?" asked Ned Rector.

  "I don't know. There seems to be some queer influence at work roundthese parts. Last time I was over this part of the trail we had astampede almost every night for a week. Two months ago I heard of anoutfit that lost more'n half its stock."

  "How about it, Mr. Stallings?" laughed Tad. "Are you superstitious,too?"

  The boys noted that the foreman frowned and would not answer at once.

  "Not exactly. Big-foot means the adobe church of San Miguel."

  "What's that?" interrupted Chunky.

  "An old Mexican church on the plains. Probably hasn't been used for ahundred years or more. You boys will have a chance to explore the place.It's not far from the Ox Bow ranch, where we take in another herd. Weshall be there a couple of days or so until the cattle get acquainted.Besides, we shall have to buy some fresh ponies. Four of ours broketheir legs in the stampede and had to be shot."

  "Oh, that's too bad," answered Tad. "I'm sorry. I don't like to see ahorse get hurt."

  "No more do I, Master Tad. But in this business it is bound to happen. Ithink we shall be able to get some green bronchos. They usually have abunch of them at the Ox Bow ranch. You will see some fun when we breakthem in," laughed the foreman.

  "I think I should like to take a hand in that myself. But I am anxiousto hear more about the haunted church."

  "Who said anything about a haunted church?" demanded Stacy Brown.

  "The gopher is right. The church isn't haunted. It just happens thatcowmen fall into a run of hard luck in that neighborhood now and then."

  "Do you believe in spooks, Mr. Stallings!" asked Walter.

  "Never having seen one, I don't know whether I do or not. Were I to seeone I might believe in them," laughed the foreman.

  "I saw a ghost once," began Stacy Brown.

  "Never mind explaining about it," objected Ned. "We'll take your wordfor it and let it go at that."

  Tad Butler had gotten into a fresh change of clothes after having takena bath in a wash tub behind the trail wagon. His wounds pained him, andhe was sleepy, so the lad turned in shortly after his supper, and wassoon sound asleep.

  Nothing occurred to disturb the camp that night, and when finally Tadwas awakened to take his watch, it seemed as if he had been asleep onlya few minutes. However, he sprang up wide awake and ready for the workahead of him. As usual, he went out with Big-foot. A warm friendship hadsprung up between the big cowboy and Tad Butler. They were together muchof the time when their duties permitted.

  "Is there any truth in that spook story?" asked Tad, as the two rodeslowly out to where the herd was bedded down.

  Big-foot hesitated.

  "You can call it whatever you want to. I only know that things happen tomost every outfit that gets within a hundred miles of the place. Why,out at the Ox Bow ranch, they have the worst luck of any cattle place inthe state. If it wasn't for the fact that they keep their cows fenced inwith wire fences, they wouldn't have a critter on the place."

  "But, I don't understand," protested Tad. "I don't seem to get itthrough my head what it is that causes all the trouble you tell meabout."

  "No more does anybody else. They just know that hard luck is lyingaround waiting for them when they get near and that's all they knowabout it."

  "When shall we be near there?" asked Tad Butler.

  "We are near enough now. Our troubles have begun already. Herdstampeded. Ponies broke their legs and had to be shot. Nobody knows whatelse will break loose before we get a hundred miles further on."

  "I am anxious to see the place," commented Tad.

  "You won't be after you've been there. I worked on a cow herd near theplace two years ago."


  "Well, I got out after I'd been pitched off my pony and got a brokenleg. That was only one of the things that happened to me, but it wasenough. I got out. And here I am running my head right into troubleagain. Say, kid!"


  "You'd better ask the Herr Professor to let you carry a gun. You'll needit."

  "What for--to lay ghosts with?" laughed the boy.

  "Well, mebby something of that sort."

  "Don't need it. I guess my fists will lay out any kind of a ghost that Irun against. If they won't, no gun will do any good. I don't believe ina boy's carrying a pistol in his pocket. It will get him into moretrouble than it will get him out of."

  "Well, that's some horseback sense," grunted Big-foot. "I never built upagainst that idee before, but I reckon it's right. We don't need 'emmuch either, except to frighten the cows with when they start on astampede, and----"

  "It doesn't seem to stop them," retorted Tad, with a little malicioussmile. "It strikes me that a boy without a gun can stop a runaway herdabout as quickly as can a cowboy with one."

  "Right again, my little pardner. Scored a bull's-eye that time. I guessBig-foot Sanders hasn't any call to be arguing with you."

  "We were talking about spooks," the boy reminded him. "I am anxious tosee that church. I've wanted to see one all my life----"

  "What? A church?"

  "No; a spook."

  "Oh! Can't promise to show you nothing of the sort. But I'll agree tostack you up against a run of hard luck that will make you wobbly onyour legs."

  "That will be nothing new, Big-foot. I've had that already."

  "Sure thing. That's the beginning of the trouble. As I was sayingbefore, we don't need the guns for any other reason unless it's againstcattle rustlers. Sometimes they steal cattle these days, but not so muchas they did in the early days of the cattle business."

  "Think we will meet any rustlers?" asked Tad, with sudden interest.

  "Nary a rustler will tackle this herd. First place, we are not yet inthe country where they can work profitably----"

  "Where's that?"

  "Oh, anywhere where there's mountains for them to hide in. I'll show youwhere the rustlers used to work, when we get further along on the trail.But, as I was saying, there are no rustlers hereabouts."

  "Oh," answered Tad Butler, somewhat regretfully.

  "You never mind about hunting trouble. Trouble is coming to this outfitgood and plenty, and I reckon a kid like you will be in the middle ofit, too. You ain't the kind that goes sneaking for cover when things arelively. I saw that the other night. Stallings is going to write to BossMiller about the way you stuck to the herd when it ran away."

  "What for?"

  "I dunno. Guess 'cause he knows it'll make the old man smile. We boyswill come in for an extra fiver at the end of the trip, for saving theherd, I reckon."

  "That's where you have the best of me," laughed Tad. "No fives for me. Iget my pay out of the fun I am having. I think I am overpaid at that.Well, so long, Big-foot," announced the lad as they finally reached theherd.

  "So long," answered the cowman, turning his pony off to take theopposite side of the sleeping cattle. In a few moments Tad heard hisstrident voice singing to the herd again.

  The hours passed more quickly than had been the case the last time Tadwas on guard, for he had much to think of and to wonder over.

  Daybreak had arrived almost before he knew it and the call for breakfastsounded across the plain.

  As soon as he had
been relieved, Tad Butler galloped back to camp,bright-eyed and full of anticipation, both for the meal and for the ridethat was before them that day.

  Corn cakes were on the bill of fare that morning and the Pony Ridersshouted with glee when they discovered what Pong had prepared for them.

  "Bring on the black strap," called Stallings.

  Stacy Brown glanced at the foreman suspiciously.

  "Why do you want a black strap for breakfast?" he demanded.

  "To put on the corn cakes of course, boy," laughed Stallings.

  "I've heard of using a black strap to hitch horses with----"

  "And to correct unruly boys," added Professor Zepplin.

  "But I never did hear of eating it on corn cakes."

  Everybody laughed at Chunky's objection.

  "You will eat this strap when you see it," answered Stallings, taking ajug from the hands of the Chinaman and pouring some of its contents overthe cakes on his plate.

  "What is it!" asked Ned Rector.

  "Molasses. It's what we call black strap. Help yourselves. Never mindthe gopher there. He never eats black straps for breakfast," the foremanjeered.

  "Here, I want some of that," demanded Stacy, half-rising and reachingfor the jug. "My, but it's good!" he decided with his mouth full.

  "That's all right," answered Walter. "But please do not forget thatthere are some others in this outfit who like cakes and molasses. Pleasepass that jug this way."

  "Yes, the pony won't be able to carry him to-day if he keeps on for tenminutes more, at the rate he's been going," laughed Ned Rector. "I neverdid have any sort of use for a glutton."

  "Neither did I," added Chunky solemnly, at which both Pony Riders andcowboys roared with laughter.

  "Going to be another scorcher," decided the foreman, rising andsurveying the skies critically. "We shall not be able to make very goodtime, I fear."

  "When do you expect to reach the Nueces River?" asked the Professor.

  "I had hoped to get there by to-morrow. However, it doesn't look as ifwe should be able to do so if it comes off so hot."

  "Is the Nueces a large river?" asked Walter.

  "Sometimes. And it is a lively stream when there happens to be a freshetand both forks are pouring a flood down into it. We will try to bed downnear the river and you boys can have some sport swimming. Do all of youswim?"

  "Yes," they chorused.

  "That's good. The cowpunchers will have a time of it, too."

  "I can float," Stacy Brown informed him eagerly.

  "So could I if I were as fat as you. I could float all day," retortedNed Rector. "You couldn't sink if you were to fill your pockets withstones. There is some advantage in being fat, anyway."

  "He didn't seem to float the day he fell in among the steers," said oneof the cowboys.

  "That isn't fair," interrupted Stallings. "The steers put the gopherunder, that day. Any of you would have gone down with a mob of cowspiling on top of you."

  "The river is near the church you were telling me about, isn't it?"inquired Tad of Big-foot in a low tone.

  Sanders nodded solemnly.

  Tad's eyes sparkled eagerly. He finished his breakfast rather hurriedlyand rose from the table. As he walked away he met the horse wranglerbringing the day ponies. The lad quickly saddled his own mount after alively little struggle and much squealing and bucking from the pony.

  Tad was eager to reach the river and get sight of the mysterious churchbeyond. Yet, he did not dream of the thrilling experiences that wereawaiting them all at the very doors of the church of San Miguel.


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