Tempting Elizabeth

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Tempting Elizabeth Page 12

by Becca Jameson

  Flynn was wearing black jeans, a black T-shirt, and black shoes. Even the paddle he was using on Belinda was black. He kept one hand settled on her shoulder while he spanked her in a slow rhythm, back and forth between her butt cheeks. Her skin grew pinker by the minute, and Elizabeth’s cheeks felt like they probably matched.

  Shit. She was jealous. Jealous of his time. Jealous that another woman was enjoying his touch. Dammit. Jealousy had no role in Elizabeth’s life.

  For a moment, she wondered if he would touch Belinda intimately and then realized that was incredibly unlikely. In the next instant, Elizabeth understood why Flynn had been so curt with her earlier. If he’d felt half of what she was feeling right now, his fingers would have been itching to touch her.

  She couldn’t bring herself to walk away. Instead, she remained, frozen in her spot, watching him dominate this woman who was not Elizabeth. She wouldn’t even permit herself to look away. It was only fair that she should watch the way he’d watched her earlier.

  Yeah, they needed to talk.

  And Elizabeth needed to think really hard about what she wanted from him because right now, all she knew was that if he didn’t dominate her again soon, she might self-combust.

  Elizabeth didn’t breathe fully until Flynn ended the scene. She watched as he led Belinda to a loveseat, wrapped her in a blanket, and settled her on his lap.

  She still couldn’t convince herself to move, and she wanted to kick herself when Flynn lifted his head and spotted her. He stared at her for long moments before turning his attention back to Belinda who was stirring in his lap.

  While he wasn’t looking, Elizabeth finally fled the room, frustrated with the entire situation but mostly with herself. She couldn’t imagine what the hell she was going to do about this unexpected problem, but she did know she had to face him. Not tomorrow. Tonight.

  Elizabeth was in the break room, sitting in the same spot on the same couch Flynn had occupied earlier when he entered. He glanced around and came straight to her when he spotted her.

  He lowered to her side slowly, hands on his thighs. “My turn to ask. Are you okay?”

  This time she had more sense than a few hours ago. “No.”

  He nodded slowly. “Good.” He licked his lips. “We should talk. I’d get us a private room, but maybe you’d rather leave.”

  “Yes. That would be better.”

  “Did you drive here?”

  “No. I took an Uber.”

  “Can I drive you home then?”

  “I’d like that.” She probably should’ve felt nervous or stressed or something, but instead she felt relieved. She needed to be alone with him. The desire to have his hands on her was growing by the second, and she wasn’t ready for anyone at the club to know about her weird newfound switching capability.

  He glanced down at her chest and smiled. “Don’t suppose I could convince you to leave that outfit on?”

  She returned the grin. “Maybe… As long as you don’t plan to stop anywhere between here and my hotel.” It was risky. She wouldn’t ordinarily let anyone outside of the club see her dressed to play, but it felt kind of titillating. Naughty. It was late enough at night that they were unlikely to run into anyone in the hallway of her extended stay. And so what if they did?

  His face lit up at her acquiescence. “Excellent. I’ll grab my bag and meet you by the entrance.”

  “Sounds good.”

  When he stood and walked away, she watched him for a few seconds, admiring his fantastic ass while trying to keep from trembling at the suggestive nature of what they were about to do.

  Yes, they needed to talk, air out each of their emotional baggage from tonight, but then she was dying to have him dominate her. The thought made her shudder. It had been forever since she craved domination. Far too long apparently.

  Chapter 20

  Flynn met Elizabeth in the small entrance room that led into the club. The club took up the entire second floor of a strip mall, which meant they had to descend a staircase to get outside. He nodded toward Kerry who was at the front desk before opening the door for Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth didn’t say a word as they exited into the warm night air, but she did glance around as they made their way across the parking lot, undoubtedly wondering if anyone could see her.

  Flynn looked around too, hoping he wouldn’t spot a lingering black truck. It wasn’t until he had Elizabeth secured in the passenger side of the SUV and was rounding the hood that he heard the squeal and spun around to catch the corner of a fucking truck peeling out of the parking lot. “Fuck.” He slammed his hand on the hood of the SUV. There was little chance he could catch up with the asshole even if he tried, but he wouldn’t do such a thing with Elizabeth in the car anyway.

  His heart was beating too fast as he jerked his door open and climbed into his seat before slamming his door behind him.

  “I assume that was the truck you saw?” she murmured.

  “Probably.” He swiped a hand over his face, forcing himself to calm down before facing her. “Can’t be certain, but it was a similar truck, and it sure took off in a hurry after seeing you leave with me.”

  Elizabeth crossed her arms under her chest and shivered.

  “I should call the cops,” he pointed out.

  “And tell them what? That a truck left the parking lot of a club?”

  He drew in a long breath. “Shit.” He shifted his gaze to find her reaching for him.

  She set her hand on his and squeezed. “Maybe it was a coincidence.”

  “Maybe.” He didn’t believe that.

  “Well, he’s gone now. And you’re here. And I’m fine. And I promise to pay extra close attention to my surroundings at all times.”

  He set his second hand on top of hers. If she could be this calm about someone potentially stalking her, at the very least he could try not to punch something or scream obscenities.

  “Let’s go,” she said.

  He released her hand and started up the engine.

  “I’m sorry about earlier,” she began as he drove toward her extended stay. “It was bitchy of me to get all defensive with you.”

  Okay, so she wasn’t going to wait until they got to her place to air out her feelings. Could be a good thing. “What made you change your mind?”

  He could feel her gaze on his profile. “Watching you dominate Belinda.”

  “Ah.” He shot her a smile. At least they were on the same page. “So, we’re even. You didn’t like it any more than I did.”

  “I’m not sure it’s a contest in which we should be keeping score.” She hesitated. “I’m not sure we experienced the same thing.”

  He glanced at her again. She had that right. “E, we definitely didn’t experience the same thing, but that’s not the point. The important part is that we both had a small revelation.”

  She set a hand on his thigh. “I’m not sure it was small for me at all. It was actually kind of huge. You’re not the one undergoing a transformation. I am. I never expected to submit to anyone again in my life. I was jealous of Belinda, and I wanted you to dominate me the way you were doing her so badly I thought I might combust.”

  He knew how difficult it was for Elizabeth to reveal that. His chest tightened. He grabbed her hand and held it tightly, needing the contact. “Thank you for telling me that. I know it was hard.”

  “What about you?”

  He shot her what he hoped was a wicked grin. “Am I hard? Yes. Very. Don’t distract me or I’ll drive off the road before we get to your place.”

  “Ha ha. That’s not what I meant. I assume you didn’t spend the evening wishing I were dominating you, so what had your panties in a wad.”

  “’Kay, first of all, I’m not wearing panties.”

  “Are you wearing underwear?” She sat taller.


  She groaned.

  “And second of all, you’re right, at no point was I watching you thinking I wished you were dominating me. I can’t ma
ke myself clear enough. That ain’t going to happen.” When he glanced at her again, he found her grinning coyly. She’d been teasing him on that topic. “Woman, I’m going to take you over my knee as soon as we’re inside.”

  “I hope so. But tell me what upset you about my scene because if you’re going to say that you don’t want me to dominate anyone anymore, we’re going to have a problem.” Her voice was more serious now.

  He lifted her hand and rubbed his cheek with it, buying some time while he organized his thoughts. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing and infuriate her, especially while he was driving, so he waited the last few minutes until he was parked in front of her extended stay and then turned off the engine and faced her. “Not gonna lie. It was difficult. I felt some jealousy too.”

  She licked her lips and whispered, “Please don’t ask me to stop dominating other people. It’s part of my identity.”

  He nodded. “I can understand that, and I won’t ask you to stop, but I do have one request, and I think it’s a deal breaker.”

  “Okay. Spit it out.”

  “Would you keep your scenes platonic? Flog them, spank them, paddle them. Anything you want, but I don’t think I can handle you bringing other people to orgasm.”

  She stared at him for too many heartbeats, scaring the hell out of him. Finally, she spoke. “Can I ask the same of you?”

  He sucked in a breath. “Of course. Absolutely.”

  “Then yes.”

  Wait, did she say yes? He slowly smiled. “Just like that? You’ll keep your hands off other men’s cocks?”

  “Yes, and other women too, as long as you’ll do the same.”


  “Great. Are we done arguing now? Because I’d really like your hands on me. It was brutal watching you earlier. I wasn’t fully convinced I wanted that until I saw you with Belinda. But I do. Again. Now. Tonight. And that probably isn’t going to fully satisfy me either. You might have unleashed a monster.” She wiggled her brows at him.

  His dick hardened as much as it could in the confines of his jeans. “Let’s go,” he growled before yanking open the car door. As he rounded the hood, he scanned the parking lot. It bothered him that whoever followed her the other day knew where she lived. He’d practically written it off as a fluke until that damn truck peeled out of the lot at Zodiac tonight. Now his hackles were raised.

  Elizabeth had to know he was worried, but she said nothing as she wrapped her arm around his and snuggled into his side. Her bag hung from her shoulder bobbing along at her side.

  It was two in the morning. No one was in the lobby or the hallway. They made it all the way to her room without encountering a soul. And the moment the door shut behind them, Elizabeth dropped her bag and blew out a breath.

  He cupped her face. “Were you worried someone might see you?”

  “Marginally. I’m covered. It’s not that bad. But there are a lot of men staying here who probably work in Miami during the week and go home to families on the weekends. I really don’t need that kind of attention.”

  He winced. “I don’t think I even needed the visual.”

  “Sorry.” She shrugged.

  He leaned in and kissed her gently, wanting more, wanting everything. But he would take it slow. Savor her. They were going to be tired tomorrow.

  Instead of deepening the kiss, he only took a taste and then glanced down at her body. He slid one hand to the deep cleavage above the white bustier. “This is fucking sexy.” The lighting in the room was dim, coming from the open blinds and the faint glow of track lighting in the kitchen. It was enough.

  “Glad you like it.”

  “Love it. I might leave it on for a while.” He slid his hand down her side until he reached the hem of her denim skirt and then flattened his palm on her thigh and pushed the material up, encountering… Fuck him. Nothing. “You naughty girl,” he teased.

  “How am I naughtier than you? You said you’re commando tonight too.”

  “Double standard.”

  “Is that so?” she rolled her eyes.

  He cupped her face. “Yes. My dick wasn’t swaying under a skirt.”

  “My clit doesn’t sway.” She bit into her bottom lip, clearly stifling a giggle.

  He closed the distance so that their lips were as close as they could be without touching. “Are you wet, E?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, her voice changing entirely. “I have been all night. I was wet as soon as I got dressed, thinking about you seeing me in this outfit and wondering if you would like it.”

  “Like is too mild of a word.”


  “Take your shoes off though, E.”

  Without breaking his gaze, she reached down with one hand and slid off the heels one at a time before tipping her face back farther as she landed a few inches shorter. “I thought men liked a woman in heels.”

  “Of course, they do. I do. Watching your legs in those heels made my dick hard the moment I saw you. I wanted to lick a line up your calves until I reached your pussy. But, when we’re alone, I’m going to make you leave them at the door. It’ll differentiate between your roles. Domme Elizabeth is badass in fucking hot heels. Submissive E is barefoot and demure.”

  “Mmm. I think I can get on board with that.”

  “Good. Now, stop being sassy and submit to me.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She slid her hands down to his waist and held on, but her gaze dipped to his chest.

  He threaded his fingers in her thick hair and ran them through the locks, loving both the feel of it and the way she purred when he did too. “What do you need from me tonight, E? A little pain? Restraints? Sensual play? Be careful what you choose.”

  “Can I have a combo, Sir?”


  “How about some pain and some sensual play, Sir.”

  “I like this idea. Mind if I find something in your toy bag?” He’d left his in the car. Maybe he should have brought it in, but then again, it might be fun to use her own toys on her.”

  “Be my guest, Sir.”

  “How about if you head over to the coffee table. Remove your skirt, put a few throw pillows from the couch on the table, then kneel on it for me.”

  She nodded and then padded that direction, not hesitating.

  Flynn kept one eye on her as she shimmied out of her jean skirt while he looked through her toy bag. This was a big deal. Exploring another Dom’s toys was not something every Dom would take lightly. She could have balked. The fact that she hadn’t, told him she trusted him on some level.

  It didn’t take long for Flynn to find the perfect items, and a plan came to mind as he stuck them in his back pocket and sauntered her direction. She looked fucking sexy wearing nothing but the white bustier, her knees wide on the pillows, her hair hanging thick to curtain her face, her hands clasped behind her back.

  The first thing Flynn did was dig a hair band out of his front pocket, gather up her long hair, and secure it at the base of her neck. He wanted to see her face. He didn’t want her to hide from him.

  Flynn set a finger on her shoulder and then circled around to her front, trailing his finger along the edge of her corset, teasing the upper swell of her breast. Goose bumps rose on her skin and she shivered involuntarily.

  He loved her tits. They were full and high with gorgeous dark nipples that he couldn’t wait to see again tonight. Right now, he was enjoying the teasing, loving the way she arched her chest forward for him as he let his finger dip between her breasts.

  He wondered if her intense reactions were the result of a long dry period or if she would always respond so strongly to his touch. He prayed he would have the chance to find out.

  Flynn dragged his finger down the front of her bustier and then along the lacy bottom edge. Her breath hitched as he stroked her belly. The fact that she wore nothing below the waist now made him far too curious, so rather than deny himself, he reached between her legs and swiped two fingers through her folds.

>   Damn, she was wet. She also moaned as if it wouldn’t take much to get her off. He liked knowing that, but he wouldn’t indulge her just yet. First, he wanted to play, and he wanted to watch as she slowly unraveled. It would be even better than the first time because as badly as he wanted to be inside her, he didn’t have the same urgency as he’d had Saturday afternoon.

  He gathered more of her wetness as she swayed forward, finally flicking his fingers over her clit.

  Her breath hitched.

  “You like that, don’t you, E?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The breathy voice she used to answer him was the entire reason he’d asked her a question. His cock grew harder just listening to her sweet sexy tone.

  He pulled his hand away slowly and brought it to his mouth, licking her essence from each finger. She was an elixir. “Are you cold?” he asked as he watched her shiver.

  “No, Sir.”

  He hadn’t figured she was, but he could turn up the heat if she needed. Her trembling was from lust. The best kind.

  Moving in slow motion to keep her guessing, he rounded to the other side of the table and set his hands on her shoulders. He enjoyed the feel of her warm, smooth skin for several moments and then reached for the dainty strings that would undo her corset and reveal her beauty.

  With only the simplest small tug, the back of her bustier unraveled, the laces loosening enough that the garment slipped down to her hips. Flynn considered leaving the corset right where it fell and then decided he didn’t want any impediments between him and her body.

  It didn’t look like it would be easy to remove the laces, so he tapped her clasped hands. “Arms up, E. Let me slide this over your head.”

  She obeyed him immediately, lifting her hands high to allow him to drag the bustier up and off. A naked Elizabeth was a sight to behold, even better when she was on her knees.

  “Clasp your hands behind your head now, E.”

  She shivered yet again as she bent her elbows to obey.

  The nice thing about dominating a Domme was that she knew exactly what was expected of her with each command. He didn’t need to adjust her by pulling her elbows or shoulders back. He didn’t need to remind her to straighten her spine or lower her gaze. She had all that. The question was, could she hold this form when he started challenging her.


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