ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga Page 20

by Michael W. Huard

  Miss Deville brushed her words off. “You have no proof there was any force or unfair deals made anywhere here.”

  It was then a few of the doctors or scientists came around the corner of the hallway. They were in blue scrubs and were surprised to see the two armed women talking with Barbara Deville.

  “Who are these women?” one doctor asked, confused.

  But before Barbara could answer, Sinaye grabbed her and swung her around into a choke hold.

  She looked at the male and female doctors, two females and one male total, and said, “Tell me the truth, or not only will she die, the three of you will have your heads smashed together by my cyborg friend here. Obviously, you've been dealing with robotics and life and death operations. We know that much. Who is really responsible here?”

  A brown-haired female doctor or nurse broke down. Too much was happening all at once now on the island.

  She pointed right at Barbara Deville, stating, “She is. She brought in the medical professionals, promising them longevity and extended life. Many of them told her that one could take the body parts of youngsters and give them to the older clientele here. The wealthiest would foot the bills and be granted extended youth, many mixed with robotics, and told they could live up to 200 years if not more.”

  The cyborg had a question now herself. “And what do you do with the kids that you remove sections of their body from? Are they disposable, kind of like livestock?”

  The male doctor raised his hands up, as if to act innocent.

  “Listen, she and Juan got this all going.”

  Sinaye was not having it. “NO, SHE’S NOT THE ONLY ONE! You're all part of this. It makes me sick AND YOU WILL all face dire consequences for what you've been doing here. But you have a bigger issue to deal with right at the moment. Or you will all be dead.”

  Sin went about next, releasing the choke as Barbara began grabbing at her throat and gurgling from the pain. The redhead with the thick green glasses cried out, “It's too late now. There's nothing you can do, and close to a hundred robots on this island are seeking us all. Your best bet is to get out of here in the direction you came.”

  Sin gave her a nasty look. “Yeah, that's not going to happen. We're here for a reason. Nice try, you bitch!”

  The male doctor than said, “There’s another shipyard on the isle. That direction would be the way to escape. It would be less noticeable and one could hope to get others off the isle if we hurry.”

  Miss Deville blurted out even still, “You’ll all be noticed if too many people go that way.”

  Sin went to her. “Will you just shut up? You were planning on going somewhere and leaving, so there has to be a way.”

  Tyne was taking all this information into her computerized system and she came to the only conclusion that made any sense. “We're going to have to sabotage their ships, draw them away from the people. Then we're going to have to get everybody in the boats and sail on out of here to the area you all are talking about.”

  The male doctor shook his head. “Like Barbara said, we’ll never make it with that many people. It's one thing for a few of us to try to escape unnoticed, but a crowd will draw them to us. There are too many ships. Surely some will get into the sky and shoot us all down for trying to escape.”

  Sin was frustrated at the negativity. She looked at Barbara. “What do you think we should do? LEAVE YOUR FELLOW ISLANDERS BEHIND?”

  “Yes,” Barbara said. “You have to figure it’s the price we must pay to save ourselves.”

  Sinaye had heard enough. Why did she even ask this horrible woman?

  She walked right up to the red-haired woman and punched her in the nose. A rush of blood splattered all about, all over her face, as she slouched down in the corner of the room holding her nose.

  Sin then spun about facing the others in the room. “Every life on this planet matters. We leave no one behind. You'll be surprised at what the two of us can do, and what we have brought with us. I don't like either of you,” she pointed to the doctors here and then to Barbara, “and I certainly don't like her. But again, we leave no one behind. Get your shit together and follow us. We're going to get the rest of the locals, and then go to the boats, making our way west.”

  She then turned to Tyne Gem. “You go to the ships and make sure they are unable to fly. Do your best. Make the biggest distraction you can, if need be. Get their attention, and I will lead all I can muster together west. We will rendezvous at the ship area there. Good luck, my sister!”

  Tyne nodded she was ready. But before she ran off, she asked, “You know, you never told me about Resin all that much. Or Celestial. When we next talk, I want the full scoop. That little girl is so cute. Isn’t love grand, Sin?”

  Sinaye smiled. “There will be plenty of time to talk more, I promise. See you soon.”

  Sin then turned and gathered with the doctors and Barbara, then went off, rounding up anyone they could.

  All about in cabins and hidden in the woods, various people on the island stepped out of hiding. She saw several Oddities, older people with younger body parts. It was hard not to look away. She spotted a young woman that she had a good idea was Miggie’s daughter. Sin went over and told her that her mother was safe and was excited to see her. Carman had not known Miggie, her mom, was alive and was happy to hear such. She followed Sinaye now as everyone made way to get out of the area. There was, however, a young girl who came before Sin, an Indian beauty, walking only on two poles which she held in each hand. It made her heart sink.

  She was no more than 10 years old, with long, lovely, light brown hair.

  Sin expected her to be down and out but the kid had a big smile come up on her face when she saw Sinaye armed and leading others about. “Are you going to save us?” the girl then asked.

  Sin smiled back, surprised the girl had kept hope in such a dire situation.

  “I'm going to try,” she replied back. She then asked who the girl was.

  The girl pointed to herself. “Well, I'm Becky Radowsky Evans, but most people call me Bec.”

  Sin reached out to shake her hand. “Okay, good to meet you, Bec. Now I need your help rounding up more people so we can get the heck out of here as soon as possible. Can you help me out?”

  Bec wondered for a second if she was worthy, but Sin saw her thinking such and would not let the young girl think it.

  “Listen to me. Who better to help me than you? With all you have been through, you’re tough as they come. I need you, Bec. This is a time when you can shine. Let’s do this. Come on. No one else needs to suffer on this island ever again.”

  Bec was inspired and nodded that she would help. It had been quite a while since she felt she was worthy of anything since her legs had been taken.

  Tyne had not come unprepared to defeat the enemy, even if it was a sky fleet of spaceships. She had a bag of goodies at her disposal. It was soon she reached the landing area where the ships were all located. She studied words on the vessels again, all of which were the same. She ran such data now, and soon, visuals came to her, signifying that these ships were created on the planet Mars. It was a connection to the ship that was upon the Empire State Building; there was no doubt now. It was all starting to make sense.

  Perhaps the Corporation was using them now? The only alternative was that they were acting on their own. She was starting to wonder more and more. She was going to need to get into the electronics of these ships so they would not fly, and it was going to be a process. Bots were here, walking the perimeter. She watched and calculated the timing and movements of them for a bit before making a move.

  Tyne was an expert at this game and soon she darted about and was able to disable at least six of the Martian robot ships.

  Success was at hand with only a few more left to cause to malfunction.

  However, one particular robot came out of a ship just as she was passing from one to another, crouching low.

  “Stop right there!” he demanded as he jumped off the t
op of the ship he was on and floated down to the ground. He was not like the others. He was the same red and black color, but his red color was brighter and much less of him was black. Also his head was different as well. It was like he had giant horns or tall metal ears.

  His facial features were all outlined in black, and his most notable attribute was the writing on his forehead. Not only was it designed as a golden metal emblem, it said the words, Godbot’s Hand.

  Whatever that meant. Tyne had no idea.

  The robot casually walked over before the white-attired cyborg.

  “You are an interesting specimen indeed,” he said upon reaching her. “I sense robotics in you, but the human aspects are strong as well. Do you still contain a soul?”

  Tyne was ready to just fight him and get it over with, but for some reason she held back. She sensed a great power in this one and perhaps some good information was at hand.

  So, she held her ground and had a conversation with this so-called Godbot’s Hand.

  “Yes, I am part human and part robot. Is that something you do not understand?”

  The tall robot before her tilted his head to the right some, looking her over.

  “I am new to Earth,” answered the Hand. “I have been told that there are those like you, second-class citizens. Do you have your markings yet, marking you as a silver specimen?”

  Tyne was not fond of his words. “I am no one’s specimen, or a second-rate thing. Let me ask you, why would you ever want to be anyone's slave, doing whatever you’re doing to people here and wherever you go?”

  The red and black robot looked around, seeing his soldiers now appearing here and there.

  He turned back to Tyne. “It's a matter of restoring order on this planet. My calculations have told me that the planet is destroying itself day by day. There is no leadership amongst the madness and ruins of this civilization. My master, the Godbot, is here to change all that.”

  Tyne saw others about and had heard enough.

  She needed to get around this tall bot; she had not finished her work. There still was another ship behind him she needed to mess with.

  Two robots then appeared around another ship, spotting their sergeant and the white cyborg near him. Each raised their laser rifles at her.

  The Hand of the god robot saw his soldiers doing such but waved them down. He looked to Tyne next. “I will let you go free.” She was very surprised.

  “Why would you do that?” she countered.

  The tall, horned robot seemed amused. “I like the color white. There was little white where I was born. You had better go, or you will be eliminated in a moment.”

  Tyne doubted that but ran by the tall bot and behind his big ship, not waiting anymore.


  The young girl, Bec, and many others were attached to Sin as they made their escape to the western ship area.

  Those who willing and able ran to tell the others to join them, and all that were brave enough to try to escape now fell in line, heading towards a swampy region; a shortcut that would lead them to their escape ships. The route took them deeper through a swamp area. The young girl continued to ask Sin many questions.

  “So, who are you?” she asked the long dark-haired woman with what looked to be a breathing mask on. “Oh, and why do you wear that mask?”

  Even with no legs, the young girl moved fast on her stilts. So, there was no slowing down for the group as a whole on her part. Sin simply told her that it was a long story as to who she was and why she wore such a mask.

  “Yeah but I really want to know,” the girl asked again. “Tell me everything, please.”

  Sin soon looked back to everything behind her. “All of you, we cannot slow down. Keep the pace.” She then grabbed Barbara Deville and pushed her more in front.

  Along the route, people came forward to Sin and opened up about the isle and the things that had been going on. She knew the real truth now. Karma was not exaggerating.

  Again, fifteen minutes later, Bec was asking Sin the same questions.

  Sinaye finally gave her a few answers.

  “Well, let's just say that I traveled to a far-off moon, on a distant planet, and on it was a water-like world beneath the surface. It messed with my lungs and now I have a hard time breathing normally. So, I wear this mask to help filter the oxygen in and out. It's kind of like an air conditioner for my lungs. Does that make sense?”

  The young girl eyes lit up. “Oh wow, that's crazy. You actually went to another planet. You must be like some sort of hero.”

  “Not really,” Sin replied. “I belong to a sisterhood of freedom fighters. It’s kind of our job to save the planet.”

  “Really?” the girl said. “What does that mean? You like save people from bad people?”

  Sind figured she just answer simple was best. “Yeah, that's it. We save people!”

  They had to move faster and stop talking, but the young girl was definitely not satisfied.

  “That cannot be it. Tell me more. And could I ever be part of your sisterhood? Or are my legs kind of … ruining my chances?”

  That was a good question. Sin contemplated it.

  “Listen to me,” she replied. “You don’t ever have to answer to anyone about trying to make a difference in this world. You just have to believe in better days. You have to fight for the rights of ordinary people, not just the wealthy. So, in essence, one day this country can come together in unison and become a nation once more.”

  “What do you call yourselves?” Bec than asked. Your sisterhood, I mean?”

  Sin grinned at her. “We’re simply called the Mystical Slayers. Don't ask me why.”

  Bec smiled broadly. “That's a really cool name.”

  Sin had to now duck a few branches in the swamp trying to make her way onward to a more solid surface.

  Bec than asked, “Why the Mystical Slayers?”

  Sin looked back at the girl. “I just knew you were going to ask that. The story goes that long ago, the founder of the sisterhood picked the name cuz it sounded neat. That's it. There's no big story, no big legend behind it. It's just a name.”

  “Well, I love it,” the girl said as she pushed herself forward on her wooden stilts, trying to keep up.

  It was then that one of her wooden legs got caught in quicksand, and she was stuck. Sin turned back and knelt down some, and gave her a shoulder to boost herself up.

  Bec got her leg free and smiled.

  Sin then explained, “You see, sometimes all it takes is to just give someone a shoulder to lean on. Don't you ever forget that, young girl.”

  “I won’t,” replied Bec. “I never will.”

  An hour later, they reached a dryer tract of land and a lot of them, almost 50 people now, started jogging down to the shoreline.

  Soon they could all see the docks and ships up ahead. It was then, from the sky, one of the alien-like flyers appeared. It did not seem to wait, or give anyone a chance, before opening fire on the shoreline, blasting laser beams all about into the sand and water.

  Sin had to lead them all back in the woods. Some were shot down as they turned to run back.

  Robots from the woods now appeared as well.

  Chaos erupted all about.

  Meanwhile, Tyne had her hands full too.

  Robots were on her now. She came right up to a group with no escape.

  She jumped up in the air and kicked the first one underneath his rifle’s tip, sending the weapon flying in the air. As she landed, a second robot turned to shoot her, but she leaned left, making him barely miss her.

  She spun about after, using the first bot as a shield and charged a third one.

  The bot shot anyway into his own kind and as Tyne came close to him, she leaped over and grabbed the bot by the head, pulling him down in the grass.

  They tumbled to the airfield surface, holding on to one another.

  The red and black robot was very strong and as they rolled about. He came up on top of her, placing
his hand around her throat and strangling her from above. She was able to move her body slightly to the side, bringing her bottom knee in the way as she then brought her opposite leg over his neck and pushed away with both her legs, creating space from the bot.

  Sliding back, she roundhouse kicked the side of his neck and spun her body back, hopping up to her feet. She then did a backwards somersault, grabbing his own rifle and coming up on one knee, shooting at all of the others coming back at her.

  The robot on the ground, however, had already started back at her and grabbed her by the legs, once more bringing her down to the ground. She could barely get a shot off, shooting wildly but missing him.

  He yanked her down and climbed up, straddling her now, and punching her in the face over and over. The robot struck down, bashing her synthetic skin, opening her face and neck to show the metal that was below. He was relentless on hitting her.

  But Tyne was a tough son-of-a-gun. She bucked her hips as high as she could, sending the robot slightly to the side. She then pulled her body back and wrapped her legs around the robot’s left leg and knee joint. Grabbing him then by the ankle, she twisted with all her power.

  She was ripping his Achilles metal tendon right out, its wires and metal frame tearing from his leg and knee area. She had become a wild, screaming cyborg.

  The torn up and injured robot rolled away, but she was on it in a flash. This time, instead of creating a gun from her arm, she had already materialized a serrated metal knife and she was carving right into his face in seconds.

  Over and over, she jammed into him until his neck hung to the left, its wires showing and erupting in smoke and fire.

  She had not even felt the series of laser beam shooting into her body while doing so. Two other bots were focused right in on her and she had been hit badly.

  She was a mess, but she got back up now seeing the Godbot’s Hand also drawing near her.

  He seemed to enjoy the fighting. “I am sure I will see you again,” he stated, actually helping the cyborg up more.


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