1867, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15. Further examples of Hancock’s policies, eff ects are
Byron Porter, Bastrop, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., January 4, 1868, AC, ROC,
November–December, 1867, reel 23; Byron Porter, Bastrop, to J. P. Richardson,
A.A.A.G., February 1, 1868, AC, ROC, January–February, 1868, reel 24; DeWitt C.
Brown, Paris, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., January 31, 1868, AC, ROC, January–Feb-
ruary, 1868, reel 24; A. H. Cox, Liberty, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., May 31, 1868,
AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26; F. P. Wood, Brenham, to Charles A. Vernou,
A.A.A.G., May 1, 1868, AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 25; Richter, “Revolver Rules the
Day!” 323–324; and Gregory Barrett, Tyler, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., March 31,
1868, AC, ROC, March–April 1868, reel 25.
7. John H. Morrison, Palestine, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 10, 1868,
AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 13; Endorsement of letter from John H. Morrison, Palestine, to
C. S. Roberts, A.A.A.G., August 17, 1868, AC, ES, April 1866–September 1867, reel 2;
James P. Butler, Huntsville, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., December 31, 1867, AC, ROC,
November–December, 1867, reel 23; William H. Sinclair, Inspector, to J. P. Richardson,
A.A.A.G., March 7, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15.
8. R. Chandler, Assistant Secretary of Civil Aff airs, to J. J. Reynolds, February 4,
1868, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; Winfi eld Scott Hancock, Commander, Fift h Military Dis-
trict, to O. O. Howard, February 24, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; J. J. Reynolds to
R. Chandler, Assistant Secretary of Civil Aff airs, February 12, 1868, AC, LS, March
1867–May 1869, reel 1.
9. R. Chandler, Assistant Secretary of Civil Aff airs, to J. J. Reynolds, February 27,
1868, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; R. Chandler, Assistant Secretary of Civil Aff airs, March 3,
1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12.
10. J. J. Reynolds to George S. Hartsuff , A.A.A.G., Fift h Military District, Febru-
ary 20, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; J. J. Reynolds to R. Chandler, Assistant Secre-
tary of Civil Aff airs, March 11, 1868, AC, LS, September 1865–March 1867, reel 1;
Richter, Overreached on All Sides, 225–228; Brvt. Lt. Col. G. Norman Lieber to [Win-
fi eld Scott Hancock, Commander, Fift h Military District], May 8, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–
1869, reel 14.
11. Jordan, Winfi eld Scott Hancock, 211; General Orders No. 4, April 7, 1868, AC,
IRB, October 1865–April 1869, reel 19; Endorsement of letter from John H. Morrison,
Palestine, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., August 16, 1868, AC, ES, April 1866–Septem-
ber 1867, reel 2; Endorsement of letter from John H. Morrison, Palestine, to J. P. Rich-
ardson, A.A.A.G., April 16, 1867, AC, ES, April 1866–September 1867, reel 2;
Endorsement of letter from William H. Rock, Richmond, to J. P. Richardson,
A.A.A.G., April 20, 1867, AC, ES, April 1865–September 1867, reel 2.
12. T. M. K. Smith, Marshall, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., June 25, 1868, AC,
LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; F. P. Wood, Brenham, to J. J. Reynolds, April 27, 1868, AC, LR,
1867–1869, reel 16; William H. Sinclair, Inspector, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., July
23, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; William H. Sinclair, Inspector, to C. S. Roberts,
A.A.A.G., August 24, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; William G. Kirkman, to C. S.
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Notes to pages 154–156
Roberts, A.A.A.G., May 1, 1868, AC, LS, April–December, 1868, reel 14; William H.
Rock, Richmond, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., April 16, 1868, AC, LR, January 1866–
November 1868, reel 25; William H. Rock, Richmond, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G.,
April 20, 1868, AC, LR, January–November 1868, reel 25; William H. Sinclair, Inspec-
tor, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 10, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15.
13. William H. Sinclair, Inspector, to C. S. Roberts, A.A.A.G., August 24, 1868,
AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; Richter, “Who Was the Real Head of the Texas Freedmen’s
Bureau?” 151.
14. Ibid.
15. Th
ese numbers came from the pretyped monthly reports from agents in each
subdistrict. Th
ese reports are more like questionnaires so headquarters can succinctly
obtain answers/data to the most important issues. Th
ere is a section in each question-
naire that asks the Bureau agent to describe the attitude of the white population. When
an agent listed the attitude of whites as “good,” “improving,” or “indiff erent,” I consid-
ered it “good.” If an agent described the opinion as “bad,” “hostile,” or “worsening,” I
listed it as “bad.” Th
e following are the numbers from October 1867 to December 1868:
October 1867: 15 “good” and 23 “bad”; November 1867: 19 “good” and 19 “bad”; Decem-
ber 1867: 18 “good” and 15 “bad”; January 1868: 17 “good” and 16 “bad”; February 1868:
12 “good” and 18 “bad”; March 1868: 11 “good” and 15 “bad”; April 1868: 8 “good” and
16 “bad”; May 1868: 10 “good” and 19 “bad”; June 1868: 10 “good” and 20 “bad”; July
1868: 11 “good” and 18 “bad”; August 1868: 10 “good” and 17 “bad”; September 1868: 19
“good” and 15 “bad”; October 1868: 14 “good” and 15 “bad”; November 1868: 16 “good”
and 15 “bad”; and December 1868: 9 “good” and 13 “bad.”
16. C. C. Raymond, Seguin, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 29, 1868, AC,
ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; Charles Haughn, Waco, to Charles A. Vernou,
A.A.A.G., August 1, 1868, AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26; Gregory Barrett, Tyler, to
Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., AC, June 30, 1868, AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26;
Charles F. Rand, Marlin, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., September 30, 1868, AC,
ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; Charles F. Rand, Marlin, to Charles A. Vernou,
A.A.A.G., October 31, 1868, AC, ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 21; Charles F. Rand,
Marlin, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., November 30, 1868, AC, ROC, November–
December, 1868, reel 28; Charles F. Rand, Marlin, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G.,
December 31, 1868, AC, ROC, November–December, 1868, reel 28. For the reports Ray-
mond claimed not needing troops, see C. C. Raymond, Seguin, to Charles A. Vernou,
A.A.A.G., May 28, 1868, AC; C. C. Raymond, Seguin, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G.,
June 30, 1868, AC; C. C. Raymond, Seguin, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., July 30,
1868, AC; and C. C. Raymond, Seguin, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., September 30,
1868, AC, all in ROC, reels 26–27. For a good work on the deteriorated situation agents
faced in Central Texas in 1868, see William D. Carrigan, Th
e Making of a Lynching
Culture: Violence and Vigilantism in Central Texas, 1836–1916 (Urbana: University of
Illinois, 2004), particularly chapter 5. For examples of violence, see William H. How-
ard, Huntsville, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., December 23, 1868, AC, ROC,
November–December, 1868, reel 28; Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., to William H. How-
ard, Huntsville, October 2, 1868, AC, LS, March 1867–May
1869, reel 1; William H.
Howard, Huntsville, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 28, 1867, AC, LR, 1867–
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Notes to pages 156–157
1869, reel 12; William H. Howard, Huntsville, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., Novem-
ber 6, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; Telegram from William H. Howard, Huntsville,
to J. J. Reynolds, July 30, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; J. J. Reynolds to William H.
Howard, Huntsville, July 31, 1868, AC, LS, March 1867–May 1869, reel 1; Charles A.
Vernou, A.A.A.G., to William H. Howard, Huntsville, July 18, 1868, AC, LS, March
1867–May 1869, reel 1; Telegram from William H. Howard, Huntsville, to J. J. Reyn-
olds, August 12, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; William H. Howard, Huntsville, to
Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., September 17, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; William
H. Howard, Huntsville, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., October 1, 1868, AC, LR,
1867–1869, reel 12; C. S. Roberts, A.A.A.G., to William H. Howard, Huntsville, August
29, 1868, AC, LS, March 1867–May 1869, reel 1; Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., to Wil-
liam H. Howard, Huntsville, September 26, 1868, AC, LS, March 1867–May 1869, reel 1;
William H. Howard, Huntsville, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., September 21, 1868,
AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; Alex Ferguson, Nacogdoches, to Charles A. Vernou,
A.A.A.G., December 1, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11; Alex Ferguson, Nacogdoches,
to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., December 7, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11; Alex
Ferguson, Nacogdoches, to [Headquarters], April 21, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11;
William H. Howard, Huntsville, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., October 6, 1868, AC,
LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; Arthur B. Homer, Columbia, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., Feb-
ruary 24, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; Gregory Barrett, Tyler, to [Charles] A. Ver-
nou, A.A.A.G., June 6, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; DeWitt C. Brown, Paris, to J. J.
Reynolds, October 28, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; Joshua L. Randall, Sterling, to
Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., November 13, 1868, AC, LR 1867–1869, reel 14; Charles
Schmidt, Sumpter, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., April 30, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869,
reel 15; James Smallwood, “When the Klan Rode: White Terror in Reconstruction
Texas,” Journal of the West 25 (October 1986): 12; Cantrell, “Racial Violence and Recon-
struction Politics,” 348–349; Telegram from William H. Howard, Huntsville, to J. J.
Reynolds, July 30, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12; and William H. Howard, Moscow,
to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., November 6, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 12.
17. John Dix, Corpus Christi, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., May 31, 1868, AC,
ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26; T. M. K. Smith, Marshall, to Charles A. Vernou,
A.A.A.G., June 30, 1868, AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26; Arthur B. Homer, Colum-
bia, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 31, 1868, AC, ROC, August–October, 1868,
reel 27; Arthur B. Homer, Columbia, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., November 2,
1868, AC, ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; John Dix, Corpus Christi, to Charles A.
Vernou, A.A.A.G., June 30, 1867, AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26; John Dix, Corpus
Christi, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., [July 1868], AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26;
John Dix, Corpus Christi, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., [November 1868], AC,
ROC, November–December, 1868, reel 28. White hostility due to the problems in
Washington are DeWitt C. Brown, Paris, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., February 29,
1868, AC, ROC, January–February, 1868, reel 24; Mahlon E. Davis, Houston, to Charles
A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., July 31, 1868, AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26; S. H. Starr,
Mount Pleasant, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., March 5, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel
15; Byron Porter, Bastrop, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., March 2, 1868, AC, ROC, Janu-
ary–February, 1868, reel 24; and Byron Porter, Bastrop, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G.,
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Notes to pages 157–159
April 1, 1868, AC, ROC, March–April, 1868, reel 25. Other agents attributing the
increased violence to politics are Alex Ferguson, Nacogdoches, to C. S. Roberts,
A.A.A.G., October 4, 1868, AC, ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; Gregory Barrett,
Tyler, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 31, 1868, AC, ROC, August–October,
1868, reel 27; Henry C. Lacy, Crockett, to C. S. Roberts, A.A.A.G., September 15, 1868,
AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 13; Clarence Mauck, Austin, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G.,
May 31, 1868, AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, 26; John H. Morrison, Palestine, to Charles A.
Vernou, A.A.A.G., AC, ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; William H. Rock, Rich-
mond, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 8, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 14; and
C. S. Roberts, A.A.A.G., to William H. Rock, Richmond, August 17, 1868, AC, LS, Sep-
tember 1867–May 1869, reel 1.
18. F. P. Wood, Brenham, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., July 6, 1868, AC, LR,
1867–1869, reel 16; D. Abrenbreck, Mayor of Hempstead, to J. J. Reynolds, June 26, 1868,
AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; F. P. Wood, Brenham, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., July
6, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 16; William H. Sinclair, Inspector, to Charles A. Ver-
nou, A.A.A.G., July 6, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; F. P. Wood, Brenham, to J. P.
Richardson, A.A.A.G., March 23, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 16; Alex B. Coggeshall,
Hempstead, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., AC, ROC, August through December,
1868, reels 27 and 28. Detailed examinations of Klan violence in Texas are Barbara
Leah Clayton, “Th
e Lone Star Conspiracy: Racial Violence and Ku Klux Klan Terror in
Post–Civil War Texas,” 1865–1877 (Master’s Th
esis, Oklahoma State University, 1986),
particularly chapters 2–4; and Douglas Hale, Hales, Douglas. “Violence Perpetrated
Against African Americans by Whites in Texas During Reconstruction, 1865–1868”
(Master’s Th
esis, Texas Tech University, 1994), particularly chapters 2–3.
19. N. H. Randlett, Bryan, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., July 23, 1868, AC, LR,
1867–1869, reel 14; O. E. Taylor, et al., to J. J. Reynolds, June 26, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–
1869, reel 16; N. H. Randlett, Bryan, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., July 9, 1868, AC,
ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26; N. H. Randlett, Bryan, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G.,
June 8, 1868, AC, ROC, May–July, 1868, reel 26. For Randlett’s changing story, see N. H.
Randlett, Millican, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 4, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–
1869, reel 14 (also in M752C, Letters Received, July–December, 1868, reel 60).
20. N. H. Randlett, Millican, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., July 23, 1868, AC,
LR, 1867–1869, reel 14; Captain W. T. Gentry to C. H. Whittelsey, A.A.A.G., July 27,
1868, M752C, LR, July–December, 1868, reel 60; N. H. Randlett, Bryan, to Charles A.
Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 30, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 14; DeWitt C. Brown,
Paris, t
o Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., September 5, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, ree10;
O. O. Howard to J. J. Reynolds, July 20, 1868, M742C, LS, October 1, 1867–August 31,
1868, reel 4; Special Orders No. 62, October 18, 1868, AC, IRB, October 1865–April
1869, reel 19.
21. DeWitt C. Brown, Paris, to C. S. Roberts, A.A.A.G., September 30, 1868, AC,
ROC, August–October, reel 27; DeWitt C. Brown, Paris, to Charles A. Vernou,
A.A.A.G., September 5, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; DeWitt C. Brown, Paris, to
Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., November 13, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; Richter,
“Revolver Rules the Day!,” 319; Dewitt C. Brown, Paris, to Charles A. Vernou,
A.A.A.G., August 31, 1868, AC, ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27; Alex Ferguson,
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Notes to pages 159–162
Nacogdoches, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., April 15, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 11;
DeWitt C. Brown, Paris, to J. P. Richardson, A.A.A.G., November 30, 1867, AC, ROC,
November–December, 1867, reel 23; DeWitt C. Brown, Paris, to C. S. Roberts,
A.A.A.G., October, 31, 1868, AC, ROC, August–October, 1868, reel 27. Deteriorating
conditions are in David S. Beath, Bastrop, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., December
13, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; Excerpt of Austin Republican, [n.d.], AC, LR, 1867–
1869, reel 13; Special Orders No. 46, August 7, 1868, AC, IRB, October 1865–April 1869,
reel 19; B. Twigg to [Headquarters], January 4, 1869, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 16; Affi
vit of Henry Spencer (fm), December 27, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 15; David S.
Beath, Bastrop, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., December 12, 1868, SAC, LS, March–
December 1868, reel 13; David S. Beath, Bastrop, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G.,
December 17, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; David S. Beath, Bastrop, to Charles A.
Vernou, December 13, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; David S. Beath, Bastrop, to
Charles A. Vernou, December 18, 1868, AC, LR, 1867–1869, reel 10; Th
omas C. Griffi
Kaufman, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 31, 1868, AC, ROC, August–Octo-
ber, 1868, reel 27; Gregory Barrett, Tyler, to Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A.G., August 14,
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