Immortal Scars

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Immortal Scars Page 14

by A L Williams

  He knew?

  “Don’t worry. You’re not the only one with a secret.” He said, his eyes shimmering like emeralds kissed by moonlight. I blinked. His eyes returned to a dull moss green. I stared, and he reached over and snapped my mouth shut with his finger. “You do that for too long and a Pixie might fly in.” He stood and strolled out the door as I continued to stare.

  I walked back into the bare kitchen. A chill ran through me, seeping into my bones. Wrapping my arms around myself, I tried to push Andrew out of my mind. Things were getting better, and I was happy, but it was over. What was I supposed to do? Wandering over to the corner, I grabbed the broom and returned to the front. My mind raced while I swept. Why did this keep happening to me? I froze mid-swipe.

  You can’t run from this.

  My father’s voice echoed in my mind and I thinned my lips. I wasn’t running… was I?

  “Hey!” Hayley called from the doorway. I turned, and she walked over, wrapping her arms around me for a hug. My body warmed at the contact. She pulled back and smiled up at me. “Corbin can have visitors. I just came from there.”

  “How is he?” I asked, my chest tightening.

  She glanced at me. “He’s good. You should go visit him.” I clenched my jaw. What if he hates me? He was hurt because of me. A cold breeze brushed my face as it drifted in. She searched my eyes. “He doesn’t blame you. Go see him; he’d like that.” I wanted to see how he was for myself. I nodded.


  The next day, the sun was high as I walked in to Sonora Behavioral Health Hospital. The boxy building, similar to a medical facility, towering over me as I approached. The walls were plain and sharp and the windows clouded. Entering the doors, I tightened my thick denim jacket around myself. After the front entrance, I found myself in a waiting room with coffee tables covered with a few magazines and travel books. Paintings and photographs of sunsets and desert landscapes decorated the lobby. Off to the side, a receptionist sat with a sign-in sheet and clipboards. People were scattered around the room with the shadow of exhaustion on their faces. I walked over to the desk and signed in and then moved to the corner, replaying Ben’s words as I waited. My stomach quivered as moments ticked past.

  Several minutes later, a woman in blue scrubs and a walkie talkie at her hip came through the double doors with a loud beep. People stood and moved towards her as she greeted the group, instructing us to follow her. We were lead to the back, passing locked double doors as we followed her down an empty hall. The odor of cleaning supplies and food permeated the air. When we reached a metal door with a miniature window, she held it open, waving us inside. Cushioned chairs pushed against circular tables filled the small room, lit by fluorescent lights overhead. I sat down at a table and waited. Seconds later, the door opened and people in cheap, plain scrubs flooded in. Corbin was the last one to enter, the door closing behind him. He approached me with his shoulders slumped and dark rings around his eyes. My stomach churned and he sat down across from me.

  He offered a weak smile. “Hi.”

  “I’m sorry!” I blurted, straightening.My heart sank as Corbin jumped. I knitted my brows.

  He rubbed his arm. “I’m a little jumpy.” I bobbed my head, unsure of what to say. When he spoke, relief washed over me.“Can you explain what happened? I’m still having a hard time making sense of it all.” He glanced around the room. “Now is probably not a good time.”

  “Probably not.” I slumped. “The shop is— ”

  He frowned. “It’s gone.” I nodded and inspected him, catching the shake of his shoulders. I clenched my fists in my lap.

  He met my eyes. “How’s Hayley? She says she’s fine, but you know how she is.”

  I leaned back in my seat. “She’ll be fine.”

  He leaned forward, placing his hands on the table. “And you?”

  I tensed. “I’m… I’m not okay.”

  “Is this about the person that…?” he asked.

  I played with my hands in my lap, clenching my jaw. “My life has gotten complicated.”

  He furrowed his brows. “I see. And is your cop friend helping you?”

  I sighed. “That is also… complicated.” I slumped in my chair, exhaustion washing over me. “He lied to me.”

  He frowned. “So did you talk to him about it?”

  I clenched my jaw. “No.”

  He leaned back. “Lying in a relationship is never good, but not talking is just as bad.” I chewed my lip. He was right, but I was still mad at him. How could I trust Andrew again?

  Corbin wrapped his arms around himself, gripping his arms. “Don’t use this as a reason to run. Tell him how you feel.” I smiled. Corbin always knew the right thing to say. I had to stop running. Even if I was terrified, I had to try.

  When the visit ended and we said our goodbyes. When I arrived at Andrews, I walked to the porch and stared at the door. I sucked in air and knocked, rocking back on my feet and chewing on my lip. When the door opened, Andrew stood there in a tight, gray muscle shirt and faded jeans. He gawked at me as if I had two heads. I swallowed.


  Chapter Twenty-one


  When I opened the door, I didn’t expect to see James standing there with wide eyes and tension rolling of him. I ran my eyes along his body, I had missed seeing him. Touching him. I fought the urge to pull him into my arms and waited.

  He blinked and then cleared his throat. “Can I come in?”

  I stepped to the side, allowing him to enter. Leading him into the living room, we sat on my couch as the setting sun bathed everything in a golden light. Usually, I wouldn’t be here, but my stress level had been high the last few days, and I had snapped at several officers before Ben suggested I go home for the day. We sat in silence as I watched him stare at the coffee table, light reflecting off the glass. Furrowing my brows, I racked my brain for something to say.

  I angled my body to face him. “He was born in Haiti.” James looked at me and remained quiet. I pulled my necklace out of my shirt. “The vodunist ritual called us. The boy and his mother intrigued me. Something about them drew me in. Looking back, I realized that it was their endless love for each other.” I paused, the image of his tiny hands clinging to hers. James reached over and touched the beads. I cleared my throat. “Wanting to know more, I possessed him. I remember seeing him in the darkness, before he faded away. When I woke up, she was looking down at me with tears in her eyes. When I realized he was gone, and that I was all that remained, I was confused and lost. I had never spent that much time inside a human. Everything was so heavy.” I sighed. “Later, I found out he was sick.”

  He frowned. “Why would a sick child be there?”

  I leaned back against the cushion. “They didn’t know better. It was when tuberculosis was rampant and medical care wasn’t available.” He nodded. My chest grew tight, my tears ready to burst free. “I couldn’t just leave her without a son. I stayed for her, because he asked me to and because I...”

  He reached over and grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers. “You loved her.”

  I smiled at him as he gazed into my eyes. “Her name was Astrid, and six years later, she got tuberculosis and died— believing I was her son.” A single tear trailed down my cheek and he shifted closer, running his hand down my cheek and wiping away the moisture.

  “You were being a good son.”

  I played with my hands in my lap. “I lied to her, and… I lied to you. I’m sorry.”

  He touched my chin and turned me back to him. “I forgive you. You never have to keep things from me, even if I don’t like it. Thank you for telling me.” My chest tightened as he gazed at me with affection. I could love this man, this man who dashed into my life, burning me to my core. I tensed.


  “What happened after she died?” he asked.

  I squeezed his hand. “When I became an orphan, a pastor came to Haiti on a religious mission. Pastor Colton.”

  He tilted hi
s head. “Dr. Colton?”

  I nodded. “His father. He brought me back with him. Who knows why? Everything was fine for a while. Then I hit puberty.”

  He knitted his brows. “What happened?”

  “It’s not my story to tell, but I realized I was gay. When I was sixteen, I made a mistake, and they kicked me out.” I sighed, my mind drifting to Adam. “I haven’t seen or heard from any of them until I ran into Adam at the hospital, checking on the priest that attacked you.”

  He laid back against the couch. “Where did you go?”

  Leaning close to him, I basked in the heat radiating off of him. “I worked a bunch of dead-end jobs and put myself through school to become a detective. Ben and I met when I started working at the station. He told me about the vast supernatural world. We became partners, and from then on, we have protected this city from any unusual threats.”

  We fell silent as the last bit of light of the sun faded. He sat up and turned to face me. “Wait, so does that mean you’re immortal?”

  I chuckled. “This body wasn’t until Ben used his magic to prolong my life. As long as he lives, this body will not change.”

  His eyes widened. “He can make people immortal?”

  I shook my head. “No. But he can preserve life. This body is a corpse that has not decayed. His magic is just preventing the natural course of decomposition.” He frowned and I could tell he was confused, but a smile spread across his face. He leaned back, laying his head on my shoulder. All the heaviness I’d been carrying over the last several days lifted. It had been so long since I last felt his warmth, and I was still desperate for it. I pulled him against me and he relaxed into my embrace. He peered up at me and smiled, his expression bright, warming my heart. I reached over and stroked his cheek and he leaned into the touch, closing his eyes with a relaxed smile.

  “You should smile more. It fits you.” His eyes shot open, the milky ivory pulling me in. He hid his face against my neck, inhaling. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close, his fresh scent drifting over me. Gods, he felt so good.

  He pulled back and glanced up, zeroing in on my mouth. “Can I kiss you?”

  I smiled. “Always.”

  He shifted closer, hands pressed to the sides of my face, holding my head in place. I parted my lips and his tongue brushed the inside of my mouth, sending a shiver through me. He did it again and I broke, attacking his mouth with mine. He groaned as I kissed him. I slide my hands down his body, pulling him closer, his knee hitting my thigh.

  Realizing this wasn’t a great position, I pulled back. “Bedroom?”

  “Yes,” he replied.

  We moved to my bedroom. By the time we reached the bed, his lips were swollen and his eyes wild. I guided him down onto the bed, climbing on top. He kissed my jaw as I pressed my body into him, drawing a moan from him. He rubbed against me, his hardened cock brushing mine and I shuddered. I closed my eyes, his breath caressing my cheek. He yanked me down, rubbing his clothed cock against me. I could barely breathe — but I didn’t care. Kissing my chin, he moved up, attaching our lips together as we continued to frot, pulling a groan from me.

  He pulled back, his eyes wild with want. “You taste so good.” I groaned at his words. He reached between us, undoing my jeans and stroking me. My throbbing cock swelled in his grip, precum sliding down and coating his hand as we moved. Everything became fuzzy and unfocused as he pushed me higher and higher.

  My spine tingled, my body trembling as I pulled away and gazed down at him. “I want you to fuck me.”

  His pupils dilated. “Yes.”

  I took my shirt off, over my head, and wiggled out of my jeans. Then I removed his pants, almost ripping his jeans from his thighs. He unbuttoned his shirt, gazing at me with lust that matched my own, and removed it, throwing it off the bed. I plunged down and kissed him hard. We rolled over, ending with him on top of me, his locks raining down around me. I reached for the lube, never breaking eye contact and handed it to him. He opened it, squeezing some into his hand and rubbing his fingers together. Leaning down once again, he kissed me, sucking on my tongue. I moaned, arching to keep his lips on mine.

  He pulled away. “I want you to ride me.” Excitement shot up my spine. His eyes grew dark. “But, first, I want to taste you.” He rolled me onto my stomach, placing a pillow under my stomach. I thrust against the comforter, smearing it with precum. Something wet touched my hole, and I moaned, my hips jerking. He dragged his tongue along it and pulled away, drawing a whimper from me. “Such a pretty hole.” His lips brushed my pucker, and he sucked. My vision blurred, a long groan escaping me. He lapped at my core, jabbing it with his tongue.

  My legs began to shake.“More,” I whined.

  A finger pushed in as his tongue disappeared, pulling out and then pushing in. The sounds that came from me were shameless and loud, but I was too far gone to care. He slipped a second one in and I shuddered. He scissored his fingers and I shivered, realizing that he was imitating what I did last time. I pushed back, trying to get him deeper.

  I groaned. “More.”

  When he added a third, I tensed and hissed, a sharp burning sensation spreading through my ass. He held still. “Relax.” He rubbed my lower back with his other hand. I took deep breaths as the burn faded. He finger fucked me for what felt like hours, the pain mixing with the pleasure until I couldn’t tell the difference.

  When he brushed my prostate, I gasped and gripped the blanket under me. “Please,” I begged. His eyes darkened and he crooked his fingers. Electricity shot up my spine. My vision blurred and I started to tip over the edge. He pulled his fingers free, stopping my orgasm in its tracks. My head spun. I glared at him and was met with a devious grin and twinkling white eyes. He was his father’s son.

  He stroked and squeezed my thigh. “Just a bit longer, baby.” I exhaled a shaky breath. He climbed up my body, his locks pooling on my chest. “Ride me.” I nodded and he rolled off of me. I straddled his thighs, my hard cock standing tall against my stomach. Positioning myself over his cock, my hole fluttered over him. Taking a deep breath, I lowered myself onto him, the blunt head pushing past my sphincter. I panted as the burn intensified and I stopped, waiting until it passed. I panted harder, watching him stare at me with an expression of pure need and something else.

  When the pain receded, I continued down as he stretched me, filling me. It was odd. I had never bottomed before. Yes, it hurt. Gods, it hurt, but it was amazing.

  My thighs shook as I proceeded down until I was fully seated. His cock pulsed, doing strange things to me. Inside me. He panted below me, sweat gathered on his forehead, fighting the urge to thrust. He waited and we stared at each other, our breaths loud in the room. I blinked and, lifting myself off of him, plunging down on him. I gasped and shuddered from the intense sensations. I gyrated, reveling in the addictive feeling of electricity shooting up my spine as his cock pushed on my prostate.

  I lifted off him again and slammed down. He grunted, thrusting his hips up and pushing deeper. I continued to ride him until I shifted into a steady rhythm, growing hot as I chased my release. We moved together, his upward thrusts deep and hard. The room filled with our moans, the creaking of the bed, and the slap of skin. I savored each jolt of pleasure and the lingering ache in my ass, both melding together until they were indistinguishable. His thighs trembled below me and he arched. He was close. I rode him faster.

  Pressure built, his hands gripping my ass. He thrusted hard, sheathing himself inside me. I threw my head back with a shout, my body bowing. He started to fuck me with all his power, his nails digging into my thighs. I wanted it. His thrusts became erratic. Wrapping my fingers around my cock, I jerked myself at the same pace. The headboard continued to hit the wall with a loud bang as he fucked into me harder. He snapped his hips a few more times as he gripped my skin. I shuddered from the force, tensing as I came, spilling streams of cum. I shot on to my stomach and his chest, spitting out a few more drops from the continued thrust of his co

  I collapsed onto his chest. trembling as he continued to fuck into my sensitive hole until he came with a groan. He went limp under me as his orgasm subsided, his body shaking and sweaty. When our heavy breaths calmed, I rolled off of him, his cum trailing down my thighs. He reached over and tugged me in to his arms. I snuggled closer, knowing we should clean up, but I didn’t want to move. I didn’t even think I could. Instead, I tucked my nose against his neck, drifting off into a deep sleep, savoring his scent. I knew we had a battle ahead of us, but, for now, we had this. And it was good.


  The next morning, James and I pulled ourselves out of bed. I had to get to work and he needed to go back to training. After the attack on his boss, determination shone in his eyes.

  I got ready after he left and went into the living room. The sun shot beams of light through my patio doors. The room was the same, everything neat, a stark contrast to the disaster that was my bedroom. I should clean it up, but I kind of wanted to come home to it and remember our night together. I was always the top, unable to trust someone enough to be that vulnerable, but he was different. I trusted him. My heart was full as I entered the kitchen. The sky grew darker as storm clouds galloped above the city.

  Grabbing a glass of water, an ominous feeling sent a chill down my spine. I put the glass down and wandered out of the kitchen, scanning the living room. Goosebumps rose on my arms and everything went dead silent. The loa’s whispers filled my head. I whipped around when I felt a movement behind me and found Gabriel standing at the door, their white eyes blank and empty. Gabriel inched closer. “Spirit.”

  I sneered, backing away. “What the hell do you want?”

  They strolled in. “I just want to chat.”

  I followed his movements. “Bullshit! What do you want?” I repeated.


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