Riled by the Rider

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Riled by the Rider Page 1

by Ana Lewin

  Ana Lewin

  Riled by the Rider

  Honeydew Ranch Book 2

  First published by Reber Media Company 2020

  Copyright © 2020 by Ana Lewin

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

  This book contains sexual content and is intended for readers 18+.

  First edition

  This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Also by Ana Lewin

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  Chapter 1


  Mustard yellow didn’t go well with the cool blue tones of her blouse and the black of her tight jeans, but she didn’t have much of a choice. This diner came highly recommended and despite the unfortunate color scheme — complete with a black and white checkered floor and chrome-rimmed everything — the smell coming from the kitchen was enough to make her mouth water. From her perch at the bar she could see into the kitchen and to her delight, they were taking the food prep seriously. Call her judgmental, but she’d been worried about standards coming from New York City to Pelmsemet, Tennessee.

  “The milkshakes here are to die for,” an older woman offered the advice as she shuffled back to her table in the corner. A newspaper and a milkshake were waiting for her. She was taking her own advice.

  “I’ll have to try one then,” she said, smiling before turning back to look at her menu.

  Maeve could see almost everyone from this bar seat, nestled up against the wall with only a few tables behind her. There weren’t many people to see yet, but she assumed that would change as the breakfast rush hit. “I’ll get a chocolate milkshake and a plate of ham and eggs,” she ordered her food and gave the menu back to the waitress behind the bar.

  She could people watch all day, but she’d also promised her mother a phone call as soon as she got into town. The woman had been worried that she’d crash her rental car out in the middle of nowhere, even with how many times she’d assured her that the drive would be fine. Seven in the morning wasn’t a time when everyone would be awake, but her mother was the earliest riser she knew and had been up for two hours by now. As expected, she picked up the phone on the first ring. “Did you make it into Tennessee alright honey?” Mom didn’t say the name of the town because she couldn’t remember it. Hell, Maeve could barely remember the ridiculous name and she was currently in the town.

  “Pelmsemet, yeah. The drive was great like Olivia said it would be.”

  The beauty had made it worth driving instead of flying. Having a full twenty-four hours one hundred percent alone had helped too. It wasn’t something that happened often, considering she still lived with her parents in New York. “Honey, do you think it’s a good idea to be in Tennessee for three weeks right now?”

  Her back stiffened. She knew what was coming. “Why would it be a bad idea, Mom?”

  “You just graduated, honey. This is prime time to get a job. I know you don’t need one, but haven’t you always wanted to get into accounting? You’ve been talking about it since you were seventeen!”

  When she was seventeen she hadn’t even been able to dream about the things she would face in accounting in New York. Maybe it was the kind of companies she was applying to, maybe it was because her family was independently wealthy, she didn’t know. What she did know was that after the past month of job searching, the last thing she wanted to think about was finding a job in her field. “I’m sure I’ll be able to pick back up where I left off,” her attempt at sounding chipper sounded off.

  Hopefully, her mom thought it was the phone distortion. “As long as you know what you’re doing. I guess I better let you get back to your friend. Tell Olivia hello from me, alright?”

  “Sure thing. Love you.”

  Her plate was placed down in front of her as she tapped out of the call, the ham sending steam up that make her lightheaded with hunger. Fighting off the urge to shove a forkful right into her mouth, she took the time to cut up the ham and eggs into bite-sized pieces. Then she took her first bite. She was savoring the rich flavor when the little bell above the door rung and she glanced up.

  Maeve had to pick her jaw back up off the counter when she saw the man that walked in. He was the stuff of dreams. A casual gait and friendly smile greeted everyone in the diner, which was what first drew her attention. But when she got a good look… was it ten degrees hotter inside? It sure felt like it. A tidy blond beard hid his strong jawline, a cowboy hat casting a shadow on his expression. His form took up most of the entryway as he stood there, muscle cording his arms and legs from what must be a hell of a lot of farm work. Jeans that were meant to be loose hugged his thighs in just the right way to make her think about what it would be like if those thighs were between her legs.

  There was more, of course. More to take in. More to ogle. But his gaze met hers and she glanced down at her plate as if it was even possible to pretend she’d never been looking at him at all. She didn’t even risk an upward glance until she felt a presence beside her, a heat that could only be him. The little corner seat that had been so appealing when she’d first walked in now made her feel trapped. Unfortunately, her peaked nipples were telling her that was completely acceptable.

  “Mind if I sit here?” his voice nearly put her over the edge and she shifted on her seat.

  “It wouldn’t matter if I did mind, you can sit wherever you like,” thank God her brain seemed to be rebooting. Her snark was back. This was how she usually was with men.

  “I do try to be a gentleman.”

  Looking over at him again, she cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t look like much of a gentleman.”

  “Now that’s judging a book by its cover.”

  “Levi, you have got to stop trying to seduce all of these out of town women!” the waitress behind the bar had come to take his order and overheard part of their conversation. “Sweetie, this one is a real playboy. Fair warning to you.”

  The man, Levi, didn’t even order. She just took his menu and whipped around to the kitchen, busier now as the place started to fill up. “Looks like I’ve been proven right. That’s usually what happens,” she retorted, going back to her ham.

  She couldn’t deny that she was tempted, though. If he was a playboy, all the better. Maeve usually left a
string of broken hearts behind her — men who claimed they understood when she said casual only but came crying to her doorstep when she told them she didn’t want to see them again. Maybe some carefree sex would be the perfect way to start off her little vacation? It wasn’t like she was all that likely to see the guy again. “You’re a cocky one. Fiery. Not what I expected.”

  “What did you expect when you looked at me, Mr. Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover?”

  As his gaze trailed down her body, it felt like everywhere he looked was on fire. She wished she’d worn a bra, but the drive had been long and she’d wanted to be comfortable. If only she’d known that would backfire now as Levi could see exactly what his attention was doing to her. “You looked cold. Closed off. Pure.”

  Barking out a laugh, she drew the attention of a few nearby patrons for a second. “Pure? How do you figure?”

  “You look too busy for sex. For men. I take it back now that I’ve talked to you. There’s no way that mouth could be on a virgin.”

  “Too busy for sex, huh? You look like you have a lot of time on your hand, and yet we probably get laid the same amount. I guess that makes me better at time management.”

  His hand came down to rest on her thigh, out of sight of everyone else because of their secluded location in the corner. No one had sat at the tables behind them yet. “Are you always this cocky, or is because I’m turning you on?” his smirk shifted into a smile as the waitress delivered his food, but he didn’t remove his hand. Fingers massaged her thigh, moving further and further up as she fought off her body’s urge to squirm in arousal.

  She didn’t answer him, but he knew. It was impossible for him not to know. They both focused on their food but his damn hand was still there on her thigh, rewarding her with little stroke and squeezes. He managed to eat his eggs and bacon with one hand and he didn’t even look like a toddler doing it. Asshole. But instead of leaving when she was done with her food, she waited.

  When he had finished and they’d both paid, that was when she slid off of the cracked stool and strode out of the diner. Her mind told her to head straight back to her fancy rental car and drive to the ranch, but her body coerced her into following Levi to a truck. It was parked around the corner in some kind of loading zone in the shade, out of sight of everyone who walked into the parking lot. At this point, that was all the encouragement she needed.

  Levi turned to smirk at her, mouth opening to say something, but she didn’t let him finish. He was a full foot taller than her and about twice as big across, but she pushed him against the side door of his truck. Pulling at the collar of his plaid short sleeve, she didn’t let up until he came down to meet her kiss.

  The moment their lips touched heat exploded between them and Levi shook off his initial surprise. Hands came down to rest on her ass, kneading her cheeks through the fabric in a way that made her groan into his mouth. All she could smell was him, a strangely arousing mixture of sweat, hay, and a vaguely woodsy body wash. She wasn’t sure she would ever be able to smell hay again without her nipples going hard. A concerning thought, considering she was going to be staying at a ranch for the next three weeks. “You never answered me earlier,” he murmured against her lips, barely breaking their kiss. “Are you always this cocky, or is it because I’m turning you on?”

  Her teeth sunk into his lower lip but he only groaned. “Both,” she said, her hands going down to rub at the impressive bulge in his blue jeans. “Now are you planning to fuck me, or should I be finding someone else to do it?”

  “I was planning on taking you somewhere that wasn’t the parking lot of a diner, but your wish is my command.”

  Instead of opening the driver’s side door, he pulled her with him to the back of the truck. It had a canopy covering it, with heavily tinted windows. When he opened the tailgate to let them in she noticed a couple of blankets shoved into one corner. “Bring women here often?” she asked, sliding inside. Every surface in here was clean, not something that she would have expected from a cowboy’s truck.

  “Not often enough.”

  Maeve wasn’t sure if he was joking or what, but it didn’t matter. As soon as he’d slid inside himself and closed up the tailgate behind them she was on him again. She realized he was grabbing the blankets from the corner, playing with her hair as she waited for him. Pushing him down onto his back, she straddled his hips and started on the buttons of his shirt, grinding down against him. There was the lingering scent of diesel in the air but she was taken in by the scent of him. “I was planning on getting you undressed first,” Levi said, hands resting on her hips as he helped her grind down.

  “What you were planning is beyond irrelevant to me,” she said but paused to pull off her blouse and toss it to the side. “Happy?”

  Her nipples were still hard, breasts bouncing as she went back to the buttons. Why the hell did they make this shirt with so many buttons? “Thrilled,” Levi said as his hands trailed up her bare torso to cup her tits.

  Finally getting his damn shirt open, she pinched a nipple between her fingers. “Jesus!” Levi’s eyes widened and she looked down at him with a cocked eyebrow. The exclamation indicated that he hadn’t liked it but the way his cock twitched against her said otherwise. “Do you do that to all the men you sleep with?”

  “Ninety percent of the men I sleep with like it. So yeah, I’d say I do. Never had anyone play with your nipples before?” She smirked and pinched again, relishing his reaction.

  “You’re the most demanding, insufferable woman I’ve ever slept with.”

  She noted that he didn’t answer her question or tell her to stop doing it. Her other hand played through the blond hair on his chest as she continued teasing him. Instead of commenting on what was an undeniably true fact, she leaned down to shut him up with her mouth. The cowboy hat got in the way and as much as she loved it on him, she decided it had to go. One quick tap and it was lying on the bed of the truck beside them, revealing his bald head. It wasn’t the hairstyle she’d been expecting but somehow he was even sexier this way. Something she hadn’t thought was possible. “I want your pants off now,” she slid off his hips. He laid there looking at her and she offered him a sickly sweet smile. “Please.”

  His hands went down to undo his belt. “Demanding and insufferable,” he restated.

  “And yet, you’re still getting ready to fuck me. Are you expecting your cock to magically fuck the demanding and insufferable out of me? Because that’s not going to happen.”

  Her tongue wet her lips as she watched him slide the jeans down his legs. All muscle, like she’d thought. Black boxer briefs held in his length, and she didn’t wait for him to take those off too before she moved back over. This time she straddled his legs, face level with the bulge. “I figured. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve seen in years and I wanted a taste before you headed back to whatever big city you came from. If we were going to be sleeping together more than once I’d be asserting my dominance right about now.”

  Snorting, she pulled down his boxer briefs and watched as his cock sprung free. It was as big as she’d thought, thick and long, and she couldn’t resist licking down the side of it. “Don’t think you’d be able to assert dominance over me so easily,” her fingers slid up his torso to pinch a nipple while her other hand fisted his cock. “I almost wish we had a chance to see who’d win that battle. But alas, today, I win.”

  Not giving him a chance to respond she pulled his whole cock into her mouth until hair tickled her nose. “What the fuck,” Levi said it on a groan as his hands went down to wind through her hair.

  Her blowjobs were messy, they always had been. But she was good at them. She swallowed his cock with every go, sometimes switching it up and sucking only on the tip. Maeve only stopped when he forcibly pulled her up by the hair. He was breathing hard, his cheeks flushed from the pleasure. “Don’t mind the fact that you picked up a demanding woman now, huh?” she was goading him, but he was letting her. How could she not?

s time something flashed in his eyes and instead of making some cocky comment he tugged at her hair. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt, but hard enough for her to exactly what he wanted. He guided her until she was on her hands and knees. Then he pushed her down until she was lying on the bed of the truck with her ass up in the air and her cheek pressed against the blankets that they had laid out. She heard the sound of a condom wrapper ripping open, but she didn’t move. A little part of he was happy that he’d finally cracked and decided to keep her in check.

  Levi pulled down her tight jeans and lacy panties until they were snug around her knees. She was expecting the head of his cock pressed against her entrance, so when she felt the heat of his tongue she cursed. He caressed her folds and found her clit faster than any other man ever had, bringing her up to the peak of orgasm before letting her fall right back down. “Asshole,” her words were muffled against the blankets, but he shut her up anyway.

  She felt the head of his cock for only a second before he slid his whole length into her in one thrust. He didn’t give either of them a break, bending over her and pistoling his hips forward hard enough that her hips sank closer and closer to the ground. Somehow, that made the angle better and better. Usually, she had to play with her clit to bring herself to orgasm but this time Levi’s cock was all it took. Her hands fisted the blankets as she came, screaming louder than she should have considering they were in the back of a truck in a parking lot. When her pussy clenched and fluttered around his cock he came too, stilling as he emptied his load into the condom.

  Maeve didn’t know how long they stayed there, suspended in time. Both panting as she came to the realization that this was hands down the best sex she’d ever had in her life. Hell, probably the best sex she would ever have. She wasn’t particularly optimistic about something better.

  It was only when her phone started ringing that the illusion shattered.


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