Winter's Fall

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Winter's Fall Page 3

by Alessandra Jay

  Evan enters the room, hands full of more food, and stops short when he sees me crouched over the pizza box like a rabid animal. When I see the beautiful smirk grace his plush lips, I do something I didn't think I would be doing so soon - I smile too. Evan’s smirk turns into laughter and that is enough for me to drop my pizza and join him.

  “Now that was a sight to see.” Evan says, as he spreads out the rest of the food. All I can do is shrug my shoulders.

  “I’m really hungry.” I say, attempting to justify my primal behavior. Evan kisses my forehead and gestures towards the spread.

  “Which is why I ordered extra food.” He says, wiggling his eyebrows. I jump up and quickly take a seat at the counter so I could eat in a more dignified manner.

  An hour later, I am stuffed. As soon as the meal is over, both of us know we’ll have to speak about what occurred. Unsure of how to begin, I say what I am truly feeling.

  “I wish we could go to your rooftop without anyone seeing us.”

  Suddenly, Evan grabs my hand and pulls me out of my chair. He closes his eyes and chants a short spell in Latin. I look down to see our feet disappearing and, as my wide eyes make their way back up to Evan’s, I see the wink he sends me just as his face disappears from my sight. Surprised, I stay silent as he takes my hand and leads me out of my wing.

  Thankfully his rooftop is only down the hall because we didn't pass a single soul. We rush inside and take the steps two at a time. Finally, I'm looking around at the beautiful rainbow forest that fills Eden. I can see the sun setting on the horizon in the distance. Evan comes up and wraps his arms around me from behind.

  “I’ve missed you. So much.” He says softly by my ear.

  Resting my head back on his chest, we watch the sunset as I ask the first of many questions, “How long was I asleep?”

  “Two weeks.” He answers quickly.

  “Wow.” Is all I have the strength to say. If I ask specifics, I’ll break down before getting any answers.

  To make things easier, I let him take the lead by starting from the beginning, “How did you find me?”

  Evan leads me over to the futon that is under an all-black canopy. Only after we get comfortable, does he begin the dreadful story of my abduction.

  We spend the entire evening on the roof talking about the awful events that occurred. I don't remember a time in my life when I was so sad. Hearing the confirmation of Charlie's death broke my heart into countless pieces. But hearing the good news of Dimitri's recovery brought my spirits back up a bit. I feel terrible for Mack and Lucas. So much so, that they're the first people I want to see when I am able. Although I know my duty as an Elder in the Caster’s Council comes first, I'm already eagerly making plans to be back at Syracuse.

  “Okay, so what happens now?” I ask, a lot more bravely than I thought I could sound. Evan takes my hand in his and kisses the top.

  “What do you want to happen, love?” he responds sweetly. I wasn't expecting him to reply that way. I assumed I would have an endless amount of tasks planned for me to do as soon as I woke up. A few moments ago I thought I wanted to be at Syracuse, but now I feel as though I actually have a say in the matter, my mind has changed.

  “I would like to stay at Salem Village.” I say strongly. Straightening my back, I continue.

  “That way we can be with the Light Coven. And closer to Demi. But…” I stop my train of thought as I remember one of the main rules in all Villages. No mortals. But I really want to be with Mack. Evan senses my hesitation and lifts my chin to look into his beautiful eyes.

  “But what, Scar?” he urges me to continue. I avert my eyes, unsure of how this will work.

  “I need Mack. And I know she needs me. But she can’t come to the Village. I don't think it’s fair to her, for me to be so close, yet so far.” I answer honestly. I see Evan bring a hand up to pull at his hair as he gets in deep thought. Finally he brings his eyes back to mine.

  “You're the strongest caster I know, love. If you cast a glamour over Mack’s body we can sneak her in. No one has to know she’s there.” He says, giving me his full support.

  With all the love in my heart I charge forward and tackle him in a hug and hold him as tightly as I can. I hear him chuckle as he tightens his hold on me. Now that I have decided where I truly want to be I feel a greater amount of strength in me. I pull away and stand straight up.

  “All right then. Let’s go let everyone know I'm awake. That way we can get whatever they need me to do out of the way and we can be on our way to the Village.”

  Taking his hand to lead him back inside, I snap my fingers to cast the map that shows where the Sisters are. Most of them are in Ava’s wing with her and Dimitri, so Evan and I quickly make our way through the maze of the estate. When we finally get there, I knock on the massive doors. They open on their own and we rush inside. With my hearing heightened from my angel abilities, I can hear them all speaking down the hall. As we let ourselves into the room where Dimitri is I realize this is something I am not prepared for.

  Ava rushes towards me and crashes into my body with a fierce and loving hug. “Oh, Scarlet. Thank the heavens.” She says, as fresh tears begin escaping her eyes. I feel the hug get tighter and lift my head to see two of the other Elders have joined in on our hug.

  Just then, the door swings open and my dad walks through. I'm relieved of the group hug and watch him as he drops all of the paperwork that fills his hands and races to my side. He first takes my face in his hands, then brings them down in a bear hug tighter than he’s ever given me before.

  “My Scarlet.” He says to himself as he cherishes the moment.

  I wasn't expecting this to be so heart wrenching. But it is. We break out in loud sobs as my dad pulls me in even tighter and we fall to the floor. It’s harder than I thought to try and keep the devastating feelings of loss and failure bottled in. I tried being strong. I guess being in my dad’s arms was a breaking point for me. As I try to catch my breath, Evan comes over and tries to help console me.

  I hear someone snap their fingers and instantly I feel immensely relaxed. It reminds me of the amazing way the fire room helps when someone’s stressed. I turn to look at Ava who is looking at me understandingly.

  “Considering all the events going on around here, I figured I’d bring the effects of the fire room in here.” She says, with a prideful shrug of her shoulders.

  With a smirk, I shake my head. The mixture of crying so heavily and Ava’s stress reducing cast really helped me feel a sense of freedom from the heartache that I felt so thick in my chest. I rise to my full height and catch a glimpse of my comatose uncle in the bed behind Ava. I slowly walk to his side and take his hand in both of mine.

  One single tear escapes my eye as I lay a soft kiss on his fingers. Closing my eyes I try to connect with his mind. At first, nothing happens. Then I feel a shock in my head and a bright light forms behind my eyes.

  What was that?

  I try to open my eyes, but when it’s unsuccessful I decide to ride out whatever is happening. I don't hear anyone in the room any longer and it feels eerily still until I feel Dimitri's fingers weakly squeeze my hand. Again I try to open my eyes. Thankfully this time it works. When I look around the room everyone is frozen still and the room seems to have gotten five shades darker.

  “Dimitri?” I attempt to get through to my uncle after realizing I have somehow literally stepped into his head. I get no response. I say his name a few more times and finally feel him squeeze my hand again.

  “I know you're close, pal. I can feel you. Be strong. Come back to us. Everything is okay now. I’ll be back soon. I love you, Dimitri.” I give him a message before returning back to the present. Closing my eyes, I will myself to jump out of his head. It works instantaneously.

  Almost immediately, everyone unfreezes and looks at me wide-eyed. They seem speechless, but I can tell they're expecting me to tell them what happened. But how can I when I'm not really sure how or what I did?

  “Um, I think I got through to Dimitri.” When no one makes a sound, I continue.

  “I felt him. I felt his presence. And he squeezed my hand to let me know he was listening. He’s close. I know it.” I say, gaining confidence.

  Ava rushes forward and tackles me in another hug. “I knew you being back would be the answer. To everything.” She says, amazement in her tone.

  Gee, no pressure.

  With a small smile, I look up to get her attention. If I'm going to request to stay at the Village, I'm going to need to gain control over the situation. And what better time than when she feels most proud? I clear my thoughts and straighten my shoulders.

  “Ava, dad, now that I'm awake, I would really like to be in the city and stay at the Village. I can train there. The Light Coven is there. Demi and Mack are close. And so is the portal to get back here if I'm needed.” I begin trying to convince them with a growing list of pros, when Ava cuts me off.

  “Of course, Scarlet. Anything you need, you let us know.” She says, embracing me in another hug. As I'm pulling away, the door slams open.

  In storms Hunter, “why isn't anyone answering Scarlet’s door? Where is Evan?” she begins to complain, then stops short when she sees me standing beside Ava.

  Tears begin cascading down her face as I watch her run towards me. I brace myself for the impact and can’t help but laugh when we both fall back on the bed by my uncle’s feet.

  “I am SO happy you're back, Scar. You really have no idea.” She muffles into my hair. I squeeze her tighter and nod my head in agreement. As she pulls away, she wipes at her eyes and shakes her shoulders out.

  “Okay, so now that you're awake, I know you're itching to bake. And I am more than ready to eat. So, chop chop. Let’s go. I’ll catch you up on the positives of the days that have passed.” She says jokingly.

  Although, she is right. Baking something before I leave doesn't sound terrible. Maybe breaking the news to her that I’ll be staying at the Village for some time will be easier if I'm feeding her one of my desserts.

  With a nod of my head I accept her request and a smile I’ve missed graces her face. She takes my hand in hers and quickly leads me to the main kitchen where I baked here for the first time not so long ago. Evan and my dad walk in a few minutes later to keep us company while I get caught up with everything that I missed in my two-week slumber.

  Chapter 3


  Being back in the kitchen is bittersweet. I miss baking, but it doesn’t completely take my mind off the pain from losing Charlie. If it wasn't for Hunter talking a mile a minute, I would be in a gloomier mood. I'm thankful for her charismatic personality because it distracts me from my heartbreak, even if I'm slightly overwhelmed with all of the information she’s throwing my way.

  Choosing to make cookies and cream macarons was a smart choice for me. Since it requires a lot of focus, I'm partially distracted and only acknowledge Hunter with a nod of my head here and there. I try not to notice that my father and Anima Partem are watching me like a hawk, making sure I'm okay. It’s like they're both waiting for me to break down at any second.

  But I can’t let that happen. If I do, I fear they'll make me stay in Eden. As much as I love it here, I’d rather be back in the Village or anywhere in New York. Especially now that I know Lenora is so close - even if she is locked up. Her proximity has me on edge. From the bits and pieces I'm getting from Hunter, it sounds like she’s been spending a lot of her time with the Light Coven.

  I'm really thankful for that and I think it’s good for her. She needs to get out of Eden more and visit the mortal world. I notice she gets pink in the cheeks anytime she mentions Owen. She swears they aren't dating, but I can tell she’s smitten by him. It’s incredible how much can happen in a matter of two weeks. I missed so much.

  Julian still hasn't been found, but our coven is close. I don't think I'm ready to be on any missions yet, but I am happy to be updated on their progress. They make me really proud and it’s making me miss them that much more. I can’t wait to see them all again. And Evan’s plan to sneak Mack inside is brilliant.

  Having her there with me will be so good, for the both of us. Evan says Luke is a wreck. He only leaves our dorm to hunt demons that show up in Syracuse. I suppose that’s how he’s releasing some of his sorrow - by killing those that took away his love. After he takes care of business, he’s right back in the dorm with Mack.

  I feel terrible for him.

  He and Charlie were perfect for each other. I can't even begin to comprehend the turmoil he’s going through. I told Evan to inform him about our plan to sneak Mack in and he is more than willing to help. He promised he will come and stay in Evan’s suite with us. So the macarons I'm baking are for my family I’ve come to embrace here in Eden and in New York.

  Snapping me out of my daydreams, Hunter says, “Those smell delicious, Scar. My mouth is already watering.” She gawks at the rising desserts in the oven.

  “Five more minutes and they'll be coming out.” I tell her, as I begin to prepare the creamy cookie filling.

  “So tell me. Are there any obligations I am responsible for as a member of the Caster’s Council before I go to the Village?” I ask, afraid of hearing a long list of tasks.

  “Um, only one. Ava needs you to replace the glamour cast on Eden. You know, to ensure its eternal safety AND to keep the demons and the Dark Coven’s casting at bay so they don't make a repeat performance of their last visit. We overcame their evil intent, but it was not enough. With your power and strength, we’ll be invisible to all who would want to do us harm.” She says, getting glassy-eyed.

  I perk up right away, pleased with the news of my one and only assignment.

  “Not a problem. I can do that as soon as these babies are done.” I tell her, as I take them out of the oven.

  Coming up behind me to get a closer look, Hunter sticks her finger in the filling and shoves it in her mouth. I hear her moan then clap in excitement as she waits for me to assemble the cookies. Ava and the Sisters walk in just as we are all about to take our first bite.

  I thought back on my journey over the past few months. I went from believing I was a mortal, the only one in my family to not have powers, to learning that in addition to being a caster I am the one who was foretold to fulfill an ancient prophecy. I also went from learning about how vast and unique my powers are, to having them taken away from me in a single cast. The reality of facing someone as powerful and maniacal as Lenora and managing to survive is still terrifying, but it’s also given me a different kind of strength.

  Trying to perform a cast for the first time since I was abducted hurt a little more than I thought it would. So as I search my heart for the power I inherited, I feel my adrenaline spike and expand when my power responds to my will. As if it missed me as much as I missed it. I close my eyes to savor the familiarity of my intense power, then snap my fingers to cast some of the dessert I just baked into the Elders’ hands.

  Without waiting, Hunter shoves an entire macaron into her mouth. Still stuffed, and very grotesquely, she voices her happy reaction. Her expression brings back memories and I realize how much I missed my dad, my family, Hunter, and baking. But most of all, I missed Evan. I miss everything I took for granted. Now that I realize how easy it was for the Dark Coven to cast my power away and abduct me, I'm looking at things with a little more suspicion than I want to.

  “It’s going to take a while to feel normal again, love. But I promise I’ll be here with you the entire time.” Evan says, noticing how I'm feeling. I give him a small smile as I finally take a bite of dessert and return to the conversation in front of me.

  “These are just so delicious, Scarlet. My goodness.” Belle says, starting a string of compliments from everyone. My cheeks turn red and I hear Evan chuckle in his seat. I give him a pointed look and his grin turns into a full-on smirk. The same smirk that makes me weak in the knees.

  I avert my eyes so I don't embarrassingly swoon in front o
f my father and head Elder. Despite my attempts to hide my feelings, everyone clearly notices my cheeks turning red hot because Hunter blatantly laughs at me. Turning around to distract myself I begin casting the mess I made away. When the kitchen returns to its shiny perfection I get right to the point.

  “So Ava, when can I do that protection cast? I would really like to see Mack and everyone else.” I begin to explain, but Ava cuts me off as she stands and walks towards me.

  “Scarlet, there is no rush on the cast. You may do that whenever you please. Return to your family and friends. We will be in touch on Dimitri's progress and anything that might occur in regards to the Council.” She says, as she pulls me in for a hug. Although I am grateful that she is offering for me to leave without placing the cast, I would feel more comfortable with the safety of everyone here if I did cast it now.

  I pull away only slightly and look her in the eyes, “Thank you, Ava. But I would be more confident in leaving if I did the cast before I left.” I tell her honestly.

  With a proud and radiant smile, Ava pulls me in and squeezes me tighter.

  “You are truly a warrior at heart, my dear Scarlet. Do not let what happened stop you from fulfilling your destiny, being happy, and staying true to yourself along the way. I look up to you in so many ways.” She pulls away flashing her radiant smile.

  “Evan will take you to the place where your ceremonies were held. That is where you can place the cast. It’s on your way to the portal to the Village. I am sad we are saying goodbye so soon after you woke. However, I know you will be of better assistance out there with your coven, your Anima Partem, and one of your own Sisters from the council to help you along the way.” She says, confusing us all.


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