Winter's Fall

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Winter's Fall Page 23

by Alessandra Jay

  “What about Paradise? How do you even get there?” It is a question I didn’t even realize I wanted answered.

  “Casters have portals to get into Eden. We do too. It’s that simple. Mainly the portals to Paradise are in the clouds. But they are practically impossible to find, unless you’re being summoned. Then it’s like a pull. You just fly in the direction of the pull until you find the cloud.” She shrugs her shoulders, as if it was an easy task.

  “Then what?” Unsure why I had such an interest in the portals, I push on.

  “I don’t know, crazy. How do you enter your portals? It’s just a feeling kind of thing. You can’t enter anyway unless you’re summoned or a guardian or if you’re on a mission.” Charlie stands and stretches her arms high above her head before she whips her wings back out.

  “Is that enough new basics for you? I’m ready to get back out there. Charlie jumps off the ball and disappears into the dark sky. Lucas follows quickly behind her and, as we grab hands, Evan and I catch up.

  Charlie and Lucas take the lead as we fly back towards Evan’s house. Even with all the new information I just learned, I’m still in awe over the fact that I’m flying, with my own set of wings. Charlie and Lucas spin around in a pretty dance as our laughter fills the air around us.

  As we all zip through the air doing flips and spins, for the first time in a long time I feel weightless and free. Even if it’s just temporary, I forget everything that’s coming. Because right now I am flying, and that is magic in itself.

  Chapter 25

  Too Late


  As if I didn't already think my Anima Partem was an ethereal grace, the flight we took last night proved it. She takes my breath away with everything she does. She’s the most courageous caster I have ever known, and yet, she is still so fragile in her innocence.

  It feels like just yesterday she thought she was a normal mortal girl. Now, with all that has passed, that couldn't be further from the truth. Just to be in her presence is special and something to be taken with honor.

  The best part of it all is that I am connected to her in our unique caster way, my Anima Partem, my forever. I can already picture the day of our ceremony and how magical it will be. My stomach twinges with anticipation as I yearn for the day to come.

  I only hope Scarlet feels the same kind of excitement as I do, even though she’s dealing with a whole other world of problems. I know it’s a selfish thought, but a small part of me wishes the ceremony was sooner…before she meets the angel.

  It sickens me to think she could share a connection just as strong as ours with someone else. I trust Scar completely. But this other guy is an angel, a literal angel. Even still, I know our bond is unbreakable.

  Ironically, I am eager to meet him. If he has a piece of Scar, then I should be able to feel it, too. With all my might, I hope there is nothing to feel - no spark, no bond, nothing.

  We don’t even know when he will be arriving. And although I wish he weren’t, I know deep down it’s going to be better for the outcome of our mission. I just want to get it all over with, meet this Theo, do what we have to, and move on. New feelings of weakness and insecurities cloud my mind and I know a distraction is exactly what I need. What we all need.

  Scarlet woke up too early for my liking. When she went out for a morning flight, I stayed in bed to drive myself insane with my own thoughts. I want to go back to sleep, but my mind seems to have an agenda of its own as it flip-flops between Scar and Theo. I’m not used to these kind of burdens and I don't like what it’s doing to my usual ethics. I now understand why the mortals say jealousy is a green monster. It turns you into something you’re not.

  After tossing and turning for the last time, I take a quick shower because a strong latte is exactly what my brain needs after all my internal turmoil this morning. With my hot shower finished, I don't want to put a shirt on just yet, so I head for the kitchen to cast some lattes from my favorite cafe in Paris. Just as I'm about to take a sip of my steaming hot coffee, my spine tingles in a frenzy.

  Scarlet is back. My eyes roll to the back of my head as I savor the insatiable feeling enveloping my body. That feels better than the first sip of my drink.

  The goosebumps that rise on my arms prickle throughout my body as Scarlet walks through the door. She’s sweaty and out of breath, but with not a hair out of place. She’s taken my breath away so many times, I'm surprised I have more to give.

  She is a sight to behold. And by the way her cheeks warm to a rosy red, I know the feeling is mutual. Her eyes look hungry. And the way she bites her lip makes me hungry. I grab another steaming cup and walk slowly over to her. Before I get to her, she flicks her wrist to cast herself clean.

  “Cheater.” I say playfully.

  “Well, you obviously couldn't wait for me to shower.” She has a fire in her eyes that stares directly through me. Her body is pulsing with flirtatious waves and it hits me hard. Clearing my throat and trying to keep myself steady is proving to be difficult.

  Scarlet sips her latte and sings out a moan that vibrates throughout my entire body. Goosebumps rise on my arms again and my balance begins to fade. I can feel the heat grow in my face and I already know that my blushing is on full display. She gives me a smirk and, if it weren't for Mack, I would have lost all of the feeling in my knees.

  “Whatever is smellin’ so yummy is what I want in my tummy.” Mack struts into the kitchen to grab one of the full mugs and loudly takes a sip. She spins towards us with a full bright smile on her face that’s contagious. We return her smile and she squints her eyes, giving us a funny look.

  “Either the sexual tension in here is through the roof or y’all are fightin’ about somethin.’ By the look on Evan’s face, it’s the sex. Y’all need to have this ceremony already. For all of our sakes.” She turns her face downward so she can look up at us through her lashes.

  “I ain’t kiddin’ either.”

  Now it’s both of us that are blushing. Mack snorts and exits the kitchen, leaving us in awkward silence. I didn't know it was obvious that we’re eager for our ceremony. Before I can muster up something to say, Chloe and Victoria walk in.

  “I could smell that coffee from my room.” Victoria runs to the line of mugs and carefully but hastily grabs one. After she takes a sip, her eyes grow wide.

  “Is this from the Ob-La-Di Cafè in Paris?”

  “Actually, yes, it is.” I can't believe she knows of the cafè.

  “Oh, my Ava, I haven't been there in years. Truly the best espresso in all the realms.”

  “I totally agree.”

  Chloe takes a mug and moans agreeably as she sits on a nearby stool. Charlie walks in holding hands with Lucas. After they take their mugs, they join us by the table. Charlie tastes her drink, as Mack comes back in the kitchen with an empty mug.

  “Evan, can a gal get a refill ‘round here?” She is so loud that Charlie jumps and spills some of hers. Before Charlie can even react, Lucas flicks his wrist and cleans the mess away.

  “Thanks, babe.” Charlie says it so low that I'm sure Scar and I are the only ones that hear it.

  As I refill her mug, Derek walks in with Oliver and Owen. Aside from Hunter, the whole gang's here, and it makes my heart soar. I only wish we weren't on the brink of a war.

  I don't want to be the downer of the group, so I try to let the thought go. But it won’t go so easily. My phone rings it’s loud tune and the room falls silent.

  Now my heart sinks, because a normal group of friends wouldn't have this reaction to a phone call. We have all been through a lot and could use a break. I answer the phone on speaker so I don’t need to repeat whatever news or information is coming our way.


  “Evan, it’s Ava. They escaped. There’s blood everywhere but no one here is bleeding. That’s most likely how they were able to get through Scarlet’s wards; blood magic. We need you all here now. Especially Scarlet.

  Please give Charlie my regards a
nd ask her if there is anything she can do to get us information. I already spoke with Hunter and she’s returning to Eden as we speak. I must go. They set some of the trees on fire on their way out and it is taking all of us to extinguish the flames. See you soon.”

  She doesn't give any of us a chance to respond or even react.

  Like a firefighting crew, we all cast our battle gear on and scramble to leave. Thankfully, we are done in five minutes. Mack is upset because she can't help. But Derek offers to drop her off at the Village, then catch up with us in Eden. She seems more at ease with that, although she’s still complaining because she can't get a hold of Lizzie.

  As the rest of us make our way to the closest portal, Chloe runs up to walk ahead of us.

  “Scar, you had a vision of this, didn't you? Can you tell us what happened? Maybe there’s a detail or something we can work with.”

  Hearing Scarlet recall her vision brings fire to my blood. Julian said he wants me out of the picture and now I'm going to take it on myself to end him.

  “We need to find the traitor who assisted them.” Victoria says through clenched teeth.

  “That is my exact thought. When I find out who betrayed us, I'm going to…” Scarlet starts trembling from anger and I stop her mid-sentence.

  “We all want to do that, love. And we’ll find them. I'm sure when we get back, Charlie will have something to report.” As furious as I am, I know I have to try to keep things cool because now that everything has intensified in Scarlet, it’s easy to set her off.

  “Let’s hope she finds something.” Scarlet takes my hand as we walk up to the portal.

  Without hesitation, the Light Coven jumps through the portal. The second we hit Eden’s pure ground, the smell of burning wood smacks us in the face. It throws us off because such a smell isn’t common in Eden. Immediately we race towards the smoke to see how we can help.

  Thankfully, when we get there, the fires are already out. There are just a few piles of leaves smoldering here and there. Now we just have to do something about the thick smoke that’s contaminating the clean and untainted air in Eden.

  “Finally, you're here.” Hunter runs up to us and embraces Scarlet in a quick hug.

  “Come on, the other Sisters are this way. We’re trying to find clues that can lead us to either where they went or who helped them escape.”

  “Good. We can help with that.” I am confident we are going to find something, anything.

  “And Scar, we could really use your casting power about this smoke.” As soon as Hunter says it, Scar’s gaze drops to the floor. I can tell by the way she’s avoiding eye contact that she is disappointed about her task.

  “Would you like a different job?” Hunter gives Scarlet a sympathetic side eye and slings her arm around her shoulders. Scarlet lets go of my hand to walk with her Sister.

  “No. I can help with the smoke. I just…really want to catch the person who screwed us over. Will you promise to keep me updated as soon as you hear or see anything?”

  “Definitely. I’ll keep our minds linked. And trust me, I want to find that double-crosser just as much as you do. We’ll find them. And they’re going to be sorry when we do.” Hunter’s promise brings comfort even to me.

  “Plus, you'll only be a few feet away, silly. Remember, you're like the all-time most powerful caster ever.” With a playful nudge, Hunter breaks off and turns to the left, where other figures are beginning to appear.

  They were scattered around the cave that held the Dark Coven members until they heard Hunter running up. The other Elders, aside from Ava, run up to Scarlet to greet her in a group hug. Ava gracefully walks over and pulls her in for her own hug.

  “As always, it is lovely to see you. Although the circumstances are grim.” Ava turns towards me for my own side hug, then she walks Scarlet just around the cave where the fire seemed to have started. When Ava makes her way back towards us, I can see Scarlet with her palms up towards the crystal blue sky. The smoke above her starts to spin at a dizzying speed, like a reverse tornado. I can't tell what she’s doing with it. But from where I am standing, it looks really cool.

  “I found something!” Owen shouts from inside the cave. All of us, including Scarlet, run as quickly as we can towards his voice. When we all make it into the cell, he holds up a clue that sinks my stomach.

  “Is that a room key? From the Village? Salem Village?” Nova says in confusion. Angrily I storm to where Owen stands. Snatching the key out of his hand, I turn it over to read the room number on it.

  “All we have to do is bring this to the Village and we can find out whose key this is.”

  “Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

  Hunter is the first to say what everyone else is thinking. Without another word, the Light Coven and Hunter race through Eden to get to the one place I wish wasn't where the clue was leading us.

  Why did it have to be someone from my Village?

  Regardless, the only thing I want answered is who the caster is that was involved in this treacherous crime against our world. What are we going to do once we discover who the traitor is? Better yet, what is Scarlet going to do to this caster?

  When the time comes, should I stop her, or let her fury take over and allow the punishment to fit the crime? Whoever this person is, they better be ready for the wrath of Scar.

  Chapter 26



  After my solo flight this morning, I didn't think there was anything that could turn my mood sour. However, I should have known that in this new world of mine something was bound to happen to challenge my positive attitude. I was just starting to enjoy the delicious latte from Paris and everyone was getting comfortable to eat breakfast.

  The minute I heard Evan’s phone ring, I knew it wasn't going to be good news. A pit grew in my stomach as I listened to the news Ava was conveying to us. Since then, I’ve only seen red.

  Keeping my composure is proving to be harder than I thought. If I'm supposed to be this all-powerful caster-angel, then I have to act more like Ava during stressful situations. Even if I’m screaming on the inside. I’m trying to wrap my head around who could betray us like this.

  I just can’t begin to understand it. Surely it has to be someone we know. But then again, a lot of casters come and go from the Village every day. I know that if I'm this furious, Evan is probably losing it completely on the inside.

  For someone to trick us like this under his roof must be killing him. And I can tell by the way his hands are sweating. He’s trying so hard to be the calm and collected one, which is another reason why I'm attempting very hard to stay as zen as I can. I don't need to make any of this worse for him, for any one of us.

  What’s frustrating is that I knew this was coming, I just didn't know when. And I thought I took care of the possibility of any escape the Dark Coven might attempt. Whoever assisted them must be more powerful than any of us thought. Unless they have perfected casting with blood, then that strength will be hard to overpower.

  “Guys.” Charlie lands swiftly in front of us. My heart races, as she startles me. We only just took the portal back and my first call was going to be to speak with Charlie.

  Lucas takes her hand and pulls her into his chest for an embrace, as if he hasn't seen her in days. I can’t blame him, though. He lost her once and wants to make sure he doesn’t lose her again. He is showering her with all his love, like he wished he could do when she was gone.

  “So you want the bad news or good news first?” Great, more bad news.

  “Bad first.” Evan responds for us.

  “Well, it’s confirmed. The Dark Coven members are all together and they have begun the war foretold in your prophecy.” Charlie grimaces as she gives us the terrible news.

  “That’s two things, by the way. I hope the good news is also a double whammy.” Hunter says low, from beside me.

  “Yeah, I didn't realize the bad news was a two-parter. Sorry. Now for the good ne
ws…the caster who was behind the escape spends most of her time at the Village.”

  Charlie raises her eyebrows for dramatic effect. But this is already something we all know. So when none of us react, she turns to Luke.

  “We found a clue back in Eden. A key from the Village. It’s our only lead so far.” Luke practically whispers the news to her. And just like the rest of us, her posture deflates.

  “I gotta say, Evan, it is really smart of you to give room keys out to the guests. Most of the other Villages don't have them. So I guess we’re lucky it happened at yours. At least now we’ll have a name.”

  Owen’s trying to stay optimistic and it pushes a little light back into me.

  “That’s true. We’ll have Mack meet us in the lobby with your laptop so we can look it up as soon as we get there.” I say enthusiastically. And it feels good. As I call Mack to tell her we will be there in a minute, a putrid stench fills my nose as I barely get the message out. Before I even hang up, everyone’s weapons are out and ready to be used.

  Evan’s katanas catch the sunbeams and glisten in the air as we silently await what and where the smell is coming from. Now that I have a moment, I summon my dagger and take a protective stance within the group. We all know what to expect. So when the first demon appears, Oliver runs forward and doesn't even give it a chance to attack. Its head rolls off of its shoulders and hits the ground with a thud, splattering blood all over the concrete.

  “Anea demons. We have to send them back to the inferno immediately or the smell could poison us from the inside out. Cast yourselves a gas mask just to be safe.” Evan says this in a whisper because I am really the only one that doesn't know this. Everyone else seems to be ready for the promptness needed for the kills as they cast a mask on their faces. I follow along ready to send these demons away.

  “Got it.” I try to sound brave, and hope I do.

  “Also, they're really fast. But I'm thinking with your angel speed, it should be easier for you and Charlie.”


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