Ryder's Rush

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Ryder's Rush Page 5

by E. C. Land

  “This?” I whisper, inaudible.

  “This,” Ryder mutters, nodding his head in confirmation.

  Oh boy.

  I’ve got to be dreaming within the nightmare that is my life.

  “Live for the rush, mon bijou, nothing sweeter but gotta say the rush of what’s to come between us is going to be the sweetest I’ve ever tasted. You with me?” Swallowing through the lump in my throat, I nod my head and lick my lips. “Good, conversation over for now,” He says in a low husky voice as he leans forward and captures my mouth with his. On a gasp, Ryder plunges his tongue into mine.

  Lifting my arms up, I wrap them around his neck trying to pull him even closer to me as flames of desire consume me.

  This could be good, or it could be very, very bad.

  But right now, I’m going to go with good and pray to all who are looking down upon me that I’m making the right decision.

  Chapter Eight


  “Stoney said Rachel wants to meet Brielle,” Cane grunts as he approaches me in the garage. After the meeting yesterday and the make out session with my woman that left me wanting even more than ever to sink my dick into her, I decided the boys and her needed a quiet night. This meant ordering pizza and wings from the local Italian joint in town and finding some movie the boys would want to watch. They surprised me by picking The Lost Boys.

  Fuckin’ good movie but didn’t expect them to pick something from the eighties. When that one went off Marcus asked if we could watch Chucky. Then Micah piped in wanting to watch Corpse Bride. Guess they’re all about horror and Halloween movies.

  Fine with me long as it didn’t entail me watching something like Finding Nemo and that stupid fish singing that song that gets stuck in your fuckin’ head for ages.

  Whip didn’t take too kindly to this considering he’d wanted to spend time with his sister. But I didn’t give one flyin’ fuck. What was important was making sure Brielle saw where I was coming from when I say we’re doing this.

  Her, me and the boys. Their gonna know for the rest of their lives they’re safe and so is their mom. Meaning they’ll sleep peacefully and so will Brielle.

  I’ve seen the difference in the cunts of this world who don’t give a shit about their kids and the ones who do. My woman would die for Marcus and Micah. I’m almost certain she nearly did several times and she just hasn’t said. I’m sure of this because I’d seen her back this morning when she woke up her shirt up in the back and she was on her side still sleeping. Her skin was marred in what look like lines crisscrossing this way and that. Some thin others thick.

  Reaching a hand up I lifted her shirt more to find the lines were scattered over the entirety of her back. Fuck it took all I had not to leave the bed and hunt down Titus right then and there in order to gut him, pull his intestines out in order to feed them to Bart. It’s been awhile since I’d had to do that and it’s high time Bart got his due.

  Now Cane’s coming to me while I’m working under the hood of my drag car, changing the spark plugs while the transmission drains. I’d left Brielle and the boys inside the clubhouse telling them if they needed anything to come find me at the garage off to the side of the lot. Did tell them to watch out for Bart though. Granted, if you don’t mess with him, he leaves you alone. He’d been around us since he hatched and doesn’t leave unless he goes in the bayou even then he won’t go far from this area.

  “Think that’s a good idea?” I ask, without turning to look at the man.

  “I don’t but Prez would give his life for his ol’ lady,” Cane remarks.

  I know what he means, and I get it, but at the same time, I need to protect my own ol’ lady.

  Ol’ lady?

  Yeah that’s exactly what she is to me. I claimed her and I’m not doing it halfheartedly.

  Sliding out from under the hood, I stand to my full height, toss the socket wrench in the toolbox and grab a work rag and wipe my hands off.

  “I’ve got nothing but respect for your Prez; however, if whatever his ol’ lady wants whether it’s to confront and to hurt someone for putting her daughter through that shit, it won’t be Brielle. She’s my ol’ lady and I ain’t ’havin’ that shit. I’m drawing the line at bullshit drama added on top of the cluster fuck we already got around here,” I voice letting Cane know where I stand.

  “I don’t think it’d be bullshit drama per say but she’s been dealing with a lot of shit and she’s just now started to really deal with it. I think if she spoke with Brielle, it might help her even more. Knowing the shit your ol’ lady went through for leaving the opening for someone to find Corrine,” Cane suggests.

  “So, you’re asking me to let my woman, a woman you heard tell her story, tell another woman she doesn’t know, about what she endured for that small bit?” I sneer, lip curling as I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Not what I’m saying, brother and you know it. You gotta look at it from where I am. I’m a bystander in this. When Corrine was taken, I’d been a prospect for the club. Seen what happened, what Rachel went through. She didn’t just lose her baby girl when Corrine was taken, she lost her son Luca as well as took a beating from a fucker who betrayed our club for some fucked up club that Rachel’s kids’ sperm donor belonged to. I see this from both sides as these two women both have a shit ton in common.” I take a moment and stare at Cane as I let his words sink in.

  “Can see where you’re coming from, but I don’t know what you expect this to do besides hurt two women more than they’ve already endured. And that’s something I sure as fuck ain’t about to let happen.” To this Cane nods in agreement.

  “Or it could help them heal more. Knowing they have been in the same situation as each other and not having anyone to understand the depth of pain they’ve both gone through. You and I might feel for them. You and Stoney feel deep what they feel but nothing compared to the true depths they’d only understand in each other.” The calm in his tone, I’d normally be the one to hold, if I weren’t in this, as he said feeling this deep inside for what Brielle endured.

  Sighing, I shake my head, “How about instead of them coming all the way out here, we setup a time the two of them can skype or facetime each other or some shit like that?”

  “That would work, I’ll talk to Prez, see what he says. This way it also gives you a chance to talk to Brielle,” Cane grunts.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly something I want to talk to her about. It’s bad enough we got enough shit to deal with and get straight I don’t need another thing tacked on top of it. Swear one day soon this club is going to need a break longer than a month or so from the drama.” A sharp intake of breath coming from the entrance to the garage bay I was standing in, and I grimace already knowing who it is before looking.

  Fuckin’ hell.

  “It’s not like I asked you to take on my drama. So now you don’t have to worry about it, we’re not your concern and never were. I’ll take my boys and get out from under your hair so you and your club can have your break from, as you call it, drama, while I call it my life. Screw you, Ryder,” Brielle snaps, tears sliding down her cheeks as she turns on her heel and stomps back the way she came.

  “Oh shit, Ryder, brother, didn’t think she’d have a temper not with the way she’s acted since I met her yesterday,” Cane chuckled. “She might give one of the ol’ ladies back home a run for their money. But you know what I’ve noticed?”

  “What?” I grumble as I watch my woman storm toward the clubhouse.

  “She doesn’t say cuss words,” he remarks catching my attention.

  Thinking on this he’s right. I don’t think I’ve ever heard my woman say one foul word. Grinning, I decide I’m going to remedy that, thinking hearing her tell me to fuck her would be music to my ears.

  “Close up the garage for me will ya?” I state to Cane as I start after my woman. I know I’ll have to be easy on her but it’s high time I become better introduced to her body.

  With my plans running t
hrough my head, I catch up to her before she can get to the door and scoop her up into my arms, Brielle’s head whips around and up to look at me. I slam my mouth down on hers right as she opened it to yell at me and claim hers with a kiss meant to not only show those around, she’s mine but to show her who she belongs to.

  Brielle is mine and she’s going to finally get it through her head.

  Her and I spent enough time not talking as we lived next door to each other. I’d imagined her enough times that I’m done waiting to know what she tastes like, feels like and I’m going to show her exactly what that little attitude of hers does to my dick.

  Chapter Nine


  Holy moly cannoli. I knew Ryder could kiss. He’d kissed me yesterday and we’d had a somewhat make out session before movie and pizza with Marcus and Micah. Then after they’d gone to sleep, he’d kissed me some more. Both those sweet and gentle.

  This one though.




  Earth—shattering doesn’t even begin to explain the sensations flowing through my body right now. Not even close.

  Kissing me now the way he is, it’s as if he were proving something with his mouth. A claim he can only make with his lips locked to mine and his tongue inside as he holds me in his arms.

  I’d gone to the garage to ask him if there was any way we could get my laptop from the house and my Kindle. It might not have looked like I worked considering I never left my house but that didn’t mean I didn’t. I wrote for a living. Different types of romance novels. Under a different name that is, but no one knew who I really was. I stayed under the radar not wanting to be known for what I do. Just wanted my readers to know me through my writing. To feel the emotions I put into each word. Nothing else.

  And right now, with not writing the past two days I’m going to have to make up for those if I don’t get started soon. So, I’d gone to ask if someone could get these for me and I’d overheard him talking to Cane, one of Bryan’s brothers from the Devil’s Riot. Maybe I over reacted, but I don’t think so. Not when I didn’t ask him to wade into my drama. Didn’t want him to. I would have figured away to get a way from here and get somewhere safe before Titus could have gotten to me again.

  Then again, this last time, Titus was nearly ready to kill me but wanted to torture me some more before that happened by inflicting as much pain as he could.

  Pushing my hands against Ryder’s chest, I push against it as best I could in the cradled position he’s holding me in. Breaking the kiss, I’m panting for breath.

  This is what the man does to me, leaving me breathless and mind boggled. I can’t afford for this to happen.

  “Ryder,” I whisper, meeting his gaze and instantly become enthralled with what I see.

  “Shut it, Brielle,” he commands, gravelly, and breaks eye contact with me as he turns us from the main entrance to the clubhouse and takes us to another. “Not gonna have the boys see me carry their maman through the front and follow us because they’re worried about you. Especially when I intend to sink my dick in that tight body of yours.”

  Have I said it already?




  Ryder is definitely something I never expected in my life no matter how much I dreamed about it. Shoot he was the inspiration for my latest book. Him and his dark broody eyes that seem to soften when he’s talking to my boys. This was before I even knew him.

  And now my body reacts in a way it hasn’t in ten years. If I were honest with myself, it didn’t even react this way with Titus. Not by a long shot. I’d only had sex the handful of times with Titus when I’d gotten pregnant and after that it was nonexistent once again. If I didn’t have the boys, you could pretty much declare me a reborn again virgin because I honestly didn’t have any experience with getting any action that wasn’t self-induced.

  Opening the back door to the club, Ryder quickly makes it to his room. Barely jostling me as he does what’s need to get us into the room. The moment we’re behind closed doors, he locks it keeping anyone from being able to come in without knocking.

  Ryder reaches the bed in long strides and climbs up the mattress with me still in his arms before finally laying me down gently in the middle somewhat like he’d done the previous day.

  He doesn’t waste a moment of time in reclaiming my mouth and plunging his tongue in to dance with mine.

  Lordy does it feel nice having his lips against my own. Even more so when his hand glides softly up my shirt making sure to take care of the bandage on my stomach and cups my breasts.

  Moaning into his mouth, I wrap my arms around his neck since I don’t know what else I should do with them. Like I’ve said, pretty much Virgin Mary here and I really don’t want him to find out.

  My moaning must do something to him as he groans and dislodges his mouth and peppers wet kisses along my jaw down my neck. Ryder lifts up enough to pull my shirt over my head. Once it’s cleared my head, he’s back to kissing a trail down to my breasts where he pulls the cup of my bra from one and latches on to my nipple flicking it with his tongue as he uses his hand to pinch and play with the other.





  Something I’ve never had before. Like never.

  Here I am pretty much the most inexperienced twenty-six-year old woman with two boys and a man who is more man than I’ve ever known playing with my nipples.

  My back arches and I bite my lip to keep from screaming as an unexpected orgasm rakes through my body.

  Dang it all to hell. Who comes just from nipple play? I didn’t even think it was freaking possible, but here I am embarrassed as all get out that I did.

  Ryder lifts his head and looks down at me with his sexy as all get out smirk.

  “Baby,” he croons softly.

  “It’s umm, it’s been a really long time,” I murmur bringing my hands up to cover my face.

  Ryder grabs my wrist and pulls them down. “Don’t hide from me. That was fuckin’ hot. You coming with only my mouth and hands playin’ with your tits. Fuck never seen it before and I sure as fuck want to see it again. But right now, I want you coming again this time in my mouth.”

  With this Ryder slides further down, hands going in the waist band of my leggings and pulls them and my panties down in one sweep. Lifting my legs up he slides between them and settles them on his shoulders. His nose right at my entrance and he inhales. “Fuck, baby, could become addicted to your smell,” he murmurs and his breath hits my core sending shivers of ecstasy throughout my entire being.

  Words can’t describe what happens next, the first lap of Ryder’s tongue felt divine. The second magnificent. Third, fourth, and fifth world tilting on ’its axle as he plunges his tongue inside me with a finger hitting me in a spot I’d rarely ever been able to get myself sending me over the edge into a blissful orgasm that rocks my being entirely.

  Ryder doesn’t give me a chance to come down from my orgasm before he’s up on his knees shaft in hand aimed for my core.

  “Ryder,” I moan.

  “Owen,” he states.


  “Don’t care who’s around. Don’t care where we are, from now on you only call me Owen. Especially when I’ve got you naked in my bed,” he growls, sliding his dick in inch by inch.

  “Owen,” I murmur his name letting it roll off the tip of my tongue.

  “That’s right, mon bijou,” he grunts through clenched teeth. “Fuck, you’re tight.” Ryder slowly slides his dick deeper using slow movements.

  “Umm,” I moan. “It’s been a really long time.”

  “Can tell, baby,” he groans sinking the last inch inside leaving me filled deep with him. His pelvis against mine as he slides my legs from his shoulders and wraps them around his waist. Leaning forward Ryder braces himself on his elbows. “Gonna take you slowly, don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You couldn’t hurt
me, Owen. I’m okay. It doesn’t really hurt,” I pant wishing Ryder would move.

  “Still taking you slow, baby, want to savor the feel of you wrapped around my dick. Imagined this for six months, now I’ve got you where I want you. Not going to fuck you hard. Maybe after.” Oh god, he’s going to drive me insane with need before he’s done with me. Then again, do I really want him to be done with me? Not when it feels this amazing.

  Ryder thrust within my pussy with deliberately slow movements. I arch my back seeking out what I need from him.

  “You want more mon bijou?” he grinds out through clench teeth, sweat beading on his forehead and I nod my head. “Tell me what you want, Brielle,” Ryder commands.

  “You to take me harder,” I pant.

  “You mean fuck you?” I nod.

  “Say it.”

  Baffled by this, I furrow my brows, “What?”

  “Tell me to fuck you. You want it that bad, say it,” he smirks, reaching between us and pinches my clit.





  I need more.

  So close.

  Lowering my lashes, I lick my lips and give him what he wants. “Fuck me, Owen.”

  “You got it, baby.” With that said, Ryder slides nearly all the way out and slams back in beginning a hard pace as he thrust into me with skilled movement.

  The orgasm that hits me isn’t like the other two. No, this one was much more powerful. Ryder slams his mouth to mine capturing the screams of pleasures as I tighten around him. My body shaking as I come completely undone around him.

  Groaning in my mouth, Ryder stills deep within me and I can feel his dick twitching as he comes. It’s then that it dawns on me that he wasn’t wearing a condom.


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