Ryder's Rush

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Ryder's Rush Page 8

by E. C. Land

  “Owen, they are not. Maybe when they’re sixteen but not at eleven,” I protest, glancing down to look at Lucy, who chose that moment to wake up ready to eat considering the way she’s rooting toward my boob.

  “Brielle, baby they’re old enough to have them and hopefully by the time their sixteen, they’ll be getting themselves both a motorcycle for the three of us to work on,” Ryder states.

  “Umm, yeah no flipping way,” I grumble putting a stop to this conversation as I move our little girl away from my chest enough to lower my tank top and slip my boob out of my bra in order to put her mouth to it. The entire time I can feel my man’s eyes on me watching as Lucy sucks my nipple into her mouth in order to get the milk she wants.

  “Fuckin’ hell, baby. You know what it does to me when you do that shit,” Ryder groans, moving to sit next to me and put his hand on mine as I hold Lucy in place and the other along my shoulders.

  For some reason he loves doing this and I have to admit I love when he does it too.

  “Well your daughter needs to eat, and I can’t deny her,” I whisper glancing from Lucy to Ryder.

  “Yeah, I know baby. But sometimes I swear you pull your tits out just to stop arguments,” he chuckles.

  “Can’t help when she’s hungry but I do have to admit it gets you to shut up,” I giggle.

  “Boys are still getting the dirt bikes,” he grins and I roll my eyes.

  “Fine but the first time one of them falls and breaks their arm, you’re taken them to the ER and will be getting rid of them or putting them away until they’re sixteen,” I remark.

  “Deal, but just so you know. They say you fall off the horse you get back up and try again. Same goes for all things you ride, dirt bikes included. So, don’t think Marcus and Micah will be pleased if you punish them for learning.” Dang it. Why does he have to make sense about things like this.

  “Whatever,” I huff and turn my attention back to Lucy.

  “Brielle, look at me,” Ryder croons and I give him my eyes once again. “Love you, mon bijou, marry me.”

  “Come again?” I ask not sure I heard him right.

  “Marry me, baby,” he states, using the hand resting along my shoulders to reach up and grasp ahold of my hair and hold me in place. “Want you to be mine in every way, Brielle. Our boys, too. Told you when we first began, I hoped to make it legal, this is me doing just that.”




  “Yes,” I murmur, tears welling in my eyes.

  We’ve come a long way from where we first began and I can’t wait to start the next chapter of our lives together.

  “Good, now finish feeding the princess, so I can take you to bed and show you how much I love that you’ve agreed to be my fuckin’ wife,” Ryder orders.

  Smiling, I lean into him and press my lips gently to his. More than ready for him to do just that.

  Who knew that when I escaped Titus and the Péché Mortel, I would find the person who would hold my heart and make me feel worth something in life?

  They say life can be one heck of a rush if you let it, well they weren’t wrong. When it comes to Ryder everything’s a rush. He’s the adventure I’ve always wanted to find and to be his wife, his ol’ lady, is the best feeling of them all.

  Dear Readers,

  I really hope you enjoyed Ryder’s Rush. The main idea behind Brielle and the inner turmoil she goes through was extremely hard but I needed to point out the inner strengths of a mother as well as those of anyone else who loves a child enough that they would do anything for them. How Ryder took on his nephews and then took to Marcus and Micah. Life’s an amazing adventure and when it gives you lemons what do you do make lemonade.

  Now in keeping with the rest of the series, this couple will also have a second book. Brielle’s Nightmare will be coming late spring to earlier summer.

  Up next is Axel’s Promise and boy can I not wait for you all to get his book. You’ll laugh, cry and maybe even scream for what’s to come.


  Just know it’ll be worth it in the end.



  Available Now

  By: E.C. Land

  Devil’s Riot MC Series

  Horse’s Bride

  Thorn’s Revenge

  Twister’s Survival

  Reclaimed (Devil’s Riot MC Boxset Bks 1 – 3)

  Cleo’s Rage

  Connors’ Devils

  Hades Pain

  Badger’s Claim

  Burner’s Absolution

  Redeemed (Devil’s Riot MC Boxset Bks 4 – 6)

  Devil’s Riot MC Originals

  Stoney’s Property

  Owning Victoria

  Blaze’s Mark

  Taming Coyote

  Luna’s Shadow

  Inferno’s Clutch MC

  Chains’ Trust

  Breaker’s Fuse

  Ryder’s Rush

  Dark Lullabies

  A Demon’s Bliss

  A Demon’s Harmony

  A Demon’s Soul

  Royal Bastards MC (Elizabeth City Charter)

  Cyclone of Chaos


  Twisted Steel

  Available on Audible


  Cleo’s Rage

  Connors’ Devils

  Hades Pain

  Badger’s Claim

  Coming Soon

  By: E.C. Land

  Devil’s Riot MC Originals

  Choosing Nerd

  Ranger’s Fury

  Carrying Blaze’s Mark

  Neo’s Strength

  Cane’s Dominance

  Venom’s Prize

  Dark Lullabies

  A Demon’s Song

  Inferno’s Clutch MC

  Axel’s Promise

  Fated for Pitch Black

  Tiny’s Hope

  Fuse’s Hold

  Nora’s Outrage

  Tyres Wrath

  Toxic Warriors MC







  Royal Bastards MC (Elizabeth City Charter)

  Spiral of Chaos


  Frozen Valentine

  Pins and Needles with Elizabeth Knox

  Blood and Agony


  Romanticizing the Gods By: Corrine Falls

  Remembering Ryan

  The Elites

  Twisted Steel: Second Edition

  Be sure to follow or stalk me!

  E.C. Land





  Author Page

  Corrine Falls



  Author Page

  Choosing Nerd


  Having to choose between life and death would seem easier if I wasn’t dealing with the situation I’ve found myself in. I was asked a favor by a good friend to help them find someone, so of course I agreed without hesitation. It’s what I do best—locating missing persons.

  I never knew the person I was looking for would be the only one who’s been capable of bringing me to my knees.

  With danger on her heels, it’s up to me to persuade her into choosing me. Actually, even more than that. She needs to trust me too, because if she does the club will protect her.

  I already know I’d die for her, but will it be enough?

  With every turn truth and betrayal comes to light. Before we even realize it, the trigger is pulled.

  I only hope it’s one of them, and not anyone we hold dear.

  A Demon’s Song


  The day she walked through the front door, I wanted nothing more than to hate her.

  I didn’t trust her, and she rubbed me the wrong way from the get-go.

  I wanted nothing to do with her,
so I ensured I’d avoid her at all costs. It worked for a while, until I found her on the side of the road in the middle of the night.

  Of course, I did the noble thing and brought her home, but I had no idea she’d end up in my bed, or with me pounding into her.

  I told myself one night couldn’t hurt. Only, it did.

  One night shifted everything and before I realized it, trouble came knocking on my door, and her safety hung in the balance.

  Ranger’s Fury


  Nothing about my life has ever been easy, so it makes total sense the moment I found her would be no different. As soon as I laid my eyes on her, I knew how I’d have the biggest fight on my hands.

  Little did I know there’s more to her then I first realized.

  People say she’s emotionless, a void, a shell of the person she used to be. However, I don’t agree. I see the raging fire inside of her, desperate to break free.

  I wonder what my little fury would do if it all came blazing out, but before we realize it, the past comes to present. It threatens those around us in ways we’ve never dealt with before.

  Can I protect her when everything comes crashing down, or will she become the harpy she is?

  I suppose it doesn’t matter. Regardless, she’s mine—whether she wants to be or not.

  Axel’s Promise


  Promises are meant to be broken, all except one. The one that binds two people as one. Too bad that’s the one I broke when I screwed up.

  I lost her because of what I did. She left and in so doing she took something she shouldn’t have. Not without telling me.

  Now she’s back with fear in her eyes and not alone.

  Shocked, I have the choice to make more promises or mend the one I broke and take back what was mine.

  Family Connections

  To Founding Members


  Reno (deceased)– Father to Chains and Victoria

  Irène (Never Married) – Mother to Tyres and Brake

  (Father Louis Pelletier)

  Arlene (Never Married) – Mother to Breaker

  (Father Unknown)

  Ryder/Owen – Adoptive father to Marcus and Micah


  Fury – Father to Pitch Black and Raven

  Scarlett – Mother to Lynch and Harlow


  Rico – Father to Axel


  Want to know the translation of some of what’s being said?

  Péché Mortel – Deadly Sinners

  Putain – Whore

  Maman – Mom

  ferme ta gueule – Shut the fuck up

  T’inquiète pas – Don’t worry

  Ma vilaine – My naughty one

  Stupide – stupid

  Mon bijou – My jewel

  Want to know where to start with the Inferno’s Clutch MC? Check out Chains’ Trust



  My life has never been easy, not once from the day I took my first breath. According to my dad, I was good for nothing. Well besides breeding to the right person. My mom died, at the hands of the man who raised me, for her sins. When I turned sixteen, I ran away. Living on the streets wasn’t easy but I’d made it work. It was better than listening to the crazy that the leader of the cult would talk about.

  It took me a while to make my way south. But I’d done it without spreading my legs for random men. I didn’t want to be pimped out.

  So, people would wonder how I ended up at the clubhouse of the Devil’s Riot MC. Well I met this girl, I thought she was my friend. Told me to come to the clubhouse let the men have their way with you and you’d have the club’s protection. Figured it can’t be so bad.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a slut. I did what I thought I could handle, but in the end, I didn’t want to be passed around. After giving a couple blow jobs to a couple of the members of the club, I knew I couldn’t hack it and confronted the president of the club, Stoney. He and Tracker understood when I explained to them why I’d come to them. They didn’t turn me away like I’d thought they would.

  I’d already been given the nickname of Tiny because of how short I was. Standing at no more than five foot two and weighing no more than a hundred and five pounds. Yeah you could say I’m short.

  Stoney and Tracker ended up hiring me to work the bar in the clubhouse. It worked for me because then I didn’t have to leave the clubhouse for anything. My room was here and thanks to the internet I was able to order clothes and whatever else I needed.

  When Rachel, Stoney’s ol’ lady came into the picture, her and I hit it off. I started helping her with her twins, Luca and Corrine. Talk about beautiful babies. I realized helping her, what I wanted to do with my life.

  I wanted to become a teacher. But you can’t do that without a college degree, and I didn’t even have my high school diploma.

  Then everything went to hell the night we were all attacked. Luca and Corrine were kidnapped. Rachel was beaten as well as Momma B. A few others were raped but I ended up getting the brunt of it. For reasons I don’t know.

  The guy, Jackal, he’d raped me taking my virginity and leaving me scarred. Raping me wasn’t enough for him though. No, he’d broken my leg and fractured my skull pretty much leaving me for dead.

  It’s a wonder that I’d survived, but in the end I did. However now, I’m scared to be around any of the men. I refuse to leave my room unless it’s to go to the nursery for the twins.

  Well that is until Victoria brought the reasons to light for the men. Stoney and Tracker gave me options of new places I could go. In the end, I asked if I could go to the Inferno’s Clutch MC clubhouse. I really thought they’d say no but Stoney merely nodded sadly. I’ll always remember his last words to me.

  “You’re family, Tiny. You might have come to us by trying to be one of the other women who come here but you’re not. Don’t let what happened stop you from living. Heal and know you can always come home. That’s what this place is for you. Home,” Stoney said, holding Rachel next to him who simply nodded her head as she smiled at me.

  I’d never really had a place I called home and the fact Stoney said that made me want to cry. I wish I could have stayed but the clubhouse scares me. All the good memories it held for me were tarnished by the evil of one man.

  Sitting in the passenger seat of the truck, Shadow is taking me to Victoria’s brother who said he’d take me in.

  I only hope this is a good idea and that I can trust Chains.




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