The Hamam Diaries Continued

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The Hamam Diaries Continued Page 17

by Sebastian J Stone

  There is one boy, a friend of Claire’s, with a huge dick. He was once going to drop it out for me to check but the telephone rang and the moment passed. He has returned and Claire told him all about the problems she’s having with Luke and the boy offered to help. He handed Claire a thick role of notes and said, “Luke needs a holiday and he should visit his daughter, take this money and send him to Athens for one week.” Claire told Luke of the very generous gift and Luke told her, “Since you earned the money, I won’t touch it.” and Claire attacked him with the rolling pin.

  I met Vangelis in the street. He said that he has told the spy that I am “The finest man that he has ever known” but she still intends to call the police if I turn up at the Hamam. Maria is massaging as usual but it must be called a ‘scrub’ and she can accept tips only. So everything has returned to normal, Tassos is a permanent fixture and I’m the scape goat for all the Greek perverts.

  Vangelis has a court case pending. He has the same problem as me. It seems that losing one’s life’s saving is normal in Greece. Greeks are very successful at stealing people’s savings. They do it to one another all the time. Vangelis lost everything, he lent money to two businessmen, and it was guaranteed by a third. The two businessmen went to Germany soon after and never returned.

  November 10, 2009:

  Last night on my way to my lawyer, a typical November night still warm but a wet footpath; I caught a glimpse of a car behind me, the driver seemed to be trying to attract my attention. Soon after, about to cross a one-way street the car intercepted me. I thought an old friend must have found me after many years.

  The passenger door opened and I asked, ‘Do I know you?’---‘No, but get in’ being polite and muddled I did as I was told, and a handsome blond boy grabbed my dick.

  ‘Do I look gay?’ I asked. ‘No, I like you’ and he put my hand onto his very thick dick and drove off, ‘You give me a blowjob and ten euros.’--- ‘sorry, I never carry cash and I never pay for sex. Also, I am trying to live on less than 20 euros a day.’

  The boy who must have been about 23, was quite large and not at all to my taste. So, I continued, ‘I am on my way to see my lawyer because some Greek stole all my money.’ I hoped that would deter any hopes of gain, but it seemed to have little effect, so I continued ‘You have a very expensive car for a rent boy.’

  He answered, ‘Yes, I know, I am a very expensive boy.’ After a brief pause he told me, ‘We go to Casino and you sponsor me and if I win, we stay the night and I fuck you all night’--- ‘and if you lose?’--- ‘I never lose.’

  From his driving, I assume that he has an excessive appetite for life or he was on drugs. He parked his car with accurate panache and had his trousers down before the engine had stopped.

  I tried to take charge of the situation. ‘I like you, I find you funny and refreshing but I never pay for sex and I have no intention of ever setting foot in Casino. I told you, I lost all my money and even if I hadn’t I still wouldn’t gamble.’

  He wouldn’t let it go, ‘but you did once.’--- ‘Yes, there were extenuating circumstances, he was a professional liar’. --- ‘But you gambled then.’--- ‘So it seems, but it was supposed to be a business arrangement and I lost everything. I think you would have had a better chance of winning at the Casino, than trusting a Greek.’---‘I’m sure your right’

  He put my hand on his dick, his stomach was folded in rolls and his dick was huge white and unattractive. Pushing him-self forwards on his seat he demanded ‘Finish me off’ and lowered my head onto his clean dick. Holding his dick in my mouth I masturbated his shaft briefly and he came instantly, abundantly and vocally. ‘Open the door and spit it out.’ He wiped his dick while pulling his trousers up and started the car; it seemed all in one action. ‘Tell me where’

  I mistook the location, but was eager to leave and he dropped me off. I was lost, but soon found my bearings and got to my lawyer on time. I’m not surprised that I get into dangerous situations.

  Having met that young man with his big dick and flash car, gave me a glimpse of a world that must, for many people be a reality; a world that draws people whose qualifications are good looks, sex, the cult of personality, and a desire for an easy life. People who want to live on the periphery of wealth and extravagance to avoid working

  We know that attractive girls gravitate to the rich who can afford to lose fifty thousand a night and buy anything and everything so I am sure that beautiful sexy boys with trained muscle and tans must abound. It is the world of endless parties, drugs and exploitation. I am reminded of a comment made by a journalist “There is only one thing more vulgar than Las Vegas and that is the people who visit.” That brief encounter left a bad taste, amused became abused and I felt contaminated.


  Book three in the Autobiography of

  Sebastian j. stone









  November 12, 2009:

  I intend to visit the beaches while the weather holds. Every extra day shortens the winter. Today at the sandy beach I saw a boy running down the mountain side, leaping from mound to mound. He was thin, perfectly formed, with shoulder length hair and a headband. Once on the beach he walked around and shouted to any gay who showed interest, ‘I want money’. I was both impressed and amused. I like him, I saw him again on top of the cliff. He has an unusual face with probably the longest flattest nose I have ever seen. He joined me, he has little English but he is so bright that nothing seems to stop him communicating. He is light skinned, his eyes widely spaced and his nose broken many times. His upper lip is full under his pushed in nose and his smile illuminates the world. He told me, ‘I am worker-they didn’t pay us-they owe me two thousand.’ I got my change from my pocket and after removing my bus fare, gave him what was left. He touched his heart in thanks and respect, saying, ‘I am from Syria.’

  November 15, 2009:

  I visited the sandy beach again, probably for the last time. The sun didn’t last and I met the boy from Syria briefly. I gave him five euros and he promised ‘I come back’, but I shook my head, ‘no need.’

  November 21, 2009:

  It has been an eventful week. The last time I was in court I had an attack of Meniere’s disease and felt nauseous. This time I went down with toothache. I have a problem with an abscess under a crown. This is the land of the ‘evil eye’ the Greek’s mother is obviously putting a ‘hex’ on me. Panni was unusually repulsive; she had a cold and spent the whole day sucking phlegm from the back of her nose and blowing into paper handkerchiefs. She was very wet and sticky. To avoid the smell of her infection, plus the gingivitis I told her I was in pain and intended to sleep, putting my head in my hands. She continued sniffing and talking to herself. There were forty cases and we were number seventeen. They did four cases and the following day they managed to reach number thirteen, so now we must wait one more year.

  Christo has died, he was buried yesterday. The dead do not lie in state for long in Greece and I am told that many of the corpses when dug up have turned themselves over. His German woman collapsed into my arms, asking ‘Why, Why’ a stupid question since Christo has done everything to kill himself but nothing to save himself all his life. He has had hepatitis for years. I thought he was much older than me but he was only 51. He looked very beautiful in his coffin; the Greeks don’t put the lid on until the actual burial. The church was crowded but I didn’t see any of his druggy friends.

  At Greek funerals, there is great deal of wailing, crossing one’s self and kissing of icons, but there is an absence of reverence. I was with Claire and we escaped before the crowed surged into the hall for the food. Do people believe that God
is so gullible that he can be taken in by dramatics and superstition? One deeply felt thought should have more significance than a life time of mindless habit and pretense.

  The pianist boy returned and I told him that I had a house guest. Claire told me that his SMS message is the sort that will be on my bill. The fattish, very good looking rent boy from a village who I quite like is getting very friendly. I might spend my money on rent boys rather than my sister-in-law eventually inheriting everything. I resent her ever benefiting from my life of investment and sacrifice. I would prefer my money to go to a good cause.

  Last night I met Savas, a friend whom I often meet in the park. He told me an interesting story. Savas is still a handsome man, obviously educated and once owned the only gay bar in the old town. I told him about the ‘Brad Pit look alike’ in the Hamam and he told me of an incident in his bar many years ago. In those days, there was a police cadet school and one of the cadets once asked if he could visit him before opening time. The following day Savas left the door unlocked and the police cadet arrived locking the door behind him. After a drink, they went upstairs and had a rewarding time, kissing and trying everything agreeable for the next two hours.

  That night the bar was full of cadets and after closing time Savas’s lover stayed behind. They went for a walk and without warning the police cadet punched Savas in the face so hard that he broke his nose and he was unable to stand. The cadet accused Savas of “Forcing him to do disgusting and unnatural things. Savas then warned me that the rent boys are using drugs. He said, “Never take one home because they return and steal anything saleable.”

  November 28, 2009:

  My dentist got my tooth under control with antibiotics. He tried to remove the crown with a reverse hammer but without success. It was hell and he was getting very worried so I suggested, ‘Can you drill through the porcelain and drain the abscess?’ he agreed, ‘it is possible’, and did as I suggested. It seems that I must advise my dentist as well as my doctors and everybody else.

  December 1, 2009:

  I went to the Hamam because my skin is suffering, old age is disgusting and I used a pan scrubber on my entire body. The spy kept sending a workman to check on me. Dirty Tassos was giving blowjobs and dirty Kostas was patrolling as always but nobody checked on them. Rubber dick has got a problem, his breath smells of diarrhea. A Pakistani rent boy came into the Hamam. Savas tells me that he’s married and about 28. He spent his time feeling his dick and looking at me. He is nicely built and quite handsome.

  We met outside having already agreed to go home for one beer. I asked him to wait outside my house so I could let him in discreetly through the street door. I had quite a shock when I found him already lying on my bed. Pauline must have opened the side door for ventilation and forgotten to lock it.

  We stripped off and I held his dick, it was hard even before his jeans slipped to the floor. He knew enough about his job to appear to be dominant and in control yet remaining sensitive to my needs, preferences and requirements. We lay together touching and he let me explore his body. He was wearing a condom, so he could spontaneously fulfill requirements. We tried fucking with him in all the usual positions and he came twice, that seems to be his forte. He was probably the worst fuck I remember either his dick wasn’t big enough or he didn’t know how to use it. Professionals don’t usually orgasm. The secret is to satisfy the customer but conserve energy for work. I gave him his twenty euros plus the change in my pocket and we shared the beer and a cigarette. The sharing was far more satisfactory than the sex, but he found sharing a cigarette invasive. His favorite position was to push my knees each side of my head. This could have been successful but he didn’t know the right angle for his dick and I couldn’t breathe.

  November 16, 2009:

  There is a court case tomorrow. The Paki rent boy turned up in the park and he asked for fifty euros for sex. I tried to make a permanent arrangement but I was misunderstood. A regular agreement is far more satisfactory, financially and emotionally. I suggested three visits a week for sixty euros. I thought the arrangement was understood and we came home. This time he was not intuitive, we did not share a cigarette and he nearly killed himself trying to fulfill his ‘party trick’ he then demanded fifty euros. I paid him and told him not to come back. Gypsy Yiannis has got married, he is 15. The marriage has been arranged for three years, I asked him ‘Is she a woman?’ he was not amused.

  Claire and Luke are fighting and she nearly caused him to be taken to hospital. She claims to object to being fucked three times before breakfast. I am very relieved that I don’t feel the slightest need to interfere. Claire is a selfish cow and Luke is a disgusting little pervert who likes having his nose rubbed in his own shit. Nobody feels the slightest sympathy and the consensus is that, “they are lucky to have found one another and should shut up and enjoy it.”

  Sarris is a rent boy. He knocked on my door last night and asked for a massage. He is a beautiful boy with large dark eyes that seem to dance. I remember him when he was 15, sucking old men’s dicks in the park. He once sat by me and asked ‘Can I suck your dick’ I ran my hand down his back, he was trembling and his muscles were hard from training or anxiety. ‘You feel very hard.’ ‘Yes I am a very hard boy.’ ‘Come on I will give you a blowjob’ and he took me to a secluded place and he stood trembling. I unfastened his jeans and pulled them down. His young hard body was hairy, very tightly muscled and he had a small but perfect erection. On my knees, I caressed his back, torso, thighs and ass, pressing my face into his groin he felt wonderful. I held his dick while sucking the end and he came immediately. I didn’t pay him; I often gave him money when he was without.

  He has matured, is still hard and lean but can now relax. I massaged him; he left me free to explore his entire body. The fine curly black hair that grows thickly between his buttocks, legs and around his balls, reminded me of the glistening horse hair stuffing escaping from a Victorian chair. Two years ago, he claimed that he did not fuck but now with his legs spread wide or encircling my neck he seemed quite eager. He then lay on his back and asked for a condom. He wouldn’t let me even touch his dick without protection. His knees were each side of my thighs and putting his hands on my head he offered me his dick to be sucked. He likes compliments, I enjoyed his company, affection and body but the sex was indifferent even unnecessary. He seemed embarrassed about removing the condom, so I took his dick in my hand and it slid off. His abundant semen spilt everywhere and I handed him a towel. He told me, ‘you needn’t pay me’, but I gave him fifty euros anyway. It was too much but it was out of friendship and for a pleasurable experience that had been shared. It was strangely not sexual; the word delightful springs to mind.

  Today a very beautiful young boy followed me for quite a distance. He was probably only 16, beautiful like a girl but like young Greeks, bursting with excess testosterone. It is the coloring and the build that is so very much to my taste, but I kept walking. In five years’ time, he will be just another insipid overweight Greek.

  December 4, 2009:

  Savas is full of amusing stories. He told me another story about a police cadet who was desperate for a fuck. Since in those days’ girls were not available, they fucked the lady boys. He picked a little bitch up in the park and they went to a deserted garden where they could strip off completely. The fine young cadet was banging away for all he was worth and failed to notice the smell. Once finished, he stood up and found that he was covered in shit from shoulders to knees. Horrified he looked at the bitch who shrugged and said, “so what, I shitted you” and she minced off. He stood for a long time and then tried to clean himself with his underpants. He had no choice but to get dressed and return to the police academy. Fortunately, there were showers but nowhere to wash his cloths. He was never seen in the park again. He probably found goats to be cleaner.

  Another “little bitch” had a house next to an army base and an endless supply of young soldiers. One soldier called on the bitch and she went to wash out bu
t forgot to empty. The soldier grabbed the bitch and threw her onto the bed then picking her up by the ankles he rammed his dick straight into her ass. He pushed her knees right down to her head but his dick didn’t feel right, so he pulled it out and the pressure forced a jet of shitty water covering him and the curtains. She told everybody that her curtains were covered in lentils and tomato skins.

  December 7, 2009:

  Today Savas told me, ‘when I was a boy there was one old queen in her 80s, who claimed that he could suck young dicks in such a way as to increase their size. Boys from 13 onwards clamored for his attentions and then ran home to measure their dicks. Many boys swore that it had worked’. That seems to be one way of having an endless access to the fountain of youth.

  Savas once had a barman working for him. He was Turkish and they often discussed sex but did nothing. He was an aristocrat, married with a big family and he also had a mistress. He was probably about 60 and Savas mentioned that he had a boyfriend who was very good in bed and if the aristocrat wanted to try him he was welcome. Savas tells me that Greek boys are very skilled in all matters of love. The aristocrat was curious and spent a night with the boy. He claimed next morning that it had changed his life, as he said, “All those wasted years.”

  I have a friend who is a very fine photographer. He told me two vaguely amusing jokes. ‘An English man, a Jew and a Greek asked St. Peter for a second chance. St. Peter relented, but warned them that one slip and they would vanish forever. Walking passed a bar the English man thought ‘nobody’s looking, just one beer can’t hurt’ and as his lips touched the glass he vanished. The Jew seeing a coin on the floor, resisted temptation, but the thought ‘money is money’ came to him and as he bent down, the Greek vanished.’ He then told me another Greek story. ‘Discussing sex, an English man said that he liked to be on top so he could enjoy the sight of the woman on her back beneath him. The German said that he liked to be on his back watching all the female glories above him. The Greek said that he much preferred to be behind. Puzzled they asked ‘what can you see from behind?’ and the Greek answer ‘the test match finals.’


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