Dimension Shift (Hammer's War Book 2)

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Dimension Shift (Hammer's War Book 2) Page 15

by James McEwan

  He entered the bar and a found young petite girl with pink short spiky hair. She was sporting a few face piercings, including a blue nose jewel. She was cleaning glasses when he pulled up a stool at the bar. “What’s up, girl?”

  She smiled at him. “not much, little slow today. What can I get for you?”

  “Just a water, got no scratch unless you want to spot me a drink or two?” Quincy looked as pathetic as he could.

  “Sorry, no can do.” she served him up a water. “Here you go Hon. You new to the crew? Never seen you before.”

  “Me, nope just passing through, had an unfortunate accident with a local snake.”

  She laughed. “Oh, you’re the guy that got bit in the ass, aren’t you?”

  If Quincy could have climbed under the bar he would have. “Damn, girl, not so loud.”

  “Don’t worry. Everyone already knows about it.”


  “Yeah, everyone. The med techs love to talk.”

  “Great, I’m going to be the butt of the jokes around here aren’t I?”

  She laughed. “Butt of the jokes, now that’s funny. So you came aboard with the man that was in here last night with Vergil?”

  Totally deflated he answered. “Yeah, more like carried on board.”

  “Well then you must be a friend of Vergil’s.” she said.

  “Yep that’s right me and Vergil, we be thick as thieves.” Quincy had no idea who Vergil was, but he was being sarcastic.

  “Well, why didn’t you say so in the first place.”

  “Why, would it make a difference?” He asked.

  “A difference? Well, hell yes, it would. Any friend of Vergil has instant credit here.” She flicked her bar towel at him.

  Quincy perked up. “Well in that case, you got any single malt scotch?”

  “As a matter of fact I do, let me get a glass.”

  “Be a dear, and make that two.” Doctor Hammer said from behind Quincy.

  Not expecting anyone behind him, Quincy yelped like a startled dog. “Damm it, Doc, would you wear bells or something? You are way too ninja-like, especially for an old guy. I swear you do that again and I will drop dead with a heart attack.”

  Doctor Hammer laughed. “It’s a good thing that I’m a doctor then.”

  Not catching Doctor Hammer’s quip. “What?”

  “Never mind” he said, as he pulled up a stool next to Quincy. The bartender slid two glasses across to them. She poured out the whiskey and Doctor Hammer smiled at her. “So, Quincy, are you going to introduce me to this lovely creature?” The poor girl’s cheeks blushed pink almost as bright as her hair.

  “I would, but I don’t know her name. What is your name?”

  Before she could answer, a low gravelly voice came from behind them. “Excuse me, Doctor Hammer and Mr. Jones, please come with me. The commander would like a word.”

  “Ah! The story of my life. It is always something that comes between me and my one true love.” Doctor Hammer said to his upraised glass before he drank it.

  Quincy, on the other hand, downed his glass without a word. The security officer, who the commander sent to collect them, was getting a little impatien.. “Now, gentlemen!”

  “Okay, keep your tight, but exceptionally boring pants on. We’re coming.” Quincy said.

  Doctor Hammer leaned over to Quincy. “I didn’t think you swung that way.”

  “I don’t, but he does. Watch.”

  The officer looked down at his pants then he swung his hips around. The heavy gravelly voice was gone replaced by a rather higher pitched one. “I know. The uniforms are just are ghastly, aren’t they?”

  Doctor Hammer and Quincy laughed. The security officer was still looking at his butt when Quincy stopped laughing. “See, not so scary anymore.”

  The officer realized that they were laughing at him, and the gruff voice was back. “Get a move on, before I throw you off the ship.”

  Doctor Hammer and Quincy left the bar with the officer. He led them through the ship until they were standing in front of the commander on the bridge.

  Quincy and Doctor Hammer stood waiting for the huge man to address them. Quincy shifted close to Doctor Hammer. “Damn! That is one fat white boy. I have seen some fat bastards in my time, but this guy takes the cake, and then he followed it up with a small country.”

  “Mr. Jones, I’m fat, not deaf!” The commander snapped.

  “I would say, you hear like a bat.” Quincy said.

  “Mr. Jones, if you would please shut up before I lose my temper and have you tossed!”

  Quincy was not impressed with the commander. “Look, I’m sorry, but if you want me off your bridge just say the word and I will go back to the bar. The company there is better and by far, better looking.”

  The commander grumbled. “Not off my bridge, you idiot. If you say another word, I will have you tossed off The Lightning!”

  Quincy was about to say something else, but Doctor Hammer grabbed Quincy by the arm. “Young people these days. Please forgive poor Quincy here, he is still under the influence of medications.”

  The commander must have bought Doctor Hammer’s clever lie, because he seemed to settle down a bit. He spoke directly to Quincy. “You should thank the good doctor. He just saved your life again. Now listen up, you two, because I’m in no mood to repeat myself.” He paused, however not long enough for either of them to interrupt. “Now, Doctor Hammer, I’m very well aware of your background and according to everything I have read about you, you are probably the only one who might be able to help me.”

  “I would be happy to do what I can.” Doctor Hammer said.

  “I would not be so fast to say happy. I have sent your friend on what should be a suicide mission, so that leaves you two. You, Doctor Hammer, I need. But your loud mouth jackass I don’t.”

  Understanding the precarious position they were in, Doctor Hammer spoke quickly. “Yes, I can help you. But if you want my help, you will do nothing to Quincy. If anything happens to him…”

  The commander held up his meaty hand. “Not to worry doctor, nothing will happen to him, but he will have to work like the rest of the crew, and if he does anything to disrupt or escape then I will kill you both. Do we have an understanding?”

  “I think we are both crystal clear on the subject.” Doctor Hammer said, as he gave Quincy a stern look.

  “Good, then you will get to work in the medical lab, and you, Mr. Jones, what skills do you have that we can best use?” Quincy stood quietly rocking back and forth on his feet, rolling his eyes.

  Annoyed, the commander barked. “You can speak!”

  “Sorry just making sure, don’t want to be tossed.” Quincy shot back.

  “Just answer the question, or I will toss you personally.”

  “I was a cab driver before this grand adventure.” Quincy said, but the commander stared at him. “What? Do I have something on my nose?”

  “Useless then!”

  “Useless, my…”

  “Quincy!” Doctor Hammer kicked him in the shin.

  “Ouch! Damn, Doc, really?” Quincy yelped.

  “Shut up! You annoying little shit!” The commander bellowed. Then he paused. “That gives me an idea. I know just what to do with you.”

  Quincy couldn’t contain himself. “What ... you have professional bra fitters on board? I’m sure I could do that!”

  Commander Gordon ignored his comment. “You will spend the rest of your days scrubbing out the septic pumps. Shelia, see that Mr. Jones here is given quarters and coded for the sanitation department.”

  “Yes, Sir!” a female voice answered from somewhere below the command platform.

  “Now get out of my sight, both of you” the commander said as he turned his massive bulk around. As he started to turn, neither Doctor Hammer nor Quincy had moved. “Now!” he barked. They got the message and promptly left the bridge.

  * * *

  Thad entered his quarters, smiled at the se
curity officer, and then pressed the door close button. The door slid closed in the officer's face. It was a bit rude, but Thad didn’t care, he had to get Vergil out of the sack. He set the bag down on the ground and undid the latch. Inside he found one sweaty, smelly, upset dwarf.

  “About time! I thought I was going to die in there.” Vergil said as he stepped out of the bag.

  “Sorry about that Vergil, but it was the only way get you on board.” Thad said as he stood there looking down on the mad little man.

  “Look, don’t worry about it.”


  “No! You put me in a bag, dammit!” Vergil exclaimed.

  “Would you have rather me put you in a suitcase instead?” Thad asked with his arms crossed.

  Vergil looked up at Thad and stared him straight in his steel gray eyes. “Next time you get to ride in the bag!”

  “Fine I will ride in the bag on the way back, if it will make you feel better.” Thad stared back.



  “Look, Thad, this is stupid. We have a job to do. Let’s get it done and get out of here as soon as we can.” Vergil said looking a little less upset.

  “Good, let’s get on with it.”

  “Oh, one more thing.” Vergil said.

  “Yeah?” Thad asked arms still folded.

  “This.” Vergil said as he punched Thad in the groin. Not expecting Vergil to strike him, he didn’t have a chance to block the blow. Thad crumbled onto the floor.

  Breathing heavily Thad said. “I guess I deserved that.”

  Vergil was grinning like a Cheshire cat. “I feel better now.”

  Thad regained his feet. “Man, your tiny fists are powerful.”

  “And don’t you forget it!”

  Fully recovered, Thad opened a suitcase and handed Vergil his tool belt and engineering tablet. It was different from other tablets. It had several different interfaces for all the diagnostic hook-ups. Vergil, with his powerful little hands, worked the screen like a hungry man would eat a burger. While Vergil did his thing, Thad used a power screwdriver to remove the screen that covered the air vent.

  Thad set the screen aside and turned around to see Vergil standing there with a tool belt strapped on and tablet booted. “Ready?” Vergil answered with, a thumbs up. “All right, in you go.” Thad said as he pointed to the small vent.

  Vergil waddled over and climbed into the vent without complaint. This caught Thad’s attention. “Hey, I thought you were claustrophobic?”

  Vergil turned around and stuck his head out. “I’m not, but dude, you put me in a bag.”

  “Sorry, I asked.” Thad groaned. “Now are you sure you can reach the main computer network node from in there?”

  “Really? Did you really just ask me that?” Vergil said with a look of shock on his face,

  “Yeah, yeah better get going.” Thad waved him off.

  After Vergil disappeared down the air vent Thad quickly replaced the vent and just in time. The doorbell rang and Thad stuffed the screwdriver under the pillow. The bell rang again, this time, Thad pushed the open button.

  The door slid open and the same stern-faced security officer was standing in the doorway. “This way please.” he pointed down the hallway.

  “After you.” Thad said.

  The security officer wheeled on his heels and took off at a steady pace. Thad fell in behind him.

  Chapter 18

  After a few blocks of hard running, Tommy stopped. He was breathing heavy and he placed his hands on his knees. “So you want to tell me what this all about, Sergeant St. Claire?” Also trying to catch his breath, St. Claire leaned against the building said. “No.”

  “Excuse me! You come into my favorite club and piss off Bruits so badly that he tears up the place, not to mention throwing a dumpster that happens to land on the club owner’s car, which by the way will probably get me banned from every club in this stinking city. So if you are not going to tell me what this is all about could you at least tell me what you did that pissed off Bruits?”

  St. Claire held up his finger. “Stuck my finger up his nose.”

  “You didn’t.” Tommy said surprised.

  “I did, right up the old schnoz.” he laughed.

  “I wish I could have seen the look on his face when you did it.”

  “So would I, I was too busy trying to hit his nasociliary nerve.”

  Surprised Tommy said. “That worked?”

  “Sure, same as if I tapped you behind your left ear.” St. Claire made a flicking motion toward his ear.

  “Hey, how do you know about that?”

  “You would be surprised about the things I know.”

  “I’m sure I would, but back to why you are here ... why are you here? It seems that it is an odd time and way to ask for payback for what you did for me.”

  “What, like, save your life and get you out of the city?” St. Claire spoke with sarcasm in his voice.

  “Yeah something like that. Look, whatever you need I am here to help, but next time could you just call.”

  St. Claire put his arm around Tommy’s shoulders. “Well, I’m really glad to hear that.” Tommy moaned, realizing that he may not like what he was going to hear next. “Tommy, got your credit card on you?”

  Yep, he was not liking what he was hearing. “Yes, why?”

  “First order of business is new clothes. I can’t very well go talk to the top crime boss looking like an overgrown old white rapper, now can I?” “I’m not going to like this any of this, am I?” Tommy’s face dropped.

  “Cheer up, a few new clothes, lunch, and set up a meeting for me with your boss, and I will be out of your hair.”

  “Ha ha! Very funny, you asshole.” Tommy was mildly offended.

  Realizing his faux pas St. Claire almost felt bad. “Sorry about the hair comment. Look, I really need your help here, and the reason I’m not telling you anything is to protect you. The people who I’m dealing with have killed everyone I have confided in, so, as far as you know, an old friend showed up for a visit. Better yet, you never saw me, got it?”

  “Yeah, right. Well, if I’m into it up to my ass, I might as well do it with style then.”

  “That’s the spirit! Now, where can I get some decent clothing?”

  “Well if I’m paying, then I get to pick out the clothing.”

  St. Claire grabbed Tommy by the lapels. “You dress me like you, I will hurt you.”

  “Relax, big man. I got your back. Just follow me.”

  St. Claire was looking at himself in a full-length mirror. He was impressed, and had to give it to Tommy. He did do a good job of dressing him. Tommy had picked out a colorless stone gray shirt. Over that, he wore a black leather vest. The vest was made of strips of leather that were sewn together in a V angle. Topped off with silver buttons, the vest almost looked like ribbed armor. Tommy had also picked out a brown suede pair of pants, which were extremely soft. He added matching boots. It was nice, but it needed something else.

  “Try this on for size.” Tommy said. He held up a long coat for St. Claire. The coat was brown with black leather shoulder pieces. Tommy helped St. Claire slip the coat on. “See, perfect fit.”

  “Not bad, Tommy! Not bad at all.” St. Claire said.

  “It’s called a gunfighters coat, I thought it fitting.”

  St. Claire laughed. “Never considered myself a gunfighter.” He took another look in the mirror then slipped on a pair of silvered sunglasses. “Now I look good.”

  Tommy frowned. “Not just yet. Let me do something with that gray hair of yours. Maybe a dark brown or black hat to bring the whole look together.”

  “Touch the hair and die.” St. Claire stared down at Tommy over the tops of the glasses.

  “Okay, fine, leave the hair alone, but you will get more females with younger looking hair.”

  “You seem to have no problem getting females and you have no hair.” St. Claire shot back.

  “That is
because, I have other large assets.” Tommy grinned.

  “That’s enough! Time for lunch, I think.” St. Claire stormed past him.

  Standing, waiting for a cab to take them to lunch, St. Claire had his hand in pocket, the strange coin in his hand. He turned it over and over, wondering what it was and why he felt the need to keep it safe?

  The cab ride was short and quiet. St. Claire had asked for a place that overlooked the front edge of the city. They found a nice indoor-outdoor café that had a wonderful vantage point. They asked for a table next to the edge and St. Claire sat so he could have the best view of the lands below.

  “Any reason why we had to come to the edge?” Tommy asked.

  “Yes.” was his only reply.

  “You’re really not going to tell me, are you?” Tommy asked, pushing.

  “And you are not going to stop talking until I tell you something, aren’t you?” St. Claire grumbled.

  “Well? Are you going to start talking or do I keep asking?”

  “I’m waiting for someone, if you must know.”

  The waitress filled the two cups with coffee, smiled at St. Claire, then left. “I stand corrected, the gray hair is working for you.” Tommy remarked.

  St. Claire smiled. “Daddy issues, I bet.”

  “Back on subject, who are you waiting for?”

  “Nope!” St. Claire said, and then sipped his coffee.

  “No. Of course, not. Show up out of the blue. Destroy any chance of me ever getting back into my favorite club. Have me foot the bill for your new look and lunch, oh and there is the meeting you want me to arrange between you and the most powerful (and not to mention, dangerous) man in New Houston.”

  St. Claire set down his coffee and turned his gaze from the vast fields of grass back to Tommy. “Fine, but don’t come crying to me when black suited ninjas are trying to shoot your ass off.”

  “Black suited ninjas? Aren’t we being a little over dramatic?” Tommy wrinkled up his hairless brow.

  “The team that came to kill me, were all wearing black, so I don’t think I am being overly dramatic.” St. Claire gave him that look again over the top of his sunglasses.

  “Man you are the master of changing the subject. Now, who are you waiting for?” Tommy watched his friend closely. “You don’t know do you?”


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