Sanctuary: Seeking Asylum Book 1

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Sanctuary: Seeking Asylum Book 1 Page 18

by SM Olivier

  “Expert,” BJ said without hesitation.

  “I’m dropping you off at that water tower. It's about two hundred yards to that entrance. I want you to climb up and pick off all of the infected going in or out of the building. Do you think you can do that?” Axel asked.

  “Yes, sir!” BJ almost seemed to preen from Axel’s confidence in him.

  “Eyes open, though, make sure you don’t hit any of our men or women. Copy that?” Axel inquired.

  “I can do that,” BJ reassured him.

  “Good,” Axel clapped his shoulder. “I have faith in you,” he added.

  BJ smiled at his compliment.

  “Here, man,” Josh handed him a sniper rifle, along with several additional magazines.

  Axel found a parking spot far enough away from the infected. The other vehicle pulled to a stop beside us. Chad hopped out of his vehicle and advanced towards us.

  “What’s the plan?” Chad asked as he slid open the van door, Felix following closely behind him.

  “I’m putting Boy Wonder up on that tower,” Axel stated, and BJ beamed at the nickname. “He’s going to pick off all those infected near the entrance. I think you should park the Tahoe near the tower as well. We’ll leave Slyvia with the kids, but BJ can still keep an eye out for them. Tell Sylvia if she thinks they're in danger, though, just to leave. Go to Sanctuary. We’ll get BJ back, and you can ride with us if need be. I’m going to circle the building and see if there are any other entry points. Once we figure out the best point of access, we’ll go in there and locate our teams.”

  “Copy.” Chad and Felix nodded.

  Chad reached behind him and handed me my sais, handles toward me. I cried out in surprise. In my rush to leave this morning, I’d completely forgotten to check for them. I grinned when I saw that the points were on longer blunt but sharpened into sharp points.

  “I thought this would be more practical for offense.” Chad gave me a hesitant smile.

  “It’s brilliant,” I gushed. “Thank you!” I wanted to hug him, but the other guys were blocking him.

  Axel looked over at me with an enigmatic look. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” he stated gruffly.

  I vacillated for a moment. “I want to.” I nodded decisively. By my assumptions, there were roughly five to ten people trapped in the mall, versus at least fifty of the infected. They needed as much help as they could get.

  Axel nodded slightly, his face blank of any expression. “BJ, hop out and have Sylvia take you over to the tower. Remember, vigilance.”

  BJ nodded firmly before hopping out. He paused and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek. “Too the moon,” he murmured.

  I smiled at his reminder of the words Mom used to tell us.

  “And back,” I whispered in return.


  “This is the best spot,” Axel murmured as we neared the door.

  We had examined all the doors and realized this was the only door the infected weren’t milling around. The long narrow hall appeared to be where the offices were located. With any luck, we could assess the situation without the infected noticing our entrance.

  Chad, Josh, and Felix had already dispatched the few infected stragglers that had been back here, so we didn’t have to worry about watching our backs.

  I bent down to make sure my boots were laced up correctly and tucked in a new blade. Then I zipped up my jacket to my chin. If I was going to continue volunteering on these missions, I needed to get a jumpsuit or something. The thought of having infected blood on me again was already making me queasy.

  A part of me wanted to back out right now, but on the other side of that door, Corbin and Wyatt were outnumbered. They were my family. I should have never allowed Trevor’s association with them damage the relationship I had with them.

  Axel wedged the door open. “Ready?” Axel looked at us, his eyes alert, focused.

  “Speak the words, Rev.” Felix nodded.

  “Let us bow our heads,” Chad rumbled. “Dear Heavenly Father,” he prayed. “Put Your hands upon us so we may fight with Your strength. If it is Your will, give us the sharpness of mind, and the hands and feet we’ll need. Please put your protection over our brothers and sisters inside and over us. Amen,” he finished.

  “Amen,” everyone replied at once.

  I was surprised by their actions. I knew spirituality and faith could be such a touchy subject for some. They seemed to embrace it, and honestly, it comforted me.

  “The harder the battle,” Axel held out his fist.

  “The sweeter the victory,” Chad, Josh, and Felix responded as they bumped their fist to his.

  “Say the words, Avery,” Felix insisted. “Bump the fist.”

  It took me a second to realize they wanted me to say the same words they had.

  I blinked and nodded. “Okay,” I said hesitantly. “The sweeter the victory,” I murmured, bumping their fist with my own.

  “Let’s go.” Axel put his hand on the handle and slowly opened it. “On me,” he murmured, looking at us all intently. He suddenly paused before he leaned over and kissed me. His lips were firm but gentle. “Eyes open,” he murmured against my ear. “Be safe.”

  I nodded, shocked by his actions. For a man who didn’t kiss, again, he was demonstrative in front of his men. “You too,” I whispered back.

  When I pulled away, I saw Chad and Felix smiling broadly at me. Josh still seemed preoccupied with thoughts of his… girlfriend. Felix gave me a wink, and Chad reached out and ruffled my head like I was a child.

  I mock growled at him as I ducked out from under his large hand. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I would need it off my face.

  Axel slipped inside, and I immediately heard the shots, grunts, and yells echoing in the halls. The lights above us were too bright, reflecting harshly off the tiles. Our footsteps seemed to bounce off the walls and seemed too loud to my ears.

  Axel made his way through the hall faster than a walk, but not quite a jog. I fell into step behind him and Felix, but stayed in front of Chad and Josh. When Axel reached the end of the hall, he held up a fist before he leaned forward. I saw him take a deep breath as he looked over at Josh.

  “I have eyes on Amy,” he said.

  A relieved smile crossed Josh’s expression, and I saw some of the tension leave his body.

  “Go left and take Chad with you,” Axel directed.

  Josh went off with a grin, Chad following close on his heels.

  “We’ll go right,” Axel said before he took off at a jog. I pulled out my sais, keeping them down by my sides, conscious of the now sharp points at the ends.

  The inside of the mall was three stories tall, with a floor above us and one below. The high ceilings had skylights, illuminating the center of the mall as the sun poured in. I looked down, observing a man and woman on top of a carousel shooting at the infected milling about below them. I watched as Chad and Josh exterminated any infected between them and the carousel.

  The mall once was one of the busiest malls in the county, due to its location. Most of the area surrounding it was underdeveloped, and a lot of the people that sought refuge in the country or rural areas came here to do their shopping. On any given time or day, the mall and the grocery store− right across the road− were reasonably busy.

  I imagined when the first infected entered the mall, it had been a free for all, resulting in the infection spreading rapidly, like sparks in a dry forest. I tried not to think about the people that had come here to meet up with their friends, watch a movie, get a quick bite to eat, buy their dress for prom…

  I shook my head of my dark thoughts.

  Breathe in. Focus. Breathe out. Be here.

  We didn’t even make it ten-feet before the first group of infected came out of the store to our left. I cleared my head and tried not to let the fear of the infected control me. I would not feel empathy towards them. I had to believe that any humanity in them was absent. Now focused, I turned the switch
off in my head and slipped into the zone.

  I began to work my way through the infected systematically. I tried not to look too long into their bleeding eyes and foamy, blood-frothing mouths. I shut out the noise of their primal growls, hisses, and screams. I ignored the smell that made me nauseous. I moved as if I were in dance, positioning myself so that I could take out two of the infected at a time. I kept my jabs shallow, aiming for their eyes, temples, and soft spots below their chin. The points made it easier for my sais to sink into my targets without getting stuck.

  With Felix by my side, we continued clearing the store. I lost sight of Axel, but I couldn't worry about him right now. If I sought him out, I knew I would be unfocused. There was no room for distraction.

  “Clear,” Felix called to me as he checked the dressing rooms of the sports store. He disappeared for a second, and the next thing I knew, a gate was being lowered, closing off the store.

  “Smart,” I commended him.

  He gave me a cocky grin and wink. “No use clearing out the same area twice.”

  I nodded and turned around. We ran another twenty-feet before I spotted Joe and Cal with their backs to each other as they tried to fight off a pack of twenty or so infected. I ran to the furthest side of the huddle, while Felix began taking out the ones closest to us.

  I aimed for their ears and the soft spot between the neck and skull, jamming my blade up and into the brain. Bodies began to fall. My eyes met Cal’s for a moment, and his eyes widened in confusion and surprise.

  My chest was heaving by the time we dispatched the group.

  “Avery?” Cal asked in confusion before his gaze turned to Felix. He grinned. “You could have warned me about Bitchy Sobby Barbie.” He finally turned back to me.

  They looked horrible. Cal and Joe were covered in blood and seemed on the verge of collapsing. Their breath came out in great gasps. I wondered how long they had been here.

  I was confused for a moment before realization dawned. I grimaced. “So, you met Emery?”

  “I wish we hadn’t.” Joe made a wry face before he brought Felix and me in close. He kissed both our cheeks. “Thanks for saving our asses.”

  I tried not to cringe at the sweat and other unmentionable liquids he might have smeared on me in his affection, but I recognized the relief in his eyes. It was akin to kissing dry land after being set out to sea for months. He must have thought the end was near, and here we appeared. I couldn’t fault the man for his affectionate nature.

  “It’s not the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last,” Felix said cockily.

  A scream, decidedly human, rent the air. I chose not to think about the fact that my sister was nearby and took off running in the direction of the desperate shriek. I heard the slaps of shoes following closely behind me.

  We rounded the corner, and I saw Burns, aka ‘not my biggest fan,’ striking down the infected with a wicked-looking curved blade. There was a beautiful Asian girl taking shots with a handgun. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and her face was carefully made up with heavy dark makeup, accentuating her beautiful dark almond-shaped eyes.

  My breath caught when I noticed the man. He was ruggedly handsome. Even from this distance, I could see that he was slightly taller than me. His physique reminded me of a runner's body; not bulky but not thin either. I could see his muscles ripple and strain against his black t-shirt, but it wasn’t glaringly obvious, more subtle. He was using weapons similar to a kama, and I had to admire the grace with which he moved.

  He had a riot of pale blond, loose curls with natural-looking caramel highlights. I noticed how attractive he was, with his roman-esque nose and full pouty lips. Suddenly I found myself wondering what color his eyes were.

  As I watched, I saw the beautiful Asian girl slip and fall as she ran away from the hoard that tried to close in on them. I ran forward and began to immediately stab, duck, feint, and move through the bodies separating me from the girl on the ground. She was screaming as she tried to fight them off with her now empty, useless gun.

  I assumed she was out of bullets, since she was just striking out with the butt of the gun. I finally made my way to her as one of the infected lunged for her neck. I tried to disregard the fact that the infected was once a young girl of twelve or so as she jerked beneath my blade, crying out with an animal yell. When she slumped forward, no longer alive, I dragged her off and reached down for the knife I had in my boot and handed it to the Asian girl.

  “Here,” I breathed out.

  I expected thanks or a smile. Instead, she sneered at me. “Done crying, Princess? We told you to stay in the truck.”

  I was momentarily stunned until I realized she wasn’t talking about me. “Wrong sister. You’re welcome,” I said sarcastically as I turned to assess the situation once more.

  Joe, Cal, and Felix worked together like a well-oiled machine. I could tell that they were accustomed to working together.

  I watched as Natalie Burns struck one of the infected in the neck and kicked out at his knees. He collapsed, but he continued to sqirm around as she moved onto another infected without finishing the man off. The sqirming man began to crawl towards the curly-headed blond.

  “Rains!” I heard Felix cry in warning.

  “Blondie!” I yelled, seconds before the infected grabbed him by his ankle. Blondie lost his balance, tried to regain it again, but caught his heel on another downed infected. He came down with a resounding thud on the ground, the side of his head making contact with the hard tiled floor.

  He looked momentarily stunned as he laid there, blinking, and turned his head slightly towards me. The most unique shade of seafoam green eyes, framed in long, light-brown lashes, gazed at me in confusion. Holy crap, his eyes were mesmerizing! Then they shuddered closed.

  I snapped out of it, realizing the danger hadn’t passed. A burst of adrenaline struck me as I jumped over a few downed bodies. The infected had pulled himself up and was dragging himself up Blondie’s body, his mouth gaping open to take a bite. Bloody foam dripped onto Blondie’s t-shirt. I dove towards him.

  I missed my target, though, and struck the infected across the cheek. His skin peeled back, releasing coagulated dark red and black ooze. That seemed to piss him off more, as he lurched at me with surprising speed, roaring at me. His knee pinned my left forearm as he went to dive on top of me. My sai clattered on the ground, just out of reach. I tried to scramble up but was only able to make it to my knees. I had to strike out with my other sai, but it could only reach the infected’s foaming mouth as he gnashed his teeth at me. I cocked my foot back, and with all the strength I had, I did a roundhouse to his temple, making sure the steel toe of my boot struck him.

  I didn’t wait to see if the move had hurt him. He staggered back, bloodied eyes rolling back into his head, and finally released my pinned arm. I dove and struck out with my other sai, driving it through his ear.

  I sat up trying to desperately suck air into my lungs, as deep jarring shudders wracked my body. Holy crap! I nearly became infected food!

  The sound of grunting penetrated my dazed, shocking thoughts. I realized two burly infected men had Felix pinned up against the wall by his arms while he struggled to kick out at them. It was enough to shake me from my frightened stupor.

  I quickly assessed the situation. At this angle, I couldn’t strike both infected at the same time. So I ran, trusting my instincts, and leaped over some downed infected and into the air a few feet away from my intended target. Turning my body at the last second, I extended my leg out and did a sidekick to the closest infected’s temple. He staggered to his right like I had hoped he would, and stumbled into his buddy. I landed, and with narrowed vision, I struck out with both my sais, landing my left sai into the first infected’s temple and my right sai into the neck, up the skull, and into the brain.

  I spun, checking for the threats behind me, my lungs seeking the air it so desperately wanted. There was a pile of bodies strewn about. All the infect
ed had been neutralized. There had to be over fifty of them. I felt the bile rise into my throat but shook it off.

  Blondie was sitting up and clutching his head as another man with glossy, black, loosely curled hair, wrapped his arms around the blond’s head and kissed the top of it. The man murmured something to the blond, who nodded. They looked like a sexy couple. If it weren’t for another man already intruding my thoughts, I would’ve been attracted to either one of them—if they had been interested in girls, that was.

  I didn’t know how Axel had weaseled into my thoughts and affections so quickly. However, he was there. I had only known him for less than forty-eight hours, and already I felt we were… linked.

  The sound of angry whispers brought me out of my musings. I turned to see Natalie and the Asian woman looking my way. Natalie was glaring at me. The Asian was looking at me with a barely concealed sneer.

  “You’re welcome still.” I smiled sweetly at her once more. “As a thank you gift, I’ll take chocolate, preferably with almonds,” I said flippantly.

  Seriously, what was her problem? I’m sure my sister had left a bad taste in her mouth. However, the woman knew I wasn’t Emery. Whatever beef she had with my sister should not extend to me, especially after I saved her from being Infected food.

  “Holy shit, thank you, Ave,” I heard Felix mutter as he ambled up behind me, embracing me from behind. I could feel his body rising up and down against my back, shaking slightly. “I didn’t want to be one of them.”

  Cal and Joe stared at me with open mouths. “She’s like Buffy the vampire slayer,” Cal breathed in awe. “She flew over all those bodies without hesitation and did some Hollywood shit.”

  “I just wished I had that on camera. No one would believe that shit was real unless they saw it,” Joe incredulously said as he wiped his face.

  I laughed weakly, feeling the energy begin to seep out of me. “Are we even now for the bruise?” I teased Felix. I knelt by an infected, trying not to examine them as I found a section of their clothing that wasn’t soiled in blood. I used it to wipe the blades of my sais. I exhaled through my nose. Their smell was pervasive in my nostrils.


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