Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1)

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Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1) Page 23

by Elizabeth Stevens

  I saw her eyes widen in obvious surprise. “I see what Hunter sees in you.”

  I laughed, only to find her looking more shocked. “There is nothing going on with me and Hunter. I’m really not sure where people get that idea.”

  “Really? That’s not what Cass suggested.”

  Now it was my turn to be surprised. “Cass is telling people Hunter has a thing for me?”

  “From what I understand from Cass, the thing is mutual.”

  “What? That’s absurd. Quite aside from my having a thing for Hunter, he does not have a thing for me!”

  “So, it’s absurd to you to have feelings for Hunter?”

  “What?” I asked again. “No, I don’t think it’s absurd to have feelings for Hunter. What’s not to like?” I said a little too loudly and saw Austin look in my direction.

  I saw a frown cross his face just before Hunter ran past him, clapped him on the shoulder and pulled him out of his distraction.

  “I see what you did there,” I said, my eyes locked on Austin and Hunter. “Nicely played.”

  Fleur’s smile, a wicked grin, told me she’d artfully played me into some sort of trap. Exactly what she wanted to gain from it, I wasn’t sure. I seriously doubted she had any idea about Austin’s grand declaration…

  Oh, shit.

  I was standing next to the girl Austin was supposed to marry, expected to marry. And, he’d gone and declared himself in love with me less than a week ago. Did she know? How could she know?

  I was under no delusions about how she felt about him; I’d seen the way she was with him and heard the talk. It was how he felt about her that I couldn’t be sure. I assumed there wasn’t a lot of love lost there, if he felt it appropriate to declare himself to me.

  God, I was in for a world of pain if this hell bitch knew I stood between her and her happily ever after.

  “You would do well to remember which part of the world you come from, in which part you belong,” Fleur said, her voice icy, “and not to play with toys that aren’t yours.”

  I scoffed. “Toys that aren’t mine? If you’re referring to Austin, though I don’t know what business it is of yours, he isn’t a toy. He’s a person who can make his own damn decisions.”

  I felt her turn to me and looked to her. “Are you dating Austin?”

  I stared at her with as much humour as I could muster, though I was seething on the inside. “Me? Why would I date Austin Cooper? That arrogant arsehat? No, you don’t get to blame anyone for his lack of interest in you. He isn’t seeing anyone; he just doesn’t like you.”

  I was making assumptions and I was lying my arse off, but I wasn’t about to let this tall twig push me or Austin around.

  Though, why I’m sticking up for him, I don’t know.

  Her face went bright red. I saw her arm pull back and – with speed and finesse so unlike me – managed to grab her wrist before her hand connected with my cheek. Anger boiled in me and I glared at her heavily.

  Chapter Thirty-Four: Austin

  I ran into the back of someone with an exhaled breath, my eyes glued to the sidelines.

  “Oh, that’s not good,” I heard Jax say.

  “I think that’s an understatement.”

  “Has it clouded over? I feel a bit like a thunderstorm’s about to appear and we’re all going to get blasted by lightening,” Williams said, his tone wary.

  He was right to be wary, based on what I was seeing; Fleur had just tried to slap Lily. Lily now held Fleur’s wrist and there was definitely an argument going on. I saw Lily point in my direction, then back up at Fleur, standing on her toes to give herself more height.

  I totally imagined them in some decked out Fantasy goddess fight to the death complete with flying and magic, thunder and lightning. It did not end well for the mortals around them… Namely us.

  For a moment, Lily looked over at me. Her face went from furious to…something else entirely. Just as suddenly as it was there, it was gone and she was pointing down the field.

  “Quit twatting about, Oz!” she yelled.

  I saw more humour in her narrowed gaze than real anger, so I gave her a cocky smirk, saluted her and ran off back into the game.

  We were still at a nil all draw, and I had no idea how much time was left in the half.

  I’d done my best to steer clear of Anders, but it was getting more difficult by the minute. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to get a right beating afterwards – I wasn’t stupid enough to risk the team’s or Lily’s wrath by doing anything during the match.

  Brickwell, as good a bloke as he was, was not the player Lucas was. Lucas, though, had decided he needed a pre-match hook-up. He should have been back by now, though. Ugh, I didn’t have time to waste thinking about Lucas and his poorly-timed play. Brickwell was, at least, doing better than usual.

  Still, it wasn’t quite enough and, when the half-time whistle blew, we were down by one.

  I looked around for the familiar sight of wayward red hair, but couldn’t see her for a moment. I knew she’d be over with the team at some point, so I jogged over with the others.

  “Anders is being a right wanker,” Williams muttered.

  “Not like it’s any surprise,” Jax replied.

  “I’m not surprised, Lily was well not impressed with him when I saw them before. I think she’s finally seen through the total git.”

  That got my attention. “What did she say?”

  “I didn’t hear it all, but her voice well implied she’d be happy to see the back of him,” Williams answered.

  I remembered then what I’d heard Lily say while we were playing. Had she been telling Fleur she liked Williams? Surely, of all the things she’d say to Fleur – and I could imagine that being quite a lot – I doubted any of it would pertain to who Lily was crushing on. The look she’d given me though… Surely she didn’t like Williams? Not more than a friend? I just didn’t know what to think anymore.

  “Uh oh, here’s trouble,” Jax mumbled and hurriedly turned away.

  Williams made a noise very much like a frightened mouse and hurried after Jax.

  “What-?” I turned and found Fleur striding towards me, obvious anger on her blotchier than usual face. “Fleur, lovely to see you.” I smiled, hoping I looked less uncomfortable than I felt.

  “Can you give me any reason as to why that…little person should know anything about your life?” she asked, coming to a stop in front of me.

  God, I’d thought the flirtatious, handsy Fleur was scary… This, though, this was something else entirely.

  “Can you be more specific about the ‘little person’? I’m more than well acquainted with how little you care for the majority of people you come into contact with,” I replied.

  She huffed. “That…Lily person. She seems to think she has the right to be rude to me and…claims to have intimate knowledge of what, and who, you do and don’t like.”

  I saw her gaze wander and turned to see Lily laughing and joking with the team as she gave them a rundown of the half. Williams put his arm around her and she hit him playfully. I felt something ugly twist in my gut for a moment, before reminding myself it was none of my business.

  “Yes, she does seem awfully comfortable with Hunter, doesn’t she?” Fleur’s voice was little more than a purr and I felt her leaning close to me.

  “I’m not sure why you think it matters to me. Williams can be with whomever he wants. If Lily is the flavour of the month, what’s that to me?”

  Fleur chuckled in my ear. “Lily’s answer was much the same when I asked her who you were dating. And, then she told me how she felt about him.”

  “You asked Lily who I was dating?”

  “Of course, I knew you couldn’t be dating anyone, because of our familial…expectations. But, I wanted to see her reaction. I informed her Cass had told me about her and Hunter-”

  “Cass did what? What did Lily say?” I asked, pulling away from her
and looking at her face.

  Part of me knew Fleur was riling me up. I had the impression Fleur knew exactly what had gone down this last week with me and Lily. Though, if she’d known, she would also have known Lily turned me down… So, what was with this display? The only person I’d told was Jax… And, he wouldn’t have said anything. Cass had made assumptions and was doing God knew what with them, I was sure. My anger was momentarily redirected.

  Fleur laughed. “She told me it wasn’t absurd to have feelings for Hunter. After all, what’s not to like?”

  I’d heard her say exactly that, but there had to be more to it?

  It’s not your business, Lily turned you down and she’s free to be with whoever she wants. I sighed. Just not Williams, please.

  God, I couldn’t bear it if I had to sit by and pretend to be happy while she was with him. Anyone else, and I could have ignored it. But, my best friend?

  “Oz?” I heard Lily and turned to her. “You coming for Coach’s pep?”

  “Lil… Sorry, yes.”

  “You would do well to remember what I said,” Fleur said pointedly to Lily.

  But, Lily didn’t twitch as her lips curved. “As would you. Let him make his own damn decisions and stop messing about in people’s lives. Don’t be such a sad sack that no one else gets to be happy. Now, run along, Fleur. Oz has more important things to do than listen to your nasal whining.”

  I stared, legitimately open-mouthed and I looked between the two of them. Fleur’s already flushed face got redder before she looked at me in outrage and stormed off.

  “Well, I’ve never seen anyone speak to her like that before,” I said, turning to Lily with a smile, which faltered as I saw her face.

  She smiled, but her eyes almost looked sad. “Well, maybe if someone had, she wouldn’t be such an epic bitch. Come on, you’ve missed most of it already.”

  I put a hand on her arm to stop her leaving, not sure what drove me to speak now. “Lily, I… About what you said to Fleur-”

  “Oz, it’s not like that,” she said slowly. “I just… I hated seeing her treat you like you were some prize. Someone has to look out for you while you’re too busy looking out for everyone else.”

  She’d spoken with enough hesitation that I couldn’t help but hope her words weren’t the truth, that she had more interest in me than that. But, I wouldn’t call her on it now. There was enough of a spark of hope in me that I wouldn’t risk extinguishing it; if Lily could ever return my feelings, then I had to wait until she realised it. If she never did… Well, that was something I’d deal with when the time came.

  I smiled at her. “I know, and I just wanted to say thank you.”

  “You kno… Oh, right, well, ah, you’re welcome.” She smiled back.

  “Come on, then.” I put a comfortable arm around her shoulders and was gratified when she put her arm around me.

  We walked back to the huddle and I saw Lucas was back, looking a little worse for wear. He looked slightly more like he’d spent his time with a rabid wolf than a lover. Still, who was I to judge what he got up to in private?

  I felt Lily’s hand on my chest and ignored the butterflies I got at her touch.

  “I’ll be back. Someone is begging for an earful,” she said.

  “Of course,” I replied.

  She looked up at me before she let me go, giving me a smile and a gentle pat.

  I watched her walk off and turned back to Coach, who was puttering on in his usual soft, wavering voice. His pep talk was pretty much identical every game, and I was sure Lily was being more helpful at the moment, but we all loved and respected the man.

  “They did what?” Lily yelled and we all turned to her, expect Coach, who was still diligently delivering his half-time speech.

  Lucas was nodding, rubbing the back of his head.

  Lily’s face was a torrent of fury when she turned back to us. I saw her scan the field. Her eyes narrowed and I followed them to the Military College team.

  I looked back to Lucas quickly, my mind whirring.

  “You have to be kidding,” Brickwell said.

  “I wish I was, it’s bloody embarrassing,” Lucas snapped.

  “We can tell the ref?”

  “And, what’s he going to do? They’ll say they had nothing to do with it,” Lily said. “The whole team has been accounted for all game. There’s nothing the ref can do.”

  “I’d kind of like it not to be bandied about that I got jumped either, if you don’t mind. Or, that you all thought I’d missed the game because I was with a girl. Jesus, what sort of bloke do you think I am?”

  Williams laughed. “Come on, mate. Is it really that hard to believe?”

  Lucas had the humour to smile. “Maybe not if it was you.”

  I didn’t miss the look Williams threw to Lily – one with a touch of panic – but she certainly did as she was deep in thought.

  “There’s nothing we can do now. Can you still play?” Lily asked Lucas.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “If it was Anders, he’s going down,” I growled.

  “Just not during the game, Oz, okay?” Lily sighed.

  I blinked. “You’re giving me permission to hit Anders?”

  She looked at me, a hint of mischief on her weary face. “I wouldn’t have thought you were one to ask permission of anyone. Let’s just say I’ll be the last person to tell you not to do it.”

  We shared a knowing grin before the team was called back on the pitch.

  “Remember guys, keep your defence tight and we’ll have this in the bag. You are easily the better team!” Lily yelled as we jogged back onto the pitch, Lucas in place of Brickwell.

  “You’re biased!” Jax called back.

  I saw the way she smiled at him and knew she’d forgiven him at least. “Why on earth would I be biased?”

  “Because you love us!” Williams replied with a wink.

  She laughed. “Of course I do. How could I forget?”

  “Oz, pull it together,” Jax hissed at me. “There’s nothing there.”

  I realised I’d growled a little.

  “It wouldn’t matter if there was, I’m fine,” I hissed back before taking my place.

  I locked eyes with Anders, who looked a feral cross between smug and outraged. I saw him look to a teammate and nod towards me. A shiver ran over me; I wasn’t sure what they had planned, but I wasn’t looking forward to it.

  We got an answering goal minutes into the second half from Lucas’ thankfully injury free, fancy footwork. He was starting to come up in bruises, but whoever had jumped him had obviously not done him too much actual damage.

  After our second goal, with nothing in answer from the Military College team, things started to go south.

  Anders steered clear of me, but I still had to put years of training to practise as almost every other member of his team made life difficult for me. They seemed an awful lot less focussed on getting an equaliser than they did trying to get me carded. As it was, I was lucky all I gave away were free kicks.

  I expected Lily to yell at me, instead, she yelled at them. “If you spent less time trying to card our players, you’d do a hell of a lot better!”

  At one point, I saw Anders stop by her. She looked pleasant enough, but I knew by the look on her face that she was itching to hit him at much as I was. Thankfully, he left before I felt the need to do something stupid like punch him in the middle of the game, with no provocation, when the ball was nowhere near him.

  With the Military College team being so focussed on getting us into trouble, it wasn’t difficult for us to get another unanswered goal. It was then that Anders lifted his apparent ban on confronting me directly.

  I was running the ball up the pitch, looking for Williams to be free, when Anders popped up in front of me. I spun around him, and managed to avoid the leg he stuck in my way, but he was hot on my heels.

  “Williams, get open!” I yelle

  “Yeah, yeah!” he called back.

  I passed it off to him and tried to shake Anders. I could see Williams was looking to pass it back. I nearly laughed when I heard Lily’s voice.

  “For once in your life, Hunter, hog the bloody ball! All the way!”

  Williams grinned and gunned it towards the goal. He feinted passing it to Jax, dodged around the sweeper and shot it right through the keeper’s hands. We were four-one up, but the Military College team was looking angrier than ever.

  On our next run for goal, Jax passed the ball to me and I went down in a tumble of players. There were two on me, easily. I felt the wind knocked out of me and I’m sure I saw stars. I heard the whistle blowing frantically and Lily yelling my name.

  Chapter Thirty-Five: Lily

  “Dammit, out of the way. Oz!” I called, pushing through the players.

  When I pushed myself to the front of the pack, I found the three Military College boys standing up, leaving a very obviously winded Austin lying on the ground.

  “Miss, we really don’t allow girlfriends on the pitch during the game,” the referee said, looking at me apologetically, like I was some sappy-headed girl worried about her boyfriend.

  “I am Netherfield’s assistant coach, thank you very much,” I replied evenly, giving him my best ‘I’m important’ glare.

  He looked at me like he wasn’t convinced.

  “She is, Ref,” Hunter said and I heard the rest of the team backing me up.

  The referee nodded and stepped back. “Right, sorry. Proceed.”

  I touched Austin’s cheek gently. “Oz? You right?”

  He blinked and took a deep breath. Finally, his eyes focussed. “Ow.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

  He pushed himself up on his elbows, wincing a little. “What happened?”

  “Three of them took you down. They’re claiming it was an accident. The Ref doesn’t seem to know who was at fault, so looks like you only get a free. Jax is arguing for cards to be awarded.”


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