Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1)

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Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1) Page 32

by Elizabeth Stevens

  “What? Holy shit!”

  “Aunt Nadine!”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t swear.” She shook her head. “I thought he was a wanker, but…even I didn’t expect that. We need to get that idiot home.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  “God, your father’s going to be useless.”

  I nodded. “Yep, but I can’t say I want Mum going after Liam.”

  “Oh, that’s a good point,” Aunt Nadine said. “What are we going to do? What can we do? Do we need to send someone over there?”

  “Who the hell are we going to send? Dad can’t afford it, Mum can’t go after him. Who else do we have?”

  Aunt Nadine sighed. “I don’t know. But, we’ll figure something out. Claire talks to the police regularly. They’ll find them.”

  “Does he know she’s only fifteen?”

  “You’d have a better idea of that than me.”

  I yelled in frustration. “He’s such an arsehat!”

  Aunt Nadine laughed.


  “I just recall another young man you thought that about once.”

  “Shut up.” I smiled.

  “He seems like a nice guy,” she said slowly.

  I couldn’t look at her, I could only bite my lip to stop myself laughing.

  “I know your father would say you could do worse, but I’ll say the same thing for an entirely different reason. I don’t care that that boy has money out the wazoo, I don’t care he already has himself a mortgage-free house and he’s not even out of school. But, he’s a genuinely lovely boy.”

  I slapped at her playfully and laughed.

  Unlike her brother, Aunt Nadine was an utter romantic. Well, my dad would no doubt call himself an utter romantic, but he was attracted to money and circumstance and everything that makes you look good to the outside world. Aunt Nadine, though, was a true romantic; she loved love. She’d only been married once and vowed she would ever be married again after losing the only man she could ever love.

  “And, I saw the two of you together,” she cajoled.

  “I seem to have an ability to lose myself around him,” I said without meaning to.

  “Ah, l’amour!” she said wistfully. “It starts so simply, then before you know it, you’re lost deep in it.”

  I laughed. “It’s not love, Aunt Nadine.”

  “Isn’t it?” she teased.

  I threw her a look. “Aunt Nadine! Besides, we have more important things to concern ourselves with now.”

  “There is nothing more important than love, Lily.”

  “Oh, no, my little sister’s only disappeared with a nut job and is God only knows where!”

  “Why would she do such a thing?”

  “Because she’s an idiot.”

  “No, I mean, does she even like him?”

  I snorted. “That is a ridiculous question. Kate likes any healthy, young male.”

  “Well, yes. Is the feeling mutual, though?”

  “I have no idea. Liam went through flirtations with any girl he came into contact with. Kate seemed to think every attention he paid…anyone else was directed at her.”

  “I had hoped they were old enough when Claire and Daniel married that his influence wouldn’t have stunted their growth.”

  “You have to be talking emotional, because those girls are tall!”

  Aunt Nadine laughed. “Yes.”

  “God, I know they’re idiots, but I love them dearly. If anything happens to Kate, I’m going to shoot myself. Better yet, I’ll shoot Liam.”

  “Not if I get to him first,” Aunt Nadine growled.


  We arrived home a little after dark and I found Anne running out to greet us.

  “Annie, what are you doing here?” I asked, hugging her fiercely.

  “Daniel called Mum for… I believe I heard it called moral support.”

  “Oh good God. And what state is Daniel in now?”

  Anne fidgeted as we went into the house, followed by Aunt Nadine, and she wouldn’t meet my eye. I had a fair idea what state he’d be in, based on that reaction.

  “Any word of Kate?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “And, Claire? How’s she? Gemma?”

  “Claire’s in her study. Truth be told, she hasn’t really left it since Penny’s dad phoned to say Kate was missing.”

  “I’ll go and speak to her, see if there’s anything I can do,” my aunt said.

  “Thanks,” I replied as she hurried off. “So, Penny knew exactly what was happening. What else?”

  “I don’t know. Gemma seems to have known more than she let on, but I don’t think Kate was stupid enough to tell her where they were.”

  “That would have to be a first!” I scoffed. “Where’s Dad?”

  “In his room with my mum,” Anne said.

  I shook my head, mumbling, and took the stairs two at a time. Anne followed.

  I didn’t bother knocking, I just barged into the room to find Dad lying on his chaise, looking very despondent, while Linda fussed over a cup of tea.

  “Oh, Lily!” he moaned as he saw me.

  I raised my eyebrow at him. “Don’t give me ‘oh, Lily’!”

  “Oh, Lily! What shall we do? Kate’s lost to us in a harsh, foreign world and we’ll never see her again! She’ll disappear like the people on those movies!”

  “What, the ones with the Playschool guy?”

  “Oh, my poor nerves!” he cried.

  “It will be fine, Dad. It’s the twenty-first century, no one cares about her virtue anymore.”

  “Oh, her virtue! Our reputation! Everyone will see us as the family with the wild child, the black sheep, the uncontrollable…trollop!”

  “Really? Trollop?” I asked. “Besides, no one cares enough about our family to care what your youngest daughter does. If Kate was idiotic enough to run off with a boy too old for her and likely to do God knows what to her, then it’s hardly going to affect any of us!”

  “Oh, poor Katie, it’s all too much for my poor nerves. Where’s your mother?”

  Right, that’s it.

  I was seriously done with my dad and his histrionics. Honestly, it was time someone was an adult around here. Since it wasn’t going to be my dad, and Claire was obviously doing nothing about him, I guessed it would have to be me.

  “You and your nerves can shut it, Daniel!” He opened his mouth but I barrelled on. “I don’t want to hear your excuses. I don’t want to hear your whining. If you hadn’t made such a big deal of Kate and Gem needing to find themselves boys to support them, then she wouldn’t have latched onto the first guy who came along! Neither of them would be such horrific flirts. And, Kate wouldn’t be hiding out on the other side of the world!”

  “Lily!” Linda gasped.

  “I don’t want to hear it from you either! Although, it’s nice to finally have a face to put to the name, Linda. You have a lovely daughter. But, the both of you need to back off and leave our love lives to ourselves!” I pointed a finger at them both. “If I hear either of you Rosings groupies mention one more word about how we need to find ourselves rich men to set us up for life, then I’m going to scream. Or, maybe I’ll just run off to another country with a degenerate wanker!” I yelled and stormed out.

  Anne followed behind me hurriedly.

  “Gemma!” I yelled as I stalked through the house. “Gemma Louise Brewer, where the hell are you?”

  She popped her head out of the kitchen, her smile falling fast as she saw what was no doubt a thunderous expression on my face.

  “Uh…hi, Lil…”

  “Phone, now,” I said, holding out my hand.


  “Phone. Kate’s email. Now.”

  She tapped away on her screen for a moment then passed it over. She had the decency to look chastened. I just wished she’d have had the decency to say something to someone before all this
shit had happened!


  You’ll never guess! By now, I’m sure Mum and Dad will have the news I’m gone. But, don’t worry, I’m safe,

  I scoffed at that idea.

  I’ve run away with my true love! Liam found out I was in Melbourne and has asked me to see the sights with him. He’s going to take me all over Australia and it’s going to be wonderful. The beaches here are amazing! They go for miles and are so pretty. It’s bloody hot, but Liam says I’ll get used to it soon. It does give me an unusual excuse to wear a bikini in December!

  Try to keep this to yourself for once, won’t you? I don’t want Mum and Dad ruining everything and Liam is so wonderful!

  Write again soon,

  Katie xoxo

  Attached was a picture of her and Liam on some beach. Liam was not convincingly in love, but Kate looked for all the world like a young woman on her honeymoon. If marriage at fifteen was legal in Australia.

  “Dammit. She’s an absolute prat!”

  “She’ll be found, Lily. Stop stressing,” Anne said.

  “Well, I think it’s all very romantic.” Gemma took her phone back.

  “You would!” I retorted. “You wouldn’t know romance if it pissed on your head.”

  “Oh, that wouldn’t be very romantic, Lily.” Anne shook her head and I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, it’s all very unfortunate and no doubt everyone will talk about it at school. But, we must not let hate into our hearts, instead we should console each other in the balm of sisterly affection.” Marie’s voice came from behind me.

  I didn’t say anything to them, just gave them all disbelieving stares and wandered off to find Claire. Something had to be done, and soon.


  A few days later, there was still no word. Claire convinced us we may as well go back to school. So, we did. I wasn’t impressed by the plan, but how was it better to sit around at home and do nothing?

  Chapter Forty-Eight: Austin

  I’d landed with nothing but the clothes on my back. But, I’d organised a few changes in a car waiting for me.

  That had been two days ago, three now since I’d left Lily in Lambton.

  “No, Jax, I haven’t found anything yet, but I’ve at least found where they aren’t,” I sighed, looking around the small café in Anglesea. “How’s everyone holding up at home?”

  “Cass and Fleur are insufferable.”

  “That’s not much of a change for Fleur. But, Cass,” I sighed, “where did that come from?”

  “Love does odd things to us all,” Jax replied like some ancient soothsayer.

  I looked at the phone as though I could see my twin in it then put it back to my ear. “Love?”

  “Aye, brother.”

  Smiling, I said, “You sound like you’ve spoken to Anne.”

  “No, not yet, but I’ve seen her and, if possible, she’s more beautiful than I remember.”

  “Lord, save me from lovelorn teenagers.”

  “I thought we were men now?”

  I laughed. “I think it will be a number of years before anyone would truly call us men, Jackson.”

  “I expect Amanda would agree with you on that one,” he replied and I heard the smile in his voice. “Where are you off to now?”

  “There’s only one place left I can think of and, if I know Anders as well as I think I do, I fully expect to find him there, probably with his pants down and Kate in tears.”

  “You’re a very morbid bloke.”

  “I’m a realist, Jax.”

  “Just…just try not to get yourself injured, yeah?”

  “Fat lot of faith you have in me, brother,” I scoffed.

  “Oz, it’s not that,” he said slowly, “I just know how you are with him. Just, get Kate, get out of there and bring her home safe, yeah?”

  I raked a hand through my hair. The last thing I wanted to do was leave Anders able to stand. But, Jax was right; my priority was to get Kate home to her family in one piece. Me fighting with Anders reduced that likelihood significantly.

  “Oz…” I heard his warning tone.

  “All right, Jax, all right.”

  “Good, stay safe and let me know when you’re on your way home.”

  “Will do.”

  I hung up, finished my coffee and left the shop, pulling my sunglasses down.

  I’d been to Australia in the summer before, but I didn’t think I’d ever be able to adjust to the humidity. I wasn’t surprised Lily found it so damn cold at home.

  As I walked back to the car, I noticed girls smiling as they looked at me and whispered to each other. Uncharacteristically, and despite the nature of my mission, I found myself smiling back politely.

  Jesus, Lily’s changed me irrevocably.

  I knew, though, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.


  I knocked on the door, wearing my best scowl. The house in Point Lonsdale hadn’t changed a bit.

  When Tiffany saw my face, she tried to slam the door shut, but I pushed my way in.

  “Au…Austin…” she stammered, scurrying backward.

  “Tiffany,” I replied, stony-faced.

  “I…uh, didn’t expect to see you again.”

  “No, I don’t expect you did. Where is he, Tiffany?” I asked, stepping towards her.

  She backed up further. “Who? I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

  “Really? We’re playing this game?” My tone told her I was in no mood for games.

  “L…Liam? You’re looking for Liam?”

  I nodded and she pointed up.

  “I’d advise you to stay downstairs.”

  She nodded rapidly and I left her downstairs, making my way through the house I knew well. This was the house we’d all stayed when we were younger and our fathers were still alive. I rushed along the corridor to the room Anders had always slept in; the room Anders, Jax and I had always slept in.

  I threw the door open and Anders jumped away from Kate, who was now very half-heartedly trying to pull away from him. The room smelt like Anders had been smoking something. I could only hope Kate hadn’t had any of the drugs. Anders’ face was an ugly sneer and he grabbed Kate to him.

  “Austin!” she cried, with a giggle and I suspected Anders had given her something.

  “Anders, let her go. I’m taking her home.”

  “Are you now?”

  “Yes, you fecking waste of space.”

  “Who says she wants to go with you?” His tone was ice and Kate frowned at him in confusion.

  “Me,” Kate said, trying to pull out of his grasp, “I do. I want to go home, Austin.”

  Liam practically threw her to the ground at that. She picked up a backpack and ran to my side.

  “You can take her then,” Anders replied. “I got what I wanted.”

  I felt my jaw tighten. “I’ll bet you did. Kate, go downstairs. Do not talk to Tiffany.”

  She nodded and hurried out.

  “Austin Cooper, the knight in shining armour once again,” Anders snarled.

  “Piss off,” I answered as I turned to leave.

  “Isn’t this the part where you offer me large sums of money to keep away from her?”

  “No, no it’s not. I know you better than that. I offer you money now, you’ll never go away. You’ll do what you always do and come back for more, always telling me it’s the last time. No, Anders, you go to hell and stay away from the Brewers!”

  “You and van Wilhausen deserve each other.”

  I chuckled. “I assure you, Anders, Fleur is not the lady I will be marrying.”

  I looked back and was surprised by what I saw on his face; he looked torn and desperate. I didn’t stay to dwell on whatever twisted thing was going through his mind now. Instead, I hurried Kate out of the house and into the car.

  She didn’t speak for a full half an hour, and then I couldn’t get her to shut up. I barely list
ened, but it sounded a lot like her usual drivel.

  Finally, she said, “Oh, Austin! Thank you so much for finding me!”

  “You wouldn’t have needed to be found if you hadn’t run off with that maniac.”

  “But, he was so nice in the beginning.”

  “Yes, Kate, I know.” I knew all about how nice Anders could be when he put his mind to it.

  “No, you don’t underst-”

  “I promise you I do. Now, let me explain to you what you don’t understand. You’ve put your family through hell. Not to mention the fact that Lily is about ready to murder you, then Anders. You tell me exactly what happened, what the hell you were thinking, and what he promised you.”

  And, she did.

  Apparently, he’d been going to take her on a road trip around the Australian coast, ‘just him and the girl he loved’. But, they’d got to Point Lonsdale and stopped. Listening to her, she made no sense to me; one minute she sounded like she’d been scared out of her wits, the next she was proudly telling me how Lily would be so jealous she’d lost her virginity to Anders.

  “I laughed when I thought I’d done something my sisters haven’t!” she said, with the aforementioned laugh.

  Oh, gross, so didn’t need that visual…

  I wondered, though, if Lily was a virgin… I highly doubted, whatever her status, that was the sort of information she was going to share with her little sisters.

  Not that my mind had much time to dwell on that with Kate in the car. I had no idea what Anders had really intended for her and, to be honest, I didn’t care. She would be going home, then we could put this mess behind us.

  I let Kate prattle on about it all, from the time she left Heathrow to being in the car with me now, without actually paying her any attention after a while.

  “Austin?” My name pulled me out of my mind-static.


  “I asked if you think Lily will forgive me.”

  “How should I know, Kate?” I replied more harshly than I intended.

  “I bet she’ll forgive you for everything when you bring me home safe,” she answered, obviously not fazed by my previous tone at all.


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