Blood Moon Box Set

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Blood Moon Box Set Page 6

by Natalie Aejaz

“That is business. It has nothing to do with this.” When she did not respond, he insisted, “There’s a restaurant at the back of the club, Dragon. I’ll wait for you there Tuesday evening at 7. Let me buy you dinner.”

  She smirked. “Want to feed me before you fuck me?”

  It was a crass way of putting it but true. “I’ll be honest, Angie, I’m not relationship material—”

  “Don’t worry about that.” Her mouth twisted into a scowl that he wanted to kiss away. “You’re a shifter, a criminal who’s possessed my father’s shop illegally. You’re the last guy I would want a relationship with.”

  Her words should have relieved not agitated him. “I’m not after a relationship, either, so that’s perfect. We’re good together, when it comes to the sex at least. So why not enjoy it?”

  “I won’t come.”

  “I’ll wait for you.”

  “Good night, Shaun.”

  She unlocked the door and then she was gone. He rested his elbows against the wall, his gaze cast to the floor.

  It was Saturday, and he was already counting the hours to Tuesday.


  * * *

  WHEN ANGIE ENDED THE conversation with the loans department at her bank, she just prevented herself from chucking her mobile against the wall of the office.

  Sandra, her colleague, pulled her eyes away from the report she was proofreading on her laptop. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing, just the usual banking stuff.”

  Angie was having lunch at her desk—one of the partners had piled a load of extra work on her because of his own secretary’s absence, and it was another reminder of how she had to get out of this firm. But the bloody bank staff said they needed more time. If they got their act together, she might save dad’s antique shop, but no amount of pleading could get them to speed up the application. The bank and its fucking procedures.

  The only other way to save the place? If Shaun agreed to give her some time. Which reminded her, it was Tuesday…would he really wait for her at the restaurant? She didn’t fancy meeting him again, not after she’d been incapable of controlling her response to him in the club that night. She had only danced with those guys to piss Shaun off and somehow get back at him for claiming her dad’s shop for his own. But all it had taken was a kiss and she’d melted into his arms. At one point, she would have let him fuck her on the dance floor if he wanted to. What the hell was it about him that brought out her own animal? Bloody disgusting.

  And yet, when she thought of what happened in that storage room, his urgency as he pushed into her, it sent heat rushing between her legs. Damn, why couldn’t she feel this way about some other guy? Why did it have to be him? She’d barely slept since seeing him again in the club, her mind alternating between fantasies of him fucking her again and deciding whether she should stay away.

  The closer it came to the evening, the more scrambled her brain became. She needed to speak to Shaun but didn’t trust herself to keep away from him. What the fuck? She would let her parents’ business go just because she could not keep her damn hormones under control? By the time she logged off her laptop, she’d reached a decision.

  She had to at least try to change Shaun’s mind about the shop…or she’d never forgive herself.

  THE TAXI DRIVER DROVE ALONG the wall of the Eclipse compound for a good few minutes before stopping at a set of large black iron gates that marked the entrance to the Dragon restaurant.

  Angie stepped out of the cab in a conservative navy blouse, buttoned to the top, and a flowing crème skirt. Her hair was tied back and she wore no makeup. Considering how she looked at the best of times, this should be enough to keep the shifter away.

  The two-story restaurant building was constructed of red exposed bricks. As she approached the opaque red glass doors, they slid open, and she stepped into a reception area that was out of this world. Red walls surrounded her, etched with gold ornate patterns. A massive crystal chandelier rippled above the space, and for a few moments she stood still, staring at it.

  “May I help you, madam?”

  She dragged her eyes away from the magical display and to the lady behind the counter. “I am here for dinner. Shaun Taylor.”

  “Please wait.”

  She must have rung a secret bell or something because a young man turned up, dashing in a red shirt and black pants. When he greeted her, she didn’t miss the fangs. A vampire. His voice was pleasant. “Please come this way.” She followed him through another set of glass doors and into a red corridor that featured small chandeliers at regular intervals, the black carpet thick and soft under their feet. He stopped at a black wood door with a dragon carved into it. The light at the side of the door flashed red. When he knocked, the light switched to green as there was the sound of a click. Unexpectedly, the door slid open. “Please enter, madam.”

  She entered and as the door shut behind her, she squinted, trying to get used to the dim light. A shadow before her shifted and the lights brightened on a small private room, done up in red and black. “Sorry,” said Shaun. “I forget about our differing eyesight.”

  He sat on a black sofa behind a low table, dressed in dark pants and a burgundy shirt that stretched across his muscled chest. Those grey eyes were intense, amber flashing through them as they ran over her, but his lips curled up in a smile and softened his strong jaw. So dashing that she wished she had made an effort with her appearance—before reminding herself of why she was here.

  He stood and held a hand out to her. When she took it, it was as if a spark passed between them, and he noticed it too, because his eyes flashed as he guided her to the sofa so she was next to him. Just great. Stuck in an intimate room and close enough to Shaun that a slight movement would cause them to touch. Every muscle in her body tensed as she froze to avoid nudging him by accident. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything as he picked up an electronic menu from the table and handed it to her. As her eyes flitted over it, she doubted she could eat or drink. Their legs were so closed that heat emanated from him and traveled to her core. She tried to focus on the damn food options and the reason she was here. Unable to decide, she chose red wine and a set platter. When she gave the menu to Shaun, he did not hesitate before he punched in the options. She imagined he had been here plenty of times.

  Who else had he brought here?

  Once they’d ordered the food, a silence descended between them, loaded with tension. She cleared her throat to break it. “I need to speak to you. About Bygone.”

  His jaw tightened. “Do we have to talk about that tonight?”

  “It’s the only reason I came.”

  He lifted a hand to her jawline, and she resisted the urge to turn her face and kiss his palm, keeping her eyes on the table instead. “This business with the shop…I’m not doing it to hurt you. It’s more complicated than you think.” Why was he being so stubborn? He had more than he needed, so why couldn’t he leave her shop alone? Was money really that important to people like him? “Angie. Look at me, please.”

  His soft voice compelled her to do what he said. In this light, his features were soft, but that glow in his eyes was bright and burned a trail to her belly. “I spent my childhood in that shop, Shaun. If you take it, you steal my parents’ memories.”

  Did emotion just flash across his face? Probably the dim light confusing her. Yes, must have been the latter, because when he spoke, his tone was hard. “I told you, I don’t want to discuss this anymore. I’ve made my decision.”

  He really wouldn’t change his mind, would he? “In that case, I do not see the point in staying any longer.”

  She stood, but he grabbed her hand. Another flash in his eyes as he stared up at her. “Is that why you came? To talk about the shop?”


  He pulled her, gentle, so she was next to him again. “Are you sure?”

  “What part of my answer don’t you understand?”

  He held her chin with his fingers, trying to pull her face t
oward him, but she resisted as she bit her bottom lip, willing the tears not to come. He could take the shop, but he wouldn’t take her dignity.

  “Angie. Don’t get upset over this. It’s just business, nothing personal.”

  She almost laughed out at his words. Nothing personal? What could be more personal than that property?

  “I should leave,” she said.

  He sighed as he leaned back into the sofa. He rested his head against it, closing his eyes. “Is that really the only reason you came, Angie? To talk about that place?”

  “Yes.” No. She had wanted to meet him. If not the shop, there would have been another excuse to come here tonight. Since when did it become so important to be near this male she barely knew, who was not of her own species and didn’t see her as more than an opportunity to get laid?

  “I don’t believe you,” he murmured. “I don’t believe you came here just because of that shop.” When he opened his eyes and lifted his head, she looked away. The next thing she knew, he held her arm and pulled her toward him, his lips finding hers. “If you don’t tell me the truth,” he murmured, “Perhaps your body will.” She willed herself to resist, but would that work when it came to this shifter? When he bit her lower lip, soft, a jolt went through her system, making her forget why she had to keep a distance. She moaned as her arms trailed around his neck to pull him closer. He broke the kiss—no, don’t—to stare down at her, and his lips curled up in a smile as his eyes flashed amber. “Do you think I haven’t tried to stay away from you, Angie? It’s damn difficult.” He brought his mouth close, but when she tried to touch it with hers, he tugged her hair to keep her head in place. “And there’s no need, when we both want each other.”

  “Speak for yourself,” she muttered.

  “By the way, there’s something I should tell you.” His smile widened before he pressed his lips against hers again, his tongue coaxing her to open her mouth.

  “What?” she breathed against his kiss.

  “Tonight’s the full moon.”

  Dear God, that sent a rush of heat to between her legs. It was the night when the mating urge took him, and he had chosen her.

  I don’t want this. But her body didn’t agree, shamelessly betraying her. As their tongues intertwined, her pelvis jolted, wanting to feel him between her legs. The part of her mind that still worked told her they were in a restaurant where anyone could walk in, but her body shut it down as tremors racked it. She registered Shaun lifting her skirt to her thighs, and when his hand passed close to her sex, she rubbed against him. He gripped the outside of her thigh and shifted her so she straddled him. So in control…

  And then he tugged her hair until it fell down her back in waves. “Better,” he murmured as he trailed his fingers through it. He kept one hand on her ass and the other in her hair, molding her lips to his. She rocked her hips and rubbed against his trousers, the hard length of his erection stimulating her clit. “Fuck, Angie.” His head fell back, exposing his neck. She placed her mouth there, licking before she softly bit. That elicited a loud groan from him, which made her hips move even harder. He lifted his face, a shot of amber in those gray eyes as he held her waist to still her. His hand went to the top button of her blouse, and as he opened it and then worked his way down, he said, “As soon as you walked in, I knew you’d dressed like this to turn me off. It only made me want to fuck you even more.” Another surge of wetness rushed to her sex. He pulled her blouse down her shoulders and then chucked it to the side before he palmed her breasts through the black lace of her bra.

  A knock at the door. “Shaun—”

  “They’ll leave if there’s no answer.” He leaned in to kiss her as he massaged her breasts, but as she pressed her hips forward, needing more, he edged back. “How much do you want me Angie?” When she didn’t speak, he kept his eyes on her face as he pushed the lace of her bra down with his thumbs, before dragging them over her nipples. Fuck. She breathed heavy as her core jolted.

  “Shaun, I—” Another stroke across those sensitive tips. “Please…”

  “You’ll see me again?”

  “Wh-what?” Why was he asking questions instead of doing something about the lust that surged through her?

  “I want to keep seeing you.” He took her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and twisted it, making her cry out. Every damn part of her became so sensitive around him. “You’ll see me again, won’t you?”


  He pressed his mouth against her flesh, staring up at her face as he circled her nipple with his tongue. His thumb gave her other erect bud the same treatment. Her inner muscles quivered and clenched, begging for more. She couldn’t bear any more of this torture. She stretched her hands behind her and undid the clasp of her bra before flinging it to the side. Light raged through his eyes, and his lips tightened as she struggled with his shirt buttons, a wild need overcoming her. She pulled his shirt apart and then pressed her breasts against his naked skin as she kissed him again. When her nipples grazed his chest, he pressed his hand to the back of her head and kissed her even harder, his erection pulsing underneath her. Damn it, she needed to fuck him. She brought her hands between them, fumbling with the zip of his pants until his cock sprang free. And then she edged her panties aside and took the tip of his shaft inside her. He groaned as she hovered above him without taking him further. Who the hell was this wild creature who had taken over her body?


  The ache in his voice nearly made her push so he filled her, but she wanted to hold out a bit longer. She shifted so she took a little more of him as she whispered, “How much do you want me?”

  “More than I should.” His hands went to her backside and he pushed, hard, until he filled her.

  “Fuck, Shaun!”

  The heat started at her core and then spread through her limbs, burning every inch of her as she moved along his shaft. As she panted, the need to have more of him inside her pushed other thoughts from her head. She rode him fast, wanting him to fill every part of her until nothing else remained. When he buried his face in her breasts, licking and teasing her nipples, she fucked him faster. And when her legs got tired, she didn’t give a damn. Her insides heated until a dizzy sensation overcame her. Those loud, wanton sounds? Were they really coming from her mouth? In the background, far away, was Shaun’s voice, telling her what a turn on this side of her was. “I’m going to fuck you again and again, Angie, until you’re incapable of even thinking of anyone else.”

  Her hips moved faster at his words, the friction as his cock slid in and out of her making her grit her teeth. And then she came around him, hard. A moment later, he did, too.

  As her body became limp, she fell against him, her head resting on his shoulder as she whimpered. His arms went around her as he kissed her hair, whispering words so soft she could not make them out. Being with him in this way…bliss.

  But the regret took over, making her stiffen. She came here to save the shop but instead succumbed to him again. Tears came to her eyes…this damn need for Shaun was making her forget what was important. It was making her betray her parents.

  “Angie? What’s wrong?” She shook her head against his shoulder, but he took her by the arms and pulled her back so he could see her. “Tell me.”


  He lifted her face to him. “It’s about the shop, isn’t it?” When she did not respond, “Speak to me. Please.”

  “Both my mum and dad are dead.” She tried to stop the tear, but it rolled down her cheek. “If I lose the shop, I have nothing left. Nothing.”

  He pulled her face close to his and then licked the tear, his tongue slow and gentle on her cheek. “If it means that much to you, I’ll give you time to arrange the funds. I’ll hold out as long as I can before starting the construction.”

  She stared into his eyes. “You mean it?” He was changing his mind, just like that?

  “Yes, if it’s what makes you happy. As soon as you pay off the loan,
the property will be yours.”

  And now she smiled. “Thank you!”

  She gave him a tight hug. That heaviness in her chest was gone as she rested her head on his shoulder again, and his arms surrounded her to hold her close.

  SHAUN HAD NO IDEA OF how long they stayed like that, and to be honest, he didn’t care. He could stay like this forever, her body pressed against his, their bare skin molded.

  But eventually, reality kicked in.

  He’d made her a promise and he intended to keep it. But Drake would not be pleased. And fuck, what about James? The mob boss was not the most approachable guy, and if Shaun went back on his word, there would be payback if he couldn’t convince the other man to let it go.

  What the hell had he got himself into…? And why did the human’s misery affect him so? That one drop had undone him and made him want to do what it took to make sure no more tears fell from her soft brown eyes.

  And then he thought of how Angie’s smile had lit up her face when he said he would give her the chance to arrange the loan. The tension eased away and he relaxed. Her breathing was gentle against his shoulder, and for a moment it seemed she might have fallen asleep. That idea was comforting. He kissed the top of her head and she shifted. Nope, still awake. As he buried his nose in her hair, he remembered they were at dinner. “Hungry?”

  “Yes,” she murmured, “But I don’t want to move.”

  He chuckled. “You don’t have to.” He kept her nestled against his body as he reached for the menu behind her. He went for the re-order option and then rested his head against the back of the sofa, his gaze on the chandelier above them. It was as if they were shut away in their own little world, where nothing could touch them. It was damn good to be far from that shit. He closed his eyes, but when he thought he might doze off, he took Angie by the shoulders and pulled her back.

  She resisted, her lips pouting. “I was comfortable.”

  So was he. Too damn comfortable. “The food will be here soon.” He dropped his gaze to her breasts, eyeing those pink little peaks as he grinned. “Or we could send it back again?”


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