Blood Moon Box Set

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Blood Moon Box Set Page 20

by Natalie Aejaz

  Thank fuck that was over. “Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting,” said Blade. “Drinks and food on the house for everyone. Choose your zone and enjoy your Friday night.”

  “Thanks, demon,” said Shaun, “But I’ve got to get going.”

  “I know you have to,” mentioned Ethen. “You’ve got a woman waiting for you.”

  “You could have one waiting for you, too, if you got past your hang-up about humans long enough to talk to Angie’s friend.”

  As chuckles traveled around the table, the fae’s jaw clenched. Blade frowned at his partner. Why didn’t he know this when Shaun and others did? Was he so shut off that his business partner—someone he met on a daily basis—hadn’t told him he was interested in someone?

  Blade and his partners remained in the room as the rest of the supernaturals filtered out, in a better mood than when they’d come in. Always a good thing.

  Once they’d gone, Blade sent a message to the lion shifter Junaid, asking him to come to the room. The shifter had done a stellar job with the scanning system, but Blade wasn’t pleased with how many girls were being picked up. He’d never realized the problem went so deep. Junaid entered, dressed in a black tailored two-piece that provided the perfect foil for his dark skin. His brown eyes skimmed the room, and as was his habit, he ran a hand over his goatee as he sat down. And before the door closed, Sonia the witch walked in, all purple hair and black leathers. She preferred to be a silent partner, so her arrival was a surprise.

  Once they’d both sat, Ethen turned to Junaid. “How’s it going? Girls are still trying to get in, even after the warnings?”

  “Yes.” The lion shifter clenched his jaw. It was one hell of a crap job, but somebody had to do it, and he was one of the most trustworthy managers at the venue. “We’ve already given the names of a few girls to James.”

  Blade would not want to be in their shoes. “How many now?”

  “Six.” More than he was comfortable with. But they had no bloody choice, and they’d given each of the girls a warning before they handed them over. If they didn’t take that chance, it was their problem…wasn’t it?

  “I’ve got a list of the girls who have had one strike each.” Junaid paused, his face solemn. “Nearly a hundred have been warned.”

  “Nearly a hundred?”

  “Yes.” Junaid took out his tablet. “I’m sending you their details now, Blade. I’m pretty sure several of these girls will turn up over the next few days, thinking we’re bluffing. Just to give you the heads-up—if it continues like this, there will be a lot more girls reported from our club.” He paused, as if waiting for his words to sink in. “Come on, guys. Do we really want to be doing this?”

  “None of us likes this any more than you do.” Leke had looked increasingly grim as Junaid reported the figures. “But if we didn’t do this, James would have chipped the girls and got the information, anyway. At least this way, the girls receive fair warning.”

  “Whatever makes you sleep at night,” said Hari. She now frowned at the table as if searching for an answer in it. “These are girls who need our help. And instead, we’re handed them over to be tortured.”

  Her words hung around Blade as he flicked through the images that Junaid had sent. Images of girls who had been warned. Many of them would return and then…he placed his device on the table, because that was another thing he didn’t want to think about. “You’ve done a great job.” In fact, if it wasn’t a task the shifter detested, he’d get him to manage similar operations at other bars run by supernaturals.

  Junaid swallowed. “I don’t like doing it, but perhaps it is better for the girls this way. They do receive a warning, don’t they?”

  Sonia muttered something under her breath about males and privilege, making Blade feel even shittier than he already did.

  “None of us likes doing it,” said Ethen, “Any more than any of us likes dealing with that asshole James.”

  Junaid nodded. “All I’m counting on is that seeing a few girls being turned over will deter the rest of them. The last thing I want is to keep getting them into trouble.” It had taken the shifter a lot to admit what would be regarded as a weakness in some circles, but at least the guy had morals. Blade picked up his phone again, flicked and then froze. The girl from the pool…she was one of James’ girls? Which meant she’d lied to him.

  How the hell did she get involved with that guy? And she’d already had a warning, which meant if she turned up again…he swallowed. What the fuck was he going to do? Could he even do anything? The shifter had given her fair warning. If she turned up again, and Junaid decided to hand her over to the mob boss, how could Blade get involved? How could he expect others to toe the line and then backtrack himself when it came to difficult decisions?

  But the thought of her at the mercy of that mobster...

  Damn. She had better use her head and not return to Eclipse. For her sake and his.


  * * *

  EVEN THAT SMART RED DRESS, the one she’d bought for her audition at Eclipse months ago, might not get her into Oasis. That girl ahead of her in the queue worked for James, too, and Alyssa had her eyes on her. The other woman had also splashed out on nice clothing. A knee-length black dress, shiny black heels and blond hair up in a chignon. Clever girl had kept her makeup to a minimum.

  When the woman reached security, Alyssa’s heart jumped to her throat as if she was the one about to brave whatever new scanning system the club had installed. For a moment, she relaxed as she thought the woman might get through. But then that security guard stepped forward, the fit one with the goatee who had accosted Alyssa the other day. He led the woman to the side. The hooker’s face had paled, and her blue eyes brimmed with tears. She’d already had a warning? Alyssa’s heart sank into her black heels, not as shiny as the other girl’s, but clean. As panic lodged in her throat, it was as if she and not the other woman was about to be ratted out.

  Heart beating a tattoo against her ribs, Alyssa pulled back before she reached security. Fuck. Even after she stepped out of the queue, there was a heaviness in her chest, one that made her want to cry out. I’m all right. They didn’t get me. But what would happen to the blond girl tonight? Alyssa knew one thing. She couldn’t come back to this place. She’d already heard the stories, courtesy of Daisy, of what had happened to some of the girls who’d been reported. Alyssa was in enough shit with James as it was. If he found out about this, he’d skin her alive. And then fuck what was left of her.

  She swallowed as she headed back the way she’d come, toward the gate. A guy in the queue stared at her, somewhere between his mid-thirties and early forties. Not bad looking, but that didn’t make a difference. Never had. All that mattered was that clients had the ability to pay and didn’t inflict too much damage while they had their fun. When she smiled at him, he returned the gesture, nervous. Right now, she needed money, not just for food but to hide somewhere. She’d left the apartment early each evening over the past few days, making sure she wasn’t there if James’ guys came around. That Damien fucker would arrive any day to pick her up, and just the thought of facing him sent ice through her veins.

  “Hey, baby,” said the guy, suddenly braver. “Coming inside?”

  For a moment, she was tempted to risk it. If she was with another customer, they might let her in. But no, the Eclipse’s owners were getting ruthless when it came to stuff like this. She’d had her party at the venue, and now it was time to work its walls. “I fancy a walk instead.”

  She drew a hand over her neck and down, pulling at her neckline so it exposed a little more cleavage. His eyes followed her fingers, lingering there. He swallowed. “Fancy some company?”

  She shrugged, making sure her breasts heaved…well, whatever movement they could manage, considering their unimpressive size. “Sure.” She walked away from him, making sure her hips swayed as she did so. Please let him follow me. Once she reached the gate, she glanced back. Thank fuck, he was c
lose behind. She left the gate and passed an alley where customers without transport walked to reach the river crossing, continuing along the wall of the club until she reached a quiet area. She entered the alley leading off it. This would do—

  The man’s hands were suddenly on her, pulling her around and pressing her against the wall as he kissed her. She felt nothing. It was always the same with these encounters. She’d thought she might never even feel desire again, until she met the demon. The thought of him made her smile, despite the hands that groped her breasts. Blade…perhaps she could keep her mind on him. It would make this easier to get through, wouldn’t it?

  “Spread your legs, whore!” No more Mr. Nice Guy, huh? She shifted against the guy, opening her thighs so he could grind against her. Still nothing. Neither lust nor disgust. Just that blank feeling that had helped her survive, as she stared over his shoulder at the wall opposite. His hand grabbed her breast again, and she kept her eyes stuck ahead of her. It will soon be over. This is not me. I am the girl who was with Blade that night… “How much do you want?” he panted into her ear.

  “Depends on what service you’re after, baby.” She’d practiced that low and sultry voice so often that it became automatic when she was with clients.

  “How about you suck me off, first, and we take it from there?”

  “I take payment up front.” She held her hand out. “Fifty dollars.”

  His mouth was at her neck, somewhere between biting and kissing, as he reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a wad of cash. He counted once, and then again to make sure, before stuffing the notes in her hand. As she placed the money in her bag, he said, “If you do a good job of that, we’ll see. I’ve never fucked in an alley like this before.” He sounded turned on by the idea.

  She went to her knees before him and then opened his belt. Again, her mind went back to that night by the pool, when she’d fumbled with the demon’s trousers. She was on her knees in a dirty alley and about to blow off this guy for money—yet, she smiled.

  “Yeah,” the man panted. “You’re gonna enjoy this as much as I am. Take my dick, whore.”

  As she pulled his trouser zip down, a shadow appeared at the end of the alley. She stared up at the guy. “Did you arrange a party? Because that’ll cost you more.”

  “I don’t know who that is. Just blow me. He’s welcome to watch if he wants.”

  But something about the shadow told her this stranger hadn’t come to watch. He stepped closer, and she realized he wasn’t a stranger. The manager who gave her a warning? She cursed inwardly as she stood. Sure enough, it was him. You didn’t forget a striking guy like him in a hurry. Her bloody heart jumped to her throat, but she managed to smile at him. “I’m a bit busy here, but if you want to wait in line—”

  His eyes were hard as he glanced between the man and her. “How about you go back to your place in the queue, sir,” he told the guy who was her client until a few moments ago. “We have women in the pleasure zones, much more experienced and downright gorgeous, who’ll service you in a more comfortable environment.” The manager glanced at her knees, which were covered with whatever had been on the ground. “But if dirt’s your thing, that can be arranged, too.” Alyssa bit back the retort that came to her lips. Yes, so she wasn’t as posh as those so-called ladies who worked at Eclipse, but there was no difference between them. They did the same work, and she carried out every job with the same honesty they did. Yet these were the kind of insults she’d learned to live with and not respond to. God knew, she’d put up with enough from James’ thugs. She’d learned early on that the very guys who made money off the work of women like her, would always have the gall to treat her like crap.

  “Sure thing,” said the guy as he zipped up. He glanced at her. “Maybe another time, huh?”

  “Sounds good, babes. I’ll find you…” The manager’s eyes narrowed at her words. “Wait,” she said as the guy turned. She took out the cash from her bag and handed most of it back. She wasn’t about to give up all of it when she had intended to go through with what he paid for, before security turned up and spoiled the party. The guy didn’t hide his surprise as he took the money from her. He walked away and soon disappeared; unlike her, he was still going to have a good night.

  After he’d gone, the club manager turned to her. “You look familiar.” Shit. “Have I warned you before?”

  He didn’t remember their last encounter? Hardly surprising, considering the number of girls who had tried to get in here. She might still get away with it. “Warned me?” She kept her voice light and held her hands out, drumming up her best confused expression. “What are you talking about?”

  He took a mobile from his jacket pocket. It looked like any other device as he held it before her face and clicked so it flashed. He then waited, a frown creasing his brow. “You’re Alyssa…one of James’ girls, aren’t you?” Her insides froze. She was done for.

  “Come on, man. What difference does it make to you guys? Did you have to follow me out here?”

  “We don’t want any of you around here, and that ban includes you not pulling men and women out from our club and taking them with you. From now on, none of you women are to step foot inside these premises. In fact, it’s best if you keep away from this island full-stop.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll bear that in mind.”

  She then clutched her bag and tried to walk away from him as if she was off the hook. But he grabbed her shoulder, pressing her back against the wall. Shit, he was strong. “You were given a warning the last time you were here. To stay away.”

  She attempted a wide-eyed expression, despite the fear shitting a trail around her insides. “I was?”

  “You know you were, yet you ignored the warning. What is with you girls? Don’t you get it? We’re trying to help you, but you make it so damn difficult.” He pressed a button on his mobile. “Sorry, but I’ve got to send your details over.”

  She grabbed his hand. “No, no. Please don’t.”

  “You were warned.”

  “You’ve got no idea of what James will do to me.” She took a tissue from her bag and licked it, before using it to wipe away some of the foundation from her arms. She held them out, so he could see the marks that remained from cigarette burns and beatings. “He fucking tortures the girls. Some of the girls you reported to him…they might not even make it out of his place alive.”

  He swallowed, a flicker of light in his brown eyes. He wasn’t immune to her situation, but would it be enough? “What do you expect us to do? We give every girl a warning first. We don’t want to do this, but it’s not our fault if you ignore us.”

  “Please,” she pleaded. “I’ll do anything.”

  Her hands went to his trouser waistband, but he stepped back. “Don’t even think about it.”

  Fuck, she was so desperate that she’d pull her dress off and bend over naked before him, but something about his hard expression told her he wouldn’t fall for that crap. As he swiped his phone, panic claimed her. “If you hand me over to James, one of your bosses is going to be pissed.”

  That got his attention, but when he lifted his eyebrows, it was obvious he didn’t quite believe her. “Really?”

  “Yes. I’m friends with one of the club owners.”

  “So was every other girl we sent over to James. Only their claims didn’t stand up to scrutiny.”

  “You can ask him. His name is…Blade.”

  BLADE SAT IN HIS OFFICE at the rear of the complex, going over the accounts. The place was doing damn well. The lounges were full most nights with customers who wanted to indulge in nothing more than dinners and drinks, and the pleasure zones—well, their income was hitting the roof. But the biggest profit increase for the last month was registered against Oasis. Damn, he was proud of that. If all went well, they could go for that hotel deal on the other side of the river, as well as adding another zone to Eclipse. Leke wanted the Blood Zone, the area where blood-suckers and humans mingled, to be expande
d. The vampires paid for blood, and the club made a commission from each sale. But some humans didn’t charge, because they got off on having a vampire’s fangs inside them—in which case, they paid. But either way, someone paid.

  Another dance zone would be a huge expense, but seeing as Oasis had shown the fastest growth, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea. The idea took root, exciting him. They would need planning permission, but that was why his kind spent so long keeping powerful humans sweet. For starters, James had all the right contacts in his pockets, and if he agreed to help, then the expansion wouldn’t be a huge deal. And damn, James and Drake owed them after the diligence they were putting into catching their girls. Shit. That reminded him of the women they’d sent to James.

  Why the hell did those females come to Manhattan without even checking what they were getting into? He got it, that need to escape a situation that was so shit, you didn’t think you could encounter anything worse. Or didn’t even think of what you might encounter. What was it to him, anyway? It was the women’s choice, just as it was their decision to come back to the club after receiving a warning about what would happen to them if they did. The business was going damn well, and he would make sure it didn’t go through any shit, not over a few hookers who couldn’t understand danger when it stared them in the face.

  When he received the call, he was tempted to ignore it, wanting to consider the plans for the second dance zone. If he worked through the night, he’d have a proposal to present to his partners by tomorrow. But when Junaid’s name flashed on the mobile screen, he picked up the call. Had there been more problems?

  “One of James’ girls is with me,” said the lion shifter. And he was calling him…because? “She pulled one of our customers from the Oasis queue and took him to an alley next to the wall. When I found them, she was on her knees, ready to blow him.”

  “You’ve scanned her?”


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