Blood Moon Box Set

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Blood Moon Box Set Page 31

by Natalie Aejaz

  And then Paul was taken out by the leader of a rival gang. She didn’t even wait for instructions from James. She set out alone to track the guy who’d taken out her brother, all the way to his hideout. By the time his thugs discovered their boss’s throat had been slit, she was back in James’ mansion, in the privacy of her suite. It had been a clean kill and thrilling, but within a few hours, the adrenalin rush was gone. Even that had not been enough, had it? Her response to her brother’s murder impressed many, apart from James. No fucking female would carry out work on his behalf, he roared. So she left to find her own place in the business…and Paul’s gang followed, as well as a few others…including Enzo.

  Since then, her gang members had remained faithful…but that would not last when they discovered she’d been changed to a supernatural…

  Veronica loitered a few more moments in the courtyard, in case her efforts to leave the thug life as a human barbecue came to fruition. Not even a patch of red skin. As she approached the entrance, some ground floor resident who was about to walk through it backed away until he was inside his apartment. He only walked out again once she was on the stairs, making her way up to her flat. She climbed eight floors in a few seconds. Some speed she’d developed…

  Her place was a sight to give the cheeriest person depression. From the entrance right into the living room, everything broken. She had smashed the mirror in her bathroom, too, after seeing the horror she’d turned into, so she entered her bedroom. She kneeled on the thick blue carpet and took a mirror from the bottom drawer of her bedside table. After placing it on the table, she removed the sunglasses. Red flashed through her eyes. It didn’t scare the shit out of her anymore, but it didn’t mean she liked it. But her physical appearance wasn’t what bothered her most about this transformation…it was the craving for blood. She couldn’t stay stuck inside the apartment building much longer. Her best bet was to find a supernatural who could tell her how to get rid of this desire for blood—even better, tell her how she could fucking end herself.

  But where was she supposed to start with that mission? She picked up her mobile and stared at it for a few minutes before calling Enzo. If he was surprised she’d called him so soon after their last conversation, he didn’t show it. “Do me a favor, would you, Enzo? Find out where I can get information on vampires. I’m trying to track down one in particular.”

  “What the fuck are you up to? You better not be thinking of recruiting bloodsuckers to the gang. You know how much we hate the cunts—”

  And now I am one of them.

  “I can’t stand them any more than you…I’m just after some information.”

  “I’ll do my best. How about I come over in a couple of days to see you and update you at the same time?” She couldn’t say no, could she? Enzo wanted to see her in person, check what was going on…make sure there was nothing for him and the other members to be concerned about. “Although I don’t like this fucking idea at all—”

  “Thanks, Enzo.” After she hung up the phone, her eyes went straight to the mirror. A flash of red. I am a fucking bloodsucker. According to one of her most trusted gang members, a cunt.

  And as that thought tore through her, her fangs elongated.


  Leke sat in his spacious office, his laptop open on the desk, but he was unable to concentrate on the plans for the government contract that had been passed to him. He turned in his chair so his back was to the table, staring out of the large window at the garden, his thoughts consumed by the odd flashes he still received from Veronica’s mind.

  Why the hell was she doing this to herself?

  It was a natural reaction to deny her new nature, but information that came from fairytales was useless…would only cause her more pain and frustration. But it was her nature to be stubborn, wasn’t it? Determined and fearless, her fast rise had caused even high-ranking cops to think better of going after her. She was brought up around blood and gore, thanks to that sadistic relative of hers, James, yet this transformation had hit her hard. Very hard.

  There was a knock at the door. “Come in, Fry.” When his friend entered the room to sit on the other side of the desk, Leke asked, “Do you have any information about what happened in the car park that night? Who attacked her?”

  “It appears to have been Rasmus.”

  “Rasmus?” That explained the bites…and why the government had wanted her killed. If she didn’t die from the bites, she would have been running around sprouting fur. “I knew the wolf and Veronica had issues”—hell, the woman had problems with anyone who was a supernatural—“But I didn’t expect Rasmus to stoop to this.” But they should have seen something like this coming. The wolf had taken to turning humans, believing that was the way to win the imaginary war going on in his head. But to turn a human of power? Rasmus had excelled in the idiocy department this time, and it wouldn’t be long before the government put a contract out on him.

  Leke took his mobile from the desk and sent a message to his friend and business partner Blade, the demon who managed high-level disputes between humans and supernaturals. He would not be best pleased about this development, especially when it reflected badly on their kind. It was not long since a group of non-humans took out the mob boss James, and now his distant niece had been turned. A lot of powerful humans were going to be pissed…very pissed.

  “See if you can find more information. Check if the wolves have been sniffing out her place since that night.”

  If any supernaturals were posing a danger to Veronica, Leke wanted to know.


  * * *


  At first, they only extended to Rasmus’ smile and flashing yellow eyes…but then the flashbacks jumped to the vampire. His face was now clear…strikingly beautiful, eyes ice-blue, his smile cold. He had ignored her pleas as his fangs elongated and he brought his mouth to her neck…held her struggling body against his as he drank her blood…she had ripped his shirt in the struggle and exposed a tattoo.

  After each dream, she worked with a sketch-book and pen, capturing every detail of the design. And when she had it down perfect, she messaged it to Enzo. He had no idea why she wanted the information, but he’d gone around tattoo parlors—luxury establishments, cheap joints…the underground ones that nobody could leave without an infection.

  Impatient, she called his number again. As soon as he answered, she asked, “Do you have any more information?”

  “I’ve just walked out of a tattoo parlor. The guy went ape-shit when I showed him the design. Told me to get out of there, even before I’d asked a question.”


  “It’s a protected design, one that only members of a certain vampire horde can use.”

  “A vampire horde?” What the fuck did they want with her?

  “Not merely a vampire horde. It’s one of those groups that the government hires to carry out hit-jobs. In one word, dangerous.” There was a pause. “Look, Veronica, I’m worried about you. The other day you were enquiring after vampires, and today, you’re tracing a tattoo design that leads to a dangerous horde. Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Nothing, Enzo. I’m interested, that’s all. This horde…who’s the leader?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m working on it.”

  “Thanks, Enzo. Speak to you later—”

  “Wait. I need to see you—”

  She hung up. Her head was way too fucked up to see anyone right now. And on top of that, she was bloody starving. She had used a home delivery service to stock up on groceries—she’d even been driven to biting into raw meat—but nothing would fix that craving, which grew more intense until anything else was tasteless and nauseating. But she would starve to death before she touched blood. Sure, she had been tempted…yesterday, she even browsed the internet for blood banks that carried out home deliveries…but no fucking way.

  In the kitchen, she put on some coffee. She�
��d ordered two croissants from a nearby bakery and bit into one, chewing and forcing herself to swallow the morsel. She poured out the hot beverage but could only manage a few sips. All this stuff once made her mouth water but now tasted of crap. But she needed to eat. She forced her way through one croissant and left the other on the kitchen counter.

  She returned to the living room to sit on the sofa, deflated. All she did was wander from one damn room to the other. She’d cleaned up some of her place, because she had nothing else to do, but she wasn’t going to replace the stuff she’d smashed. There was no point, when nothing mattered anymore.

  Her mobile rang, and it was Enzo again. Did he have more information? But when he spoke, his announcement was the last thing she needed to hear. “I’m outside your apartment, Veronica.”

  Shit. “I’m still sick and not up to seeing anyone.”

  “Either you let me in or I open the door myself.”

  He had a key for bloody emergencies, so she had no other choice but to see him, did she? At least she could control that red flash in her eyes now. As long as she kept calm, she might get away with it. “Come in.”

  After a few minutes, the door opened. Enzo stood in the doorway, staring, his eyes wide. “Fuck, Veronica! What happened to you? You look like shit…” But he looked like far from shit as he entered the room, the door shutting behind him. Fit and muscular, the sight of his chest bulging against his tee shirt sent lust surging through her. He’d always been fantastic in bed, with the right amount of rough…just what she needed right now. “Answer me. What the fuck happened to you—” She would not waste time thinking of an answer to that question, not when every inch of her was crying out to be sated. Somehow, she now stood before him, even though she hadn’t taken a step. He backed up against the door. “How the hell—” She shut his mouth with a kiss, and her hunger got the better of him. As he kissed her back, he turned her so she was up against the door. One quick fuck was all she needed—she’d recently had her implant at the clinic so didn’t need to worry about wasting time looking for protection, either. But as she tugged at the belt that kept his jeans in place, he pulled his lips away. “Veronica…calm down…we need to talk—” Fuck talking; she wanted him between her legs. But as she shifted toward him, he pulled back. “Fuck, Veronica. Your eyes—”

  Plenty of time to talk about that later. Her hands went to his neck to hold him in place as she kissed him…the sound of his voice came from a distance…what was he saying? She was hurting him? Impossible…she pushed the words away, only thinking about how she had to assuage this need that had taken over. Her lips weren’t against his anymore; they were at his neck, her fangs elongating…but he slipped between her hands and collapsed in a heap on the floor.

  She stared down at his limp body. “Enzo?”


  She went to her knees and checked for a pulse. Thank God, he’d only fainted. But there were finger marks around his throat…had she pressed so hard? She trailed her fingers along his neck, pausing at its base. Only one bite…a little blood…he wouldn’t even know.

  She pressed her lips against his skin, shivering at the contact. No! She stood, sickened. I am disgusting. She’d been about to drink from Enzo, someone she’d known for years? What the hell had she turned into? Nausea hit her…this was not her. It was a moment of weakness; that was all. She would never do something so debauched…never. She got away from him and went to the kitchen. After splashing her face with water to cool down, she opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of ice-cold water. When she returned to the living room, she emptied it over him. She needed him awake…so there was no damn temptation.

  As his eyes fluttered open, she kneeled next to him. “Enzo? Are you okay?”

  He scrambled across the carpet, putting distance between them. “You were going to fucking bite me, weren’t you?”

  “What the hell, Enzo? I thought I was the one supposed to be sick—”

  “Sick in the head, more like it.” He stood, staring down at her. “What’s happened to you?”

  “Nothing.” She tried to keep calm, but the stress pumped through her mind.

  “Veronica…your eyes.” She lowered her head. There was nothing she could say that would hide what had happened, was there? When she looked at him, his taut expression told her he’d guessed the truth. “You’ve been turned by a fucking supernatural, haven’t you?”

  “I don’t remember what happened. It’s hazy…”

  “That is why you wanted me to dig out information on vampires.” His eyes widened. “Shit! A bloodsucker? How the fuck could you let them do this to you?”

  Victim-blaming, much? “I did not have a damn choice.”

  “Have you reported it to the authorities?” When she shook her head, “Why the hell not? You know these assholes aren’t allowed to lay a finger on humans.”

  “I won’t go to the authorities like some fucking loser. I’ll handle this myself.” But Enzo wasn’t staying to find out more. He backed away from her, toward the door. “Don’t worry. I won’t stop you from leaving.” As he opened the door, she asked, “Are you going to tell the others?”

  “Sorry, Veronica, but I don’t have a choice.”

  And with that, he was gone. And why wouldn’t he leave?

  She was even more fucked up than before.

  Veronica had thought she couldn’t get any more depressed, but the day that Enzo rushed out of her apartment, she realized it was possible. The guy had looked up to her, and that day, he couldn’t get far enough.

  It was three days before he contacted her again, and she immediately answered her mobile, so damn grateful that he hadn’t just abandoned her.

  “I’ve got more information for you, Veronica. About the vampire horde I mentioned the other day.”

  The last three days had been a shitfest, but the news brought some relief. A mission…she needed a mission. “Go on, Enzo.”

  “Are you sure about this? That horde is dangerous. The best thing would be for you to keep away from them. Report the bastards—”

  “You know I won’t do that. Just tell me how to find them.”

  “I’ve found out the name of the horde’s leader. Leke.”

  “Leke…why is the name familiar?”

  “He’s one of the owners of Eclipse.”

  Yes, that was it. The club was among Manhattan’s largest enterprises and owned by a group of supernaturals. Some of them went after her distant uncle James not long ago. She bore them no grudge for that, because the mob boss was one hell of an asshole who treated women like shit, and wherever he had disappeared to, she hoped he rotted. It was the first time the supernaturals had taken such an action, though, going after a powerful human. It caused ripples through the government, mob, and all the way to that mighty religious organization, the Association. If the supernaturals could take down a powerful mobster like James, who was next? Me, apparently. But why the fuck did the vampires come after her? They were taking down everyone connected to James?

  Enzo’s voice broke through her thoughts. “That’s all the information I could get, Veronica. I don’t know which member of his horde it was, but I know that it’s best to stay away from Leke. He’s known to be ruthless—”

  “Thanks for this, Enzo.” She hesitated before asking the next question. “What happened when you told the gang?”

  “They’re disturbed by the situation, as you can imagine.”

  “They don’t want to see me? Maybe I could explain my side of things.”

  “You know how it is. I mean, you yourself always went on about what assholes supernaturals were.”

  She couldn’t argue with that. And come on, she didn’t need a group behind her, because like always, she would make it on her own. “I understand.”

  She then hung up on him, well pissed. After working her ass off for years to get to where she was and proving she was worthy of leading a gang, those assholes now wanted nothing to do with her. Because of one bloodsucker.

p; She had always preferred to be alone most of the time, but over the past few days, she’d realized there was a big difference between choosing to be on her own and being forced into isolation. Was this it? This shit for eternity? No fucking way. She would find the asshole who did this to her. She’d find out the reason why, and then she’d make his sorry ass pay.


  * * *

  ECLIPSE WAS ONE HELL OF a venue. It sat on its own island, which meant Veronica had to board the ferry to get to it. She entered the vessel’s underground vehicle area with her Harley, and on the other side of the river, she followed other cars. She’d never been to the place before, but had heard enough about Eclipse to know it was a massive space, split into zones. Its description didn’t do it justice. It was like a damn mini city, a huge white building surrounded by a wall broken up by gates.

  She drove around the wall for a few minutes, with no idea of which gate she would enter. Eventually, she gave up and entered the next one, parking her bike just inside. The building ahead had a long queue before its entrance, the large doors guarded by eight security guards. A uniformed valet approached her, but she waved him away. “I won’t be long.”

  She’d aimed to be on her best behavior, but being surrounded by pumping blood agitated her—and made her thirsty. A human male in the queue threw her a suggestive smile. She had dressed in her favorite gear of tight leather pants and a low cut top, with a leather jacket over it. The man was about to approach her, but she turned her back on him. Talk about having no idea of what he was getting himself into. Beating this thirst was difficult enough without temptation presenting itself in the form of young, handsome males with fresh blood running through their veins.

  When she walked past the queue, she did it with such authority that nobody tried to stop her. The security guard at the entrance glanced between her and the people behind her. The uncertainty flitted across his face, but he thought better of sending her to the back of the crowd.


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