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Paragon Page 4

by Riley Tune

  Even though she didn’t respond to my request, I could feel the area we sat in get a little warmer as her powers calmed down.

  As I sat here behind her I realized fully that, Zeva Greene really had no reason not to like me. Okay, her brother and I got in a fight. So, what?. Things like that happened. I secretly thought she didn’t like me not only because of my clash with her brother, but because many people said I, the younger and less experienced Icon, had won the fight.

  His invulnerability wasn’t mature enough to completely ignore my Impact Blast back then. Still may not be able to now for all I know. At the time, Flex was the top dog at the school. His powers were to be envied, and never rivaled in comparison. His natural abilities combined with his family tree made the entire Icon community love him, and losing to me, the one people considered a half- villain bastard of all the people, had tarnished his golden boy persona.

  I will give him credit when it’s due, though. Flex is one of the few natural forces that my force field has a hard time standing against. During the fight, his supreme strength fueled punches did puncture my field. Not by a lot, but still it was enough to make me worry.

  A crack in the only form of defense standing between you, and an Icon strong enough to punch a hole in a mountain would worry anybody. I continued to look at Zeva as she sat there, paying me no attention. She had short black hair, strong cheek bones, olive- colored skin, and that curvy, athletic figure.

  She was no stranger to the gym and it showed. Even though she was in the same academy uniform as Jen and I, she filled it out very well. I made a mental note that I had to get me some of those vitamins. No maybes about it.

  “Thanks,” I whispered to her again. Still no reply.

  Zeva’s ice ability, like many people with elemental powers, was tied to her emotions. It was pretty cool actually, no pun intended. In a good fight, if she put her heart into it, her abilities would get an extra boost if she was emotional enough. That could turn the battle her way because, according to whispers around school, her ice abilities were average at best.

  “Tomorrow morning, I expect you all to be on time.” Professor Santos said. I was paying so much attention to Zeva, that I hadn’t realized he had begun walking around the room, and was standing beside my desk.

  He looked around the room and then down to me sitting in my chair. “Be. On. Time!” I twisted my face up at him and for a second, the room suddenly shifted to blue.

  It was only a second but judging from how Professor Santos raised his eyebrows, and moved away from my desk, he saw my eyes change for an instant.

  “When you arrive tomorrow, instead of coming here, you will head over to the training facility building and wait for your name to be called. Once your name is called, your moment to shine will be upon you.”

  I glanced at Jen who seemed to be sketching on a sheet of paper that was intended for notes. Seeing as her father, a working Icon in a well- known supergroup had raised us, we knew pretty well how the process went. Her dad, Marcus or Mr. Reid as I called him, had been talking about the audition process for the better part of the last month.

  Along with that, he was trying to help Jen and I find what was called a True Name. Almost all Icons are born Voids. Many don’t get their powers until years later, and as such we have the names we were born with.

  We go by that name for most of our lives, until the internship comes along. At some point in that two year’s stretch we have to pick the name we will go by when we decide to go hero or villain. That’s our True Name. Ryan Greene, went on to become Flex. Marcus Reid, went on to become Life-Line.

  Jen was leaning towards the name Houdini, but I’m not sure if she stuck with it. I had no idea what I wanted to be called, but Mr. Reid told me it would come to me when the time was right.

  Professor Santos continued to talk, despite some of the class not even paying attention anymore. “This single moment will impact your internships. We will have a few reps of some supergroups onsite in person, while many others will be watching via live feed. After every student who is eligible has auditioned, the supergroup heads will decide if they want you or not. This selection process will take a few hours.”

  Professor Santos, paused as he looked to his desk. His walking had taken him a good distance from it. His arm stretched out to about nine feet and grabbed the coffee mug on his desk. His neck then followed, stretching to the same length. He sipped his coffee, and then returned to his normal shape.

  This was his only power, and I personally thought elastic powers were gross. They just looked weird to me. Like every time they were used, the Icon looked like they were taffy being pulled. On the flip side, while pretty useless, it did give you a decent amount of resistance to physical damage.

  Heat- or ice- based powers could take you down in a second, but done right, bullets could hit Santos and then bounce back as if being fired from a sling shot. Not sure why he decided to go the civilian route, but here he was. Hate him as I may, he had an ability that could be good no matter which side you chose.

  So even if I did decide to use my Impact Blast on him, an urge that I had on a regular basis, it would do no damage at all. Not to mention it would get me kicked out of school. Destroy a few classrooms, Mr. Reid could talk that away. Attacking a teacher, not so much. Plus, I’d look like an idiot, if my own power was bounced back at me.

  “After selected,” Professor Santos continued, “you will pack your bags, and the next day or so you will start your two- year internship with the group that selects you. These two years will allow you to use your powers in real life instances, and not just for destruction.”

  As he said the words destruction, he stretched it out some and clearly was looking at me. I could hear a few kids in the class choke laughter under their breath. “After these two years, your education will be complete.” He clapped his hands together as if he was removing dirt from them. “You will venture out into the world and become either a hero, or villain.”

  To my surprise, Zeva raised her hand. The entire class was so silent you could hear a hero's cape flap across the city. “Yes, Zeva?” Santos said in a tone that was way nicer than any he had used for me.

  “Do you know of any families that have both heroes and villains?” Santos and myself both seemed to grimace at the same time. It was a damn weird question to ask. I glanced at Jen who shrugged and then went back to her sketching. Professor Santos clear his throat as he rubbed his chin.

  Zeva continued “I think it would be pretty messed up if a hero brother had to take down their villain family member.” Professor Santos nodded somewhat.

  “I suppose it has happened here or there. It would be crazy to say it hasn’t but if it has, it is very rare. I can’t think of any instances myself, though. Usually when an Icon is raised by hero or villain, those ideals and beliefs are set in their being.” Santos shrugged. “Then again some people are just destined to be what they are.”

  Santos glanced in my direction. “Mr. Monroe is living proof that some things, just happen.” Then he looked at Zeva again. “Just as your family is a shining example of purestock heroes.” He turned to walk away as Zeva smiled at him and then adjusted herself in her chair. I couldn’t help but stare at her. Why would she ask that? As if she was trying to get me singled out by Santos. The favorite student versus the hated one.

  It was time to tug the cape, as they say. I raised my hand. I couldn’t help it. Professor Santos looked at me, sighed and then flicked his hand towards me. “Yes, Mr. Monroe?” I cleared my throat. “What if you didn’t want to be a villain or hero? What if you decided to be, oh I don’t know, an underpaid, overweight, bitter teacher instead?”

  A few people in the class drew in a breath. Zeva turned in her seat and looked at me in disgust as her pencil became completely frosted over, and snapped in her hand. “Nice,” Jen said to the side as she smiled and keep right on sketching without looking up.

  Professor Santos, now a little red in th
e face, walked to his desk and slowly sat down. He took a few breaths in before he said anything. “Take a look around class. Some of the people next to you will go on to do great things, while others will surely go into the family business and either become low rate heroes, or even villains. Fancy powers aren’t enough to actually cut it in the real world. You need drive and sadly, some just don’t have it.”

  “A low rate hero, that still didn’t want you,” I said under my breath but it was loud enough for the people up front, including Professor Santos, to hear. “Also, a low rate hero that gave her life in the Battle of Ages, while you were sitting here sharpening pencils, grading tests, and adjusting your waistband.”

  Jen stuck her fist out to me, which I bumped in kind with my own fist. I could see the anger oozing from the face of Professor Santos. He reflexively cracked his knuckles as his nostrils flared.

  He told us to read something, but I wasn’t paying attention. I packed up my books and raised my hand once more. He didn’t even say my name he just looked at me. It took him a few seconds to respond, as if he didn’t know if he wanted to acknowledge me. “What?” Professor Santos finally said.

  “I need to go the bathroom,” I said as I stood with my things. “You’re taking your books to the bathroom?” he asked. “Reading material,” I replied back to him. He shook his head. “Go,” he said to me as he looked down to his desk, and began looking over some papers.

  His attitude was nothing new, but on today of all days, the day of the Battle of Ages anniversary I couldn’t deal with it. My Impact Blast couldn’t hurt him, but I could create a force field around his head and close it in until his skull imploded if I wanted to. Figured it be better if I just left early.

  I leaned over to Jen and whispered in her ear, “see you later sucker, enjoy class.” I walked to the door and as I opened it I shot Jen a grin across my shoulder. She didn’t let the words out, but I could tell what she silently mouthed.

  I hate you.

  I gave her a thumb’s up and left the class.




  kay, so my excuse to get out of class wasn’t a complete lie. I did actually go to the bathroom, and reading materials were needed. Ten minutes later I was done, and considerably lighter. Now I had the rest of the day before me.

  I pulled out my phone and gave Danielle a call. She picked up only after a few rings. “Hey handsome,” was her reply. Her voice made me smile instantly. It was soft, and she always had a way of making it sound very sexy. “Hey you,” I replied back. “I’m out of class for the day, and have some time to kill before I head home. Want me to come over?”

  Please say yes. Please say yes. I thought to myself. I could feel my eyes darting from side to side as I walked through the halls and waited for her answer. A muffled sound came back to me in reply. “Hello,” I said back once more as I grabbed my backpack from my locker and stuffed her watch inside. “Sorry boo, I dropped my phone. I’d love for you to come by but I’m out with some friends looking for a bank.”

  I could feel my face grimace, as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. “I assume you don’t mean you’re looking for a bank for traditional purposes.” I said with a slight laugh. “You’d be right,” Danielle replied back to me. “Who's with you?” I asked. There was a slight pause as she cleared her throat.

  “It’s me, Ron, and Angelica,” she quickly replied back. I burst out laughing as I pushed the door open and trotted down the front steps of Purgatory.

  Ron and Angelica were two Icons who had chosen to go down the villain side of the street after their internship. To be honest, Ron didn’t even finish his internship. He had a power that was as pointless as the ones Angelica had. Ron went by the name Aerosol and could, at will, blow a pink cloud- like mist from his mouth. Said mist could either make a large group of people extremely happy or severely sad. The mist he created did, however have a remarkable radius.

  Still, it sounds like a horrible power, because it is. Despite that, he was the powerhouse between the two. Angelica happened to have two powers, but both were horrible. She could hover a massive two feet off of the ground, and talk to birds. Birds. It would have been better if she could talk to all animals, or even control them. That would have been cool, but no, she could only talk to birds.

  “Don’t laugh,” she said as her voice dropped to a whisper. “It’s all I could find on short notice.” As I continued to laugh I could hear her exhale on the other end. “You couldn’t find another person with a better powerset to help you? This would be your first official, major act as a villain. Don’t blow it because of the help.”

  “Well, the strongest Icon I know is my boyfriend and he’s too much of an upstanding citizen to rob a bank,” she hissed back to me.

  “Ew, burn!” I heard a voice call out in the background with a laugh. “Shut up,” Danielle said. “Wait, was that Ron? Do I need to-” “No, you don’t need to do anything,” she said as she cut me off. “Good. Tell him to watch his mouth before he gets a blast between the eyes, that mist- spitting asshole.” “Hunter said hi guys.” Danielle said to her friends with her.

  “No, I didn’t,” I said in the phone as I raised my voice some. “Hey guys give me a minute. Okay they aren’t near me now,” she said in a low whisper. “You think I don’t know their powers suck? I do. They were all I could find on short notice. I figured I could use them as bait at least. Ron could do his thing, I’ll give Angelica a gun, and then I can grab the goods, and get away alone if need be. I mean, if they make it we will split it, but otherwise I’m planning on returning home, solo.”

  I felt my chest stick out as I smiled. This did make sense. Danielle’s powers were borderline impressive and they could allow for a good getaway. Danielle had darkness powers that worked on what was commonly referred to as a Two-Fold. A Two-Fold, is pretty much having a power that, under the right conditions, can have an extra attribute or boost to the current attribute. In Danielle’s case, she could create dark blast of energy from her hands, very similar to my eye beams but not as strong, normally.

  I say normally because, while her blasts are weak, they can become stronger if she uses them at night. Luckily for her, she happens to live in the Ebony District, where darkness is eternal. Her second ability, my personal favorite, allowed her to turn into a living, corporeal mist shadow. In that form she can hover, move through solid objects, and not be harmed. She could only stay in this form for a few minutes, but still it was supremely cool.

  “Look babe, I have to run. We are just checking things out tonight, but you can come over tomorrow, after you’re done. Sound good?”

  “Yes ma’am,” I replied back. “We’re the same age, you ass. I hate when you do that,” she said over a laugh. “Talk to you later.” I replied back one last time and the phone went silent. I shoved my cell in my pocket and looked around. I hadn’t realized that I was still standing on the campus grounds.

  I really had nothing to do now that Danielle was too busy with her underpowered friends. I could go catch a movie, but nothing was out that I really wanted to see. I could just head on home and relax. Make myself a sandwich of epic proportions, and watch some movies there.

  Since time was on my side I decided to walk because it was so nice out. Not only that but flying too much makes me hungry. Many people believe that Icons with super speed are the only ones that burn enough calories to want to eat their body weight in food, but trying holding yourself up in the air as you move around at the speed of sound. In my mind it’s like doing a million pullups. Either way, doing it too long makes you very hungry and very tired.

  I cut through the grass on the field and headed to the streets. Each tree I walked by either turned and watched me as I passed or stretched its branches towards me to touch me. The flowers were even worse. They weren’t as rooted as the trees and every now and again they will jump from the ground and walk along with you.

  This was Flora at
work. While her sibling’s Ebony and Diamond control light and darkness, Flora as her name suggested, gave almost all plant life in Atlas City the ability to be sentient. This was fine, but they were just so damn nice. These trees were tame compared to some others. Hell, the trees on Strome Ave, actually whistle music as people walk by and if you go to the park on Brentmoor, and walk barefoot, the grass will literally massage your feet as you walk through it.

  This was one of the hardest things for visitors to Atlas City to get used to, but once you did it was pretty cool. Even the plants in the Ebony District were nice, and they lived in darkness year- round.

  Several news vans were unloading equipment on the streets as I continued home. Because this was the anniversary of the Battle of Ages, reporters would be scattered through the city to broadcast various stories about events that happen all those years ago. Did they ever mention my mother or father on those broadcasts? Rarely.

  On the few times I had heard mention of my folks, it was usually not in the best of ways. I didn’t let it bother me, though. Some people reported what they wanted to, how they wanted to. I did make a mental note of the ones who spoke ill of them . Just in case I decide to go the villain route like pops, I’ll have a list of people I will go visit first.

  Eventually I made it to my house. The walk took more out of me than I expected and according to the damp shirt sticking to my back, and the faint hint of musk coming from my armpits, I needed a shower. As I looked at the house, I felt like I was going to need a new pair of underwear, too.

  The home I grew up in with the Reid’s was fine. It looked normal, like it always did. Two stories, tan paint, blue shutters, blue door, massive porch, and green grass that didn’t grow so it didn’t have to be cut. Actually, no grass in Atlas City was cut. The grass was alive remember, so that was basically murder to most people.


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