Elle Returns: The Sequel: A Psychological Thriller

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Elle Returns: The Sequel: A Psychological Thriller Page 14

by Ditter Kellen

  Miley suddenly threw her arms around Elenore, shocking her into a frozen state. “I don’t know how to thank you, Lacy! I miss my mother so much.”

  Elenore waited until Miley let her go before she spoke. “Now, get off the streets. Go get a room for the night and then call a cab in the morning after you eat something.”

  Miley hugged her once more and then hurried off, disappearing into the crowd.

  Elenore’s emotions were all over the place. As badly as she wanted Waylon Redding pleading for his life on his knees in front of her, she wanted Miley’s mom’s boyfriend just as much.

  She found herself caressing the small handbag hanging diagonally across her chest. The gun Ida Mae had given her rested inside, a constant reminder of what she had to do. No, needed to do.

  But she would get the boyfriend next, and Miley would have her mother back, her…life back.

  A maroon-colored car with dark, tinted windows pulled up to the curb.

  Elenore took a deep, steadying breath and attempted to sashay in the way she’d seen the other prostitutes do.

  The window slid slowly down…and Elenore’s heart cramped in her chest.

  There, staring at her from behind the wheel of that sedan, was none other than Waylon Redding.

  Suddenly, Elenore couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.

  Her mind slipped back to the night in the theater parking lot, the night Waylon Redding shot Evan.

  “Give me your wallet.”

  Evan slowly reached inside his back pocket, retrieved his wallet, and lifted it in the air. “That’s all the money I have. Please, take it and leave us be.”

  After snatching up the wallet, the man was suddenly behind Elenore. “The ring, take it off.”

  Elenore straightened her hand to remove the ring, her fingers trembling so badly she could barely get them to cooperate.

  The guy’s fist was suddenly in her hair, yanking her back hard enough she cried out.

  “Don’t you touch her!” Evan was on his feet before she could suck in a breath. He charged the guy, his eyes wild and his teeth bared.

  An explosion suddenly rent the air, followed by another and then another, the sound unbelievably deafening.

  Elenore couldn’t make sense of anything, her thoughts drowned out by the horrendous scream vibrating through her skull.

  It took her a moment to realize the sound came from her, an unearthly scream that seemed to come from the depths of her soul.

  She spun around in horror, unable to stop the sounds ripping from her lungs.

  A man’s face swum in her vision, distorted by her tears. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered in that moment but Evan’s bloodied, limp form lying next to her.

  Shouts could be heard in the distance over the pounding of Elenore’s heart.

  Without warning, the man spun on his heel and disappeared into the darkness.

  And that very man sat before her now.

  “Okay then,” he was saying, the window to his car slowly easing back upward.

  “Wait!” Elenore watched with bated breath as the window descended once more. “Forty dollars.”

  Why she’d blurted out forty dollars was beyond her. She had no idea how much prostitutes were paid for services rendered.

  Waylon seemed surprised, if his raised eyebrows were any indication. “Get in.”

  This is it, Elenore thought, opening the door and climbing inside.

  And then his smell hit her. She remembered it invading her senses the night he’d grabbed a handful of her hair in the theater parking lot.

  “You got a particular place in mind?” Waylon questioned, pulling away from the curb. “If not, I have somewhere.”

  Elenore couldn’t seem to speak now that she’d found herself in the enclosed vehicle with him.

  Her insides began to shake, and her vision grew tunneled. She shook her head, unable to do little else.

  She turned to stare out the window, watching the lights of the city grow smaller in the distance.

  Her body grew colder the longer she sat there, the sound of Waylon’s voice swimming around in her oddly unresponsive mind.

  “So, sweetheart, you got a name?” she heard him ask, his question registering somewhere in the depths of her psyche.

  Her vision tunneled to the point she could no longer see him in her peripheral.

  And just like that, her body slid lower in the seat, relaxing to a strange euphoria.

  She ran her hand along the side of the small handbag, loving the feel of the pistol beneath her fingertips, and then slowly cranked her head in his direction.

  “I am Elle…”

  Elle Unleashed – Book Three in the I am Elle Series is available on amazon.

  Read below for a sneak peek into the pages of The Boy in the Window. A Suspense Thriller.

  Chapter One

  “Are you still not sleeping?”

  Jessica Nobles shook her head numbly and lifted her gaze to Dr. Knox. “The dreams keep me up at night. Even with medication, I wake up terrified.”

  Her husband Owen reached for her hand, but she pulled away, her attention focused on the doctor. “With every dream I have, Jacob’s face disappears a little more.”

  Leonard Knox leaned back in his chair and stared at her through the lenses of his glasses. “Any more suicidal thoughts?”

  Jessica swallowed around a throat gone dry. “Sometimes. I haven’t acted on any of them, but the thoughts still cross my mind.”

  “It’s been three years since your son’s passing, Mrs. Nobles. I understand your grief, truly, I do. But at this point, your psychiatrist and I both feel that continued sedation could be doing more harm than good.”

  “You understand my grief?” Jessica’s anxiety quickly replaced her numbness. “How can you sit there and say that? You’ve never lost a child.”

  “Jess…” Owen reached for her hand once again, only to pull back when she yanked free of his hold.

  She took a shuddering breath, unable to look away from the doctor’s sympathetic gaze. “When Jacob died…I wanted to die right along with him. You have no idea what it’s like to go on living when everything you’ve ever lived for is gone.”

  Owen visibly flinched next to her.

  “You’re right, Mrs. Nobles,” the doctor admitted in a soft tone. “I’ve never lost a child. However, I do understand loss. It’s true that everyone processes grief in their own way, but it’s been three years. We should be seeing progression not regression.”

  “I’m doing the best I can…”

  Propping his elbows on his desktop, the doctor murmured, “You have to stop blaming yourself for your son’s death. There was nothing you could have done to save him.”

  “Had I been home to get him off the school bus, he wouldn’t have been hit by that oncoming car.”

  Doctor Knox shook his head. “The driver of that car was drunk. There was nothing you could have done to stop him.”

  Jessica’s mind processed the doctor’s words, but the guilt she felt at not being there when Jacob had stepped off that bus still remained. “I guess we’ll never know, will we?”

  “My goal here is to help you cope with your pain,” the doctor persisted. “The medication previously prescribed by your psychiatrist was meant as a temporary form of relief, not a long-term fix.”

  Before Jessica could respond, the doctor shifted his attention to Owen. “How are things at home?”

  “About the same.” Owen cleared his throat and continued, “The fighting has lessened a bit, but the intimacy is still nonexistent.”

  Jessica stared straight ahead, listening to Owen and the doctor speak about her as if she wasn’t there.

  She and her husband had been seeing Doctor Knox, along with a psychiatrist, since their seven-year-old son’s death three years ago.

  Though Owen had taken Jacob’s death extremely hard, he’d somehow managed to cope without medications. Not Jessica. Her mind had crawled into a dark place she couldn’t seem to come
back from.

  “Perhaps you should consider packing up Jacob’s things and storing them somewhere else. It won’t remove the pain you’re feeling from his loss, but it would be a huge step in moving on with your lives.”

  Jessica’s heart stuttered, her mind rebelling against the doctor’s words.

  Owen spoke up before she could form a response. “I feel that it’s time as well. I’ve been offered a position at another bank, which means I would be transferred. I—”

  “Another bank?” Jessica interrupted, cutting off the rest of Owen’s words. “This is the first I’ve heard of it. Transferred to where?”

  Shifting on his seat to face her, Owen stated quietly, “Florida.”

  Jessica jumped to her feet, enraged that her husband hadn’t mentioned anything to her about a transfer before their appointment with Knox.

  She marched toward the door, only to come up short when Owen appeared in front of her.

  He gently gripped her by the shoulders. “Please don’t do this, Jess. Just hear me out.”

  “When were you planning on telling me?” she shot back, ignoring the fact that Doctor Knox witnessed their squabble.

  Owen’s hands fell away. “I only found out myself yesterday.”

  “So, you thought it would be best to drop that bomb on me while we were here where I wouldn’t show my temper? Think again.” She stepped around him, jerked the door open, and fled the room.

  Owen caught up with her at the elevators. His face appeared pale and moisture gathered in his light blue eyes. “I lost him too, Jess.”

  Pain penetrated Jessica’s heart; the horror of losing Jacob sliding through her anew. No matter how much time had passed since his death, she couldn’t seem to get beyond the realization that he was truly gone. “Then how can you even consider moving from Chicago—from the only home our son ever knew?”

  “Jacob’s gone, Jess. He’s not coming back. It’s time we get on with our lives before I lose you, too.”

  Nausea rolled, nearly doubling Jessica over. She slapped a hand over her mouth and repeatedly pressed the button to the elevator. She needed to get as far away from Owen as she could. He’d betrayed her, plotting a move behind her back—a move that would take her far away from Jacob’s home, his memories…his grave.

  Chapter Two

  The living room light shone through the rain as Jessica pulled into the drive of her two-story home on Jenson Street.

  She put the small SUV in park, switched off the engine, and leaned her head against the seat back to listen to the storm.

  Owen would be up; no doubt worried sick. He’d been calling her every ten minutes since she’d practically ran from Dr. Knox’s office earlier that afternoon.

  Jessica had driven around for hours in the freezing weather, weeping, until she’d found herself at the cemetery kneeling in front of her son’s grave.

  She wasn’t sure how much time had passed with her begging Jacob to forgive her for not being there for him when the sky had opened up and unleashed its fury.

  Still, she had remained on her knees, her tears mixing with the pouring rain to spill onto Jacob’s grave.

  A knock sounded on the driver’s side window, startling her out of her reflecting. She snatched up her purse, removed the keys from the ignition, and opened the car door.

  “I’ve been worried sick,” Owen yelled over the thunder and lightning, white puffs of smoke bursting from his mouth.

  He held an umbrella in his hand, which he promptly moved above the open door. “It’s freezing out here!”

  Jessica climbed out; cold, wet and mentally numb. She handed the keys to Owen and heard more than saw him close the door to the SUV before allowing him to lead her shivering body inside the house.

  He guided her up the stairs and into the master bathroom.

  The shower came on a moment later, and the warmth of rising steam filled the room.

  “Let’s get you out of these wet clothes.” Owen moved in close and began unbuttoning her soaked blouse.

  Jessica stood perfectly still while her husband worked on disrobing her. “Can you get me my pills?”

  He hesitated, his fingers on the button of her jeans. “How many have you had today?”

  Indignation reared its head. “Do I ask you how many drinks you have a day?”

  He stared down at her from his taller height of six feet two. “No. That would mean you actually cared.”

  Jessica looked away, unable to deal with another ounce of guilt without crumbling under its weight.

  “I’m sorry, Jess. I shouldn’t have said that. Let’s get you into the shower and then I’ll grab your pills.”

  “Thank you,” was all she could manage, stepping out of her wet jeans and climbing into the shower.

  The hot water felt good on her chilled flesh. She shuddered in relief as warmth seeped into her body, forcing back the cold and relaxing her tense muscles.

  “Did you eat today?” Owen called out from the bathroom doorway.

  Jessica couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten. Though she had no appetite even now, she knew she needed food in order to take her meds without hallucinating. “No, I didn’t.”

  There was a brief pause and then, “I put you a plate in the microwave after dinner tonight. I’ll just warm it up.”

  She wanted to thank him but couldn’t conjure up the energy to do so. The door clicked shut a second later.

  Jessica finished her shower, dressed in a warm nightgown, and made her way downstairs on wooden legs.

  A plate of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans sat on the table next to a glass of tea and two small, white pills. Owen was nowhere in sight.

  The sounds of the television spilled from the living room as Jessica took a seat and picked up her drink. She grabbed the two pills, tossed them into her mouth and then chased them down with a drink of her tea.

  Swallowing the food proved harder than she’d imagined, but she forced down several bites out of necessity.

  Owen’s handsome face appeared around the wall. “Do you need anything?”

  “I’m good. What are you watching?” He really is handsome, Jessica thought, taking in his dark, tousled hair and light blue eyes. More guilt assailed her.

  He stepped into the dining room, his glass of wine in hand, and took a seat across from her at the table. “Just the local news. It’s supposed to rain on into tomorrow.”

  “I wasn’t planning on going out anywhere.” She took another bite of her meatloaf.

  Owen gazed down into his glass of wine. “You could try painting again. You haven’t picked up a paintbrush since before… “

  “You can say it, Owen. Since before Jacob died.”

  He seemed to ignore her jab. “We need to talk about Florida, Jess.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. I’m not selling this house, and I’m not packing up Jacob’s things as if he never existed.”

  Without looking up from the contents of his glass, Owen asked, “Would you be willing to go if we didn’t sell the house?”

  “How could we afford to move without selling?”

  Owen looked up. “We’ll dip into our savings and take out a loan against my retirement if necessary.”

  Anxiety surfaced at the thought of not having access to Jacob’s room…his things. Deep down, Jessica understood that Owen was attempting to help her, knew that moving was the right thing to do. But she couldn’t bring herself to agree. “I’ll think about it.”

  “That’s all I ask.” Owen got to his feet. “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Jessica watched him go in a daze as the effects of her medication began to take hold. She briefly closed her eyes, grateful for the slight numbness the drugs always gave her.

  She pushed her plate aside, picked up Owen’s half empty glass of wine, and took a sip. The tangy liquid slid down her throat, numbing her even more.

  Taking the glass with her, Jessica stood and carried her plate to the kitchen
. She scraped off the excess food into the trashcan and loaded the plate into the dishwasher.

  After downing the glass of wine, she picked up the bottle sitting on the counter and made her way upstairs to Jacob’s room.

  The door stood ajar, just as she’d left it the night before. She pushed it open and stepped inside.

  As with every other visit to her son’s bedroom, the longing to see him curled up in bed overtook her.

  She swallowed back her tears, took another drink of wine, and moved to stand in front of Jacob’s dresser.

  The same dirty shirt he’d worn over three years ago lay draped over the dresser top exactly as it always had. She picked it up and brought it to her nose.

  Jacob’s scent had long since disappeared, leaving a hole in Jessica’s heart to rival the one in her soul.

  She glanced around the room, the tears she’d tried to hold back now spilling down her cheeks. Could she really move to Florida and leave Jacob behind?

  Turning to replace the small shirt onto the dresser, Jessica caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Even in the oversized nightgown, she looked rail thin. She was slowly grieving herself to death and destroying her marriage in the process. If she hadn’t already…

  Chapter Three


  Three Months Later

  Owen glanced in the rearview mirror of the moving truck he’d procured and backed into the drive of their new home in Sparkleberry Hills, Florida.

  Jessica hadn’t spoken much on the long drive from Chicago, but she’d agreed to come and that was all that mattered to Owen in that moment.

  After watching her nearly grieve herself to death for the past three and a half years, Owen was willing to do just about anything to bring her back from the edge. That included moving to a small town in the panhandle of Florida.

  Sparkleberry Hills had been the last place Owen wanted to go. He loved Illinois. He’d been born and raised in Chicago, had a great job as a bank manager, and a decent retirement already built up. At thirty-eight years old, Owen had managed to buy a nice home and make some pretty smart investments. Life had been good until the accident that claimed his only son’s life.


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