The Omega Rule (Omegas of the New South Book 1)

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The Omega Rule (Omegas of the New South Book 1) Page 16

by Sharilyn Skye

  She sucked it off his fingers, whining when it ran out. Dipping between them until she was full, he fed her, taking none for himself. She needed it more than he did.

  He moved her under him and rode her hard, losing himself in the feel of her body under his. He knotted her again and again, responding to her demands. She was a wild thing, as he’d known she would be. His last thought before the rut took him away was that he hoped he was Alpha enough to see her through it.

  She could see through her haze now and then. He brought her down from it long enough for her to have snatches of thought. He was doing a hell of a job. She’d never had this, and it was sublime. She was glad she hadn’t done this before. It had been hard but had she settled on another Alpha, she knew her life would not have been the same. It would be lacking. She understood that.

  Lukas was in her again, working her toward another orgasm. He noticed the faint rim of blue around her pupils and smiled at her. She smiled back.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice hoarse from pleasure.

  “I’m great. You?” he paused the movement of his hips and dipped his lips to hers. She hadn’t let him kiss her in days, and he loved the feeling of his lips on hers. Their tongues danced together, causing her to arch against him again. He stopped, resting his forehead on hers.

  “I can stop,” he said, moving to pull away from her.

  “It’s not over,” she said, wrapping her arms and legs around him, holding him to her.

  “I know. Let me get you some water. Just once sec,” he said, rising on wobbly knees to get a jug.

  She noticed he was thin, and his legs shook with exhaustion. She felt bad. She felt bad until the need hit her harder than it ever had, and she knocked the water from his hands, launching herself at him, her eyes black once again. She scratched and clawed at him, growling her displeasure at him for leaving his place between her thighs. He caught her hands, but not before she had scored him with her baby claws making a pattern of crisscrosses across it. Tipping her nose up, she scented the air, pouncing on him to lick at his wounds. He grabbed her by the neck again, growling until she fell limp in his hands.

  Positioning himself behind her, he entered her, hitting her cervix with the full force of his cock; she stilled under him, pleased, arching her hips and demanding that he give her more. When she had cum on him twice, and her need was less, he pulled her to his chest, pushed deep inside her, and bit the sensitive skin at the base of her neck, shaking his head and tearing the flesh from it, swallowing it down.

  She sighed under his teeth, and he rode her down to her nest when she slumped. Pumping into her over and over in his haze, he knotted her again, filling her with his seed so that her uterus rounded with it. He pinned her there, feeling her milk his knot for even more.

  His dick hadn’t been limp since this began; he didn’t know how many days ago, but it went limp now. He slid from her, he paced and growled, grabbing the water she had refused from him and forced it to her lips. In her short sleep, she drank and drank.

  Less than ten minutes later, when she cried out as cramps took her, he spread her legs to ease her through it.

  Chapter 23

  Seven and a half days later, she surfaced for the final time, her blue Iris pushed back the black, and she groaned at the feel of him in her. He was on top of her, her face buried in his chest, and his hand massaging her neck and pulling at the hair on her scalp, an Alpha’s way of calming a difficult Omega. She smiled into him and stilled, spreading her legs wider. He sighed, thinking that she was demanding more and with a pained grunt, emptied himself in her once again, the feel of his knot sent her over the edge, and she milked him again and again, although weakly.

  It was over. He fell on top of her and slept instantly.

  She wiggled out of her nest from the side and took in the room. It was trashed. Her nest was covered in blood, sweat, slick, and cum. Lukas had face-planted onto it and snored softly. She could count his ribs. Every. Single. One.

  Marion was right. There is no freedom in being an Alpha.

  She showered first, knowing he’d be irritated when he woke up and found her clean of his scent, but she was wrecked. Dried cum and slick made her hair stiff. Her skin was covered from where he’d rubbed it on her over and over. Blood had dried in the hollow of her neck where he bit her, and the skin cracked when she turned her head.

  Her lips were caked in blood, and it had dried on her cheeks. She looked over Lukas for wounds and found that she had bitten him again. She had also scored his back, chest, and arms. Apparently, she was a possessive Omega. She had well and truly marked him.

  In the shower, she let the water run over sore muscles and wash the mess away. She washed carefully between her legs and found that every part of her was sore. She didn’t remember much and was kind of sad about that part. She grinned, running her hands down her body. She had lost some weight, but not much. He was a good Alpha and had fed her well.

  Once clean, she took a basin with hot water and a cloth, using it to clean Lukas’s beautiful, mocha skin that was such a sharp contrast to hers. He never moved, and it was a full day before he moved again.

  “Hey,” he said, stretching and rolling over onto his back to watch her.

  She sat at his table, eating her third carton of ice cream after she had devoured her fifth one-pound steak. “Dinner’s on,” she said through a full mouth.

  She hadn’t left his side; an exhausted Alpha needs protection. She doubted he could’ve defended himself from a fly bite. Not even a little bit. She’d worn him out.

  Trae brought her food, clean sheets, and drinks, so she didn’t have to leave. The Beta woman paled when she saw the room and the comatose Alpha lying in her trashed nest but said nothing. Trae was getting a raise.

  Lukas ran his hand down the long shirt and boxer briefs she dressed him in, tracing it back up to the new mark on his neck. He smiled at her, baring white teeth and letting his eyes bleed wild.

  The cord tying them together was perfect. It hummed happily, and so did Eve. She hummed so low he wondered if she knew she was doing it.

  “Come eat,” she said. “Before I finish this ice cream and start on your pile of steaks.” She smiled at him, making his heart sing.

  Through their bond, she had known he was coming to and ordered him dinner. It made him happy, and he couldn’t pull his eyes off her. She was perfection.

  He had never seen anything more beautiful. Her bright blue eyes shone, and her wide lips curved into a cat-like grin. She wore a dress. He knew she hated them. It was blue, like her eyes, and flowed around her body.

  “I’m sore,” she said, plucking the fabric of the dress, knowing his thoughts.

  “Me too,” he said, his lips curling into a smile.

  “Hopefully, the next one won’t be so bad.” She winked at him.

  Shaking his head, he rose on unsteady legs, saying nothing. This first one probably was her worst since she’d never given in to it before, and that had made her body more demanding. But he knew something else; it would be at least a year before he’d need to serve her again. He wasn’t complaining, not at all. He’d serve her a thousand times, and nothing would please him more. Not by a long shot. It had been magnificent.

  Sinking into a chair at the table, he dug into his meal, planning their public claiming ceremony. Though the real ceremony was complete and legally binding, he wanted to make it official. She was the Omega of the New South now, and he wanted her recognized for it.

  She watched him watch her, feeling what he felt. He could feel what she felt, too, and she was happy, sated, and comfortable with him. “I love you, Eve. I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you.”

  She arched a red eyebrow at him, saying nothing.

  She might not say the words yet, but she would. She was the best thing to ever happen to him, and he’d make sure she knew that every single day of her life.

  She called for Trae to come, and while Lukas was in the shower, the room was cleane
d, and the old nest stripped. Eve snatched at her, growling blindly, to keep a few of the dirty blankets and built them into her new nest. Her best nest.

  When The Alpha came from the shower, he found Eve asleep, wrapped in a blanket smelling strongly of them. He watched as her chest rose and fell. Her guard duty over, she allowed herself to sleep. She needed it. He hated to leave her, but after almost nine days in seclusion, he had a country to check on and a ceremony to plan.

  Scenting the air to confirm his suspicions, he watched from the chair for a moment longer, letting the sight of her calm his soul and settle his heart. Lukas smiled so wide it hurt his face and purred for her, low and continuous, pushing her into a deeper sleep where she could not be disturbed.

  After kissing her cheek, he left, locking the doors from the inside, not the outside. He would never again lock them from the outside. He went to his office, knowing the first thing he had to do was call his mother.

  Sharilyn spent most of her early years on the Grand Strand of South Carolina annoying local police officers and probably pretty much everyone else. She graduated from the University of South Carolina and now lives on a small farm outside of Morgantown, WV, with various farm animals, her husband, and three kids who love to annoy her. (Karma is a bitch). She writes Urban Fantasy, Omegaverse, and whatever the voices tell her. She loves showing Quarter horses, trail riding, reading, and being annoyed by her kids. If she is missing, check for her horse trailer. If it is missing, no worries, she'll be back. Probably.

  Healer Series:

  Cerridwen’s Tears


  House of Fire

  The Scarlet Heron

  The Flame Keeper

  Goddess Bound

  The Eight Series:




  Omega Rule Series:

  The Omega Rule

  The Omega Challenge (Fall 2020)

  Follow Sharilyn on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, and my plain old website.




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