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Outbreak Page 13

by A L Carter

  "We'll be eating well now Dinah," she informed.

  The dog looked up smiling expectantly and wagging her tail. Marie added a couple of day’s worth to her bags, forcing them in the already bulging bags. Mounted above the generator was a professional looking power pack, the type used to jump-start cars and trucks this was a heavy-duty version. This she decided could come in handy maybe in the future, but she couldn't keep it charged forever, but maybe as a backup plan. The generator she noticed had a fuel gauge which registered almost full but having no idea how long a tank would last. Inspecting the rest of the shed it contained a good inventory of tools all well organized, of course, deciding not to take any now, but did take a roll or strong Paracord. That was it so she locked up taking her heavy haul with her.

  The short trip home was covered in no time, using the Paracord to pull up her bags. She inspected their wonderful hoard. They would eat well now, so she gave Dinah plenty of treats. She really came through for her today and deserved plenty of fuss and treats. Marie put the venison steaks in a cooler box for tomorrow and left two large steaks and out for tonight hoping they would defrost in time.

  The weeks went by and they ate really well, eventually, the freezer was empty. But they still ate pretty well considering. She had unplugged the freezer now, which reduced fuel consumption of the generator. It was just keeping the power pack charged now, although she was unsure why it really mattered when she was safe and well supplied. Finding a useful function on the generator, which enabled it to turn itself off after a set number of hours, was really handy. Therefore, she set this to an hour a day, so she would start it every morning. This seemed to keep the power pack at ninety-nine per cent and preserve fuel dramatically. She supposed that she could syphon more fuel if necessary.

  Things kept on going on like this with daily runs to the house when Dinah started acting up, moping around, whining and less interested in food. This was unusual for her. Marie suspected what it was; this also brought feelings up for her that she was trying to repress. Dinah was pining for Max she had seen this before like when he had been late from work or away on works training. But never this bad, even when he first disappeared. She was inconsolable and Marie did not know what to do. Then one day she was gone and she was all alone and she spiralled down into depression. Dinah was obviously the only thing keeping her together. She was not sure of the time span as she had not kept up the usual daily routine not even thinking to eat properly. Nevertheless, she must have completely lost it, deciding to go out on the front. To do this first she dismantled the front doors bracing and unlocked it, stepping out onto the front garden. Strangely, she noted that the lawn needed mowing, or the council would send them a patronizing letter. She had even left her bat inside the house as she walked down to the road, a few zombies milling around just off to the sides. Not far beyond that medium clusters patrolled, but she didn't seem to notice or care.

  "Dinah, Max where are you!" She called. "Dinah come back! Max, why did you leave me?" Shouting now.

  She began to draw interest, unwanted interest as zombies moved in her direction. They were getting closer and massing in greater numbers.

  "Please come back!" She sobbed breaking down in tears.

  Then she noticed the horde that was nearly upon her. Freezing in place for a moment, did she even care? Why bother anymore? She had nothing left to live for. Then she turned around slowly appearing to be in no rush, strolled back to the house with them managing to keep pace with her. Once over the threshold she retrieved her bat and started cracking some skulls, continuing to do so as she backed up the stairs. Killing quite a lot but never nearly enough she made it to the back bedroom and shut the door. It would not hold for long, maybe a minute but it was enough to grab the spare pack that she always left there containing a few supplies and swiftly climbed out the window.

  The lead zombie her name was Jill, but that meant nothing to her now as she leaned against the door. The thing she desired most to sate her never-ending hunger had gone through the door, why would not it open. Not understanding that a turn of the handle was all it took. Eventually more massed behind her adding weight crushing her into the door, this didn't matter though as she felt no pain. Eventually, the door burst open with her hitting floor face first and being trampled. Eventually, she was able to gain her feet and all she could see was her own kind who were now walking in an aimless circle. With little understanding of why she joined them.

  Marie was soon at the shed, she then realized she did not have the key. This was no matter of course as a few sturdy kicks did the job. Inside she inspected the power pack it was at seventy-three per cent, this of course was down to her neglect of not running the generator lately. Well, she thought it will have to do as she couldn't be bothered to wait any longer. Her mad plan was take a dumper truck from the Brickyard and go on a rampage killing some zombies. She might fail but she didn't care it was to be her swan song. Taking the pack, she added a few tools, maybe she might have to hot-wire it. This was a skill her late father had taught her, not to steal cars but when he had lost the keys. With vehicles that are more modern, this was not always possible. Therefore, off she set for the Brickyard.

  She climbed down the embankment and headed towards two huge vehicles one digger and one dumper truck. Several zombies appeared to block her path, numbly she dispatched these. She climbed up into the cab of the dumper truck which gratefully had the key in the ignition. With a small amount of hope, she turned the key, the engine turned over a few times weakly. She stopped not wanting to weaken the battery further. Climbing out looking for where the battery might be located and found a locked lid at the rear of the vehicle. Trying the ignition key and she was able to open it, there was the engine with its battery on the right-hand side. After connecting up the power pack she first turned the dial to charge and waited ten minutes then noticed the percentage had dropped to sixty. Now or never, she decided and turned the dial to start. Jumping back into the cab, she turned the key. It turned over much stronger this time but did not fire, this time she pressed down the accelerator at the same time and it roared to life. She let it run a few minutes before heading off, fuel was good. The realization came across that this was probably her last stand. She grinned at least she would have some fun on the way. In her mind, she imagined Max and Dinah were at her side cheering her on. Then she set off flattening zombies on the way turning left when she reached the main road knocking cars out the way, bulldozering groups of zombies. Laughing at the fun of it, Max and Dinah enjoying the fun also. Eventually, she came to the mini roundabout opposite the co-op and turned right flattening more luckless zombies. Then she noticed the huge pile-up of cars in front of the garage, deciding to gun the engine in an effort to get through it or over it. The front wheels bit into then climbed the pile-up of cars but quickly becoming stuck, wheels spinning uselessly. Shit her rampage had been short-lived. Eventually, more zombies came to inspect her failure. Maybe this was her time opening the cab door accepting her fate. Then a feeling came over her that she did not understand, a feeling that there was hope. That if she could just hang on a bit longer. She knew that this feeling was irrational and that there was no help coming. However, she felt compelled to follow anyway. Just then a zombie climbed up in the cab with her, which was remedied with a swift kick to the face, it fell back taking its mates with it. Then she was out bringing her only friend batty with her and climbing the outside of the cab and into the bucket.

  He listened to her finish her story unable to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks. His story had been bliss compared to hers, having no memory meant no mental torment. He was just able to focus on himself while she worried about others. Hers was a day-to-day struggle to survive. He wrapped her in his arms as she started to sob and they fell asleep in each other's embrace.

  Chapter 17


  Derwyn was late for work he should have been there over an hour ago, he had texted Sid let him know that he would be late. But he hadn't rep
lied maybe because he was so pissed off with him. He had given him a bollocking last week for the same thing. Having used his car not starting as an excuse last time. His brain could not come up with a better excuse so it would do again this time. The 1997 VW Golf GTI backfired as if it agreed with his excuse, as it had seen better days and at the moment it had no MOT. Anyway, it was a classic and should not need an MOT, should it? He took another puff of his joint and expelled more thick smoke into the car and realised that he could not see properly so wound down his window an inch. Well, that was as far down as it would go anyway. He tried to waft some of it out the small gap but this had little effect, then flipped on his wipers as if that would have an effect. Which of course it didn't, but he was fine as he always drove nice and steady when he had been on the weed. It would do everyone some good to have a joint or two, like today he had passed several crashes and a few fights. They seriously needed to chill the fuck out. He turned at the petrol station then right into the co-op car park and pulled up in a space, well across two really. Then made his way to the loading area forgetting the car door a leaving it wide open, noticing a few people acting strangely but that was nothing new at the co-op so he quickly walked around them avoiding eye contact. The loading area shutters were open with a lorry reversed in and nobody was about, most likely the driver had gone in for a brew. So he took it upon himself to have another crafty joint. Sitting down on a concrete step near the entrance, he lit up and took a deep drag on the joint leaning back against a stack of pallets. Letting out a plume of fragrant smoke he sighed.

  "That's some good shit?" he exclaimed.

  Five minutes later and he was definitely high but something caught his eye, wanting to ignore it and just drift away for a while. Instinct kicked in something was wrong. Forcing himself upright he stared at the scene before just outside the shutters. A man laid spread-eagled on the concrete staring up towards the sky. A woman kneeled between his legs. The man seemed like he was asleep or maybe he was just anticipating the coming pleasure. She moaned pulling at the man’s jeans, pulling them down aggressively. A joint and a sex show cool. The woman eyed her prize and then proceeded to bite it off balls and all. The man suddenly became conscious screaming a high-pitched wail. Then the woman turned her head to face her audience, chewing greedily on the precious meat. Derwyn then he noticed half her face was gone hanging and ragged, eyes misted over. Behind her he suddenly noticed more coming, probably drawn to the man’s screams. All looking for a nice tasty bite of Derwyn, or worse still they were after his stash. This thought brought him to action. He jumped to his feet and hit shutter down button and gratefully it came to life and began slowly come down. He squatted down to see what was happening. The man being gobbled appeared to have died but still, she feasted on him, not leaving him for nothing. Two pairs of legs suddenly appeared and just seemed to push against the shutters as if that would cause them to open again. Then they were gone as the shutters hit concrete. He returned to his step for a few minutes to let events process and then considered having another joint. But thought maybe that would be a bad idea and maybe he was hallucinating all this bad shit. Five minutes later resolved to check out the staff room maybe someone there knew what was going on.

  Derwyn went over to the door that led through to the staffroom and access to the main store. He looked through the viewing panel first and saw two people standing and the other end of the corridor, but from this distance, he could not tell who they were. Hopefully, they would know what was going on. He tapped in the key code and opened the door, stepping through it without hesitation. The doors shut automatically on its closer, closing with a small thud. The staff did not seem to notice preoccupied with trying to get through the door. Walking up he stood level with the staffroom, which was locked with another keypad and seemed empty when looking through the glass. Turning back to the other door the two seemed to be scratching at it in frustration and moaning.

  "Hey guys, you forget the code?" he said loudly.

  They both they both turned in this direction; it was one of the cleaners and Tom the delivery driver. But they were no longer human, looking like the things from the car park. They both let out a bowel-loosening growl and started to shamble his way.

  "Shit this isn't my day!" He moaned and turned to the keypad.

  Clumsily he punched in the numbers, which failed to work.

  "Oh no, have they changed the code?" desperation in his voice.

  He was running out of time they were nearly on him. In retrospect, he should have run to the other door and back to the loading area. But your brain doesn't always function correctly when in a brown trouser situation. The lock thankfully submitted and the door opened. Diving in and pushing it shut behind him. They slammed into the door behind him, Toms grotesque face pressed up against the glass, teeth snapping frantically and slathering at the mouth. Derwyn jumped back from the door expecting the glass to shatter, but also in revulsion. Then he realised that the glass was the reinforced kind and should hold. He realised how laboured his breathing was and his heart pounded. Needing to calm down headed for the sofa and crashed out. It had the added advantage of not being able to see old ugly. He sat there for a few minutes trying to think of the best thing to do in times like these, the end of the world, judgment day. His gran had always droned on about it, she was a religious lady but he still had fond memories of her. He never took any notice of thought but maybe she was right. So what do you do at the end of the world? Have sex came to his mind initially, but his options and the moment were limited to Rose the undead cleaner. She normally would not have his type a little old she was in her fifties but he would have made an exception. However, he envisioned that it would end up the same outcome as what happened to the guy in the car park. No this was definitely time for another joint, then kick back and listen to some music.

  Sid laughed heartily at the lad's story, the rest of the lads joined in enjoying the escape, "Welcome aboard lad!" Sid greeted slapping him hard on the back.

  This was hard enough to launch Derwyn forward several steps before he could steady himself, his back stinging from the impact. Causing the laughter to rise again. Derwyn felt a bit like the butt of the joke but decided to go along with it after all he had been saved hadn't he?

  "Yeah cheers, I was in a bit of a fix there," he said with a sheepish grin.

  "Right then lads time for everyone to strip down, and don't worry I can assure you that you are not my type," Sid ordered.

  He checked everyone over and none were showing any signs of infection, including himself which he thought wise to gain their trust even further. They had all redressed, relieved that it was all over.

  So now Sid considered his crew. Reg was a classic, he looked unassuming, mid-fifties, medium build with a slight paunch, round glasses and balding head. But he was a good laugh and could handle himself. Then there was Malcolm AKA sissy boy, average height, fat fucker, probably worked in a bank or corporate office job. Sid did not like him as he always hung back from the conflict, left it for others to do but ready to check the dead people and make sure they did not come back with a whack to the head. Years ago in Sid's service days, the bloke would have got a good kicking. Then there was Nick the shelf stacker, mid-twenties tall a skinny and a quiet disposition, but had proved a handy battler with a garden spade, a good addition to the team. Then Mike from admin, in his thirties, usually had his hair slicked back, always trying to get in Trisha's knickers and was a complete tosser. However, had managed to stand up well in a fight with a rolling pin in his hand, still, he would be watching the cunt. Next was Dick a customer, Sid had seen him down the pub on occasion. Usually, rat arsed in the corner with piss down his leg, but he had seen him killing a few infected by ramming a screwdriver through their eye socket. Last was Derwyn, unproven in a fight but he did like the lad. So that was his motley crew of survivors. Sid now wondered how the girls were doing, if this thing went on like he hoped it would then he would be in need of a good shag.

left the men in the store Dawn led her trio into the office ushering them in and closing the door behind her.

  "What are you lot doing in my office I'm busy get out now?" Trisha admonished and gestured for her to leave.

  She almost turned and did as she had been told, but something changed in her, no this wasn't right the woman was out of order, having hidden in here the whole time and not giving a shit about them struggling to survive outside. The woman clearly only cared about herself and clearly, her previous status as a branch manager did not amount to much now. For once in her life, she felt empowered, most of her life she had done menial work and struggled with paperwork as she was dyslexic. People had had always made fun of her as a kid, this probably was also to do with her size as she was broad and solid like a man. She could also fight like a man if pushed which had got her into a lot of trouble in the past. She felt that people in authority always looked down their nose at her even though at six foot she was taller than most. Well, it was time she stopped taking any shit and stood up for herself.


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