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Outbreak Page 21

by A L Carter

  "Hmmm I think I have to agree, the panther then," he replied with disappointment in his voice.

  "2 Panthers," she grinned.

  "Of course," he grinned back.

  He checked two over and everything seemed in order, each having their own tool kit on board. On trying to start one of them, but of course, the battery was flat. So he instructed Marie to sit in, clutch down and ignition on, third gear selected.

  "Third... you sure?" she puzzled.

  "Yeah when you hit thirty lift the clutch," he instructed.

  “Thirty?” she gasped incredulously.

  With that, he pushed the vehicle out into the compound and soon got her up to speed. The engine roared to life and she took it for a test drive around knocking over and killing several stray zombies on the route. They had no effect on the vehicle and she seemed to be enjoying herself the Panther for its size and weight was still fast and agile. When eventually she parked she left the engine running while they repeated the procedure with a second Panther to get that running, and again she took it on a test drive until they eventually they had two working vehicles. Both had a full tank of diesel plus full Jerry cans. The vehicles were the quite spacious inside, which meant plenty of room for storage and space on top as well. So they each drove to the armoury to stock up on weapons. Small arms first were a Glock 17 semi-automatic 9mm pistols, they took four each with ammo boxes containing preloaded magazines. Then four SA80's second edition model which had been greatly improved upon, with ammunition to match. For long range shooting, they took two Sharpshooter sniper rifles. Then last but not least one each of those big bloody machine guns and plenty of belted ammunition. There was still room to spare so they went next door started loading the vehicles with ration packs and cooking accessories. Finding their sizes they selected military fatigues, both the opting for the black and several pairs each. Then the webbing packs and backpacks, along with ballistic vests and helmets. The vehicles were fairly full now but there was still free roof space. It was getting late in the day they considered it wise to stay in one of the barracks tonight so they drove over there. Luckily the barracks had been devoid of unwelcome zombies and was a decent place for them to spend the night. Max got the stove going and cooked up some chicken curry from the ration pack's and opening some corned beef for Dinah. Afterwards, they sat with coffees and used the opportunity to ask some questions that were troubling her.

  "What happened out there today... one minute you’re mister Deadshot and cool as a cucumber, the next you changed....you scared me," she asked worriedly.

  "I don't really understand it but when it's really strong like that I can't hold it back, like a rage," he explained.

  "Then it's happened before then?" she pursued.

  He looked back at her with a guilty expression on his face, like a child caught stealing freshly baked cookies.

  "Eeerrr...yes," he stumbled.

  "And how many times is that," she asked with a stern voice.

  "Two other times," he replied.

  "Tell me about them?" she encouraged softening he tone slightly.

  "Well okay then," he began.

  Maybe a half an hour later he explained about the first time at the old house and the complete rage he felt at having his home violated. How it scared him but at the same time it gave him extra strength and a feeling of pure power. Thus helping him get through the masses of zombies with ease and admitting the pleasure he felt from this. Then the knife fight while testing the defender and the way he just gave into the rage accepting the power it gave him. He also explained the deep sense of peace it brought him when it was over.

  "So that's why you looked like a complete gonk when you'd finished killing them today," a surprising smirk crossed her face.

  "Did I?" looking and feeling a little hurt by this.

  "Yes you floated around like you was on a carefree walk in the park, only you were covered in gore," she started laughing now.

  He thought about this for a moment then burst out laughing himself, "Looked a bit of a ponce did I?"

  "You bloody well did and I could have slapped you for making me worried like that," she informed.

  "Sorry I'll try not to ponce around too much next time," he replied with a wounded expression.

  "So okay this looks like something we’re going to have to work with, but what about you apparent other new skill?" She continued.

  "What new skill is that," he said defensively although he did worry about all these new 'gifts' and whether there would be an ultimate price to pay.

  "Back with that scummy little prick back at the archery store, how did you know he did it, after all, I did execute him on your say so," she considered.

  "I would having killed him if you'd wanted but you seemed so driven," he offered but avoiding the issue.

  "It was my kill I just want to know how you knew?" She persisted.

  He remained silent for what seemed like a long while in deep thought, "I could feel his corruption and his dark character."

  "Feel, you mean you could sense his evilness?" she was shocked by this.

  "Well yes but maybe more," he hinted at more.

  She sighed with frustration, "Look just tell me, I think I can except anything about you now."

  "I think I could hear his thoughts and it wasn't nice. Rick, he was thinking about what he did to that woman and what he wanted to do to you," he explained.

  She wondered how her mind skirted over the issue that max might be a telepath and fixated on one thing, "Rick figures, Rick the prick."

  Chapter 26


  Derwyn had been on his own surviving for a week now and felt he was doing quite well for himself. It turned out that the cupboards and pantry had been well stocked with food so he was well fed. Also, he had removed the open wooden staircase that led upstairs. Which meant that he could sleep easier at night knowing that even if the infected broke in at night they couldn't get to him. He used a ladder he had found in a neighbouring garden and pulled it up after him. After realising how unfit he was a wishing he had joined in more of Mandy's group fitness sessions. He had been following a strict training regime. Basic military staple exercises, push ups, pull ups, sit ups and he would run daily. Focusing on routes with less infected, back streets and round the estate. He also scavenged carrying a backpack he had found going out almost empty and bringing it back full. His weapons now consisted of a nice hand axe made completely of steel which fits conveniently to his belt along with a decent sheath knife. In his pack he always carried boiled water, thinking it was safer as maybe the infection could be carried in the water and anyway the water could be going bad in the tanks as nobody worked there any more. He carried a small crowbar and toolkit for breaking in premises. Over the week he had killed many infected, building his skills and confidence that maybe he could survive this thing. The local area was now littered with dead infected both in the streets and houses. As yet he hadn't seen any other survivors but, his search area had been fairly small. But was sure he eventually would but didn't kid himself that they would necessarily be friendly, as his own personal experience had already proved. Over the week his general fitness had gradually improved and his mental toughness pushing him to do better. When he was done for the day he would spend his time reading, trying to learn new skills from the non-fiction books he had found, as long as that book wasn't about zombies of course. He had become lonely of course enjoying the company of others that made him think of the others at the store in the clutches of psycho Reg. Was Sid aware of what Reg had done? More than likely, but he was now pretty sure that Reg really was running the show. Sid as well everyone else had been a pawn in his sick game from the start. He considered going back to help them but didn't feel ready yet. Some would consider this an excuse but his military training taught him the importance of preparation and planning. He only hoped that when he was ready that he wouldn't be too late.

  Days passed like this keeping up his routine of training and scavenging unt
il eventually another two weeks had passed. He now felt as fit as his army day's amazed how fast his body had responded, this was probably down to his persistence and muscle memory. It was almost time to pay a visit to psycho Reg and giving payback for his dead friends and hopefully saving the rest. But he had a plan the get the one thing that could put the odds more in his favour. The plan was to go to a local dealer's house, a dealer who had at least one firearm. If he could get that he was confident of success. He afforded himself a wry smile; he may even be able to procure a healthy supply of weed in the process. The only problem was his house was about four miles away. Okay, that wasn't far away in normal times but it would mean several main roads meaning a lot more infected. But he had thought about this and it was worth the risk, he would leave tomorrow morning.

  Derwyn was up early scavenging kit packed, knife and hatchet equipped. He would have to cross the main Melbourne road which had a heavier population of infected, but first, he had to find a suitable place to cross away from his safe house. He had broken into most of the houses along the road so was able to view for infected out of their windows, eventually finding a suitable crossing point with fewer infected. Gently opening the front door and keeping low past through the front garden and onto the main road. He crossed quickly without being noticed. Thinking to himself how dumb and near blind they were, luckily for him. Now heading straight for a house with an open gate and a door that was also ajar, once inside he closed the door. Not bothering to check upstairs but just using it as a pass through to the back of the houses. An infected emerged from the lounge half its face hanging off and a look of surprise. He kicked it back to where it came from and it fell back over a coffee table. Then he was gone, but he couldn't help grinning to himself it did look funny. Going through the kitchen he quickly opened to door and into the garden which was empty. Again he was quiet when he opened the gate looking up and down the walkway between rows of houses. There was a few infected but nothing that he couldn't handle. A few hundred yards later and several swings of the hatchet, three infected lay dead, and he stopped near a large commercial building. It was the back of the local car sales dealership which was on the Melbourne road. He scaled the wall and immediately went low again. Scanning the area, there was no close threats apart from the road of course which had maybe a dozen infected wandering around aimlessly. The forecourt had mid to low value cars which provided decent cover, but they weren't his first choice. The large wide shutters were down and locked. Around the back was a door and windows, which would be the choice of entry. The was a warning sticker on the door indicating that these premises are protected by an alarm system, but he doubted that they would still be working with the lack of electricity. So he took off the pack and selected the crowbar and inserted it near the top of the door. He presumed that it would be a three-point locking system, top, middle and bottom. He pulled hard on the bar suddenly wishing he had a bigger bar for greater leverage. It usually made easy work of residential buildings, but it made sense that this would be more difficult. Eventually, it gave way causing him to fall on his arse. Suddenly he was aware of the noise he had made which probably sounded louder than it was. He checked back to where the infected were but they didn't appear to have noticed. The top of the door was now free so he moved to the middle. It was easier to insert the bar now and he applied pressure to the bar. This time just as he felt the wood give, he eased off slightly controlling the noise and also avoiding landing on his arse again. It gave with minimal noise and the last lock gave even easier. He was in safely but he knew the drill and checked everywhere, between the vehicle's, toilets and office. Only now that he knew the place was clear did he push the door shut barricaded with a heavy engine lift and applied its brakes. Now he could work in safety.

  Derwyn narrowed it down to two of the most prestige cars, one practical and one not so. The first was a two-year-old Range Rover, solid, reliable, excellent off and on-road performance. That should be able to cope with collisions with infected and able to drive over them no doubt. Then there was the three-year-old Porsche turbo was fast, handled well but was delicate, had a soft top but offered no off road ability. His heart went with the Porsche and he let his mind wander.

  There he was in his dream car shades on and cheesy grin in place. The engine throbbed in anticipation then he screeched away from the showroom and out onto the main road. He swerved around the many infected expertly weaving around them, as if he was untouchable. He managed this for several minutes until the car bounced over several infected bodies causing him to skid and barrel into a parked car. This caused it to stall, the car was suddenly dead and he was unable to start it again. The infected surrounded him climbing all over the car and began tearing at the soft top. They were soon through this reaching for him and then they had their teeth into him eagerly devouring his flesh. He screamed out in shock as they ate him, maybe he chose the wrong car. Suddenly he snapped back to reality and he was still in the showroom. His choice now made he retrieved the keys and approached the Range Rover pressing the button. He heard the locks feebly unlock but he managed to the door and sit in enjoying the plush spacious interior. Inserting the key he pressed the start button, after an equally feeble attempt at starting the battery light flashed. As he had suspected it had been sat too long and the battery light now flashed, so he popped and lifted the bonnet. Under the bonnet, he eventually located the battery cover and removed it revealing the red and black terminals. He needed a new battery and some spanners, there were shelves full of new batteries, selecting one with similar specifications as the original along with a handful of spanners. Soon he had removed the dead battery and replaced it with the new one. He held his breath with anticipation as he pressed the start button again. But he needn't have worried as now it started the first time and the engine ran smoothly, the fuel gauge registering just over halfway. Plenty, for now, more than enough to get him to the dealer and back to rescue any he could from the store. He left the engine running as he searched for anything useful like tools, spare batteries and a can of spare diesel. His next obstacle was the large shutters which worked of electricity, but maybe he could rig something. He cut the wires and stripped the ends exposing their copper core. He searched through some drawers and found what he was looking for, two crocodile clips which he connected to the exposed wires. Grabbing another battery of the shelf something heavy duty and connected the clips to the terminal's. He crossed his fingers and pressed the shutter open button, and surprisingly it worked. Unsure how he felt about this because everything seemed to be going to well and his luck would surely run out. Mentally scolding himself at the negative thoughts he must be positive and forward thinking.

  This time he drove out of the dealership for real but this time in the more practical choice. The high driving position gave him excellent visibility and was able to weave around the majority of infected and vehicles. Endeavouring to control his need for speed, giving himself more time to negotiate oncoming obstacles. Then there was a fairly clear stretch of road before he reached the village of heather and he was able to floor the accelerator. To be fair the thing was a beast and responded eagerly, but soon had to slow again as he drove through the village. This time infected managed to get in front of him and he was unable to avoid hitting them. But with the high stance of the vehicle, it coped well forcing them under the wheels to have their bodies shattered, carrying on his journey with apparently little damage. Now he felt good with his choice of vehicles and grinned smugly. Eventually, he arrived at his destination just outside of Measham, and turned down a narrow lane driving through an open gate and into a farmyard coming to a stop. He exited the vehicle and pulled out his axe ready for hostiles. Searching the house first he had several infected to deal with but he kept calm and dispatched them systematically these infected had been the dealers men. He kept them around to protect him and his business but as yet hadn't seen the dealer. Going from room to room he checked for guns or weed whichever came first. First, he found a Beretta and several clip
s of ammo in a bedside draw along with several bags of various coloured pills. Being familiar with this weapon he quickly checked it over, dry firing it to check its mechanism. Making it safe he stashed down the back of his jeans and stored the spare magazines in his pockets. The pills stayed in the draw. He then found a cupboard with a formidable looking pump action shotgun with several boxes of shells. The next find was a holdall and a couple of wicked looking machetes. On the kitchen table, he was pleased to find two tobacco tins both containing a few ounces of weed as well as smoking paraphernalia and even a few roaches made up. But he felt a little disappointed as he wanted a decent supply to keep him going in the apocalypse. Then he thought of the big greenhouse outside and grinned surely it would be there.

  Once outside he continued towards his goal and slid back its glass door, inside he could smell the fresh cannabis plants growing tall in even rows along the glasshouse. At a table sat the dealer but he was already dead having blown the top off his own head. It didn't take much to work out why either as it appeared that his nose had been bitten off. Obviously was aware of what he would become and thought better of it. He had gone out in style though looking like he had smoked several joints first. Derwyn approved of this, but then excitement hit him, in front of the dead man stacked neatly on the table stood maybe 20 1 kilo bags of weed. This reminded him of the scene in the Goonies where one-eyed Willy was counting his treasure.

  "Fuck me, the mother load," he said out loud mouth wide open in wonder.

  Eventually, he had loaded the car with his essential supplies, even bags of seeds for future insurance. Which meant he and several other worthy survivors would be better equipped to cope with the stresses of the apocalypse.


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