Dystopia Box Set [Books 1-4]

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Dystopia Box Set [Books 1-4] Page 15

by Cooper, DJ

  Herb talked with Jeremy and said, “It won’t withstand much snow but it will do for now.”

  They rigged a hose to pump the water up from the rain barrels to the tanks. Then they used another hose to make the shower. This one they added length to and wound it around the tanks for added volume and heating. They even put a shower head from the back house onto the end inside the shower area. They were inspired from the test water they’d used to check on the concept of solar hot water heating. They put some water into a black plastic bag and set in the sun all day to heat. The water got really hot. This added the option to splice in a hose with cold water to be able to adjust the temperature.

  Everyone was excited to give it a try. That afternoon they put names in a hat for the order of shower taking, having small children shower with a parent. The first name to be drawn was Astrid. Everyone was pleased because she was so excited. It was good for her to find a small measure of joy.

  Astrid was still very sad and withdrawn over the death of her parents. After she left to gather some clean clothes for the shower there was some talk that maybe Janice had rigged it that way. They all got a good laugh when Janice got very uptight about it. “The very thought that I would do such a thing is absurd,” she exclaimed as she winked at them all.

  They were able to get six showers out of that first sixty or so gallons and it worked beautifully. They all sat around and chatted about the various events of the day. The kids were hanging out and milling around hoping for some TV time. Matt looked around the room just taking it all in. Dez had been right they were a close-knit group and he cared for his new family.

  The CB crackled to life in the corner. It was Arthur.

  Matt went over to acknowledge him, saying, “Go ahead, Arthur, I hear ya. Anything new tonight? Over.”

  Arthur came back with, “Well, I guess this would be some news for you. Over.”

  Matt replied, “Whatcha got for me? Over.”

  His reply was, “Well, I heard from a buddy over in West Virginia, near Huntington. He said that he had a message for someone named Matt in my area. I’m guessing you’re the Matt he’d be talking about over this way. Over.”

  Matt replied that he likely was and asked what the message was.

  Arthur said, “He told me he had contact with a group yesterday that was on their way to our area . They came out of Massachusetts. He said he spoke with a John and Danny. Does that ring any bells? Over.”

  Matt was stunned and asked them to pause the movie and replied, “Anything else? Over”

  Arthur came back with the rest of the message, “John says to tell you, all are ok. Matty doing well. They are coming in overland, cities are too rough. Slow going but making progress daily. Over”

  Matt started shouting with excitement and acknowledged the message and thanked Arthur, signing off.

  Toni was practically bursting with excitement herself, “West Virginia?” she exclaimed.

  Trying to keep a cool head, Matt said, “Listen, we’re all excited, but it will still be a while. Overland means off road and on foot. If we had a location we might be able to go get them, but we have no idea where they are. The ham operators don’t give away their true location over the airwaves so they could be anywhere. The location is given for a reference as to the distance and that is all.”

  They were still excited, although Matt figured it might be up to another month. It troubled him that it was already November and getting colder, and he hoped that they would be ok.

  November 4th

  It was a chilly morning; the coldest it had been so far. Matt was up early making a fire, his thoughts on the friends and family trying to get to them. Jeremy, just coming off his watch, walked in and told him all was clear on the road and offered to make the coffee.

  Matt grunted in acknowledgment. While he was making the coffee, Jeremy reminded him it was their turn to go check the farmhouse today.

  Matt said he remembered and then said, “Too bad we can’t swing into the taco bell on our way down and snag a couple of their burritos.”

  Jeremy was salivating, nearly drooling. “Yeah, one of them seven-layer ones.”

  They laughed and Jeremy scolded him for even bringing it up. Downing their coffee, they refilled the travel mugs and promptly headed out to the farmhouse. Matt wanted to get it over with. In all the time since the power went out not a single person had been there but they promised Janice they would check every day and had done so.

  As they approached the spot that looked out across the field to the old falling down house they knew instantly that someone was there. They could see smoke coming from the chimney.

  Matt grabbed the hand-held walkie and told Jeremy to be ready for anything. He climbed out of the truck, but turning and peeking back in, he said. “You should probably contact the group and let them know someone is at the farm.”

  Jeremy got on the CB and called up to the group. Herb was monitoring it this morning and replied he would stand by.

  Matt walked up near the door of the house and called out. “Anyone in there?” The door cracked open and someone peeked out but didn’t respond. “Just checking on things. Are y’all doing ok?”

  A small voice called out, “Do you know Janice or Herb Campbell?”

  Matt smiled a giant toothy grin. “Sure do! Mind if I come on the porch?”

  The girl motioned for him to come up and she opened the door a little more revealing she had a gun. Not just any gun. She was sporting a Kimber 1911 .45 ACP that would make Lynn drool a little.

  Matt laughed, wondering if this tiny thing had even aimed this thing let alone shot it. “You won’t be needing that. Can I ask your name, ma’am?”

  She said her name was Julie and he asked her to hang on a moment. He pulled out the walkie and keying it he spoke. “Jeremy, the young lady’s name is Julie and said she knows Herb and Janice.”

  Jeremy relayed the information to Herb. Herb was excited and told them to hold on while Toni went to go get Janice. He already had his hopes up that it was their granddaughter. Jeremy relayed that the lady’s name was Julie and needed them to verify her identity.

  Herb was so excited he could barely speak.

  He said, “Ask the young lady what time is it?”

  Jeremy was a little shocked that this would be their response and laughed as he told Herb to hold while he relayed the information.

  Matt was curious what the time mattered, but said to her, “Ma’am, Miss Janice wants to know what time it is.”

  Julie flung the door open and blurted out. “It’s time for blueberry pancakes!”

  Matt relayed the information to Jeremy who in turn relayed the answer to Herb. Janice immediately began to cry and even Herb got all choked up himself.

  He said to Jeremy, “That is correct, my boy.”

  Jeremy relayed that was correct and said he was on his way down for them.

  Julie motioned for someone else to exit the farmhouse. Matt was not sure what to make of it until a beautiful yellow lab stepped through the door with his tail wagging, tongue hanging out, and ears up. He was impressed that the dog had not barked or made a sound. Julie gathered the things she had inside as Matt and Jeremy loaded them and the dog into the truck.

  The whole group was buzzing around Herb and Janice as they pulled in Julie leaped from the vehicle and ran to her grandparents. Charleigh was crying by this time because she was so happy for them. Seeing her mother’s tears, Ariel began to cry with no idea why they were all crying. Dez soothed her and told her they were happy and she shouldn’t be upset.

  After all the introductions, Janice whipped up some blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Of course, it was pancake mix with the little fake blueberries in it but no one cared.

  Everyone was silent as Julie told of her journey. She was a tiny girl barely 5 feet tall and only just turned eighteen. She’d been at college up at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. It was her freshman year, this was even to be her first semester. She was staying with he
r friend whose parents lived outside of Lexington.

  Julie told them she had to make her way there moving only at night and hiding out during the day. She said once she got to Richmond she met a guy named Jona, who introduced her to someone named Ryan. They brought her to town and she’d walked to her grandparents’ house where she’d found the note and the food.

  Matt asked her, “Did you tell them you were Herb and Janice’s granddaughter?”

  “No, I didn’t. Even though they were kind I’d seen kindness go bad. I didn’t want anyone to know where I was going.” Taking a bite of her pancakes, she continued, “I had to hide in the shed for two days while some guys had a raging party in the cul-de-sac.” Looking over to her grandparents with a soulful smile before continuing, she asked, “Can you believe they burned down a few of the houses for what they were calling a bonfire and moved on?”

  She said she waited the whole next day and set out only the night before for the farmhouse, “I was only there the one night before y'all showed up.”

  She said she found the dog not long after she left Lexington and explained how he was beaten and tied to a tree. “I had to spend two days in an abandoned barn nursing him. He is a sweet dog and actually saved my life once when two guys tried to rape me.” She paused to pet him, which he happily sat for. “I thought he was going to kill them, but he just tore them up a bit before they ran off. One of them dropped the gun I have and that’s how I got it. I’ve never even shot a gun before. I don’t even know how it works.”

  Everyone laughed, and Matt said, “Well, little lady, you will most certainly learn how to use one but we will get you one a little more manageable for you. That thing is a gem but maybe a bit much for someone who needs some practice.”

  Lynn laughed. “Don’t go underestimating us girls.” Then she winked at Julie.

  Chapter 18

  “George is back.”

  “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

  -Mark Twain

  Herb got a call from Joe on the walkie that afternoon, “Lookout to home base, over.”

  “Go ahead, Joe, over.”

  “Spotted some vehicles at the crossroads.”

  Joe was on watch at the hill overlooking the place where the Wilsons’ house had been. After that day, shifts that kept watch were immediately instituted. Joe continued, “It looks bad, like a raiding party of some kind, over.”

  Jeremy came on the air. “What’s it look like? Over.”

  “Definitely some bad, bad men,” he said.

  They contacted Arthur to let him know and asked that he radio Ryan to send for assistance. Arthur radioed back, “Affirmative, over.”

  Matt told Herb that he would call them from the hilltop post with any other information and to relay it to Arthur.

  Matt, Tawny, Lynn, and Jeremy ran for the lookout. As they crawled up the hillside, Joe handed Matt the binoculars and pointed to the one they thought was the leader.

  Matt’s expression turned to anger when he recognized George. The unmistakable stance as he stood on the bed of the pickup barking out orders to the men was all Matt needed to see. George had his men running about searching the barn and remains of the Wilson home. Matt hopped on the radio and called Herb. “Tell Arthur he should let Ryan know it’s George’s group.”

  Arthur relayed back in only minutes. “Both the militia from town and the northern group are on their way, over.”

  Pauses during communication on the walkies were driving Matt crazy but were necessary for the relay between Arthur and Herb. Their walkies had the minimal range and could not reach past the hillside. Arthur called it line of sight and said it was something to do with the way the radio waves dealt with hills. Herb came back relaying the messages. “Ryan said for you to try and hang in there, over.”

  Matt and Jeremy talked a bit trying to come up with a defense. They decided on snipers at the forward position just like before. These should take out as many men as they could. They quickly instructed them that if the group began to advance, which they felt sure they would, they were to first try and disable a vehicle or two with some key shots to tires or drivers to block the road.

  Descending the hillside Matt turned back to them. “Don’t linger. After you slow them down or if they get close to your position, take the woodland trails to fall back to the house.”

  Lynn, Tawny, Jeremy, and Joe stayed in position on either side of the road as they had before, watching and waiting. Each of them had their thirty-ought-six with the nine-mil for a sidearm.

  Jeremy and Joe lined up their sights on the area of the road near the choke point while Lynn and Tawny adjusted their scopes for much longer shots.

  Matt ordered all the children into the basement of the main house. Charleigh, Toni, Herb, Julie and Janice were stationed at the windows. A 12 gauge was the preferred choice here except for Toni. This time Toni had more than a twenty-two; she was using a thirty-thirty she’d become fond of and could shoot well.

  Julie had the gun she’d gotten from the rapist and when Herb saw it he was shocked. “Have you shot this beast yet?”

  “No, pops, you know I can’t shoot shit, but it’s all I have.”

  “My dear, that is a forty-five. It’s practically a cannon. We need to get you something different.” He laughed because despite the impending invasion, he found it funny.

  Charleigh got up and headed for the bedroom coming out with an old twenty gauge. Matt had given it to her a long time ago and 8 boxes of shells. She liked her twelve gauge and never did use the old twenty gauge. Herb showed Julie how to load it and where the safety was and got her nestled in behind a table that they stood up by the window.

  Astrid was in the basement with the children. She had a twenty-gauge shotgun as well and was guarding the door. Nina, Axel, Frank Jr., and Suzette all had their twenty-twos and had become quite good with them during the past weeks’ practice sessions.

  Conner and Cameron were nestled into the blind that was reinforced with steel plates at the edge of the road. Connor always carried his AR and Cameron had Matt’s AK47. They moved two of the cars to block the road, about a hundred feet past the sniper's position; just before the house. Hopes were that this would slow George’s men down and give the snipers a chance to take more of them out.

  Dez, Amanda and Eric were behind a blind Ryan had instructed them to build on the opposite side of the road. Each person grabbed one of the AR15s Frank brought from his storage. Along with the AR 15, Dez grabbed her own trusty twelve-gauge and some double ought buck.

  Dez soothed Amanda and tried to calm her down. She could see the hatred in Amanda’s eyes. She cooed, “You will get your chance, girl. Let’s just ease up a bit. Don’t get stupid, ok?”

  Sarah, Frank, and Rebecca watched the woods behind the house from the windows of the back house. Meanwhile Loel, Matt, and Sam took up positions behind the cars in the yard. They’d practiced this a few times and hoped that they were ready. Still, Dez was praying for the militia to come quickly.

  After what was only about ten minutes but seemed like hours, Tawny came over the walkie saying, “It's show time, boys and girls. I’m aiming for that asshole George. Keep your heads down and shoot straight, over.”

  Matt replied, “Don’t take chances out there. Do your job and then run to defend the house, over.”

  They all heard those first shots and tensed up. They listened. Five rifle shots then a barrage of fire from automatic weapons.

  This made Matt’s stomach knot up. Again, there were at least eight rifle shots, more automatic fire. He heard screaming and even more rifle fire, this time continuous. Turning to Sam, he exclaimed, “They must have reached the barrier. I hope the snipers got out ok.”

  They all saw George’s men walking up the road like they had not a care in the world. Of course, George was still alive and in the rear.

  “What a coward,” Matt said to Loel.

  They waited for Matt’s signal He want
ed them to get between the two blinds before they opened fire. Matt fired the first shot after which they all fired. They shot at anything in the open. George’s guys were unable to take cover because the shots were coming from all directions.

  About ten men in the rear ran, retreating down the road where they were immediately cut down by Lynn and Tawny from the woods. They all got out of their positions safely and set up in the woods for a rear assault.

  Amanda spotted one of the guys who had raped her. She stood straight up and fired at him, hitting him squarely in the head. The shot entered at his cheek taking out his eye and the top of his head. The blood was a red streak that ran by his ear and onto his shirt before he crumbled to the ground.

  Dez grabbed Amanda and threw her to the ground, screaming at her. “That was so stupid. Get your shit together.”

  George caught sight of Dez as she was pulling Amanda down and as she turned to fire blindly at them He was wantonly walking toward Dez’s position in a rage.

  Matt was horrified when he saw this and yelled to Sam and Loel, “Take him out! Get him! He’s spotted Dez and he’s going for her!”

  “Oh My God, DESTINY!” he screamed as he broke position and started running at George.

  Loel and Sam stood up and covered him as Frank came running from the back house to take his spot

  Jeremy was still in the woods and saw what Matt did. He, too, broke cover and sprinted across the road to cover him just as Matt tackled George, toppling them both into the ditch just below Dez’s position.

  Amanda was crying and firing indiscriminately at the group while Jeremy was poised trying to get a clear shot at George. He and Matt were fighting and rolling in the ditch making it impossible for him to get a clean shot off. He changed focus and concentrated on anyone noticing the fight and started picking them off.


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