Dystopia Box Set [Books 1-4]

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Dystopia Box Set [Books 1-4] Page 65

by Cooper, DJ

  Jeremy and Sam were already on the assailant hauling him over to Ryan when the shrieking began. Charleigh stood frozen, screaming hysterically. The smoke was clearing, and the truck was destroyed, a twisted mass of metal was all that was left of the tailgate and back of the truck. Ariel sat both knees skinned and bleeding, crying next to Dez and Tawny who both lay motionless on the sidewalk.

  Jeremy and Sam were already sprinting for them as Ryan shoved the man at another and followed. Matty was beside Ariel hugging her, trying to lift her to her feet. Jeremy grabbed Charleigh, shaking her. “Charleigh… Stop screaming and get Ariel, take Matty and go to the infirmary.”

  Eyes wide, tears streaming down her face she nodded. “What about mom?”

  “I’ll bring her, you take the kids.”

  Nodding she picked up Ariel and carried her up the block to the infirmary. Matty refused to leave Dez, crying and shaking her to wake up.

  Both of them were alive but unconscious. Tawny had two large pieces of shrapnel lodged in her. One in her back and the other on her left side. Sam and Jeremy picked her up under her arms and by her legs and hurried her to a waiting gurney at the door of the infirmary. Ryan cradled Dez as he carried her over. She’d hit her head and it was bleeding. The doctor swiftly looked at her telling them she’d been knocked out is all, but that he’d want to keep her for observation.

  The nurse patched up Ariel’s knees and checked her and Matty for injuries. Matty never said a word but had a small piece of the truck shrapnel in his calf that had to be removed.

  Dez awoke after they’d bandaged her head and leapt off the bed shouting for Ariel. Ryan caught her just before she collapsed to the floor. She’d suffered a concussion and the swift motion caused her to faint. Ariel and Matty were set on a bed next to her with the others waiting for word on Tawny. Sam paced like a nervous cat, growing angry and then sad in waves of emotion.

  Ryan sat beside the bed waiting for Dez to wake, when she did he held her down. “Slowly, Ariel is right beside you.” Pointing to the bed beside her that Ariel and Matty sat on.

  Turning her head back to Ryan, tears in her eyes she could get no sound to come out, but mouthed the words. “I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head no. “This isn’t your fault. Originally the target was my office. The guy spilled his guts once my men got hold of him. You were not even a target until he saw you and Ariel. You were with us so he decided to go for her. Apparently, there is a price on that pretty little head of yours.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “We think it’s George, although he said he didn’t know who put out the bounty. Only that anyone that killed you would be given a huge stash of food.

  “But why a five-year-old little girl?” She began to sob uncontrollably.

  “Because these people are animals.” He said, angrily. “And they aren’t gonna get away with it. Anyone with George is an enemy, and now because of this guy we have a location.”

  Her eyes squinted in anger. “No mercy Ryan. You kill them all or I will go after them myself. I’ll not have children become targets, this is twice now they’ve targeted the children.”

  He just looked at her.

  “No mercy.” She said, her hand squeezing his so hard his finger tips began to turn white.

  “No mercy.” He quietly replied.

  The doctor entered the room, blood still on his scrubs, mask hanging about his neck. “I’ve done all I can. The shrapnel was deep. It perforated her intestine and liver. We won’t know if there is spinal damage until she wakes up. The one in her back was very close to her spine.”

  Dez had no idea Tawny had saved her and Ariel and looked around confused. It was quickly apparent who was missing. “Tawny, where is Tawny?”

  Tears began streaming down her face as she realized it was her the doctor was speaking of. Sam approached the doctor pleading to go see her. He allowed it but no one else. Approaching Ryan, he looked down as he began to speak. “Someone should go and get her son.”

  Dez gasped and held her hand over her mouth, burying her face in Ryan’s arm she couldn’t stop crying. He held her head as she sobbed brushing the hair from her face until she quieted. He waved Charleigh over to sit with her. She sat crying with her mom as Ryan left the room to send for Gary and Eric. He knew those at the farm would know them and let them get Dylan. Once they arrived he sent them for not only Dylan but Rita. He told them not to tell anyone why. Just that Dez and Tawny wanted them.

  When he returned he’d found out a little more information. “The man was terrified that his family would be killed if he told us who placed the bounty on Dez, that is, until he was told he and his family would definitely be killed if he didn’t. I’m not sure if he believed us or not but he wasn’t going to take any chances I guess. He told us it was some woman who was insane. He didn’t know her name, but he knew the man with her.”

  Dez looked angry, she knew. She was sure she knew what was coming. Not only by the expression but the hesitation. “And?”

  “He said it was Matt. But before anyone gets all crazy about it, this is all unverified. He could be trying to protect himself and giving us what we want to hear. Matt stabbed George bad back at the house. I doubt George would forgive that. Seriously, I know him and I find it hard to believe myself.”

  An hour or so went by and Dez was up and around, talking to the others about this threat. Angry tears would flow from time to time as she spoke with venom about George and then Matt and Morgan. “I cared for his son and still do, and they would target the children? His own son could have been killed and was even injured.” Pacing as she animatedly waved her hand in Matty’s direction. “As long as I’m alive he will never get near that boy again. I swear it.”

  Jeremy brought her some hot tea and sat with her, calming her and reassuring that no one would let them get away with this. She grew sad and looked up at him. “Do you think she’ll be ok?”

  “I don’t know mom, when Sam and I carried her in the blood was so dark it looked almost black.”

  Dez cried again. “She’s my best friend. Has been for years.”

  “I know mom, but you need to straighten up, Dylan will be here soon. He can’t see you all blubbery and soft like this.” She sniffled and wiped her face as he shoved her slightly. “Suck it up there buttercup. When she wakes you need to be in a little better shape than this.”

  “I know, I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately. Six months ago, I was Betty Bad Ass and now I am Simpering Sue. Everything seems so difficult these days.”

  “You need to delegate things and take time to process. Since the beginning you just go from one issue to the next without processing the feelings. I think you’re just having them hit you all at once. Listen miss type A… let others take on some of the responsibility.”

  She smiled at him. “When did you get so smart.”

  “I’ve always been smart, you just thought I was a smart ass is all.”

  She smiled at him and hugged him. “I love you son.”

  “I love you too mom.”

  Chapter 18


  Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.

  -Og Mandino

  Sam came into the room and said Tawny was awake and wanted to see Dez. His eyes were red, he’d been crying. Jeremy got up with her and Sam put his hand up to his arm. Without looking at him. “Just Dez.” As he continued past to the chairs and sat down, putting his head in his hands.

  She walked slowly out the door to where the doctor was waiting to bring her to Tawny. Looking to him as they walked. “Is she gonna be ok?”

  “I’m not going to lie to you.” Pausing to look at her, “it doesn’t look good.”

  Again, the tears were uncontrolled as they rolled down her cheeks. Swiping at them angrily she brushed her hair out o
f her face and straightened, clearing her throat and nodding to him she was ready.

  He pushed the door open and she entered. Tawny lay eyes closed on the bed. She approached, reaching out and taking her hand she squeezed it. Tawny squeezed back and opened her eyes. Smiling at her she said, “guess I shoulda ducked, huh?”

  “Yea, that might’ve been a good idea.” Dez smiled a weak smile back at her.

  Her voice was weak as she spoke. “Dez, I need you to promise me you’ll take care of Dylan.”

  “You know…” Dez began to speak. Tawny waved cutting her off.

  “Just promise me.”

  “Of course, I promise, you don’t even need to ask.”

  “I know, it just makes me feel better. I know he’s a handful and already an angry little man, but please be patient with him.”

  “I’m not doing this with you right now… You’re gonna be right as rain in a few weeks. In the mean time you’ve been like a sister, he’s my nephew and I’ll always be there for him.”

  She smiled at Dez postulating, like it would somehow will the inevitable outcome to change. “I know you will.” She shifted her shoulders on the pillow, grimacing before continuing. “Ryan has been looking for someone to take over lead in the Militia. Sam is going to take over for him so that he can come to the farm.”

  Dez looked shocked, sitting straighter. “What?”

  “My friend I could never understand how someone could be so smart and as clueless as you. That man loves you and would do anything to protect you. He can’t be conflicted like that and lead. At least not well anyway.”

  Dez looked down. “I know.”

  She tilted her head at her and touched her hand. “Then why do you keep him at arm’s length?”

  “I don’t know, guess I just can’t trust it.”

  “I know you’ll take care of Dylan, you always have. I just wanted you to know about Ryan. My friend, I want so much for you to be happy.”

  Dez began to cry, “you’re laying here like this and all you wanna talk about is my love life?”

  “I just wanted a moment with my best friend. No war, no gangs, no struggles or farm issues. Just a couple of minutes like we used to be.”

  Dez put her head down on her hand and cried. “I’m so sorry my friend. This is all my fault.”

  “Nonsense, I didn’t want you getting all the attention again.”

  “Seriously?” Dez looked at her.

  They smiled at one another and didn’t talk for a while waiting for Dylan to arrive. Dez sat holding her hand and then reached out and touched her leg. Tawny looked at her strangely but said nothing. Dez tapped her leg looking at her sideways. She made no movement nor changed her expression. Dez stood, causing the metal chair to fall over and pinched her leg. Still there was no response but to turn away. The shrapnel had damaged her spinal chord and she could not feel her legs.

  The door opened, and Dylan came in. Tawny put a finger to her lips indicating don’t tell him anything. Dez nodded and left the room asking to see Sam in the hallway. They sat silent for a bit on the chairs in the hall. Finally, Dez looked over at him and spoke. “I’m so sorry Sam.” His head still hanging he nodded slightly and sniffled. “She told me what you want to do.”


  “You know you are more of a father to Dylan than he’s ever had before.”

  “The doctor told you, didn’t he?”

  “Told me what? He said it didn’t look good but she’s strong, you’ll see, she’ll pull through.”

  Looking over at her he could see the fear in her eyes. “No Dez, she won’t, there’s just too much internal damage. She’s bleeding internally and he’s not even sure they closed up the places where it hit intestine.”


  “She’s dying and there’s nothing he can do. He told me that even in a big hospital the prognosis wouldn’t be that great, better, but not great. Maybe fifty-fifty on the optimistic side.”

  Dez looked at the floor the tears making a small puddle beneath. “She didn’t tell me. She was more worried about my love life than what was going on with her.”

  “She’d told me many times these past six months that she’d missed her best friend. The one that would sit and talk about nothing but meant more to her than all the important things you’d discussed lately. She just wanted to see her friend, not the leader of Clan Laurel.”



  “Why are you taking over as leader of the militia?”

  “I can’t be at the farm Dez, she’s everywhere there. I know I can’t stop it and I know there is Dylan. But, I also know she loves you. You are Dylan’s aunt, been there since the day he was born. I’ve had this time with her but now I want to end what killed her.”

  Looking over to her and grabbing her arm. “You know, I’ll have NO mercy. I will hunt every last one of them down and make the world safer for Dylan and the other children to grow up in.” Tears began streaming down his face as he looked to the floor again.

  Nodding she knew he was right. And she knew he would find them, and that she wanted most of all.

  The doctor waved Sam in to see Tawny and Dez returned to the room where the others waited. Coming through the door they looked to her questioning about her condition. Dez just nodded and asked Jeremy to come into the hall.

  “Darlin, will you take Charleigh, Ariel and Matty back to the farm? Let them see her then go and prepare the others for a chat. I’ll be along shortly.”

  “But mom, the truck is…”

  “I’ll get Ryan to bring me. Get them and head home, I’ll be along.”

  He nodded and went back into the room. Ryan stood looking at Dez like he was unsure of what was coming. She walked right up to him and placed her hand on his chest. “And you mister.”

  “Me?” He nervously said.

  “Yes, you. How about you tell me about you leaving the militia.”

  He stuttered and looked around like someone in the room could help him with his certain demise. She continued, “And… You want to come and stay on the farm too?”

  “Well, ahhh, you see, I.”

  She closed her hand around the front of his shirt and pulled him in to her, kissing him right there in front of everyone else. Stepping away she looked over her shoulder at him. “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”

  Jeremy smiled at him and herded Charleigh and the kids out the door.

  They spent some time with Tawny knowing it was the last. Charleigh promised to look after Dylan while Jeremy promised to teach him to hunt and be a warrior. Dylan knew that his mom was not doing good but at merely seven years old his perception of it was that she would be well soon, and they would be just watching him for a while.

  As they were about to leave, she sent him with them. “Take care of my baby will ya?” Hugging Dylan, tears in her eyes she whispered to him. “Be a good boy, mommy loves you.”

  “Love you momma.” He said, holding Charleigh’s hand and walking through the door.

  Tawny hung in for three more days. Sam never left her side. Dez came in on the third day and tapped him on the shoulder. He’d been sleeping in the chair beside her bed. “Go grab a bite to eat, I left some food over to the sheriff’s office. I’ll sit with her a while. Has she been awake today?”

  He shook his head no as he walked through the door. Starting to speak as he opened it, she said, “If she wakes I’ll send Astrid here over to get you.”

  “Ok, thanks.”

  Dez sat next to the bed and although she’d not woken in the past couple days she began to chat with her. “Things are going ok, we haven’t had any attacks on the farm. Dylan is hanging out with Jeremy and Connor. They’re teaching him to shoot.” Smiling a moment at the memory. “Do you remember when he was making the snare to catch a squirrel and felt like the great white hunter? Well now he is the all powerful, all knowing, omnipotent source of hunting knowledge in the universe.” She snickered. “But seriously you know I was never one t
o listen and don’t let it go to your head, but I’ve been spending some time with Ryan. He’s planning to move to the farm in another couple of days. He’s very kind and attentive, I might let him hang around a while.” Laughing to herself. “Ok, ok… I’ll go ahead and say it. You were right.”

  Out of nowhere she heard a weak voice. “Told ya so.”

  Quickly she motioned Astrid to go for Sam. Standing there looking at her Tawny looked small and frail. She held her hand tightly. “Dez, I’m afraid.”

  “I know, but it’s ok. I’m here and I sent Astrid to go get Sam.”

  “Don’t forget your promise to me or I’ll haunt you forever.”

  “I won’t.”

  “I might haunt you anyways, so I can poke you when you’re being clueless.”

  “That’d be ok. I’d do the same to you.” She grinned at her.

  “I wish Sam was here. Where is he?”

  “He’ll be here in a minute.” Looking to the door she prayed he’d come quicker.

  In that instant Sam came through the door. Tawny saw him and smiled. Dez backed away and stood at the foot of the bed tears welling up in her eyes as she watched her friend fade. Sam held her in his arms as she mumbled some things about curtains in the cabin and then closed her eyes. A few breaths too long apart and soon she was gone. Sam held her and sobbed quietly into her hair.

  They brought her back to the farm and buried her with the others in the small plot they’d fenced off. Standing in front of the gate Dez looked at the names on the stones they’d marked. Among the names were Lynn, Melissa, Amanda, Joseph, Georgia and now Tawny. Looking at Ryan who stood beside her she said. “So many lost, will it ever end?”

  “Yes, it will end.”

  “But it’ll never be the same.”

  “I don’t expect so.”

  She took his hand and they walked back to the barn to prepare for the evening meal.

  Chapter 19


  If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?


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