Little Spirit

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Little Spirit Page 36

by DaNeo Duran

  Not to be dissuaded Raphael eventually left the dressing room with Calvin and found Katherine and Grace with Amy.

  ‘Amy, you made it?’ Raphael said.

  ‘Looks like it.’

  Raphael found her response offhand until she opened her arms for a hug and didn’t let go.

  ‘You okay?’ he said into her ear.

  ‘Yes thank you.’

  ‘Study going well?’

  ‘Very well.’

  Grace said, ‘Everything’s getting going now isn’t it?’

  ‘Your uncle’s still not convinced,’ Calvin said. ‘We’ve just been interviewed by Mandy from Smash Hits. Richard made everything sound brilliant until she left. Now we’re not sure.’

  ‘Things are looking good, trust me,’ Grace said.

  ‘Did Mandy fancy you?’ Katherine asked.

  Calvin watched her face before answering telling her Mandy had described them all as hot. When she grinned Calvin said, ‘I’m sorry Katherine. I don’t suppose we’ll see Betty from Sounds again anyway.’

  ‘It’s alright. I’d be daft to think that all three of you won’t become objects of desire.’

  ‘Well you styled us. Anyway, I’ve known you for nine months and almost everyone, looks at you with longing.’

  ‘Getting a dose of my own medicine now. It does feel strange though.’

  ‘Jealous, insecure?’

  ‘I would say honoured but I couldn’t feel any more privileged than I already do.’ Katherine hugged her lover. ‘John should be here before long.’

  ‘Haven’t seen him for ages,’ Raphael said joining in. Looking around he said, ‘Guys, Betty’s over there.’

  Calvin looked where Raphael had pointed and saw Betty with another boy and girl.

  ‘Call them over,’ Katherine said, ‘but don’t tell them I’m your girlfriend.’

  With a wave Betty dashed over.

  Even Calvin couldn’t have missed her tone dripping with sweet flirtation. At that moment though Danny and Richard appeared as did John.

  ‘Big venue this one,’ John said.

  ‘Five hundred,’ Raphael said turning from Calvin and Betty. ‘You missed us at The Marquee – that was bigger.’

  ‘Katherine told me. Night before the video shoot right?’

  ‘Hmm,’ Raphael said remembering just how long of a night it ended up being. John had a twinkle in his eye that suggested he might have known too.

  Minutes later Little Spirit headed off to prepare. Katherine bought Betty a drink and led the conversation until Betty asked, ‘Are you Calvin’s girlfriend?’

  Katherine sipped her dry white. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘And you live together?’

  ‘Live and love. Hey,’ Katherine said as if she’d just been struck by an idea. Looking Betty up and down she said, ‘you should join us. Calvin would love that and I really would.’

  ‘You mean . . ?’ Betty stepped away.

  ‘Yeah, it’d be fab.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t think so.’

  ‘Why not?’ Katherine asked trying to appear more disappointed than glad.

  Amy overheard Betty’s list of reasons not to go ahead. Putting the urge to laugh aside Amy sidled up to Katherine and kissed her cheek.

  Katherine smiled and said to Betty, ‘Can’t you think of a better excuse not to join us?’

  ‘Better than what?’ Betty look flustered. ‘I just don’t want to join you and your boyfriend in bed, isn’t that enough?’

  ‘Not everyone’s as weird as you Katherine,’ Amy said.

  Betty pulled a face and said, ‘It was nice meeting you. If it’s alright I’ll join my friends.’

  Once the capacity crowd had engulfed Betty, Amy said with a hoot, ‘What were you doing?’

  ‘Scaring her off – nicely. I realise how important she could be to the band so I couldn’t be rude.’

  ‘Not that sort of rude. What if she’d been up for it?’

  ‘Then I’d have said it wasn’t possible tonight and it’d become one of those things that never happens.’

  ‘Are you girls quite finished?’ John asked.

  ‘It feels like ages since I’ve seen you. What have you been up to – like I need to ask?’ Katherine asked. When John floundered Katherine smiled. ‘It’s okay, I know you’ve been spending time with my mum; my gran told me.’

  ‘Oh?’ John said. Katherine tensed detecting the note of surprise in his voice.

  ‘So – what’s been going on with you two? You’ve not got married have you?’

  ‘No,’ John said sounding relieved. ‘Barbara’s lovely but there’s no future for us.’

  ‘I might be sorry to hear that you looked good together.’

  ‘You’ve changed your tune lady.’

  ‘Maybe, so what’s the crack?’

  ‘Crack? No crack.’

  ‘You must have been somewhere my mum’s been missing a fortnight.’


  ‘You took her to Saint Tropez didn’t you?’

  ‘Err, yeah, we stopped by.’

  ‘Did she sleep on your boat?’

  ‘Separate beds …’ John’s voice trailed off into a mumble.

  ‘Sorry, what was that last bit?’


  ‘Did you just say, separate beds except one night?’

  ‘Two actually – to be sure we weren’t right for each other you understand. Barbara went down very well there.’

  ‘That’s nice to know. Hey, John I’m worried about the chapel and venue. Has everything been finalised? I should be over there to see these things through.’

  John still didn’t look relaxed. ‘Yeah, it’s all good I’m sure.’

  ‘Right, so the people at Château Hôtel de la Messardière – have been paid in full?’

  ‘Yeah, it’s fine.’

  ‘How do you know? Have you spoken to Elaine – has she told you?’

  John looked even less comfortable. ‘Well … look don’t worry. I know that everything’s fine. Loretta’s coming to England next week. Of course you probably know that already.’

  ‘Umm,’ Katherine said and forced a smile. None of Loretta’s letters had mentioned coming to England. ‘Way to change the conversation John.’

  ‘Ah, Katherine,’ Richard’s voice said.

  Katherine turned to see Richard with Trudie and another man.

  Trudie introduced Katherine to the fresh faced man. ‘Dave, this is Katherine. She’s responsible for Little Spirit’s image.’

  ‘Really? Dave Whitaker, Vanquar, delighted to meet you. You’ve done an exceptional job with those lads.’

  Taken aback Katherine thanked him and as she turned to John that she might introduce him she heard Trudie tell Dave about her relationship with Calvin as if warning him not to come onto her.

  ‘I know,’ Dave said in a singsong voice. ‘They’re a very well styled band is all.’

  ‘Here we go,’ Grace said when the lights over the stage went down.

  ‘Wow, would you listen to that,’ John shouted over the uproar.

  ‘Impressive,’ Dave said. ‘Very impressive.’

  ‘We’re Little Spirit,’ came Danny’s voice over the intro music and the crowd got louder.

  ‘First band didn’t get that,’ John said.

  ‘Last band won’t either,’ Grace said.

  Sure enough thirty minutes later, after Little Spirit played their encore the five hundred strong crowd dwindled by half.

  ‘That’s bad for the last band,’ John said. ‘They should’ve put Little Spirit on last. At least that way they’d keep the punters in the venue and take more bar money.’

  ‘Ever the businessman,’ Katherine said before a girl with a press badge and photographer approached.

  ‘It’s the Smash Hits lady,’ Grace said.

  ‘Where did everyone go?’ Mandy asked Richard.

  ‘That’s the point. It’s amazing Little Spirit are the support band isn’t it?’

It’s a very long time since I’ve seen such a new band have that effect on an audience.’

  ‘I bet,’ Richard said. ‘Mandy, this is Dave Whitaker from Vanquar.’

  ‘Yeah?’ Mandy said looking him over. ‘Well Dave if you don’t sign that band someone else will after Smash Hits comes out on Thursday.’

  Katherine watched Dave gawp, turn to Richard and say, ‘Did you pay her to say that?’

  ‘No he didn’t,’ Mandy snapped. ‘It’s what I write that counts anyway and I’ve already decided that.’

  Katherine chuckled but stopped when Mandy spotted her before leaving. With a curious look in her eye the journalist approached her. ‘Are you part of this group?’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘Well you’re beautiful. You should call me.’

  Mandy walked away and Katherine looked up to see Dave who hadn’t stopped gawping say, ‘You gonna call her?’

  Before Katherine could think of a suitable answer Amy said, ‘You’ve just equalised; you and Calvin both pulled a music journalist.’

  Sunday 22nd April 1984

  The next morning Amy woke early and dressed in track suit bottoms and a jumper with sleeves long enough to hide the bruise Marlon had given her. The events in his kitchen had come back to her and she felt grateful that she’d ended the relationship when she had and also appreciated that it could have been far worse. She wondered if she’d always suspected Marlon could turn in the way he had.

  Initially she’d refrained from giving him any of the flat’s details to protect Danny’s feelings but perhaps instinct had been warning her. Her knight in shining armour might now be as much a tyrant as the two idiots he’d saved her from. She feared things might not yet be over; Marlon didn’t seem like the type to give up so soon.

  At least she’d be able to start shopping at her old grocers again. Hopefully Marlon’s new band wouldn’t turn up to play Katherine’s pub.

  Leaving her room she paused outside Calvin’s door and heard Katherine gushing softly. She imagined Calvin had just presented her an Easter egg and wondered if she should have gone to her parents’ over the holiday period.

  Thoughts of Danny took over. His door stood half open. Puzzled, Amy approached, tapped and put her head into the room where, on the desk, her books stood all orderly awaiting her attention. She saw a neat bed but couldn’t see Danny.

  She found him in the living room reading. ‘Morning,’ he whispered and nodded towards Raphael.

  ‘Oh, morning,’ Amy said seeing Raphael doubled up on the settee sleeping. ‘He looks uncomfortable. What you reading?’

  ‘The Crowd. Raphael mentioned it months ago. I found an English translation. All your study’s inspired me to read too. It’s fascinating. I got up so you could use my room when you’re ready.’

  Amy looked at the man she’d fancied for so long but wondered what she’d done to deserve such kindness. He closed his book. ‘Make a start if you want I’ll bring you breakfast.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Of course, pleasure.’

  * * *

  Amy sat at Danny’s bedroom table.

  ‘Brought you breakfast,’ Danny said coming in with a tray and putting next to her. ‘I’ll leave you to it.’

  But Amy said she wanted him to stay. He looked pleased.

  ‘Actually …,’ he said making for his wardrobe.

  He handed her a carrier bag.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked.

  ‘Look inside.’

  Amy opened the bag and pulled out a Quality Street Easter egg. ‘Oh, thank you Danny, that’s so thoughtful.’

  ‘Really? I wasn’t so sure. You’ve worked so hard exercising but then I figured maybe I could help run off the calories with you.’

  ‘I’d like that. You can help me eat it too.’ She looked at the soldier and lady pictured on the box. ‘Not exactly a knight in shining armour is he?’

  ‘No? He’s going off to battle against Napoleon.’

  ‘Is he?’

  ‘Yeah. But she’ll wait for him. He’ll be back in ten years. Love finds a way eventually. Anyway, don’t study too hard.’

  ‘Danny,’ Amy said. He turned back. ‘You’re so kind.’

  ‘You deserve it.’

  ‘I’m not sure I do,’ Amy said remembering all the times she could have been nicer.

  ‘Nasty bruise,’ Danny said touching her wrist.

  * * *

  Later Katherine got up and phoned her mum. Edward answered but Barbara came to the phone. Katherine wasted no time in asking her where she’d been. Yes she’d been to Saint Tropez with John and Italy too.

  ‘But you’re not an item,’ Katherine said.

  ‘No, but—’

  ‘So why is he taking you to France and Italy?’

  ‘If you’d let me finish, he’s a nice guy and we get on.’

  ‘Well anyway. I’m concerned about Elaine’s wedding. No one’s giving me a straight answer. Did you meet Elaine?’

  ‘She’s lovely yes. And Gareth, he’s very handsome.’

  ‘Great but, I want to know that the booking for the Château Hôtel de la Messardière is confirmed and paid in full.’

  ‘Everything’s fine love.’

  ‘That’s what people keep telling me but no one’s telling me for certain. Did you meet Loretta?’

  ‘The half Asian lady?’

  ‘Right, did she mention that she’d look me up when she came to England?’

  ‘She mentioned England, yes.’

  ‘But not me.’

  ‘She spoke of you.’

  ‘Right I’m getting a flight out there.’



  ‘I mean, I’m certain everything’s fine. I’m not sure if Loretta will be anywhere near London so maybe that’s why she’s not mentioned it.’

  ‘Hmm. Well I’ll write to her now and if I don’t like what I hear I’m flying out there. I couldn’t bear for anything to go wrong with this wedding on my account.’

  Katherine rang off and wrote a letter voicing her concerns and demanded that Loretta call when she landed in England.

  Thursday 26th April 1984

  Thursday morning Calvin left his room and headed to the bathroom.

  ‘She did it,’ Raphael said bumping into him on the landing.


  ‘Mandy from Smash Hits. She’s written a brilliant article. Ze pictures look great and ze last thing she’s written is a reminder, “to Dave at Vanquar, Sign this band QUICK.” How decent is that?’

  Next to Calvin, Danny’s door came open. ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘I’ve been out already and bought Smash Hits,’ Raphael said.

  ‘Cool.’ Danny took one of three copies Raphael had bought and flicked through the pages.

  ‘So what have we here?’ Danny found the article and read, ’“Is this the hardest working band in the UK?” Hey, I like that. We’ve got to chart next week. We’ve four shopping days before the next chart if we busk and gig every day including this Sunday. It’s a lot of hard work but we can take a week off after that if necessary.’

  ‘I’m in,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Me too,’ Raphael said. ‘With this article plus ze odd people who won’t have read last week’s Sounds and Laser558 going live any minute it’s not impossible we’ll sneak Top-40.’

  ‘If that happens there’s a chance we’ll get played on Radio1 on Sunday if not Tuesday,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Yeah, if they get a copy of the single,’ Danny said.

  ‘I wonder if Richard or Trudie could get ze record to them?’

  ‘They’re not radio pluggers but they know pluggers.’

  ‘I suppose we’ve been very fortunate,’ Raphael said, ‘but a little more good fortune wouldn’t go a miss.’

  ‘Tell me about it,’ Danny said. ‘Let’s hit the streets. I’ll ring Richard first.’

  * * *

  Richard informed Danny Radio1 already had a copy of the single. He sa
id to keep in touch all day. Wherever they played he wanted to know.

  An hour later the band stepped off the tube into near tropical heat. Raphael found a callbox and dialled. ‘We’re in Leicester Square near Ze Odeon.’

  ‘Perfect,’ Richard said. ‘If you leave I want to know.’

  ‘Got it. What’s ze big deal?’

  ‘You’ll see, I hope. Anyway Trudie’s been on to distribution. I doubt you’ll sell out they’re sending loads more records into the shops. Oh, and I’ve just cancelled your Tuesday gig.’


  ‘Just a precaution,’ Richard said but wouldn’t elaborate other than to say, ‘That bugger Whitaker better make sure his head’s screwed on by Wednesday when we meet him.’

  Raphael reached Danny a moment before Calvin who confirmed the two record shops nearby had received bucket loads of records.

  ‘Okay,’ Danny said. ‘Here we go again.’

  He strummed chords and waited for the others to strap their instruments on. ‘My voice feels tired.’

  ‘Mine too,’ Calvin said. ‘Feels like we’ve been singing nonstop for months.’

  After a couple of songs Danny’s voice warmed and he started enjoying the freedom the paved expanse gave them. He could hear Calvin’s voice strongly and with everyone performing well crowds soon gathered.

  ‘Good morning to you all,’ Danny said after they’d played I Can’t Wish. ’We’re Little Spirit and we featured in last week’s Sounds and today’s Smash Hits.’

  That got people’s interest and a couple of voices shouted up that they’d seen them in whichever magazine.

  ‘D’you want to hear ze single?’ Raphael shouted. When a decent number of voices shouted yes Raphael said, ‘Well you’ll get it after Come Around.’

  Any disappointment soon gave way as the song’s nature appealed to most who’d gathered in close. Before it ended Danny spotted a van pulling into the square. After singing the final verse he turned from the crowd to Calvin and Raphael and said, ‘We’re being filmed.’

  Three people approached them. The lady stepped towards Danny and said, ‘Hi no doubt about who you are. I’m Tia Jenkinson Thames News.’

  ‘We know who you are,’ Raphael said. Looking at Calvin he pointed to Tia and said, ‘Famous lady.’

  ‘This will be why our manager wanted to know our whereabouts,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Could be,’ she smiled. ‘We’d like to do a report on you if that’s okay?’


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