Little Spirit

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Little Spirit Page 41

by DaNeo Duran

‘Me and Trudie have been working,’ Richard said. ‘Firstly the advance has come and I’ve opened a business account called Little Spirit which; we’ll get all our names on. Everything that we spend from it must be accountable including drawings.’


  ‘Yes, the money we take to live off. We need to decide how much that’ll be. My advice of course, would be to stretch the advance as far as possible.’

  ‘Of course. I should let you know we’re looking for another place to live and from what I can see there’ll be a rent hike.’

  ‘Inevitably,’ Richard sighed. ‘Don’t go mad is all I ask. Anyway we got lucky with The Whistle Test and with Laser558 but in the interests of not hanging around I’ve paid TV and radio pluggers. But you guys charted and radio wants to know why they’ve not got the record. Particularly in London, radio stations have ripped the single out the pluggers’ hands.’

  ‘That explains why Stosh said it’s being played on Capital FM.’

  ‘Exactly, they’re making up for lost time. TV’s a little more difficult. There’s fewer slots available. I may as well tell you now, you’re on standby for next week’s Top of the Pops but you’ve got a firm slot on next Friday’s Tube. So you’ll be up to Newcastle for that. I’m waiting to hear about Saturday Superstore.’

  ‘Wow, things are shifting.’

  ‘What else, ah yes, gigs. Trudie’s been to the William Morris Agency.’ Richard went quiet for a beat. ‘They are, very, difficult to impress and their books aren’t short of acts. So, no chance of a Little Spirit tour from them just yet.’


  ‘That said we can get you on a tour but it’ll cost. Trudie and I agree we should hammer Britain for a while so we’re looking to buy you on to either Reformed Dreamscape, Dire Straits or Billy Idol’s UK dates.’

  ‘Sounds great.’

  ‘I hope so. Once those dates are out the way and we’ve released another two singles William Morris will probably be more accommodating.’

  ‘So will we do more videos?’

  ‘There’s talk of two more at least for this album. To save money Trudie wants to record back to back like last time.’

  ‘With The USed Wonz again?’

  ‘No, with yourselves; two videos, one location, probably Brighton; although how are you with secrets?’

  * * *

  By the time Calvin arrived on Chingford Mount Road most businesses had closed for the day. He nevertheless stopped at letting agents’ windows and made notes.

  He didn’t give a thought to the traffic passing behind until without a second’s warning an opened Coke can clattered into the pavement. Skidding towards his feet Calvin jumped but Coke still sprayed his shoes.

  His head snapped round seeing an unknown face leaning out a speeding car’s side window shouting, ‘Wan-kaaaaaaah!’

  Shocked Calvin watched the man’s two-finger salute. Before the car disappeared he noted the cream Wolseley’s N-reg number plate.

  * * *

  ‘Just seen Brian,’ Calvin said when he joined Danny in the living room later.

  ‘Drummer Brian?’

  ‘Yup, his mate threw a can at me.’

  ‘Bloody hell.’

  Saturday 05th May 1984

  On Saturday afternoon Danny opened the front door.

  ‘Wow, you’re looking better,’ Raphael said entering the flat.

  ‘Well, May’s a stupid month to get a cold.’

  ‘No Katherine?’ Raphael asked seeing Calvin.

  ‘She’s getting ludicrously priced plates for this wedding,’ he said before running through the points Richard had made the previous day.

  * * *

  After Katherine returned everyone including Amy got ready for that night’s gig. All five boarded the van and Calvin drove to Putney Bridge.

  Stosh greeted them upon arrival.

  ‘I see you swapped venues,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Yup, and I’m feeling it’s gonna be busy tonight.’

  ‘All the better to know you’re doing our sound,’ Calvin said.

  Katherine and Amy sat with white wines whilst the band set up and soundchecked. Katherine asked how she felt about her exams.

  ‘Getting there, the stuff I’m reading seems to be going in.’

  ‘Any more ideas about next year?’

  ‘We’ll see how well I do but I’m thinking of doing a masters.’


  ‘Maybe. This moving house thing might make a difference though.’

  ‘What d’you mean?’

  ‘What if we don’t move near a university?’

  ‘Are you thinking you might not come with us?’

  ‘I’d like to. Actually there’s been so much change this year a move’s just what I need. That and a bigger room.’

  ‘I know what you mean. Things are changing faster than ever; we’ll have to be ready for whatever comes.’

  John’s distracting booming voice announced his arrival.

  ‘Hey,’ Katherine said, ‘he’s brought Gareth too.’

  John and Elaine’s husband to be joined the girls.

  Gareth said, ‘So Katherine I’ve not seen you for ages. I hear you’re a Cumbrian?’

  ‘That’s correct,’ she said holding her chin high.

  ‘Remarkable, my family moved there when I was seven. I lived there for about four years before moving inland.’

  ‘Really? That’s extraordinary.’

  ‘Small world,’ Amy said

  ‘Speaking of which so’s Saint Tropez,’ Katherine said to John. ‘I spoke to my mum apparently she’s your guest at the wedding?’

  ‘Did I forget to mention that?’

  ‘Yes, as did my mum. You’re behaving oddly about something.’

  ‘Stop saying that. Loretta said you were acting spooked. Anyway who are you taking?’

  ‘Amy, Calvin will be shooting videos in Brighton.’

  ‘Excellent,’ John said giving Amy his biggest smile.

  ‘Well, I’m not sure where we’ll stay.’

  ‘On my boat. I’ve told you you’re always welcome.’

  ‘With you and my mum?’

  ‘We’re just friends,’ John implored.

  ‘John, you’re extremely kind but your boat’s not that big. One of us will have to get in bed with you.’

  ‘Katherine,’ Gareth said laughing, ‘we’ve sourced extra accommodation. Now I know there’s been a disagreement with you and Elaine last year but it’s passed. We can’t wait to see you and Amy on the day. All you have to do is turn up smiling.’

  Katherine looked at him. ‘I just want your day to be perfect.’

  ‘We appreciate your efforts finding the venue. It promises to be an incredible day.’

  Grace appeared with friends who entertained themselves whilst she joined the group. Katherine introduced her to Gareth. Grace seemed to fold into a shyness Katherine hadn’t seen in weeks.

  Gareth shook her hand. ‘Yes, I, err, gathered who you were, from John.’

  His awkward introduction left Katherine again feeling strange not that she could put her finger on why.

  Loretta arrived moments before the venue’s doors closed having sold out. The band squeezed round the table with Loretta too. Finally Stosh joined them.

  ‘So Stosh,’ Danny said, ‘when we spoke at the video shoot you said you were looking for somewhere to live.’

  ‘That’s right. It’s sorted. I’ll be moving to Enfield in the next couple of weeks. Not a moment too soon, eh?’ He rubbed his hands together.

  Monday 07th May 1984

  The King’s Head gig wowed Loretta who joined Katherine at The Dog and Parrot gig the following night. Though band and Kev agreed Little Spirit had outgrown the upstairs room Katherine had never seen her boss smile so much. At the end of the night the partying rabble left both upstairs and downstairs bars looking as if they’d need refurbished. Kev didn’t worry telling Katherine he’d never cashed fatter tills.

��s euphoria unfortunately dipped when they left the pub.

  Amy rounded the corner first and gasped seeing the van. ‘What’s happened here?’

  Calvin’s eyes narrowed seeing the van had been pelted with at least two dozen eggs.

  * * *

  On Monday morning Calvin set to the job of cleaning the van and wondered what would come next. The wet sponge softened the mess he presumed their ex-drummer had created. No real harm but would Brian smash windows or break in next? As he considered these points he realised how little of Brian he knew. Where did he live or work? Did he play for another band?

  * * *

  That evening Amy stood alone by Danny’s window. She’d worked hard and now rested her mind watching the traffic. She thought of Danny’s kindness but how much she’d wanted a knight in shining armour and how badly it had turned out. Maybe she should redress her values. She continued sitting on the windowsill watching traffic until one car caused her concern. Ducking below the windowsill only her eyes showed. A cream Wolseley decelerated slowing the cars behind it too. She couldn’t see the driver but knew it must be Brian. Instead of calling to the others she stared at Brian’s passenger as desperate realisation left her paralysed.

  Tuesday 8th May 1984

  Amy waited for signs of life the following day and got up when she heard Calvin going to the living room.

  ‘Morning boys. How’s the van?’ she asked joining them.

  ‘No more attacks that I can see from the window,’ Calvin said.

  ‘That’s good. Is Katherine up yet?’

  ‘Should be. Go on in.’

  She left them to it.

  ‘That might be ze office,’ Raphael said when the phone rang.

  He returned to Calvin a minute later. ‘Top of ze Pops,’ he said. ‘It’s chart day and that determines whether we’re on or not. If we fall from Number-28 we’re out. We’re only on this week if acts in ze current playlist go down the charts.’

  ‘So who’s on this week?’ Calvin asked.

  ‘Richard couldn’t say so fingers crossed we go up and everyone else goes down.’

  When Amy came back from seeing Katherine, Calvin asked her if she’d listen to the charts with them.

  ‘How d’you think you’ll do?’

  Calvin and Raphael looked at each other. Calvin said, ‘We’ll have had to sell loads more singles but we should climb a few places.’

  Amy looked thoughtful. ‘I think I’ll leave you to it. Not sure I could do with any more stress right now.’

  ‘Exam pressure,’ Raphael said when she left.

  Amy knocked on Danny’s door and on his say went in to find him panting.

  ‘Just done two-hundred press-ups and two-hundred sit-ups,’ he said.

  ‘Before breakfast?’

  ‘Ready for it now.’

  ‘Stay there I’ll get it. What d’you fancy?’

  Amy came back with a tray to find the window open and Danny reading on his bed. She put the tray down but didn’t say anything. Danny couldn’t miss the tension. ‘Is something wrong?’


  ‘Can I help?’ He bit into the toast.

  Amy struggled knowing how difficult this conversation would be. ‘You’re a fab friend.’

  ‘A sexy one too I hope.’

  Amy smiled. ‘Amazingly so. Perhaps you’ll put it into action and pull a worthy girlfriend.’

  ‘I’d like that.’ He fixed her with a stare. ‘So what’s up?’

  ‘How would you feel if I had a boyfriend?’

  His smile vanished. He looked at the toast and pushed the tray aside. ‘Have you – a boyfriend?’

  Amy shook her head. ‘But, say I did?’

  ‘Have you met someone?’

  Amy shook her head. ‘It doesn’t matter, I can tell you wouldn’t be happy.’

  ‘I’d be gutted.’

  ‘I’d hate you to feel like that. God this flat is full of people telling us how we should feel about each other. But we never talk about it do we?’

  Danny said nothing. Suddenly he jumped up. ‘Give me a second?’

  Amy didn’t answer but waited until Danny returned. When she smelt minty breath and saw brushed hair she guessed he’d try kissing her again.

  Wasting no time she said, ‘Danny I did meet someone a while back.’

  ‘Oh God.’

  ‘I told no one but Katherine found out.’


  ‘She’s didn’t tell a soul. Anyway, it’s over. It only lasted a few weeks.’

  ‘D’you love him?’

  ‘Certainly not. Never.’

  ‘He love you?’

  ‘He said so but he didn’t in the end.’

  ‘Why are you telling me?’

  ‘Because,’ Amy chose her words carefully, ‘the day I ended it he’d auditioned for a band. He’s a guitarist – a crap one.’

  ‘You would say that.’

  ‘Would I?’ she said pointedly.

  ‘Sorry, go on.’

  ‘He’s crap trust me. Anyway I never told him where I lived or anything.’

  ‘So you weren’t too serious?’

  Amy detected hope returning to his voice. ‘No, he was just in the right place at the right time.’

  ‘Which was where exactly?’

  Amy made no response. She didn’t want him knowing about the lads from the Hippodrome.

  ‘I ended it,’ she said focusing on what mattered now. ‘But he burst into rage. Threw things; hurt me.’ She rubbed the now healed bruise. ‘You saw my wrist.’

  She looked at Danny. He said nothing. He looked as he had the day when she thought he’d drunk the bottle of wine by the TV. Dark and angry.

  She said, ‘You aren’t mad at me are you?’

  He shook his head.

  She continued massaging her wrist. ‘I hate saying this but I think he’s in a band with Brian.’ Again she felt he might be angry with her. ‘Katherine said you should know because yesterday, I saw the pair of them slow down and drive passed the flat.’

  Danny closed his eyes and pursed his lips. ‘What does this guy look like? No. I don’t want to know. Cal said someone threw a drink at him from a car the other day. He’ll know if it’s the same guy.’

  ‘Okay.’ Amy stood up from the bed and headed for the door.


  She turned.

  Danny got up from the bed and approached her looking surprisingly pacific. ‘Ages ago I had girlfriends and you, did whatever you did. I never needed to see you as anything other than a mate.’ He took her hand. ‘Then I hear this crazy idea that you liked me – as more than a friend. So I looked at you differently. And, you’re right we don’t talk; I never heard from you, the one person who really mattered, if that was true.’

  ‘I’d don’t suppose I’ll ever see you as just a friend.’ She pulled her hand free.

  Danny snapped. ‘So why waste your time with idiots who want to hurt you?’

  ‘Because,’ Amy looked into his face, ‘they can’t hurt me as much as you could.’

  ‘But I don’t want to hurt you.’ Amy looked away. He touched her face. ‘Never mind what some psycho thinks of you. I’m … ,’ this time Danny looked away. He swallowed. ‘I love you.’

  Amy saw his expression and heard the words she wouldn’t have believed possible. Words she’d dreamed of hearing and still her own fear prevented her from acting as she would have wanted.

  She said in a whisper, ‘You don’t know that. How could you? We haven’t even… you know—’

  ‘Amy I don’t have to make love to you to know I’m in love with you.’

  ‘Yes but if you—’

  ‘If I did make love to you I mightn’t love you the next day, is that it?’

  She almost stepped back at Danny’s infrequent insight. ‘Yes. That’s it. We live together. It’s, so inappropriate.’

  ‘So are lots of things; such as being with a guy you don’t even like.’

  She didn’t kn
ow what to say.

  Looking away she saw her books stacked on his table awaiting attention. ‘Danny, my finals start in six days.’

  The mood broke.

  ‘You’re right. I’m sorry,’ Danny said. Amy stammered but Danny carried on. ‘I don’t know what becomes of us but let’s get these exams out the way first.’

  Amy smiled, frowned, then smiled again. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘And Amy?’ Danny said as she turned for the door, ‘you’re right if this guy’s in a band with Brian he’s most likely a crap guitarist.’

  * * *

  In the living room Raphael asked Amy, ‘Are you listening to the charts after all?’

  ‘I need to ask Calvin something.’

  ‘You alright?’ Calvin said.

  She sat down. ‘You should know, I had a boyfriend recently.’

  Calvin thought of Danny. ‘Do I have to hear this?’

  ‘It’s okay Danny knows.’

  Calvin nodded. ‘Go on.’

  ‘Someone threw a drink at you the other day?’

  ‘From Brian’s car, yes.’

  ‘Was he big, like Danny, with dark hair?’

  ‘Yeah he was. Is that him?’

  ‘Maybe. He’s twenty-nine but looks mid-thirties.’

  ‘So, what’s going on?’

  ‘I dumped him and he went berserk. I’m guessing he’s joined a band with Brian and between them they’re out for trouble.’

  ‘Right.’ He didn’t say more.



  ‘What shall we do?’

  ‘What can we do? I always wondered if Brian would come back to haunt us.’

  ‘I’m sorry. If it wasn’t for Marlon he wouldn’t know who Little Spirit are.’

  ‘He’d find out sooner or later. A change of address won’t hurt though.’

  ‘I didn’t tell Danny but he’s a tough guy.’

  ‘This Marlon fella?’


  ‘It’s good to know what we’re up against.’

  ‘Charts,’ Raphael said his hand on the radio’s volume.

  Amy got up and said, ‘I’ll send Danny in.’

  ‘How is he?’

  ‘I never really know.’

  Amy left and Calvin nodded so Raphael could turn up the volume.

  Danny came in seeming brighter than Calvin expected. ‘Amy told you I presume.’

  ‘Yeah, sow come you’re so happy?’

  ‘Because, she likes me.’

  ‘And this is news?’ Raphael said.

  ‘You telling me is one thing; her telling me is quite another.’

  ‘As long as you’re okay,’ Calvin said. ‘The charts are starting.’

  An hour later they knew they’d climbed seven places to Number-21 narrowly missing a Top-20 hit. The band didn’t know whether to celebrate or not.


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