Undying Love

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Undying Love Page 7

by JD Penley

  “So how would this work? How can you make me like you?” she asked. “Well once we put Jaidyn to bed tonight we can tend to that, but for now, I just want to enjoy this time with you” he said as he kissed her for the first time. It was at that moment that he understood why he felt such a connection to her over the years, and it was at that moment he knew that she was meant for him. When their lips met, it was as if the whole world faded away, and time stood still for the both of them. He understood now that he had finally found his true soulmate, and although he had loved Leliana, he had never felt a feeling such as this until now. They sat together in the garden as they watched Jaidyn run around and play with Susan, and Eryn contemplated the future with him. It made her heart melt watching him with Jaidyn, and his very touch could send shivers down her spine. It was that kiss that made her too realize just how important he was to her, and how she couldn’t imagine a life without him. They sat and talked until the evening, remembering all the times they had shared together, and he told her the stories of how he had traveled the world. He told her of all the beautiful places he had seen, and how he would like to take her to see them all.

  They tucked Jaidyn into bed and Lucas kissed him goodnight as he had done with Alice so many years before, and they quietly left the room and headed back to Lucas’s room. As they passed the library she stopped him to ask what he had to read in the library, and he told her about his collection of books he acquired over the years, and about those that he had written. Her face lit up at the news that he was a writer, and she felt so proud of him and what he had become. “Would you like to read them sometime?” Lucas asked. “Of course I would” Eryn exclaimed. He was filled with a feeling of overwhelming joy at the thought of her reading his work, her fingers running across the pages, seeing into his mind as the words came to life in her imagination. It was a bond he had never shared with anyone before, and the very thought of it brought a warmth to his heart that he had never felt before. They left the library and headed back towards the bedroom, and Eryn trailed closely behind him, and he held her hand as he led her down the halls, running like a couple of children playing a game of tag.

  She had a way of making him feel younger than he was as if they were back where they had been so long ago. Even after being apart for centuries, it felt as if they had never been apart. Such a thing is rare in life, to find another person with a soul so much like your own that you only feel complete when you’re with that person, and yet that was the bond they shared together. When he looked into her eyes, it was as if her very soul touched his own and it was like hearing a voice whisper to his heart welcome home, for that was how he felt. Every moment he spent with her, every hug, every touch, and every kiss set his very soul alight. Had he not become a vampire so many centuries ago and his heart still been able to beat, it would have skipped a beat every time he caught her gaze. It was such a beautiful thing to behold when they talked to each other, for he would get caught staring at her, and she would smile as he tried to pretend he hadn’t been staring at her, and she would do the same with him. Even Alice and Krystal noticed a change in him and they could see how happy she made him. It brought Alice happiness to know that her father wasn’t alone and that he was able to find happiness again. She knew that Eryn was good for him, perfect even with the way she was almost a mirror of him, and she made him happy in a way she had never seen in her father before. The truth was that he was happier than he had ever been before, and he finally felt complete. It was as if the last piece of a puzzle had suddenly fallen into place in his heart. She had become the thing that occupied his every thought, and he had become the thing that occupied her every dream, and they were perfect for each other.

  They reached the bedroom and Lucas scooped Eryn up into his arms and carried her through the door and he laid her down on the bed gently. She looked up at him with her beautiful intense eyes, and he became lost in them as he often did. “Are you ok?” she asked him. “I’m more than ok my love, I’m happier than I’ve been in centuries” he replied. He stared at her like so many times before as if he was seeing her beauty for the first time. “How do you do that Lucas?” she asked. “Do what sweetheart?” he asked. “Look at me as though it’s the first time you’re seeing me?” she asked. “I can’t explain it, but I just get drawn in by your beauty like a moth to a flame. I look at your eyes and I just forget the world around me, and for a moment nothing else matters, and the world stands still” he replied. “Lucas, you’re so good to me, and to Jaidyn. You’re so romantic!” she said. “So you asked how I could make you like me” he said. “Yes, how does that work?” she asked. “Well, the short of it is that I give you my blood, and you become like me. The truth is that you will die, and then be reborn like me. You’ll crave human blood, but I can teach you how to live as I do. Is that what you want, to live forever with me?” he asked. “Yes my love, I can’t imagine living without you” she replied. “Are you ready then my dear?” he asked. “Yes my love, I’m ready to be with you, forever and always!” she exclaimed.


  Vampire’s Embrace

  Lucas took her into his arms and wrapped them around her. He embraced her so that he was behind her and he placed his wrists in front of her. He bit one of his wrists and put it close to her mouth. “Drink, and take your first step into immortality” he said. She took both hands and grabbed his outstretched arm and pulled it closer, and began to drink slowly. She could feel the heat as his blood hit the back of her throat and the surge of power as she swallowed it. He could sense the change beginning to happen in her, and he just held her as he felt her body dying as the transformation continued. He listened as her heart slowed until it beat for the last time, and he listened to her thoughts as she came to the realization that everything had changed. He watched the revelation in her mind as she saw the world for the first time as a vampire, as she realized all the details of the world that the mortal eye could miss, the sheer beauty of colors and shapes that only they could perceive, and then she turned and looked at him and she wept as it was like she was seeing him for the first time. Then the realization set in that she could hear his thoughts as well, and she watched his thoughts as his mind began to wander as he looked into her eyes. She could see herself in his eyes, the way he loved her, wanted her, and needed her. She watched intently as she saw memories flash through his mind like a movie, and she watched as he realized the moment he loved her, and she saw his dreams of the future for them. “You really do love me don’t you Lucas?” she asked as she smiled. “There are not enough words to describe just how much I love you Eryn, but we have forever together now and that’s how long I have to show you how much I love you every single day” he replied. “How do you always know the perfect things to say?” she asked. “You just bring out the best parts of me, and I simply say how I feel” he replied. She attempted to jump up into his arms but moved too quickly and they both fell to the ground as she knocked him over, and both of them began laughing together.

  Lucas helped her up and took her hand and walked her to the balcony. “Are you ready for this?” he asked as he picked her up in his arms and stepped towards the edge of the balcony. “Yes!” she exclaimed. He kissed her as he stepped off the balcony and flew up into the sky and above the clouds. It was the most beautiful night she had ever experienced, and with her senses now so enhanced beyond her imagination, she was able to see a beauty in the stars she had never seen before. The moon was full and there was a light breeze in the air, and it couldn’t have been a more perfect night. He held her in his arms, and she had her arms around his neck as they flew above the clouds and looked down at the lights from the towns below. “Is this how you’ve lived for all these years?” she asked. “Yes it is. Now this life is yours too, and I can show you my world and you will have anything you desire” he replied. “The only thing I desire is you Lucas, and you’re all I could ever need” she replied as she kissed his cheek. “Then I am yours, for eternity” he replied. “Do you promise?” she asked.
“With all of my heart, mind, body, and soul” he replied. “I love you, Lucas, with every fiber of my being” she said as she ran her fingers through his hair. “I love you too Eryn, and I have since the day we first met” he replied as he placed his hand behind her head and kissed her like she had never been kissed before. “Take me home Lucas, there is something else I desire” she said as she looked at him passionately. He kissed her again as he flew back towards the manor. “Show me how fast you can fly” she said as she winked at him. “As you wish my love” he replied as he pushed forward with a speed that even rivaled what he performed when he escaped the fortress on Ebos.

  They arrived back at the manor and he slowly touched down onto the balcony, and he carried her into the bedroom. “So what is it you desire?” he asked as he slowly lowered her onto the bed. “You are what I desire my love” she replied as she began to unbutton his shirt. He kissed her passionately as she removed his shirt and tossed it to the floor. He began to slowly undress her as she kissed him and ran her hands across his arms and shoulders. She kissed his neck and chills ran down his spine as if she knew exactly what to do to drive him wild. It was as if they knew without reading the other’s thoughts just what to do as if it was second nature to them both. He made love to her until the sun came up, in a way she had never experienced before. He was both gentle and passionate, driving her to ecstasy and never taking his eyes off of her. She kissed him like no one ever had before, and the way her fingers ran across his body felt like sparks that lit him up like lightning. She was everything he could have ever wanted and more, and he was like a dream come true for her. They held each other as the sun came up and the sunlight bathed them in its warmth. The sunrise was even more beautiful than she had remembered, and it was as if she was seeing it for the first time now that she was able to see the world differently. They got up and wrapped up together in a blanket and they stepped onto the balcony to enjoy the sunlight. She sat on his lap as he held her in his arms and they enjoyed the view, and for the first time in years Eryn felt a peace she hadn’t felt since last they were together.

  He returned to work the next week and broke the news that Leliana had died when they were out of town, and everyone stopped to pay their respects to him. In times past he would have fallen into a deep depression and he would have been searching for somewhere new to get his mind off of things, but he wasn’t hurting anymore and had no reason to leave. He was at peace with her death this time, and he had the closure he had been denied before, and now he had Eryn. She made him forget all about his pain, his past and gave him purpose. His passion for his writing had been renewed, and he began to write a new story, of how a man with a broken heart could be healed by a woman who had suffered the same. It was a story of how two best friends became lovers and found their happiness in each other that had been missing all their lives. He would sit in the library and write and she would sit by his side reading his stories, amazed by the way he could move a person’s very soul with his words. They shared everything together, and they went everywhere together. When he wasn’t writing he was with her and Jaidyn, chasing him around the manor, and watching movies together. Every night before bed, Lucas would tell him the story of the lonely vampire who had found his true love and lived happily ever after. When Jaidyn wasn’t with Lucas or his mother, he played with Alice, and she loved him as the little brother she never had. He loved his big sister and he couldn’t get enough of her. It was everything Eryn could have ever hoped for and it was all Lucas thought about. They spent months like this, just enjoying each other’s company and Eryn was happier than she could have ever imagined. Her heart was whole again, and she had the family she had dreamed of so many years ago. Lucas had mended her broken heart, given her another chance to be with her son, and he loved her in a way no one ever had before or could have, and she had done the same for him. She made him happier than he had ever been before in his life, and she and Jaidyn and Alice had given him everything he could have ever hoped for.

  After months of happiness and bliss, he decided it was time to show her the world she had never gotten to explore. He had his private plane readied and packed the bags and they headed to the airport. It was the first time that she or Jaidyn had ever ridden in a car before and it was incredible. Lucas and Eryn sat in the front seat, as Alice and Jaidyn sat in the back, their hair blowing in the wind. Krystal and Susan followed closely behind them in her car and they raced to the airport with the children screaming with joy the entire ride. When they arrived Lucas helped to load the bags onto the plane and he got everyone settled on board. He showed everyone to their seats and he got down on one knee to talk to Jaidyn. “Would you like to come to the cockpit with me and help me get us into the air?” he asked. The boy’s face lit up with joy. “I can do that?” Jaidyn asked. “Of course you can!” Lucas replied as Jaidyn leapt off his seat and into his arms. He took Eryn by the hand and led her towards the cockpit. “You don’t want to miss this view” he said as he smiled at her. They took their seats with Eryn in the co-pilot’s seat and Lucas put Jaidyn in his lap and buckled them in. As they took off he let Jaidyn hold the controls with him and he had never been happier in his life than he was at that moment, and he smiled as he listened to Jaidyn’s thoughts. For their first trip he took her to Greece, and they toured the breathtaking countryside. He showed her the Acropolis in Athens, the Parthenon, and the beautiful beaches. It was unlike anything she had ever seen, and she was happy that he was sharing it with her. She loved the way he was with Jaidyn and her heart had melted when Lucas let him fly the plane with him, and Alice enjoyed having a new sibling and she finally felt like their family was complete.

  They spent a week exploring the country before heading back home. Once again Lucas invited Jaidyn to help him fly the plane, and again Eryn’s heart melted as she watched them together. They returned home and unpacked from their journey, and Eryn’s heart was overflowing with happiness. She had never been with anyone that had treated her so well before, and she was in love with the way Lucas took Jaidyn in as his own. Alice loved him as well and she played with him whenever she had the chance, and he loved her. They took it easy the rest of the evening and enjoyed a movie together, and then they put Jaidyn to bed for the night. They stayed up for hours talking and laughing together and planning their next trip. The next morning Lucas took Eryn and Jaidyn into town, to give them both a surprise. He stopped first to take Eryn shopping, as she had only the clothes she had brought with her from Ebos. He took her to get an entirely new wardrobe so that she would have something to wear. Afterward, he took Jaidyn to the nearest toy store and set him loose to pick out whatever he wanted, and Jaidyn was mesmerized by the sheer amount of choices there were. Eryn was blown away by how good Lucas was to them both, even though it was nothing short of what he had promised her. She had never been treated so well in her life, and the way he cared for Jaidyn was more than she could have ever hoped for. When they were done shopping Lucas took Jaidyn to get something to eat before heading home. He helped them both get their bags into the manor and Jaidyn took Lucas by the hand to his room so that he could share his new toys with him.

  Lucas played with him for hours until Jaidyn was so tired he fell asleep with his new toys still in his hands. Lucas picked him up gently and tucked him into bed and kissed him goodnight. He quickly picked up his room with speed yet he never made a sound for fear of waking him up. He snuck quietly out of his room and found Eryn waiting for him. “You are so good with him and to him. You’re quite perfect, you know that right?” she asked. “I love him, he’s like the son I always hoped for. I never get tired of spending time with him” Lucas replied. She threw herself into his arms, and kissed him deeply. “I think it’s time I get a turn with you” she said with a seductive smile. “I’m all yours my love” he replied as he kissed her and quickly carried her down the hall. When the sun came up the next morning he got up and fixed Jaidyn and Susan breakfast. While they ate, he went to find Alice to speak with her. He found her in h
er room, reading one of his books before getting ready for work for the day. “Alice, can I ask you for a favor?” he asked. “Sure daddy, what is it?” she replied. “Could you watch Jaidyn for us for a week? I’d like to take Eryn somewhere, but alone this time” he replied. She could see the thoughts running through his head, and she smiled. “So have you picked out a ring yet?” Alice asked with a grin. “That’s actually what I was planning to do today. I was hoping you and Eryn could have a girl’s day while I sneak into the city to get one. I was hoping to properly propose on our trip” he replied. “Where are you planning to take her?” she asked. “I was hoping to take her to Iceland and then maybe to Jamaica on the way back home” he replied. “I think she will love that. I’m glad she makes you so happy daddy. She really is the perfect woman for you, and Jaidyn is adorable” she said. “You know he loves you to death, you’re the big sister he always wanted” Lucas said as he grinned, thinking about them both. “I know, and I love him. He’s the little brother I never had growing up. We finally have a complete family” she replied as she hugged him. “I know little one, we really do” he said as he kissed her forehead. “I’ll keep Eryn busy today while you go find your ring daddy, but make it something unique. She’s not like anyone else, but you know that. Do what you do best, and there’s no way she could say no to you. Besides, she doesn’t have the control that we do, so her thoughts are on broadcast all the time. She’s crazy about you daddy, like no one I’ve ever seen, and I’ve heard the thoughts of the random women that see you walk down the hallways when you visit the hospital” she said with a laugh. “You know I never noticed anyone else before, so I had no clue, but you’re right I’ve heard it too. I’m just as crazy about her, she’s absolutely perfect for me” he replied. “I know daddy, now get out of here and go get your ring!” she said as she rushed him out the door.


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