Undying Love

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Undying Love Page 11

by JD Penley

  Galen sat in silence for minutes before finally speaking up. “Wait, so you managed to defeat Artemis? Does this mean you have magic as well?” he asked. “Yes, I do brother. I have magic and I’m a vampire” Lucas replied. “Anything else I might have slept through father?” Galen asked with a chuckle. “Well your brother will soon be the first vampire to be able to have children” his father replied. “How long have I been asleep father?” he asked. “Only two centuries. Had enough sleep yet?” Lucas asked with a laugh. “Very funny brother, and yes I’ve had enough sleep for several lifetimes. Very well, give me this cure and let’s be done with this” Galen replied. Lucas gave him his blood and sat with him while they waited for the blood to heal him. They all watched as his wounds began to heal and the color returned to his skin and they watched as his body began the transformation as he became a vampire. “Well you don’t look like you’re inches from death anymore” Lucas teased. “No but I only had to die to get better” Galen joked. “I see you have your brother’s sense of humor Galen” their father replied with a laugh. “So how did you manage to live as a vampire for over four hundred years brother?” Galen asked. “Well I made a decision not long after turning that I wouldn’t kill the innocent to feed, and I never had to worry about sunlight. I walk amongst the humans and they have no clue what I am. I can teach you how to do the same and no one will ever know your secret” Lucas replied. “Anything else I missed?” Galen asked with a laugh. “Well lady Eryn is still alive, and she married your brother” the king said with a smile. “I knew it! I told her she was in love with you and she denied it!” he said with a confident laugh. “So you knew it? How did you know brother?” Lucas asked. “She talked about you all the time, and when she did it was her eyes that gave it away. That girl loved you the moment she saw you Lucas, and you didn’t see how much she cried when she thought no one was looking. She was always in love with you, and from the way father and mother talked about how much time you spent with her in your youth, I knew you had to feel the same for her even if you were just as stubborn as she was and wouldn’t admit it” he replied. They both laughed and hugged each other as Lucas helped him to his feet.

  They traveled back to the manor with Galen and met the queen in the garden. “So brother, are you supposed to be a ruler here in this world? You have quite a palace here it seems” Galen asked. “This is not a palace brother, this is simply my home. I’m not a prince here on this world, I’m just a man here” he replied. “Don’t listen to him, he’s still a prince here, even if he’s only my prince” Eryn replied as she ran towards them. She leaped into Lucas’s arms and kissed him. “So you brought back the stubborn one have you?” she teased. “Says the one who denied being in love with my long lost brother, and then married him” Galen said with a laugh. “It’s good to see you again Galen” she said as she hugged him. “It’s good to see you again too. I wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for Lucas. How is it you’re here though? I didn’t think immortals could come here and keep their immortality apart from my mother and father?” he asked. “I gave it up to be with your brother, and he gave me immortality here just like he did for you” she replied. “Wow, you really did love him to walk away from that. So did you find Jaidyn?” he asked. “Lucas found him, and he saved him. We thought Lucas died during the rescue but he proved to be more resilient than we thought” she replied as she smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “So, returned from the dead as a vampire, savior of the kingdom, vanquisher of evil, all-around hero and landed the girl of your dreams. What do you do when you aren’t saving this world and ours brother?” he asked with a grin. “Well here I’m a father, and a writer, and a businessman” Lucas replied. “Well judging by lady Eryn’s thoughts it sounds like a very good lover and husband too” Galen teased. “Stop doing that Galen” Eryn replied as she punched his arm. “Wait! How can I do that brother?” Galen asked. “Well you have all sorts of new abilities that I can teach you about while you’re here, but first let’s allow mother see that you’re alive and well again” Lucas replied. They turned the corner to find her waiting for them, and the moment she saw him walking with them she ran to him. She threw her arms around her sons and cried tears of joy. “My boys, I finally have you both back. My family is finally reunited, and whole again” she said as she fought back more tears. “It’s good to see you again mother” Galen replied. “Thank you my son, for saving your brother” she said as she took Lucas’s hand. “I only wish I knew sooner, I could have saved him a long time ago” Lucas replied. “I’m just glad you were able to do it brother, and that you’re alive and that Eryn is here and happy with you” Galen replied as he hugged Lucas. “We have a lot to catch up on brother, but we can talk more after you have a chance to speak with mother and father for a bit. When you’re done talking you can meet my daughter and Krystal and Susan” Lucas said. “I look forward to it brother” Galen replied.


  So It Begins

  Lucas and Eryn spent the next week working with Galen to teach him how to control his thirst, how they chose who to feed on, and how to use his newfound abilities. Lucas would take him out for drives in the countryside and on night flights with Eryn after they put Jaidyn to bed. Lucas and Galen would sit up talking at night as Lucas told him of his life before he became a vampire, and life over the centuries after his rebirth. Galen sat and listened to his tale in awe and wonder as he tried to imagine how Lucas was able to endure after all of the things he lived through. He was intrigued to hear that his big brother was a writer, and he spent time when he could in the library reading his brother’s books. They would also spar from time to time, comparing methods, and he was intrigued by the ways of combat that Lucas had learned over the years on Earth. It took no time at all for them to become close as if they had grown up together. They spent their days and nights talking about life, love, art, and the future. Galen had contemplated staying on Earth with Lucas now that the kingdom was safe from threats of the dark wizard and his ilk, and Lucas was happy to have him around. Galen had somehow managed to always miss when Krystal and Susan were around as they had been trying to stay out of the way to allow him time with Lucas. When they finally managed to bump into each other, Galen was smitten instantly. He was enthralled by her beauty, and her story moved him. When he learned of all she had been through, he was in awe of her resolve, and he saw her in the same regard as any warrior he had ever served beside of. Susan loved to chase him around the manor and play with him and Jaidyn and he never turned them away. Galen had started to feel at home with Lucas and his family and decided to stay for a while. Lucas gave him a job working as security for his office, and his background as a warrior made him the perfect candidate. He worked alongside the security team and trained with them so that he could run his own team that would travel with Lucas and his family when they traveled and they were at home.

  As the months passed Galen came to love being on Earth with Lucas. He enjoyed being able to spend time with Eryn again and he loved chasing the children and playing with them. Lucas would offer to watch Susan so that Galen and Krystal could go out together as they had become quite close. She had become quite fond of him, and he treated her unlike any man on earth ever had. Galen was quite like his brother Lucas in many ways. He was calm and gentle, but fierce and loyal. He was protective like his brother, and he was an honorable man. He wasn’t quite the romantic that Lucas was, but he was also raised as a warrior and never had time for love like Lucas did. He would often go to Lucas for advice when it came to Krystal, asking how to win her affections or what he could do to impress her. Krystal would often do the same, looking to Eryn for advice since they had been friends many years before. It was a whirlwind romance between them and Lucas and Eryn were happy to play matchmaker for them. Krystal was crazy about him, the way he would smile at her and how he would spend hours just asking about her day or playing with Susan, and she was mesmerized by his looks. He was much like Lucas in height and build, but he had dark brown hair and his
eyes were a deep topaz color, and he had his fair share of scars on his body. His hands were rough, and he bore the markings of a warrior and wore them with pride. He too was drawn in by her beauty and he had never seen anyone like her back on Ebos. He spent every moment he could with her and she was the same with him. They were quite a pair and they fell for each other quickly. Lucas was happy that they had found each other, even more so for Krystal because he knew her story and knew that she deserved to be happy. Eryn was the same way with Galen, knowing that he had never had the time to pursue love before, and she was amazed that there more to him than just the warrior she knew.

  After they had been together for some time Galen sought his brother’s counsel on asking for Krystal’s hand. They spoke at length about earth customs, both old and new when it came to marriage and how the humans did things, and Galen would explain how things went on Ebos. Together they went to find a ring for him to propose to her when the time was right. Galen would often sit with him and ask about his experience with love, asking his advice on how to propose and how he would know when the right time was. Lucas always gave him his honest opinion, and he spoke at length with him about love. Galen would often watch Lucas when he could, trying to learn to be more like his brother when it came to romance and was amazed at the lengths Lucas would go to just to make Eryn smile. Eryn would often tease Galen about trying to be like his brother, often remarking that he would be lucky if even a small amount of Lucas’s gift for romance would rub off on him. Galen didn’t mind her teasing though, in fact, he secretly hoped he could manage to be as gifted as Lucas was when it came to matters of the heart. “What is your secret brother?” Galen finally asked. “My secret for what Galen?” Lucas replied. “How do you make it seem so easy, so effortless? Eryn melts every time you do the simplest things for her it’s as if you walk on water or you are the only man on earth. How can I become like you?” he asked jokingly. “You don’t need to be like me Galen, she loves you for you. As for the rest, it is easy and there is no secret behind it. I simply pay attention to the little things. I make Eryn feel loved and I adore her for who she is. I make an effort every day to show her what she means to me, and how much I love her. That’s all it takes brother, it doesn’t take walking on water, although I could do that if I wanted to” Lucas replied. “You jest brother, but Eryn worships the ground you walk on. I’ve never seen her so smitten before. She loves you with a passion I’ve never seen before, and the way you love her is inspiring Lucas. I thought father was always the most passionate man I’d ever met before, but you put him to shame. I’ve never seen any man that loves quite like you do” Galen replied. “I make it a point to be different brother. I love Eryn more than anyone in this universe, and I choose to love her in a way that she can always be herself. It’s a bond she and I shared even when we were younger, both accepting of each other just as we were. She lets me be true to myself, constantly encouraging me and supporting me in a way no one ever has, and she inspires me to be the best I can be. We both love each other that way, and she gives me everything I could ever want or need. She is truly the perfect woman for me, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better” Lucas replied.

  Galen would sit and ponder their conversations for days as he contemplated the perfect way to propose to Krystal. He would go to Lucas for advice trying to come up with the most romantic evening possible to make sure everything would be perfect for his big night. Lucas could tell that he was nervous, and he tried to make him feel at ease. “You’re pacing brother, calm yourself. At this rate, you will walk a rut into the ground” Lucas said to him with a laugh. “I cannot help it Lucas, is this what you felt like?” he asked. “No brother, I wasn’t nervous at all with Eryn. I knew that she was the one for me, that I was destined to love her forever. I knew that she was my soulmate” Lucas replied. “Soulmate? I’ve never heard of that phrase before” he replied. “Here on earth, the humans believe that everyone is born with a soul that transcends even death. They believe that when they find the person that they are destined to be with that it’s because their souls were born with the purpose of finding each other, that they were born to find one another and love each other and no one else can complete them like that person. Some people believe that there is only one right person for each person, but I think that you can find love at many times in your life. I like to think that love goes far beyond a soulmate and that when you find the right person you simply know. You find yourself missing them even after you’ve just seen them only hours earlier, and you are happy to just be around them, and you can’t imagine a life without them in it. Krystal and I had this same conversation long ago, but I will tell you the same thing I told her. You don’t have to ask yourself or anyone else when you find the one for you, and no one can tell you yourself. You simply know deep down to your very core that no one else can be what that person is to you. You can’t imagine a future without them in it, and they consume your every thought. If Krystal is that for you, grab onto her and never let go. Love her more than you love yourself and give everything you are over to her. It’s only when you become truly selfless and love someone more than yourself that you can find that person and love them with all your heart, and they will love you with the same passion and intensity that you have for them. When you find that love, the person that becomes that for you, you love them with everything you are and you never let go” Lucas replied. “Eryn was right about you brother, you really are one of a kind. Though father and I shared many conversations about love, I never saw him speak of love or even about our mother with the fire you do. I only hope to follow your example, so that I can show Krystal the same love and affection you share with Eryn. I cannot thank you enough Lucas, you have put my heart at ease” Galen replied as he hugged him.

  The two of them walked through the manor and out into the gardens, the silence between them louder than the sounds of the insects and creatures of the night. They both sat and stared off into the sky, admiring the stars above them. It was Galen who finally broke the silence between them, and Lucas laughed as he read his thoughts. “You still seem nervous brother” Lucas teased. “Not nervous, just trying to find the words to ask her” Galen replied. “Speak from the heart Galen. Tell her how you feel, what she means to you. Let her know she is the one for you, that you can’t imagine a future without her, and ask her to be your wife. It’s really that simple. You don’t have to use magic, you don’t have to have the perfect words, you just have to tell her how you feel and speak true” he replied. “Again you make it seem so easy brother, I only wish I had your confidence” Galen said with a sigh. “Galen, I have known her for a long time. I’ve seen her in the darkest place possible for a human, and I see how you care for her. You give her the thing no human ever did, and you make her happy. It won’t take the words of a poet, and it won’t take some over-the-top grand gesture. Speak from your heart, and speak the truth and you have nothing to worry about” Lucas replied. “Thank you brother, I cannot tell you how much it means to have you here to support me, and your advice has been invaluable” Galen replied. “No thanks are needed Galen, you’re my brother and I seek nothing more than to see you happy. If you believe she is the one that can give you what I have with Eryn, I will do anything to help you achieve that goal” Lucas replied. “Ah, so he’s finally found the courage to ask her?” Eryn teased as she walked up behind Lucas and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes, but it appears he’s having trouble finding the words to ask her to marry him” Lucas joked. “Well not everyone is as confident and romantic as you are. Not everyone manages to always say the perfect things at the right time” she said as she kissed his neck. “I’m nothing special my love and I’m far from perfect at anything” he replied as he pulled her over his shoulder and into his arms. “Oh that is nonsense, you’re perfect to me and that’s all that matters” she said as she kissed him. “Well if you say so princess, I wouldn’t dare argue with you” he teased as he pulled her close. “Oh knock it off, go take it to your room!” Galen sai
d with a laugh. “You just wish you could be so lucky!” Eryn teased. “You do have a point there princess” he said with a nod. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Just listen to your brother and you have nothing to be concerned about, trust me” she said with a smile. “Thank you both, that makes me feel a lot better” Galen said as he grinned. “Well we have to take this to our room as you so eloquently put it, so I will bid you goodnight brother” Lucas said with a laugh. “Goodnight to you both” he replied as he turned and looked up into the stars.

  Galen waited until they had gone inside and decided to take a flight amongst the clouds to clear his mind. His emotions were overwhelming him, his every thought scattered, and he needed to escape. Just as he was about to fly up into the clouds he felt Krystal come near and he smiled. She took his hand and looked deep into his eyes, and she kissed his cheek. “I hope you weren’t planning on leaving without me” Krystal said as she wrapped her arms around him. “No my dear, I thought you might be busy with Susan, and tucking her into bed. I wasn’t going to be gone long, and then I had planned to come to see you” Galen replied. “Would you like me to come with you?” she asked. “I would like that very much. I prefer your company over being alone” he replied as he smiled at her. He took her in his arms and they soared up into the clouds. They flew through the clouds and never spoke a word, but the peace he felt was undeniable. For the first time in ages, his soul felt at peace, and he finally felt that he could leave his life as a warrior behind and pursue the life he had always hoped he would find. He knew now that he didn’t need to fear anything with her, and he knew that he had to be with her. They spent hours among the clouds, just flying in each other’s arms. They arrived back at the manor before sunrise, and they walked with each other through the gardens until it was time to make breakfast for Susan. They found Susan and Jaidyn already eating breakfast and Alice was cleaning up the dishes from making breakfast for them. Lucas and Eryn came downstairs to join everyone and Galen asked to speak with Lucas. “Lucas, I cannot wait any longer. I must ask her to be mine, but I need your help” he said. “What do you need brother? How can I help?” Lucas asked. “I need to find a ring for her and I could use your advice. Could we go into town to find something?” he asked. “Of course Galen, I’d be happy to” Lucas replied. Lucas drove him into town to find a ring, and the two of them spent several hours trying to find the perfect ring. Galen turned out to be just as picky as his brother when it came to selecting a ring, and as fate would have it, they found a ring at the same jeweler that Lucas had found one for Eryn.


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