Henry James

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by Henry James

  Hathorn, George C., 145–46

  Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 198

  Havemeyer (fellow student), 137

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 297, 381–82, 641–42; The Blithedale Romance, 219, 503; The House of the Seven Gables, 51, 273, 503; The Marble Faun, 503–5; The Scarlet Letter, 51; Twice-Told Tales, 503; The Wonder-Book for Boys and Girls, 503

  Haydon, Benjamin, 161, 311; Autobiography, 189; The Banishment of Aristides, 189

  Haymarket Theatre, 70

  Hedge, Frederic, 381

  Hegel, G. W. F., 432

  Heine, Heinrich, 276

  Helps, Arthur, 378

  Henry, Joseph, 424

  Hicks, Thomas, 40–42

  Higginson, Francis Lee, 332

  Higginson, Samuel Storrow, 331

  Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 288

  Hill, Frank H., 641

  Hilton Head, S.C., 494–95

  Hoboken, N.J., 145

  Hoche, Lazare, 291

  Hoe (fellow student), 137

  Hoey, Josephine Shaw Russell, 69

  Hogarth, William, 186, 192, 579, 598

  Holman, Harriet Phillips, 67

  Holmes, Fanny Bowditch, 637

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 530, 567, 636–37, 692

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 537, 558–59

  Homer, 395

  Hones family, 559

  Honorine (guide), 228–30

  Hood, John B., 493

  Hooper family (Newport), 391

  Horn, Kate, 68

  Horniman, Annie, 738

  Houssaye, Arsène, 222–23; Philosophes et comédiennes, 112

  Houssaye, Henry, 222–23

  Howard Atheneum, 470, 472

  Howard, George, 641

  Howe, Julia Ward, 510–11

  Howe, Samuel Gridley, 510

  Howells, William Dean, 519, 592, 658, 666

  Hubback, Catherine, 7

  Hudson River, 111, 114

  Hudson River Railroad, 17–18, 111

  Hudson River School, 163–64

  Hugo, Victor, 676, 684; Les Misérables, 491

  Humpert, Dr. (landlord), 270, 273–76, 283

  Humpert, Theodor, 276

  Humpert family, 273–74, 283

  Hunt, Louisa Perkins, 341, 391

  Hunt, William Holman: The Scapegoat, 190

  Hunt, William Morris, 205, 292, 294, 298, 302–6, 311, 341; Girl at the Fountain, 303

  Hunt family (New York City), 142, 155

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 744

  Ibsen, Henrik, 684

  Illustrated London News, The, 589

  Indian Rebellion of 1857, 240–41

  Institution Charlier, 13, 108, 117

  Institution Fezandié, 201, 218–25, 241

  Institution Haccius, 176, 264

  Institution Maquelin, 255, 264, 267, 277

  Institution Rochette, 255–61, 270, 275

  Institution Vergnès, 121, 123–26, 137, 150

  International Copyright Act of 1891, 664

  Irish ancestors, 6–8, 418, 420–21, 569

  Irving, Henry, 600

  Irving, Washington, 40–41

  Ives, Chauncey B., 40

  James, Alice (sister): death of, 694; and death of mother, 654; with HJ in London, 647, 650; moves to Boston with father, 656–57, 659; visits Europe with Aunt Kate, 426, 429–30; WJ’s references to, 525, 530; youth of, 57–58, 170, 184, 197, 225, 281–84, 331, 337–38, 340–41, 343, 349–50, 396, 409, 421

  James, Alice Howe Gibbens (sister-in-law), 654

  James, Augustus (uncle), 29, 36–37, 110, 112–15, 226

  James, Catharine Barber (grandmother), 7–12, 28, 75, 109, 111, 323

  James, Catharine Margaret (aunt). See Temple, Catharine Margaret James

  James, Catherine Elizabeth (cousin). See Emmet, Catherine Elizabeth James

  James, Edward (uncle), 61, 110, 112

  James, Elizabeth Bay (aunt), 29, 113–15

  James, Ellen King (aunt). See Van Buren, Ellen King James

  James, Garth Wilkinson (Wilky) (brother), 552; Civil War service, 402–5, 407, 446, 480–98, 517, 551; and death of mother, 654–55; returns to Cambridge, 648–49; at Sanborn’s school in Concord, 333, 388–91; WJ’s references to, 331–32, 334, 337–38, 348, 350; youth of, 17, 57, 144, 164, 170, 173–76, 180–81, 195, 197, 218–19, 225, 239, 248, 255, 264, 267, 270, 273, 275–77, 281–84, 280, 291, 374, 421

  James, George Abbott, 285–86

  James, George Payne Rainsford, 372–73

  James, Gertrude (cousin). See Pendleton, Gertrude James

  James, Henry, Jr.:

  A SMALL BOY AND OTHERS, 731; daguerreotype with father, 3, 56–57; ancestors, 6–8; Albany relatives, 8–9, 11, 13, 39, 44, 61, 74, 106, 108, 110–12, 118, 148, 178; education in New York City, 10, 14–17, 40, 83, 121, 123–32, 137, 150; outings with father, 11, 44–46, 48–49, 63, 114, 145; summers on Staten Island, 17, 21–27, 51–52, 55–56, 114, 169, 172; New York City rambles, 17–19, 30–31, 43, 62–65, 97–98, 106–7, 125, 140–41; summers in Brooklyn, 22, 41, 55; learns to dance from mother, 28; early observations of paintings, 40–43, 161–65; boyhood reading, 40, 51, 52–55, 99–102, 150–51, 176–77, 243; first theater experiences, 52–53, 66–73, 98–102, 104, 168; growing awareness of Europe, 54, 117, 139, 163, 166, 172; childhood clothing, 57; first music experiences, 72–73; entertainments taken to, 97–98, 103–6; visits Sing Sing prison, 108–10; church-going, 143–44; neighbors of, 149–57; firsthand contact with slavery, 152–55; early literary efforts, 158–60, 195–96; first visits to London, 168, 177, 179–94, 197–98; childhood illnesses, 169–71, 174, 238, 243, 246; first visits to Paris, 170, 177–79, 181, 196–233; first visit to Geneva, 173–76; views paintings in London, 179, 188–90; education in London, 180–81, 183–84, 188, 195–97, 201, 207, 218; attends theater in London, 190–94; education in Paris, 195–97, 201, 218–25; views paintings in Paris, 203–12; Galerie d’Apollon nightmare, 209–10; attends circuses in Paris, 213; attends theater in Paris, 214–17; family excursions to Boulogne-sur-Mer, 237–50; education in Boulogne, 239–41, 248–50

  NOTES OF A SON AND BROTHER, 731; education in Geneva, 255–61; reading of, 257, 268–73, 307, 310, 359, 408, 427–28, 431, 460, 503–5, 513, 533–34; summer in Bonn, 264, 270–85, 288; attends theater in Bonn, 280; literary efforts, 287, 310, 315, 423; visits Paris again, 288–92; return to America, 288–93, 295; growing awareness of Europe, 289–92, 295–96, 299, 307, 344, 374, 389, 457, 545; in Newport, 289, 293, 295–320, 324–26, 346, 351; artistic sensibility, 303, 311–12, 317–18, 355; college education, 323–24, 326–27; letters from William at Harvard, 329–43, 348–50; on his father’s ideas and character, 351–57, 360–84, 392–94; religious education, 355–60, 362, 365; and Civil War, 404, 407, 437–38, 442, 445–48, 480–99, 502, 513; attends dinner at Norton home, 411–13; theater recollections, 422–26, 470–72; at Harvard Law School, 434–78; injury of, 437–39; attends literature lectures at Harvard, 451, 455, 465–70; with William at Harvard, 451–57; moves to Boston, 500–502, 506, 510, 512; growing interest in Americans in Europe, 504–5; on Lincoln, 515–16; letters from William studying medicine in Germany, 523–26, 529–30; friendship with Minnie Temple, 531–70; on opera, 539, 564

  THE MIDDLE YEARS, 731, 744; drawing of Henry James, 573; returns to England, 577–631; early awareness of Europe, 581; attends theater in London, 599–600; looks at paintings in London, 600–602; reading of, 605–10; at Milford Cottage in Surrey, 611–16, 622; observes London literary scene, 617–26

  OTHER WORKS: The Ambassadors, 725; The American, 734–36; “Bundle of Letters,” 642; Confidence, 642; “Covering End,” 739; “Crapy Cornelia,” 729; “Daisy Miller,” 659, 733, 738; “The Death of the Lion,” 730, 743; The Finer Grain, 729; “Four Meetings,” 736–38; The Golden Bowl, 733; Hawthorne, 641–42; The High Bid, 739; The Ivory Tower, 730–31; “The Madonna of the Future,” 736; The Other House, 739; “Owen Wingrave,” 739; The Outcry, 729, 739–40; The Portrait of
a Lady, 548, 642; The Reprobate, 738–40; Roderick Hudson, 636, 735; The Saloon, 739; The Sense of the Past, 730; “The Turn of the Screw,” 739; Washington Square, 642; The Wings of the Dove, 733

  James, Henry, Sr. (father), 12, 22, 35, 48–49, 55, 58, 136, 159, 173, 175, 179, 186, 237, 255, 264, 273, 280, 288, 296, 322, 325, 394, 408, 425–26, 521, 533, 566; and Alice James, 429–30, 656–57, 659; ancestors and relatives, 7–8, 29–30, 61, 114, 300, 418–22; daguerreotype with HJ, 3, 56–57; decision to return to America, 290, 292–93; educational views of, 121, 126, 133–34, 176, 180, 184, 188, 195, 210, 218, 256, 260, 323–24, 327, 389–91, 435–37; emphasis on inward life, 38–39, 47, 295, 297; friendship with Caroline Sturgis Tappan, 385, 389–91, 395–403, 407; friendship with Emerson, 9, 41, 365–69, 372–83, 390, 410; friendship with Nortons, 411–13, 415–16; friendship with Tweedys, 166, 298, 300; and HJ’s reading, 53–54, 189, 257, 267–70, 310; ideas and character of, 351–57, 360–84, 392–93; interest in opera, 148; interest in painting, 162, 165; interest in theater, 65, 70, 104, 168; Lectures and Miscellanies, 297; Literary Remains, 7, 356, 361, 369; literary views of, 423–24, 430–31; outings with HJ, 11, 44–46, 48–49, 63, 114, 145; philosophical views of, 431–32; relationship with wife, 56, 353–54, 363–65, 376, 409–10, 429–30, 654–55; religious views of, 144; stories told by, 33; visits to Boston, 370–71, 373, 376–77, 379, 381; and WJ, 281–83, 285–87, 321, 323–24, 327–28, 331–33, 337–38, 340–42, 347, 417, 530

  James, Howard (uncle), 61, 110, 112

  James, Jeannette (aunt). See Barker, Jeannette James

  James, John Barber (uncle), 36–37, 61, 110, 112, 119–20

  James, John Vanderburgh (J. J.) (cousin), 119–20, 148

  James, Marie Bay (later Marie Bay James Coster) (cousin), 115–16

  James, Mary Helen Vanderburgh (cousin). See Grymes, Mary Helen Vanderburgh James

  James, Mary Walsh (mother), 9, 12, 33, 41, 46, 52, 54–55, 108, 117, 143, 146, 173, 175, 236–37, 255, 264, 273, 295, 361, 369, 372, 374, 379, 413, 521; ancestors and relatives, 8, 29, 43, 76, 82–83, 92, 166; death of, 654–55, 658–59; decision to return to America, 290; educational views of, 121, 126, 133, 176, 188, 210, 218, 256, 260, 324, 327, 389; HJ’s love for, 655–56; and HJ’s reading, 75, 257, 267–69, 310; interest in opera, 72–73, 148; interest in theater, 65, 70, 104, 162, 168, 214; outings with HJ, 225–27; relationship with husband, 56, 353–54, 363–65, 376, 409–10, 429–30, 654–55; religious views of, 144; teaches HJ to dance, 28; and WJ, 281, 283, 330–33, 337–38, 340–41, 343, 349, 530

  James, Robertson (Bob) (brother): Civil War service, 402, 482–86, 496–97, 517; and death of mother, 655; at Sanborn’s school in Concord, 333, 388–91; visits HJ in London, 657–58; youth of, 57, 170, 197, 255, 264, 267, 277–79, 291, 297, 330, 337, 343, 374

  James, William (brother), 5–6, 10, 23, 44, 48, 54, 57, 108, 144, 168, 170, 173, 201, 233–34, 273, 277, 291, 323–24, 327–28, 347, 374, 392, 407, 424, 440, 451, 455–57, 489, 649, 747; artwork by, 253, 265, 335, 405, 527; attends theater in Paris, 214–15; Bonn education of, 279; and death of Alice James, 694; and death of mother, 654–55; drawing ability of, 160–61, 188, 207, 278, 311–12; edits father’s Literary Remains, 7, 356, 361, 369; Emerson at birth of, 9; expedition to Brazil, 505–6, 517; Geneva education of, 174, 255, 257, 261–64; at Harvard Medical School, 521–22; instructor in psychology at Harvard, 417; intellect of, 354, 418, 452–54; letters from, 281–88, 330–35, 337–43, 348–50, 429, 441, 506, 523–27, 529–30, 639, 731; London education of, 180–83, 195; London walks with HJ, 185; and Minnie Temple, 531, 533, 538, 550, 566, 570; New York City education of, 14, 17, 56, 121, 123–33; New York City friends of, 78, 97, 155, 158; outings with father, 45, 53; Paris education of, 190, 210, 218–19, 225, 239, 248; Paris walks with HJ, 203; proposed artistic career, 286–88, 292–93, 295, 302, 321; reading of, 40, 460; studies medicine in Berlin, 523; undergraduate at Harvard, 329–32, 337–40, 348, 350; visits HJ in London, 642, 658; visits Paris art museums, 204, 206–7, 210–12

  James, William (grandfather), 7–8, 39, 64, 118, 283, 370, 418–19, 569

  Jarvis, John Wesley, 143

  Javelli, Léon, 105

  Jefferson, Joseph, 471

  Jenks, Richard Pulling, 24, 125–26, 129–30, 137, 150, 157

  Jesus Christ, 555, 562, 565–66

  Jews, 144

  Johnson, Andrew, 516

  Jones, Fred, 559

  Judith, Madame (Julie Bernat), 49

  Kane, Lydia Sibyl, 425–26

  Kaufmann (oysterman), 559

  Kavanagh, Julia, 7

  Kean, Charles, 191–93

  Kean, Ellen Tree, 192

  Keene, Laura, 68, 70

  Kellogg, Clara Louise, 564

  Kemble, Frances (Fanny), 192, 614, 646

  Kensett, John Frederick, 40

  King, Anne, 167, 232–33, 235–36, 261

  King, Arthur, 167, 235

  King, Charlotte, 166–67, 178, 232–36

  King, Clarence William, 167, 235

  King, Gracie, 532

  King, Vernon, 167, 232–36

  Kingston, Gertrude, 739

  Kinston, N.C., 488, 490–91

  Kipling, Rudyard, 665; The Naulahka, 662

  Kiss, August, 106

  Knowles, J. Sheridan: Love, or the Countess and the Serf, 98

  Kohler, Monsieur, 526

  Ladies of the Sacred Heart, 151

  La Farge, John, 294, 298, 302, 305–19, 339, 460, 506–7; The Lost Profile, 312–13

  La Fontaine, Jean: Fables, 195, 741

  Lafontaine, Victoria, 214

  Lamartine, Alphonse de, 676

  Lamb, Charles and Mary: Tales from Shakespeare, 181

  Lamb House (Rye), 726–27

  Lambinet, Émile, 205

  Landor, William Savage, 512

  Landseer, Edwin, 189

  Lang, Andrew, 653

  Lawrence, Amos, 480

  Lawrence, Trevor, 647

  Lee, David Bradley, 532

  Lee, Francis L., 446, 487

  Lee, Robert E., 502

  Lee, Stephen, 494

  Leech, John, 39

  Lefèvre, Robert-Jacques-François, 164–65

  Lemaître, Frédéric, 214

  Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa, 211

  Leopardi, Giacomo, 645–46

  Lerambert, C. F., 195–97, 201, 218

  Leslie, Charles: Sancho Panza, 189–90

  Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 258

  Lessing, Karl Friedrich: Hus at the stake, 161

  Leutze, Emanuel: Washington Crossing the Delaware, 162–63

  Leverett, William C., 303–4

  Lewes, George Henry, 549, 607–8, 611, 614–16, 622

  Lewes, Thornton, 607, 609

  Lincoln, Abraham, 347–48, 437, 494, 496, 502, 515–16

  Lind, Jenny, 82

  Liverpool, England, 168, 578

  Livy, 258

  Locker, Frederic, 641

  Lockhart, John, 591

  Logan, John A., 494

  Lombard, Fanny, 643

  Lombard, Mrs., 643

  Lomon, Charles: Jean Dacier, 652

  London, England, 16, 19, 37, 53, 55, 106, 139, 161, 168–69, 171, 353, 361, 368–69, 374–75, 400–401, 506, 530, 659, 692, 725; art museums in, 179, 188–90, 600–602; HJ’s education in, 180–81, 183–84, 188, 195–97, 201, 207, 218; HJ’s first visits to, 54, 168, 177, 179–94, 197–98; HJ’s later visits to, 520, 541–42, 581–631, 637–43, 647–48, 650, 652–53, 657–58; literary scene in, 605–11, 617–26, 746–47; theater in, 69–70, 105, 190–94, 599–600, 738–40; and Wolcott Balestier, 662–68

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 297, 381, 421, 746

  Louis XV, 147

  Louis-Philippe, 15, 36

  Louisville, Ky., 151

  Louvre Museum, 208–12, 291–92, 303

  Lowell, Charles Russell, 488

  Lowell, James Russell, 297, 430, 619–21, 691, 746; “Harvard Commemoration Ode,” 488; “Palinode: Autum
n,” 558

  Lubbock, Percy, 575

  Lucca, Italy, 166

  Luxembourg Gallery, 190, 203–5, 212, 233

  Lyceum Theater, 67–69, 600

  Lyons, France, 170–71, 178

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 279, 362

  Maclise, Daniel: Play Scene in “Hamlet,” 189

  Macmillan, Frederick, 648

  Macmillan’s Magazine, 642

  Madison Square Theater, 659

  Manet, Édouard, 312

  Maquelin, Monsieur (teacher), 267, 277

  Marceau-Desgraviers, François-Sévérin, 291

  Mario, Giovanni Matteo, 148

  Marlborough House, 189

  Mars, Mademoiselle (Anne-Françoise Boutet), 214

  Marseilles, France, 233, 236, 643

  Martineau, Harriet, 377

  Martinetti family (performers), 103–4

  Mason family, 166, 227–28

  Mason, Anne Lyman, 424

  Mason, Gertrude, 228–30

  Mason, Helen, 228–30

  Mason, Herbert, 330

  Mason, Lydia, 228–30

  Mason, Serena, 228–30

  Masonic Temple (Boston), 376

  Massachusetts General Hospital, 522

  Mathews, Charles: Married for Money, 193–94

  May, John, 455

  McClellan, George B., 235, 488, 525

  McElroy, Joseph, 143

  Mélanie, Madame (actress), 214

  Mélingue, Étienne, 214

  Mentone, France, 643

  Mercer, Reverend, 303

  Meredith, George: Evan Harrington, 270

  Mérimée, Prosper, 312, 529; La Vénus d’Ille, 310

  Merridew’s British Library, 243, 246–47

  Mesnard, Monsieur (teacher), 221–22

  Mestayer, Emily, 98–99

  Metcalfe, John T., 568–69

  Methodists, 267

  Metropolitan Hotel, 31, 104

  Metternich, Klemens von, 461

  Metz, France, 171

  Mexican-American War, 35–36

  Michelangelo Buonarroti: The Dying Captive, 303

  Michelet, Jules, 676

  Milan, Italy, 643

  Mill, John Stuart, 369, 608

  Millais, John Everett, 270; Autumn Leaves, 190; The Blind Girl, 190; The Order of Release 1746, 179; The Vale of Rest, 190

  Milnes, Richard Monckton (later Baron Houghton), 617

  Milton, Mass., 342

  Milwaukee, Wis., 655

  Mitchell, Margaret (Maggie), 470–71


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