Asura Sovereign XIII

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Asura Sovereign XIII Page 13

by Shian Jeen

  Viewing this dense white gas, Huwang Xiao’s brows were locked together with grimness.

  In the four galaxies’ long history, the experts who climbed to the Heavenly Mountain’s peak had all fallen, hence, there was more to this white gas than simple gravitational force.

  However, just as Huwang Xiao was about to break through the white gas and enter, several figures whistled through the environment, emitting pressuring auras. Huwang Xiao nearly jumped out of his skin, but his actions were swift, displaying Space Concealment and hiding into a space pocket.

  Huwang Xiao had just hid away when several numbers emerged from the distance. Peering over to see the newcomers’ faces, his eyes narrowed suddenly. One of them was none other than Ancestor Mountaingoat.

  Huwang Xiao didn't recognize the other three people, but he guessed they should be Piercing Sky Beast King, Ancestor Bifang, and Green Dragon Beast Ruler.

  Huwang Xiao did not expect to run into these four people here, did they also plan to go to the Heavenly Mountain’s top?

  “Piercing Sky, you’re sure the Heavenly God’s dwelling is at the top?” Ancestor Mountaingoat considered the burly, red-haired middle-aged man beside him.

  The red-haired middle-aged man’s deep voice sounded, “Yes, throughout the years of the Heavenly God blood pool’s corrosion, ninety percent of the formations beyond your dwelling have greatly weakened. If the four of us join hands, there’s an eighty-percent chance we can break the outer formations!”

  “At that time, of the medicinal herbs, divine spirit pellets, and divine grade soul stones inside, I want thirty percent.” The old man protected in green scales mentioned.

  “Following our previous agreement, half of the godhead fragment goes to Piercing Sky. As for the body, that depends on who gets their hands on it first.” The last person who spoke was a charming young man clad in a seven-colored armor.

  Heavenly God’s dwelling? Hearing these four people's conversation, great waves of shock and enjoyment crashed at Huwang Xiao’s heart. He didn’t expect these four people’s purpose coming to the Heavenly Mountain was the actually the Heavenly God’s dwelling! The dwelling was located at the peak of the mountain, and judging from piercing Sky Beast King’s tone, he had determined where its location would be!

  Without doubt, the red-haired middle-aged man was the Piercing Sky Beast King, the one covered in green scales from head to toe was most likely Green Dragon Beast Ruler, and that charming son clad in seven-colored armor would be Ancestor Bifang.

  Even with Huwang Xiao’s current strength, he was unable to determine these four people’s cultivation.

  “But, within this white gas is an ancient Heart Demon Swallowing Formation, after we enter, everyone must be twice as cautious. All of those Highgod Realm masters who arrived here in days gone by didn't really die. After their reason was swallowed, their center demon would rise, turning them into monsters. These unusual monsters are best avoided when we enter.” Piercing Sky Beast King reminded with a gloomy face.

  Ancestor Mountaingoat and the other 3 nodded with the same stern appearance.

  Pursuing that, the four of them created a vigorous qi barrier around themselves, made a path through the white gas, and disappeared from view in the next second.

  After he was sure the four people had left did Huwang Xialong emerged in the air.

  “Ancient Heart Demon Swallowing Formation? Huwang Xiao was taken aback. His Expert Feng Yang got once mentioned this ancient Center Demon Swallowing Development. It was a robust formation that took control of one's heart demon. Once that happened, they would forever lose themselves, reduced to a monster without sanity. This Heavenly Hill was actually arranged with this type of formation.

  Huwang Xiao took a deep, deep breath, then called out the Black Tortoise and Vermilion Parrot Divine Fireplace spirits, forming a protective barrier around himself, and flew in to the white gas.

  No matter what, he must have the White Tiger Divine Fire.

  The moment he entered the white gas, Huwang Xiao felt a low profile power entangling him. The gravitational force was immediately experienced, everything was many times heavier. Huwang Xiao himself plummeted to the bottom, unable to travel forward.

  He tried a few more times, but the result was the same. This emerged as a great surprise to him. Along with his current power, much like Crimson Devil Shi Jiu Jiutian, the gravity pressure was still so overbearing that he couldn't take flight at all?

  Left with no other option, Huwang Xiao could only walk, slowly.

  The Piercing Sky Beast Ruler, Ancestor Mountaingoat, and the other two were already long gone. In front of Huwang Xiao were levels of white gas. Primarily, he noticed that inside this white gas his divine sense could go no further than a hundred zhang.

  If he really found those Highgod Realm masters that had turned into strange insane creatures, what use was a divine sense of 100 zhang?


  Huwang Xiao was struggling to extend his divine sense beyond a hundred zhang. On top of that was the ever-present heavy gravitational drive from the white gas, Huwang Xiao could only in . forward slowly. Inside this ancient Heart Demon Swallowing Formation, he needed to pause after every step he required.

  Due to the potent aftereffect of the illusion formation, Huwang Xiao had a need to stop for quite a while before he could lift his foot and take another step. As the illusion grew increasingly stronger, the center demons inside him gained momentum, hence the time Huwang Xiao got between each step also grew longer.

  Seconds and minutes trickled by.

  More than three hours passed, yet Huwang Xiao merely travelled just a little over three hundred meters. This is slower than any common mortal crawling on the ground, speed slower when compared to a snail.

  After progressing a little over 3 hundred meters, the resistance and gravitational force that Huwang Xiao faced increased yet again. He approximated that, out of this point forward, it required the strength of a top early First Order Highgod World if anyone wanted to endeavor further into the white mist.

  Huwang Xiao took out a Spring Autumn 100 Life Divine Pellet from his Asura Band and swallowed it, recovering his exhausted god fight qi and true immortal substance force.

  But, exactly at this time, a shrill scream cut the air as something attacked him from the remaining at lightning acceleration, crossing a distance of several hundred zhang in the blink of an eye.

  Huwang Xiao was startled, a black light flashed in his hands and the Water God’s halberd thrust out, piercing through the attacker’s upper body. When he pulled out, the tip of his halberd flicked up, flinging the attacker in to the air. A painful scream sounded as the attacker fell ten meters away from Huwang Xiao.

  Only know did Huwang Xiao saw his attacker, who was simply actually a strange monster without flesh and blood, its eyes were two balls of flickering dark flames, and it definitely wasn't poor. Its strength was near to that of a mid-First Order Highgod Realm master.

  It seems like this creature was one of many ancient Highgod World experts that tried to climb to the peak of the hill but lost their sanity inside this Heart Demon Swallowing Development, overtaken by their own heart demon. A creature that was neither dead nor alive.

  Huwang Xiao couldn't even guess how long this Highgod Realm master have been in this ancient Center Demon Swallowing Formation to be reduced to such an abominable fleshless monster.

  ‘Where did this person’s flesh go?!’

  Huwang Xiao was alarmed, could there be other fleshless things like this inside the Heart Demon Swallowing Development?

  At the moment, the strange monster that Huwang Xiao stabbed crawled up, letting out a shrill scream and pouncing at him again, attacking frenziedly. Huwang Xiao no more hesitated, his right hand waved out. An icy blue sword shaped from Dark Tortoise Divine Fire immediately pierced through the strange monster’s forehead, destroying its spirit.

  The strange monster finally stopped attacking.

  An invisible force wr
apped around a godhead that was emitting a soft red glow, pulling it into Huwang Xiao’s hands.

  Though the strange monster was without flesh and blood, its godhead was still there. But Huwang Xiao was a bit disappointed as he viewed the fire element godhead, it was merely a mid-rank four godhead.

  Huwang Xiao put the godhead into his Asura Ring and spent time adjusting his condition before continuing ahead. Knowing there were unusual fleshless monsters wandering inside the white mist, Huwang Xiao was even more careful.

  Soon, three times passed.

  Making a rough calculation, Huwang Xiao estimated that he had crossed a distance of more than one thousand zhang, almost close to two thousand zhang. Compared to the time when he just walked in, the level of resistance and gravitational force had become more than ten times more powerful. From here onward, only another Order Highgod World could proceed further while enduring both hindering forces.

  In these three days’ time, Huwang Xiao had killed six more strange Highgod Realm monsters. Once, he was attacked by two of these at the same time, the stronger one was a peak late-First Order Highgod Realm monster.

  However, apart from these strange Highgod Realm monsters, he didn't come across any flesh-eating animals, which baffled Huwang Xiao. Was his presumption before incorrect? If there is no creature that devoured flesh and bloodstream inside the white mist, was it the Heart Demon Swallowing Formation itself that was with the capacity of absorbing energy from flesh and blood?

  Around the fourth day, Huwang Xiao stepped past two thousand zhang. Here, he came across a Second Order Highgod World strange monster. Although it was only an early Second Order Highgod Realm, Huwang Xiao could no longer offer with it as easily as he do with the ones before.

  Ten times later, Huwang Xiao had passed the 3 thousand zhang mark.

  After travelling three thousand zhang into the white mist, strange monsters of mid-Second Order Highgod World strength started appearing. Huwang Xiao began to feel some pressure, dealing with every unusual monster ate up more and more of his time and god battle qi. Fortunately, it was rare for him to run into two strange monsters at exactly the same time.

  At three thousand zhang, waves of white mist rolled like the sea, thick like the clouds in the sky. Here, with Huwang Xiao eyesight, he could hardly see further than ten zhang around him, making it harder for him to identify any unusual monsters that could be hiding close by.

  In between, he previously tried turning back. However, he found out that each time he did that, the encompassing white mist of this Heart Demon Swallowing Development would circulation erratically, forming an invisible wall in his route. He could not turn back. In other words, once one joined this white mist, they could only walk forwards, with no return!

  This finding raised a bitter smile on Huwang Xiao’s face.

  No wonder that, in millions of years, not a single Highgod Realm master that climbed the Heavenly Mountain’s peak ever come out again. Just like them, Huwang Xiao only acquired two options right now; one, exit this Center Demon Swallowing Formation, and the second option was to end up like the strange monsters he had seen so far, trapped for all eternity.

  He didn't know how big of an area the Heart Demon Swallowing Development covered. If it was five thousand zhang, Huwang Xiao still had the confidence to get out, but if it was more than six thousand zhang, he'd be dead for certain.

  In fact, there wasn’t even a choice. If he didn't want to pass away, he could only continue to forcefully move forward.

  One month later, Huwang Xiao finally reached four thousand zhang. as of this depth, not only do the white mist form thick clouds, they were even soft to the touch. Huwang Xiao understood this because he needed to push away these white clouds.

  Hence, his rate was even slower and his energy consumption increased drastically. When he just came into the white mist, he had taken one Spring Autumn Hundred Life Divine Pellet after each hundred zhang, whereas now, after barely 2-3 zhang, he was be forced to take another Planting season Autumn 100 Life Divine Pellet to replenished his worn out god fight qi and true immortal fact force.

  One more month passed and Huwang Xiao merely crossed five hundred zhang. At four thousand 500 zhang, the white clouds’ recoil greatly increased, Huwang Xiao attempted cutting these white clouds along with his Mulberry Sword and actually failed. His Mulberry Sword hardly left a thin sword line on the top of these white clouds, disappearing almost immediately.

  This situation was akin to being trapped in a cage, white walls in four directions, unable to get out. It gave birth to a feeling of despair.

  Failing to cut through them, Huwang Xiao tried using his true immortal essence fireplace. The good news was that his true immortal essence fire could burn these white clouds away, but this method further intensified his energy depletion. A distance of just two zhang found him panting, out of breath.

  At four thousand eight hundred zhang, Huwang Xiao found that his true immortal essence fire could no more burn off the white clouds in his path, forcing him to call out the Black Tortoise and Vermilion Bird Divine Fires.

  The two divine fires did not disappoint Huwang Xiao. In the blink of an vision, they burned a route through the white clouds. However, employing both divine fires at the same time greatly consumed his energy.

  At four thousand nine hundred zhang, both the resistance and gravitational force had multiplied by 100 times, every single step was like trying to go a great mountain while bearing another great hill on his back again, pressing down on him.

  A little over four thousand nine hundred and ninety zhang, Huwang Xiao cannot move one inch further under the overwhelming resistance and gravitational force. Huwang Xiao despaired, was he going to be permanently caught inside this Demon Heart Swallowing Formation?


  Huwang Xiao’s consciousness steadily slipped away and his eyelids grew heavy. Once his consciousness offered out, the Center Demon Swallowing Formation would awaken his center demons. If that occurred, over time, he would be no different than those unusual Highgod Realm monsters wandering in the development, left without a shred of sanity.

  For the reason that instant of weakened awareness, Huwang Xiao seemingly saw numerous strange monsters lunging at him.

  At this exact second, within his soul sea, brilliant dazzling light burst out, the black and blue twin dragons’ roars reverberated in his mind.

  Huwang Xiao consciousness shook as he momentarily regained a little of focus. He bit his tongue until he tasted bloodstream to grasp on that shred of clear awareness, then he quickly sat down, entering an ethereal condition.

  In that ethereal state, his spirit slowly still left his body, floating in the world outside.

  “This…?!” Huwang Xiao was surprised as the whole Heart Demon Swallowing Formation was clearly imprinted in his mind's eye. ‘The Ethereal Entire body actually has this ability?’

  Excited, Huwang Xiao quickly studied the Heart Demon Swallowing Development imprinted in his mind and uncovered that the formation actually covered exactly five thousand zhang from one end to the other!

  Meaning to say, from where he was now, he was significantly less than ten zhang from the edge of the formation. So long as he continuing forward for another ten zhang, he'd be able to walk out from this Center Demon Swallowing Formation!

  Huwang Xiao breathed in deeply, consumed a Springtime Autumn Hundred Life Divine Pellet and initiated Instant Recovery to restore his condition. Half an hour later, he returned to his maximum. Slowly getting up to his feet, he summoned the twin dragon martial spirits and soul-transformed.

  After soul-transforming, Huwang Xiao’s momentum rose increasingly higher. Had the Heart Demon Swallowing Development enveloped a location of six thousand zhang he wouldn't have any hope of walking out, but since it was five thousand zhang, in his current soul-transformed condition, he could do it-he could walk out of there alive.

  One hour later, at the five-hundredth step, Huwang Xiao finally broke out from the Heart Demon Swal
lowing Formation’s dense white mist. As if every ounce of energy experienced left his body, fatigue overcome Huwang Xiao. He dropped butt-down on the floor while breathing haggardly.

  ‘I'm finally out from that damn place!’

  Huwang Xiao turned slightly to look at the wall structure of fog behind him, fear lingering in his heart.

  ‘I wonder if the Piercing Sky Beast King, Ancestor Mountaingoat, and the other two were able to pass through.’ Huwang Xiao inwardly thought.

  The effectiveness of Piercing Sky Beast Ruler’s group was undoubtedly higher than his, however, walking right out of the Heart Demon Swallowing didn't rely solely on one’s strength. For instance, at four thousand eight hundred zhang, Huwang Xiao borrowed the Dark Tortoise and Vermilion Bird Divine Fires’ power to burn a path before him.

  Whereas Piercing Sky Beast King, Ancestor Mountaingoat, Green Dragon Beast Ruler, and Ancestor Bifang’s own divine flames absolutely couldn't burn off the white clouds.

  Huwang Xiao’s eye glimmered with anticipation; if the Piercing Beast King, Ancestor Bifang and the others passed away while being stuck inside the Center Demon Swallowing Formation, that would be great information to him.

  “The Heavenly God’s cultivation dwelling.” Huwang Xiao muttered under his breathing.

  Although Huwang Xiao didn't know the positioning of the Heavenly God’s cultivation dwelling, the Heavenly Hill peak’s land area wasn’t that big. He would have the ability to think it is after spending some time searching. More importantly, he previously to find the White Tiger Divine Open fire first.

  Huwang Xiao rested for a little bit. When his breathing returned to normal, he called out the Black Tortoise and Vermilion Parrot Divine Fire nature to be able to sense the White Tiger Divine Fire’s location.

  After coming out from the Heart Demon Swallowing Formation, he could fly, but his divine sense was still suppressed.

  Huwang Xiao flew slowly in the air, carefully watching his surroundings.


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