Take It Back

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Take It Back Page 3

by Scarlett Brooks

  "Only child?" She asked.

  I held my bourbon between my hands, watching the liquid move around the ice. "I had a brother. And now I don't."

  Most people would say that I left home because my brother died. And most people would also say that I was a complete fool for putting my life on the line on a regular basis when my parents had already lost a child.

  "I'm sorry. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," she offered, putting her hand on my arm. I turned my head to look into those beautiful brown eyes and I realized I wanted to tell her about it. I trusted her for some reason.

  "Drunk driving accident, he was only eighteen. The drunk driver hit him, and he was just in this old beat up truck of his friends. Didn't have a seat belt on. He didn't even make it to the hospital. It ripped my parents apart, and I was still training for the rodeo. Thought I would bail on my dream but I didn't.” I laughed,“I guess that's part of the reason I live on the road. I visit them. But it's not the same, and we all know it."

  She shook her head, "That must've been so hard. I'm so sorry."

  "What about you? Siblings?"

  She shook her head, "Only child. So I literally have no idea how you feel. I can’t imagine what that would be like."

  "It is what it is I guess." I threw the bourbon back in my mouth and felt the burn as it went down my throat. She pulled her hand away, and I was sad to see it go. The bartender came back and filled me up again but just as I was about to continue my drink, one of the other cowboys sauntered over looking a little bit more drunk than I would've liked.

  He saw Cara and then looked at me tipping his hat. I tipped mine back to him, but I thought I made it pretty clear by the stare I gave him that she was off limits. For some stupid reason he didn't get the fucking memo.

  "Can I buy you a drink?" He slurred out.

  "I'm okay, thank you though." She responded politely. Unfortunately he couldn't take a hint.

  "Come on! Just one drink!" He started to get louder and I could tell she was getting uncomfortable.

  "No thanks. I'm already here with someone."

  I stood up next to her. “She told you to back off buddy, let it go."

  He set his beer down on the bar and leaned in closer to her, completely ignoring me.

  "What's your name sweetheart?"

  I made my way from behind her to in front of her pushing him out of the way. "Take a walk."

  "I don't see a ring on her finger. I don't think she's spoken for. Besides she can handle herself," he laughed at the end. He was so drunk he could barely stand up. And I had had enough.

  "Take a walk or I’ll land you on your ass."

  I scowled at him.

  "Go ahead and try!" He yelled again. Now some people were starting to watch, and his friends were coming over from near the jukebox. A couple of them were stumbling too. I wasn't about to embarrass this guy, and getting a bar fight, as a pro rodeo star was not a good idea for the sponsors. But I also wasn't going to let him touch Cara. If he took a step closer, I'd lay him out. And that was the end of it.

  Unfortunately for him, he was too stupid to see that. He tried to push his way past me, having confidence now that some of his buddies were close by. But I was a hell of a lot more sober than he was, so I pulled my right fist back and gave him an uppercut to the jaw. He was on the floor in under a second. Knocked out cold.

  "Holy shit!" Cara said from behind me. “Is he unconscious?"

  I turned back to look at her. "I think so. Mostly drunk though, that wasn’t in my best punch."

  The bartender hopped the bar and got the guy up on the stool with the help of his friends. He wasn't unconscious, but he was pretty out of it. The bartender told the guys to call an Uber and to get the hell out. But he looked at me and I could tell that that was also for us as well.


  "Looks like we're going to have to cut our date short." I said to Cara. “Sorry.” But I didn't want to. I threw more money down on the bar and I took her hand as I led out of the place. I heard some cowboys yelling some profanities at me as I walked past, but I kept my head held high. There was no way in hell I was letting some asshole get between me and this beautiful woman.

  He was a damn idiot for trying.



  I couldn't believe what just happened inside the bar. And now I was out of there, under the Texas stars wondering what I got myself into. I had let Hunter convince me that he wasn't like the rest of the cowboys, that he wasn't just another rodeo star. But here we were getting kicked out of the bar because he had started a fight! How stupid was that? And the thing about it was that a lot of these cowboys were Gwen’s clients. If I got back to her that I had done something stupid at bar I would look so dumb. Hunter tried to talk to me but I brushed him off.

  "I think I should just go home."

  "Really? Because of that asshole? I'm sorry he ruined our night. But Cara, I was really liking getting to know you. I don't want the night to end yet." I could see the honesty in his eyes. He really did feel bad that he had swung at that guy, but he was just trying to protect me. Maybe I needed to realize that.

  "Why did you have to punch him? He would've left me alone eventually."

  He threw his hands in the air. "No he wouldn't."

  "And how do you know that?" I [ut my hands on my hips. I wasn't the type of girl back down, and he should learn that now.

  "Because I was that guy. I was that jerk that thought that I could buy any girl a drink and it meant that she would pay attention to me. I mean I never tried to snake somebody’s date, but I've definitely been an asshole before. But you make me not want to be. You make me want to be honest and polite, and protective. I didn't want him to touch you. But I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable either. That wasn't my intention Cara, you've got to believe me." He said it with such sincerity and he took my hands in his, pulling me close enough that I could smell his cologne. Our faces were so close together that I could nearly feel his breath on my cheek.

  What was I doing here? Learning about his brother who had passed and talking about future plans? I didn't do that with people. I didn't even have that many friends, let alone a guy to tell my dreams to. This was just one night, one night and two whiskeys. And even though he had nearly punched some guy out, I was still impressed at how much of a gentleman he had been.

  "Thank you for trying to protect me. It was sweet of you. But I don't need your help, I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl."

  He didn't pull away, instead he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in even closer. His warmth felt wonderful, even in the humidity of a Texas night.

  "I know you can take care of yourself. You've made that abundantly clear. But sometimes isn’t it nice for someone else to just take care of you?"

  I melted a little bit more into his arms. "I guess it is."

  "Then just for one night Cara let me take care of you."

  I could do that. Just for one night I could let this all go. And have some fun. Hell, I deserved it.

  "My apartment isn't very far from here, would you like to go back with me? Maybe have another drink?" I couldn't believe how sassy I was being. But he was right, it was just one night. It was worth taking the risk. And for him, that was every day. He was a risk taker. Where I was calculated and planned out, this was his entire life. And why shouldn't I just embrace that? I needed to stop overthinking everything. And just let it all take me away.



  She interlaced her fingers with my own, fumbling with her keys in her other hand. Finally we pushed through the door and entered her apartment building. The walls were stark white and the low hanging lights gave an eerie yellow glow to the room. But I was hardly paying attention to any of that as we made our way up the stairs, trying not to rip each other's clothes off right there and then. Apparently I had gotten through to her. She was letting her guard down. And even if it was just for one night, I’d make it worth it.

p; She continued to pull me up the stairs towards what I assumed was her apartment. We made our way to the first landing and she typed the code in the door. I heard the click of the lock and she pushed her back against it as she put both hands up on the collar of my shirt, pulling me towards her and into the apartment. It was dark, I couldn’t see anything but I didn't need to. As long as I could feel her between my arms that was all that mattered. She continued to walk backward and I pushed her jacket off of her shoulders as my lips searched her neck and found her collarbone. She tripped just slightly but the wall was behind her and I had enough of her taking control. It was hot, but too slow. I pulled her legs up around my waist, landing my hands firmly on her ass. She wrapped her arms around my neck and continued to kiss me. I knew she could feel how hard I was. And I knew she liked it, by the increase in moans as she kissed me harder.

  "Where's the bedroom?" I whispered into her ear.

  She didn't even speak, just pointed behind us. I carried her that way and pushed my way through the doors, I found the bathroom first which wasn't ideal, but next we landed in the bedroom. I didn't even want to put her down on the bed, just wanted to hold her in my arms. Show her how strong I was.

  But after more feverish kisses I laid her down on the bed and removed her flannel button by button. Between each I released a hot breath on her stomach, or trail of kisses along her neck. Any way to make her squirm. She wriggled under my embrace, and I knew that when she finally came, it was going to be epic.

  I undressed her slowly, savoring each moment until finally I had her lying on the bed in a red lace bra and panties. The thin material was barely containing her voluptuous breasts. I took my finger and dragged it down between her boobs. Before I made the same trail with my lips. I couldn't believe how beautiful she was. Her dark hair playing against her pale skin. She looked good in jeans, but she looked even better with nothing on. For a moment I just stared at her. Enjoying the view.

  But then her feisty attitude kicked back in again. She pulled me down close to her and ripped off my flannel shirt above my head. She placed both hands on my chest and followed the ridges of my muscles down to my pants. Slowly she pulled off my belt and then I stood to release myself from my pants and my boxers. There is no wasting time. I wanted her to see my full girth. I watched her eyes practically pop out of her head as she saw my cock standing at attention. I was going to fill her up. And she was going to fucking love it.

  "I hope you're ready for this." I said with a smirk on my face.

  "You have no idea how ready I am."

  I slipped my finger underneath her panties to feel her wetness between her hot folds. "Seems like you are."

  She moved closer to me so that her legs were hanging off the edge of the bed. "Are you ready to find out?" She asked me.

  “Damn straight I am,” I replied.

  I bent down and hooked my teeth around the top of her underwear. I pulled them down slowly, teasing her with every movement. Until finally they were on the floor and I was standing at just the right spot to enter her hole. I slipped myself in, and wrapped my hands around her little waist. I pulled her closer to me so that she could feel my full-length inside her pussy. And then I began to thrust, in and out, slowly as I watched her eyes close and I heard the moans escape her lips. She was completely under my control, just the way I wanted her to be.

  “Oh Hunter…” she cooed.

  “Now you say my name,” I joked with her.

  “Yes, harder,” she replied. God she was hot. Hearing my name on her lips was sexy as hell.

  I pushed, in and out, in and out. She gripped the sheets beneath her. Her body arched and she continued to moan, every second she got louder. I felt the rush in my veins and I knew I was going to come soon.

  Her breathing hitched and I knew she was close.

  “Let me hear it baby.”

  “Yes! Yes!” Her body shivered and she bucked again.

  I felt the warmth rush through my veins. I threw my head back as I pulled her close one more time and spilled my seed into her.

  She twitched as an orgasm rocked through her body, groaning with delight.

  “That was amazing,” she said as I fell into bed next to her.

  “No kidding. Damn girl, you’ve got some skills.”

  She laughed. “Wait till you see my next trick. It’s called sleeping.”

  She snuggled up into my arms and somehow, she just fit.



  I woke up the next morning, naked, and shockingly alone. Hunter had left and didn’t even say anything. I looked for anote, or even a text, but nothing. He must have gone back to the arena to prepare for the next day of riding. I had to move too, I needed to get back to the arena for more work.

  I grabbed my robe and made my way to the bathroom replaying last night’s events in my head.

  I couldn't believe this had happened. A one night stand! And with someone I would probably never see again. It had started so innocently, talking about his horse and the rodeo, and then one drink led to another, and I ended up in his bed. And it was hot, the entire night was mysterious and rushed, it just gave this level of sexy I had hardly ever felt before.

  I couldn't even remember the last time I had a one night stand. Probably never. And Friday was the finals for the rodeo, and then he would leave then I would never see him again. That was his life, constantly on the road, chasing the next buckle. And the next big prize.

  There was a chance that's all I was to him. Just another notch on his belt. How could I've been so stupid? He probably has been with a million girls. It wasn't like there was a future for us. We wouldn't have some beautiful relationship. I couldn’t give him what he wanted. I wouldn't find my knight in shining armor, definitely not in Hunter. He was flashy and a bad boy. I mean hell, he nearly got into a fight at the bar! But when his attention was on me all of that felt like it faded away. Like none of that mattered. But I knew that I was wrong. Of course it mattered! That was who he was. And I was stupid to think he was anyone else.

  He had left before I even woke up. When I returned from the bathroom I got dressed. Jeans and a flannel. I wasn’t wearing scrubs to a rodeo. I made myself some oatmeal and a cup of coffee and I sat silently at my table, alone. My apartment was small, there wasn't much to it either. I spent the majority of my time at the clinic so I didn't really feel the need to make it cozy. But it had certainly been enough for the two of us last night. I saw my keys sitting on the coffee table, not where I usually left them. And there was still other evidence that Hunter had been here, including my jacket in the middle of the hallway. I just stared at it, I should've picked it up, but for some reason I wanted to remember that it had happened. His horse Loki needed surgery. So I would have to see him again. And he’d be in town the rest of the week, but maybe he’d stay longer? Did I even want him to?

  I didn't know how I felt. After all it was just one night. One afternoon drive and a night at a bar that I barely remembered. Except for the sex, I definitely remembered the sex.

  My head throbbed. I stood and walked over to the sink, opening the cabinet above it and fishing out some aspirin. I was going to be hung over at work. This was so not a good look in front of one. I had just started calling Gwen by her first name a couple weeks ago! And now I was showing up to work hungover from the night out with a cowboy. I was so disappointed in myself. This wasn't me focusing on my career!

  I tossed a couple of the little white pills back with my hot coffee. I splashed little water on my face and put some on the back of my neck. I left my coffee by the sink and I walked back to the bathroom picking up my jacket on the way there. I tossed into my bedroom and then I brushed my teeth and put some light makeup on. I looked at myself in the mirror as I threw my hair up into a musty messy bun. Was I the type of girl to have one night stands?

  I didn't know. But I knew one thing.

  Hunter was not getting into my bed again.



  I had
to get to the arena early, and I stopped for some coffee on my way. Some little café in downtown Austin. I sat down outside at a small table and I watched the cars go by on a busy street. Austin was a beautiful city. It really had something special going for it, the flower boxes sitting in the middle of the streets, lots of trees and grass even though we were in Texas. I appreciated that the people here really cared about their city. I took another sip of my coffee and I felt the hot liquid go down my throat and fill my belly. I never ate much on rodeo days. Made me anxious. I couldn't imagine being a cowboy that barfed in the middle of the arena. But a hot cup of coffee and a shot of bourbon before I went out and that was all I needed. At least that was all I thought I needed, until last night.

  I watched as a couple sat down at a table adjacent to mine, she was in a sundress and he was in jeans and a t-shirt. Clearly they were dressed casually for a day of errands and maybe going out on a lunch date or something. They just looked so comfortable together, laughing at each other and flirting playfully. Did I want that?

  I hadn’t, before Cara. Now I didn't know. I'd been living on the road for so long, not doing much of anything with my life besides rodeo. I didn't have lasting relationships since my brother had died, and I thought I was okay with that.

  But Cara was the type of girl that you settled down for. But she also seemed to me like the type that wouldn’t want me to give up my dreams. Could I still be a pro rodeo star and give her everything that she wanted? I didn't know the answer.

  Only she would know that.

  The truth of the matter was I wanted to give her anything she wanted. But I also didn't want to give up rodeo. She would be keeping Loki at the clinic for at least a few more days, but I didn't really feel like that gave me any more time to think about it. I would see her today at the arena. She was working the rodeo the entire weekend. As I finished my coffee I realized the best way to figure out how I felt was just to see her again and make the decision in front of her. I knew I was falling for her, that wasn't even a question. But I had to know how she felt about me. If she could see herself being with a cowboy.


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