The Celestial King

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The Celestial King Page 4

by L Ward

  Nath dried his eyes and leaned on Evan while he slowly calmed down. “You’re both right. I need to get through these next challenges with a clear head.”

  “Elijah was never perfect but he was a good king. You shouldn’t base your decisions on what he would do; rather do what you know in your heart is right.”

  Chapter 4

  Evan’s Sunday was an explosion of adrenaline and he spent the whole morning buzzing. He laid eyes on his family, flustered and happy in the eastern lobby, and joy burst from his skin in rays of light, a mixture of healing and his new gifts.

  “You’re bloody beaming, Evan,” Alexander greeted him with a hug. “What’s going on?”

  Evan laughed and wrapped his mum in a bear hug. “It’s my new gifts. They’re getting stronger every day.”

  “You look so handsome,” Elise grinned.

  “Hey, Ev,” said Kalani, appearing from behind their parents, Ian at her side, gazing around in wonderment.

  Evan hugged his sister gently. “You made it, how you feeling?”

  “Sick as a dog,” she laughed. “Never mind me, we’re here to see you crowned.”

  “Your news is bigger than mine,” said Evan, grinning and watching Nath greet his parents.

  “Maybe in your head. I guess he’s here?” her face fell a little.

  Evan nodded feeling a touch of anxiety. “It sounds horrible, but I don’t think he’ll talk to you.”

  She didn’t look surprised. Disappointed, perhaps. “Good thing I’m not here to talk to him. It’s as much my fault as his anyway,” she said slowly.

  Servants showed them to their guest rooms, which they were thrilled with and, with Nath’s help, Evan gave them the grand tour. It was like reliving it all over again.

  Nath was dressed in a hoodie and jeans trying to look as normal as possible, or at least as normal as a devastatingly handsome and obviously very wealthy young king could.

  The afternoon passed in a flurry; servants hurried along the corridors making preparations for tomorrow. Evan’s belly was a sack of knotted eels when they collectively sat down to dinner with the Dowager.

  “Imagine all the nature you’ll get to see!” Kalani gasped when he told her of the mission. “Maybe I should rethink my career plans and become part of the military if there’s old school travel involved…”

  “You’re still going to work at the reserve?” Evan frowned.

  Ian buried his smirk in his shrimp salad.

  Kalani laughed. “Umm, yeah but until the baby is born I won’t be as hands-on,” she said lightly.

  “What she means is she owns the place now,” said Ian.

  Evan’s lips popped the perfect o.

  “A special gift for the family of my second son,” Miriam smiled, eyes twinkling.

  And then he was laughing. “So that’s what you got! Why were you so vague about it?” said Evan.

  “Because I wanted to get everything ready before I told you. Surprise!” she smiled. “Anyway, the weather’s been awful and I’ve felt terrible.”

  “So what does the mission entail exactly, Your Majesty?” His father turned to Nath.

  “Mostly ground work and infiltration. We’ve the best trained soldiers in the country so Evan will be well protected,” said Nath, sipping a flute of champagne and smiling at him.

  “He’s never been one for violence,” said Alexander, worry flashing behind green eyes.

  “One of his many wonderful traits,” Nath’s charm was turned up to the max; Evan couldn’t stop staring at him.

  “Evan’s grown up since he left home. He spent last summer working, reading, or Kalani would drag him out occasionally with mutual friends,” Alexander said, face warming in a smile. “Every Friday night after work he’d go home with takeaway, have a bath and sit in his room smoking weed and watching signal viewings.”

  Evan cleared his throat. “I’m still here.”

  “I like hearing stories about you,” said Nath, dimples cavernous.

  Dessert was served on golden platters; frosted chocolate gateau with white curls sprinkled on top, fruit-laden cheesecakes, warm apple pies, sticky toffee pudding and towering strawberry trifle with the thickest layer of custard.

  Evan ate some of everything trying to settle his nerves and telling himself he’d be spending days hard traveling and would need the energy.

  “He’s always been a foodie,” his mum smiled.

  They settled around the fire with glasses of glamour and full bellies, even Kalani managed some. The room smelled of Sunday dinner and apple logs and glistened with magic. Evan was full of food and ready for bed, but deep in the pit of his stomach an ember of anxiety flickered. Tomorrow morning he’d wear a crown and the world would be watching.


  Dawn burst across the sky in an explosion of purple, teal and lime. The dense grey clouds were fading like smudges from a paintbrush.

  Evan was awake and bricking it as he fumbled with his shirt buttons and applied three layers of deodorant.

  “All you have to do is sit on a chair and wear a hat,” said Nath, smile curling his lips as he dropped from the exercise bar jammed into his ceiling. He was lean, muscles swollen and chest a coated with a sheen of sweat. Suddenly, the coronation wasn’t as forefront as moments ago.

  Evan laughed. “If only it were that simple. Damn, Nath, you’re getting ripped.”

  Nath grinned, flexing his arms watching Evan’s face flood with arousal. “I’m still not as sexy as you.”

  “Don’t be stupid, you belong on the cover of a men’s fitness magazine, I belong with the inspirational diet quotes,” said Evan. Okay, he wasn’t huge, but his belly was soft, not toned. The royal medic who took his height, weight and blood pressure said he was a normal, healthy size, but that did nothing to stop Will sneering his opinion that he was a beached walrus and putting his health at risk.

  “You absolutely belong with the inspirational people; not on a diet. Besides, I prefer a man with a little more ass,” Nath said, kissed Evan's cheek and slapped his butt on the way to the shower.

  Evan’s nerves were shot to shit by the time he'd dressed in an immaculate suit, the royal colours draped over him in lush purple and white furs. His hands wouldn’t stop shaking or sweating when Nath, dressed in full regal attire, escorted him from their rooms and down to the glass lobby.

  Guards and servants bowed low as they passed, scurrying this way and that with arms full of blooms and eyes glittering with magic. Shouts of “Your Majesty!” and “Your Highness!” and “Your Majesties!” followed them into the bitter, bright gardens.

  All eyes were on them.

  Evan was shaking in the carriage, holding Nath’s hand as though at any moment he’d be snatched away by the breeze. They brushed through the snow-capped trees milling outside the looming tangerine brilliance. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Nath laughed. “You’re already a prince, you’re just here to collect your crown.”

  He sucked in a breath, the chill biting his throat. “There’s so much expectation and so many people watching I’m scared I’ll mess up.”

  “You haven’t messed up yet, why would you start now?” said Nath.

  He laughed, of course Nath would use logic in this scenario. “Because I’m me and messing up is my profession. I never thought I’d wear a crown.”

  Nath kissed him, smile toying with his lips. “It’s all part of being a monarch, but no matter how difficult or dark times may seem there is always a light at the end of the tunnel; the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,” he nodded to the sun peeking through the clouds. They hadn’t seen true sunshine in weeks.

  Evan grew warm and felt colour rise to the tips of his ears; shards of sunlight danced across his skin. Magic hummed in his ears, filling every whoosh of blood with gold. He felt like an angel descending where one touch could cure the world.

  “It’s time,” Nath smiled.

  And they were walking up the aisle towards the thrones,
Nath’s crown firmly in place. Everyone was staring at them, the portals thrummed and Evan’s heart wanted to explode. He took his throne with trembling legs and glittering skin.

  “Chosen by King Nathaniel I, blessed by the gods and anointed in this church,” the vicar spoke, anointing his forehead and his breast with oil. “His Majesty, the King’s Consort, Evan Alexander McIntyre.” A gold coronet with the Celtic symbol of strength was placed on his head.

  Evan released a breath he hadn’t realised he was holding and the room erupted with light. The sun burst and the church basked in its glory. His skin was hot; sweat prickled his forehead and ran down his back. He could see the fireball clearly, church and audience disappearing for a moment in a blinding flash of butterscotch sunshine.

  Nathaniel knelt before him, clasping his fingers and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “My Consort, my love,” he breathed. “I forever swear my allegiance to you.”

  The portals were shining; he tried to ignore them. The audience’s swam into vision around them smiling, surprised or bewildered. His family were at the front positively beaming and waving at him; his mother yanked Ian down before he stood on a chair to applaud. To Evan’s left the Starstone family sat at the front, poised and applauding with grace. Will’s face was a blank mask, unreadable and cool. He wouldn’t disgrace his family in front of the world but Evan knew deep down he was pissed.

  He rose from his throne and members of the audience bowed to him, professing their support, joy and allegiance like Nathaniel had.

  The procession followed King and Consort from the church into the sun-kissed forest. It smelled of pine and miracles. The air winked with colour and magic coated the trees; it felt like Christmas all over again.

  “Do you still think that was the most terrifying experience?” Nath quirked an eyebrow.

  “Not as bad as I thought, but—”

  “Your Majesties!” Marianne hurried forward lifting her billowing, smoke skirts. “A threat has been issued. The warlocks have made contact and they’re demanding you step down peacefully or they’ll lay waste to the Head Chairman of the Scottish Magical Council,” she said to Nathaniel.

  He sighed and the three of them stepped away from the guests. “They’re holding him hostage?”

  She nodded.

  “What happened? He assured me they were secured,” said Nath.

  “Rebel forces. The werewolves joined the warlocks and attacked the fae woods surrounding Edinburgh. We’ve heard nothing from their Empress in the Colonies,” her voice became grave, dark brows drawing together like a rumpled caterpillar.

  “I cannot send more soldiers when they’re required for the mission. How many warlocks are there?” asked Nath.

  “A dozen at most, there’re many more werewolves and some… unnatural mutations…” her gaze became hard. The Dead Country had unleashed multiple monstrosities, creatures of shadow and curses. Mutated werewolves, fangs protruding grotesquely, bodies large, long-legged and deformed. Rumours of all sorts of horrors: vampires, elves and even dark pixies had appeared terrorising towns and villages.

  “Do you know what warlocks are afraid of?” Nath asked slowly, corners of his lips twitching. “Dragon fire.”

  Marianne’s dark eyes widened. “The dragon’s cannot penetrate the Dead Country border at this present stage…”

  “It’s a good thing they’re going to Edinburgh,” Nath flashed a quick smile as Gerard and Will appeared looking worried.

  “Tell the Privy Council my orders have been given. I'm sending the dragons,” said Nath. “They need to know I’m serious.”

  “As you wish, Your Majesty.”

  He took Evan’s hand and walked him back towards the carriages, smile back in place. “It’s a shame Cass isn’t here.”

  “I invited her but she didn’t reply to my spellogram,” said Evan, still shaken from the news. “I’m starting to think she wasn’t really my friend. Angelika and a few others are coming back though.”

  “The university is open to anyone who wishes to return, we have just about enough staff to cover most of the lessons. I don’t want to put good people out of their jobs,” said Nath. “Anyway, we should be celebrating your crown,” he said brightly.

  “I’m so proud of you, Evan,” his mother appeared wrapping her arms around him. “I can’t believe how grown up you are now.”

  Evan laughed and hugged the rest of his family. Cameras popped annoyingly, their flashes like morning fireworks. Journalists were beginning to swarm so Nath swept him into a carriage.

  “Dragons, Nath?” Evan asked, silencing the carriage. “What the hell?”

  “Our dragons are captive-bred, extensively trained and tamers will go with them. The aim is to keep them trapped in the building and force them to release Chairman Whittle. Warlocks are very weak to dragon fire, just their presence will drain them. Hopefully it’ll be enough to at least ensure his safety and buy us some time,” Nath traced circles on Evan’s knee.

  “Dragons are destructive beings…”

  “Yes, which is why they won’t attack unless given orders. We can try to contain the damage. It’s our only choice for now,” Nath replied, face full of concern.

  “The mission can’t come fast enough, can it?”

  Nath shook his head.

  Chapter 5

  Feasting and festivities continued into the evening. Music filled the lively court and everyone set their worries aside to eat, drink and be merry before the battle began.

  “It means everyone can keep their jobs: Helena, Jakob, Wilhelmina, Dorian. I've opened up vacancies for new staff now given the size of the reserve,” Kalani said animatedly. She paused suddenly, catching him off-guard. “Are you drunk?”

  Evan was definitely drunk; he hadn’t been drunk since Nath’s coronation. “The champagne goes right to my head,” he pointed to his temple.

  Kalani laughed. “I’m not shaming you, Ev, you’ve every right to celebrate. I see why you love living here when the palace is so full of life.”

  “It’s the most inspirational place I’ve ever been, but not everyone sees it that way, they tend to focus entirely on Nath’s condition,” said Evan. “I’ve seen him transform and he’s still perfect in my eyes.”

  Kalani stared at him, smile gracing her face.

  “Talking about me again?” Nath’s arm slid around his waist.

  “Bragging about you, Your Majesty,” said Kalani.

  Evan took in his flushed neck and lazy dimples and smiled.

  “You should see how flustered he gets when I brag about him to the nobility,” Nath’s smile became a sly smirk.

  “I don’t get flustered,” said Evan.

  Kalani shone with laughter. “He’s always worn his heart on his sleeve,” she said. “Reads like an open book.”

  “Would you care to dance?” Nath rose, extending a palm to Evan.

  He accepted . The crowd parted like the Red Sea as they stepped onto the dance floor, allowing them space. A new melody raised the court and Evan took Nath’s waist swaying to the rhythm and gazing into his perfectly mismatched eyes.

  “Gerard has drafted a letter to the warlocks issuing my warning, the dragons will be unleashed when the message is sent,” said Nath.

  “What about all the dimensional tears?” Evan slurred.

  “They’re holding for now, there’s nothing to disturb them and I’ve got several of our warlocks sealing them as best they can. The rifts are another matter, there are portals cropping up like termites and the last thing we need is more monsters escaping into the Otherworld,” said Nath pulling him flush to his body. “The field soldiers are working to evacuate citizens close to the council.”

  Evan nodded, slow to keep up.

  Nath studied him a moment, cheeks rosy. “I think you need some water.”

  “I didn’t realise the pudding was so boozy,” said Evan.

  Nath laughed and dipped him; his heart missed a beat and the room spun pleasantly in a blur of celebration and magic
. People were watching, but Evan didn’t care.

  “You’ve drank loads how’re you fine?”

  Nath’s lips made wonderful, sweet contact with his throat and Evan’s mind wandered to the bedroom. “I’m smashed but you’re too drunk to recognise another drunk,” he whispered.

  Now it was Evan’s turn to laugh.

  “Ah, surprise, surprise,” said Nath, nodding to where Will was slumped over a table looking about ready to choke on his own vomit. “At least we’re not like him.”

  “Fucking hell, Gerard’s not gonna be happy if he ends up in the papers,” said Evan.

  Mr Penningway, a noble with a very crinkled nose from putting it where it doesn’t belong, glanced sharply at him as he and his wife danced by.

  “Which he will,” said Nath, steering him away as Marianne spotted Will and stormed over, dress billowing pinkish tendrils of disapproval.

  They danced until the entire court acknowledged Evan; praised him and wished him well in his role.

  Will had sobered up enough to sit upright with a glass of water and a bowl of giant roasted peanuts, watching them through bleary eyes.

  “Shocking how they can go from looking down their noses at me and calling me common to asking for favours,” Evan said, cupping Nath’s ass on their way to bed. He still buzzing, horny and happy.

  “It’ll remind you who your true friends are,” Nath replied. “Hold your cards close.”


  Lunch was served, Evan was green and Kalani didn’t look much better. He’d downed Hangover’s Essence and smoked and it was finally abating. They were in his favourite parlour, the sun warmed the windows and a magenta fire danced in the hearth.

  “With hope by summer we’ll be doing regular international trade,” said Alexander over buttery scones and thick cream. “The plans are in motion, it’s just finalising everything. Some countries have unnecessarily strict import laws on this kind of thing.”

  “Have you come up with any new designs?” asked Evan.

  “I’ve considered a micro bong, perfect for travel. It’ll be enchanted to hold as much as a standard bong but no higher than three inches tall,” his dad’s eyes were shining.


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