The Celestial King

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The Celestial King Page 12

by L Ward

  “I didn’t ask you to heal me,” Will said icily.

  Nath had never looked so surprised at Evan’s balls.

  “I healed you because you were suffering, and whether you liked it or not you didn’t want to die,” said Evan. “You’re too fucking spoiled, Will. You’re a daddy’s boy with a massive ego. Grow the hell up!”

  Will lunged at Evan, fists raised but managed to stop himself at the last moment.

  Nath threw up a palm and the moonlight chilled his entire body.

  He recoiled, jaw tense and furious. “Shut the fuck up.”

  “I suggest you get out of this room and calm down or this isn’t going to end well for you when we get back,” Nath said calmly, locking eyes with Will..

  Evan’s stomach tingled, Nath had been so much more confident and authoritative since they left the palace. It was hot to say the least.

  Will held the stare for some time, glanced at Evan and said, “I shouldn’t’ve lost me temper.”

  “It comes as a surprise to no one,” said Nath..

  Will pursed his lips, bowed to them both, and left.

  Evan found them some clothes; the jogging bottoms he handed Nath had never been pulled and knotted so tight.


  They didn’t hear from Will for the rest of the day, just his occasional trip to the bathroom or pacing around Kalani’s bedroom. Evan left a pair of his own jogging bottoms and a t-shirt folded outside her door and when he went to the toilet they’d been lifted.

  Dusk tinted the sky with pink and orange, clouds a deep silver-shot pearl. Evan always loved sunset in the north. The countryside and beautiful skies were some of his favourite parts about being a northerner.

  “As promised,” Will said, walking into the living room perfectly on time.

  Anxiety drummed in Evan’s belly.

  Nath was gleaming on the sofa, drawing in moonlight and reaching his magic toward the realm of the gods. “We’ll need to wait until it’s completely dark and go outside.”

  Evan glanced out the window at the fairy tale sky. Stars twinkled in the background and his stomach fluttered. When he turned back, Will stood right in front of him.

  “I’m sorry for being out of line and ungrateful, Your Majesty,” he said.

  He nodded and Will bowed away.

  They watched the brilliant sunset; Nath’s skin was luminous as the darkness coated the sky a dark blue and the sliver of moon began to glow. The night air was cold and fresh as a northern realm, Evan was shot with nervous excitement as they headed into his back garden and stood on the grass.

  “The light falls best here,” Nath breathed, gazing up at the tiny crescent. He began to glitter; starlight radiated from his body, rising into the night sky towards the gods. “I’m trying but I can’t reach Lunara like this,” he said softly. “Once administered, everyone hold hands and do not let go. Picture the three of us in your mind and don’t let go under any circumstances.”

  Evan wished upon a star that it worked and they’d be home safe and sound. He watched Nath’s rays turn wispy like smoke and reflective like mirrors. The shine from the moon kissed their skin and the King’s face lit up in a smile. He leaned over and kissed Evan’s lips.

  “This might not work,” said Nath.

  “Try your best,” Evan smiled reassuringly.

  Nath smiled and turned to Will. “I’m ready.”

  Will’s lips twitched in a smirk and he raised the jar, popping the lid but not removing it.

  Evan took Nath’s hand and held on tight, palms prickling with nervous droplets. He felt his radiating anxiety, felt them deep in his bones. He squeezed, helping Nath relax, he needed to be tranquil to break through the barrier to the other realm.

  Magic roared in their ears; Evan grasped Will’s arm as he threw the lid aside. Nath was drenched in brilliant beams of blue-tinted silver and he gasped loud enough to swallow the solar system. Stars erupted all over his skin, showering them with magic. He was magnificent, blinding as his soul reached to the heavens.

  Will grasped both of their hands, the jar burst into a cloud of smoke.

  Ethereal rays bathed them and Evan felt completely at peace. He saw every shade of springtime pastel and summer ice cream; every wonderful shade of life and the colour of the purest magic. Patterns of geometric impossibilities appeared behind his eyelids. He should’ve been terrified, but he couldn’t think of a word less fitting for how he felt.

  The blinding light, the weightlessness, the strange pressure in his skull and all the patterns disappeared in an instant as they hit the earth tumbling in a pile of long limbs and angles. Evan felt a flurry of panic as the world turned upside down, twisted around and blinked back at him as normal. They were outside, the air was chilly, the grass was damp and the forest hummed with magic.

  “We’re outside the palace,” said Will.

  Evan was halfway through sucking a breath of relief when he realised Nath was sprawled peacefully in the grass. He sat up and touched him, his chest rose steadily and his face was a mask of serenity.

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  Evan touched Nath’s forehead and his eyes fluttered. “Magical burnout.”

  “We need to get inside the gates. I’ll take him—”

  “No you won’t,” said Evan. He slipped an arm under Nath and roused him enough that he could speak by the time the guards spotted them.

  “The King!”

  “Your Majesties!”

  They were surrounded in moments and led through the ornate gates and into the east wing.

  Home hugged them with the aromas of delicious cooking and warm spells. It felt like they’d been away for months.

  “Your Majesty!” Beverley click-clacked toward them in her heels.

  Suddenly people were all around them offering them things, camera flashes blinded them and guards dragged the journalists away.

  Nath was sagging on his shoulder looking more than ready for bed.

  And there, parting the servants and soldiers like the Red Sea, was Gerard Starstone, dripping in gold and smiling like a magic carpet salesman. “Thank the gods! The King!” he cried, bowing deeply to the Nath and again to Evan. “How in the celestial phenomena did you manage to get back, Your Majesty?”

  “Moonlight,” said Will.

  Gerard’s chocolatey eyes slid past Nath and for the first time registered his son. He pulled Will into a tight embrace, grimacing at his clothes. “I’m glad you’re alive,” he patted his back. “You served your duty well.”

  Will stiffened and didn’t return it.

  Nath stared at him a moment. “Have the others made it back yet?”

  Gerard’s face softened. “No, and I’m deeply sorry to inform you that many of the soldiers were killed when we were set upon over the border.”

  “I know,” Nath said smoothly. “We rescued three during our attack of the rift generator. The good news is we were successful and rift travel in and out of the Dead Country, or by any warlock-fashioned portal, will be impossible.”

  “And the bad news, Your Grace?”

  “We lost three comrades in the rift when we escaped. It’s likely they were transported elsewhere, but it’s not impossible they were lost,” said the King. “We must address the nation, claim victory over the rifts, then prepare for the next stage of attack.”

  “Of course,” said Gerard, glancing hastily to Will again.

  Evan couldn’t stop staring at Will, but not for reasons of attraction. Will was glaring at Gerard with a mixture of disbelief and irritation on his face, not like a son who was thrilled to see his missing father alive. Thousands of questions swarmed his mind.

  “It’ll be more difficult to cross the border next time,” Gerard said gravely.

  “How exactly did you make it back?” Nath asked, eyeing Gerard with vague suspicion.

  “As soon as we saw them coming we turned and headed back. There were signs troops had been in around our passage point. We didn’t have much choice, we
needed to follow orders,” he said slowly. “I’ll offer my most sincere apologies, only a handful of our comrades reached the border. I was pushed through it and thought it best to return to the palace and await your arrival.”

  Evan swallowed, how he had the balls to stand there and tell Nath he’d turned tail and ran from the soldiers was beyond him. He studied Nath’s cool expression as he helped him down a glittering corridor threaded with the most beautiful shades of summer rainbows.

  “Very well. Are we able to recover any of the bodies?” he said.

  “No, Your Majesty.”

  There was a slight pause.

  “We’ll hold a memorial for the souls lost and prayers for the missing,” said the King. They rounded the stairs, Evan’s healing worked because Nath was back on his feet. “We must make sure our comrades are remembered.”

  “As you wish, Your Grace,” said Gerard.

  Maids and manservants littered about, bouncing on their heels waiting to help. Nath requested dinner be prepared while they called an urgent meeting of the Privy Council.

  The chamber was hazy with emotion and smelled of fresh magic. Evan took his seat beside Nath. Will looked extremely embarrassed to be sitting among such important people in commoner’s clothes.

  Nath gave them an account of what happened, leaving out some details. Looking back over the whole trip they’d managed a lot in what little time it’d taken.

  There was a pause in conversation as the food arrived. Evan could barely restrain himself from devouring the main course and demolishing the chocolate cake for dessert. He felt like a pig and he loved every second of it. Fortunately, Nath was by no means holding back either, but he could get away with it being covered in muscle and half his size.

  “The border is, however, impossible to cross, Your Majesty. Even if you are of ability to access its magic,” said Sir Winscott.

  “By land, not air,” said Nathaniel. “I propose we head first to Edinburgh and reclaim the lost city, then we take our dragon-kin over the border and head for the labs.”

  “Preparations’ll begin at once,” said Gerard. “Will you be ready to address the people tonight?”

  “The sooner the better. I don’t want the country believing that I’m dead,” said Nathaniel. “My crown isn’t anyone’s game.”

  Chapter 18

  It was a whirlwind after dinner. They dressed in fine suits, draped in cloaks of regality, and arrived at the throne room before Evan had a chance to register what was happening. The portal was humming and they took their thrones, gazing neutrally down the wavering lens as the nation tuned into the broadcast.

  “Good evening, I come bearing news of the obliteration of the rift generator in the Dead Country. This was my clear message: cease and desist, or risk annihilation,” Nathaniel said slowly, face a mask of calm. “As King I have sworn to do my best for my country and my people. There have been casualties, so I ask you to pray for the souls of the living, the missing and the departed. The only conclusion to this war is the end to the ruling of the Dead Country. Please be cautious of travel as warlocks and monsters are taking to the skies, the sea and the forests.”

  Evan remained calm the entire time. The news was positive and the King was alive with a victory against the warlocks, if he seized Edinburgh too, then he’d be in favour with the people; he’d prove himself a mighty ruler.


  By the time they collapsed into bed they were too tired to speak. Evan loved being in his old bedroom with Nath, but this bed was made from heavenly clouds and daydreams.


  In the morning he welcomed his father’s presence with a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Where’s everyone else?”

  “Kalani’s not feeling well, your mum’s looking after her and Ian has a proper study session,” Alexander grinned.

  Evan laughed. “Has he been to the royal library yet?”

  “He’s there now. I’ve never seen him speechless over books,” he laughed as they walked into the sitting room. “Sorry for interrupting,” he said, noticing Nath perched at their dining table flicking through a newspaper.

  “Nonsense, you’re very welcome,” Nath flashed his gorgeous dimples and welcomed a fatherly hug. “Evan was a life saver on the mission.”

  The man’s green eyes flickered with joy. “I couldn’t be more proud of him.”

  Evan was gleaming.

  “And I hope you were comfortable in the house, Your Majesty.”

  “Please, I’m Nath or Nathaniel. My father-in-law needn’t use formalities,” Nath smiled warmly.

  “I’ll try to remember. Anyway, I was coming by to make sure you’re both alright. It was a tense time while you were away, and when they told us you’d gone missing…” Alexander trailed off, gazing out at the beautiful view.

  Evan hugged his dad again. “The gods watched over us.”

  “And to them we are all grateful,” said Nath.


  Court was a world of magic and mayhem; couples danced, milled and talked of success, wealth and war. Dinner had been wonderful, and Evan was full and a little buzzed by the time the guests and nobility joined them. Journalists slinked through courtiers snapping stolen kisses and flirtatious glances.

  Later in the evening a middle-aged man wearing a kind smile and a tidy suit approached and bowed low to the King. “Your Majesties, if I may be so bold as to introduce myself, I am Sir Eugenio Alvarez, it is an honour to be invited to your court as a member of the Privy Council,” he said with a light Spanish accent. He turned to Evan and bowed, smiling. He was tall and handsomely sun-kissed with sea-blue eyes and wavy brown hair pushed back.

  “You’re most welcome. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir Alvarez,” said Nath.

  “This is my son,” he rested a hand on the shoulder of a young man of strong resemblance. And that’s when something happened. Something Evan thought impossible.

  The young man turned his smile on Will. “Hello, I’m Dante,” he said with the softest trace of an accent.

  Will was positively peachy. His cheeks glowed and his entire face lit up with a smile. “I’m Will,” he said, grasping Dante’s hand eagerly.

  Evan and Nath exchanged looks; the air glittered with magic.

  “Dante dedicated his life to private studies in Castile, and when I said I was coming to England to join the council of King Nathaniel, he jumped at the opportunity. Perhaps his education will fare well here,” said Sir Alvarez with a bright-white smile.

  “What do you study?” said Nath.

  “Astronomy and philosophy,” said Dante.

  “Don’t be so humble! Dante has studied his topics extensively under some of the greatest minds in Europe,” the man continued.


  “I’ve always made certain that Dante is exceptionally well read in prose and poetry; fact and fiction.”


  “And his English is perfect.”

  “Please, you are embarrassing me…”

  “Come now, Dante, stop being so humble,” the man scolded. “It’s time to show yourself, you’re not hidden away in the villa anymore. This is your new life.”

  Will was staring at him; Evan couldn’t believe the brightness in his eyes or the smile he was suppressing from his handsome features.

  “You’re very welcome here, Dante. I’m sure your skills will be of great use,” said Nath, glancing up as Gerard appeared at his side looking slick and frustrated.

  “It’s borderline harassment, everyone wanting to speak to me. I’ve had a journalist hovering over me shoulder all night,” he said and greeted Sir Alvarez with a firm handshake and wandering eyes. He shook hands meekly with Dante and accepted a drink from a passing servant. “I hope you’re not expecting to find peace and quiet here.”

  Dante laughed. “I’ve heard nothing but praise for the King’s Court,” he said politely.

  Evan glanced to Will, his gaze was in his drink but throughout the ensuing conver
sation about the PNT and its progress, he kept glancing up and catching Dante’s eye.

  “Packed to bursting, they are,” said Gerard. “The people are making the most of the facilities.”

  “With a complete patient satisfaction rating,” said Evan.

  “Your Majesty, do you have a moment for an interview?” a thirty-something palace journalist appeared with his bright smile and short, curly hair.

  “I’ve a few minutes to spare,” Nath said slowly, kissed Evan on the cheek, and ushered the journalist to a table.

  Evan was warm and flushed, it was wonderful to be home. Better than he imagined. More important people in important suits appeared listening to Gerard’s continuous talking. His eyes roamed to where Will was casually approaching Dante, who was accepting a flute of luminous-green champagne from a servant.

  “His Grace’s petition has also been a success, some of our specialists in the lycanthropy department have made a breakthrough in finding a pain relief for post-transformation discomfort and many have willingly submitted themselves for preliminary screenings, all ten of the applicants have been accepted,” said Gerard.

  Evan looked up and smiled. “The King is better proof than anyone that werewolves aren’t horror stories.”

  “Truer words have never been spoken,” said Sir Winscott of Essex. He was an elderly gentleman with a shiny scalp cap and heavily lined skin.

  Evan sipped his drink and watched Will chatting with Dante; smiling like the cat who got the cream. Dante laughed and leaned over to say something. They were definitely going to end up fucking. It was brilliant to watch. The last courtly session had resulted in Will flirting with a pretty dark-haired girl and checking out several more, all, however, appeared forgotten in favour of the new Spanish boy.

  Nath rose from the table and shook hands politely with the journalist.


  He whipped round and his sister was striding toward him in a pretty red dress. “It feels like a lifetime since I last saw you,” he said, wrapping her in a brotherly hug. “Dad said you were still feeling like shit.”


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