The Celestial King

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The Celestial King Page 20

by L Ward

  He stared at his father, that icy calculating look contorting his handsome face. He’d aged since Elijah’s death, like the final light in those dark pits had gone out. “I’ve got no idea what you’re on about,” he said calmly.

  “You seem to have no idea about anything as of late, care to share anything, kid?” Gerard raised his eyebrows.

  Will clenched his swallow reflex so hard his throat burned. Not a movement out of place. His father could read people like tabloids. “No, Sir.”

  Gerard stared at him a moment and reached out a palm placing it awkwardly on his shoulder. “I only say these things because I care about this family, and now that Nath’s married there’s no reason why you can’t be too. I’ve decided I’m gonna find you a princess to wed and a throne to claim.”

  Will averted his eyes, his chest was so tight it hurt. “I’m not sure what to say,” he said carefully. “Shouldn’t I wait until after the mission?” Terror crawled up his spine, his neck and through his hair. All the happiness he’d felt recently vanished in a snap of Gerard’s fingers. Something on his face must’ve given his anxiety away because he glared at him.

  “I think it’s high time you honour your family and do what I brought you into this world to do: achieve something, rise to power and wear a crown.”

  Will swallowed.

  “I’ll hand-pick the best looking ones from the wealthiest countries and you can make your final decision then. In the meantime, if you’re shagging any of these noble girls for fucks sake make sure you’re using a condom or you’ll end up with a whole stream of bastards,” said Gerard.

  He flinched, sucking a sharp breath. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I see the way ya still look at him sometimes.”

  Will’s heart froze.

  “He’s married and nothing on this earth is gonna make him divorce that commoner for you,” Gerard said bitterly. “You failed the one thing I asked you to do and now you’re embarrassing yourself. People have noticed the way you’ve pined for months on end. I’ve noticed, and I won’t let you shame this family any more than you already have,” Gerard’s finger was millimeters from his face, eyes blazing.

  He opened his mouth to argue and was silenced by a sharp slap across the cheek. His eyes stung and one of his teeth cut the inside of his cheek; he tasted blood.

  “This family doesn’t tolerate weakness. Look at you, six-three with all that muscle and you couldn’t overpower a scrawny little werewolf,” he sneered.

  Will was shaking; he was entering dangerous waters but he had to say something, the words were on the tip of his tongue, hot and acidic. “Nath didn’t deserve that.”

  A hand closed around his jaw, shoving him so his back hit the wall. “I told you if you had him Elijah would’ve handed him over on a silver platter and you’d be wearing that common bastard’s crown by now. You couldn’t even drive him away like I asked.”

  Terror stole the oxygen from his lungs as Gerard advanced.

  “I am sick of you. You should’ve taken a leaf from your sister’s book and made something other than a fool of yourself. The Arabian monarch laughed when he heard you were denied Nathaniel’s hand, he even said he wouldn’t let one of his daughters marry a lazy, wolf-loving wetback, so you’ve already cost us a desert paradise. Do you know how hard it is to negotiate trade with a country that already has so much and are swimming in their own riches? DO YOU? Do you understand how much there is to gain from a place like that?”

  Will tried to nod. Tears blurred his vision, hot and threatening to spill down his cheeks.

  “And they won’t even consider letting me install a bank there because of you! I can’t show me face without their nobility sneering at me. Think of how much shame that brings on your mother! Your grandparents!” In his rage he hawked and spat in Will’s face.

  Rage burned an inferno in the pit of his belly and for a second he almost lost control. “I’m sorry,” he croaked.

  “You will be fucking sorry. You’re going to make it up to me by finding a princess and claiming her throne, then nobody can say you’re a werewolf-loving faggot that does nothing but lounge around in his father’s shadow as a man of leisure, mocking us all,” Gerard snarled. “Do you understand me?”


  “Good,” Gerard drew back. “Meeting is at four, be on time.” He left and Will started shaking and couldn’t stop.

  He rushed into the bathroom, desperately splashing water on his face and stared at the gorgeous marble bathtub on solid gold claws until his heart stopped pounding and he could breathe again. What the fuck would Gerard say when he found out about him running a secret mission with the King? His stomach burned with tempest nausea and he sank to his knees sucking deep breaths. Gerard’s power craze was getting to him, fueled by his grief for Elijah. His own grief hadn’t dissolved, Elijah had been a better father figure to him than his own. For a moment there he thought perhaps Gerard was talking about Dante, but praise the gods, he clearly didn’t know. He knew he needed to be more careful or ultimatums would be issued that he wasn’t sure he could handle.


  Fifteen minutes later he was on the way to the library for his Spanish lesson. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a terrible thing if he didn’t make it back from the mission. Maybe Gerard wouldn’t be pissed at all. Maybe he could ask Nath to be moved out of the Starstone Halls and into one of the many more free apartments.

  When he reached the library and saw Dante sitting there smiling at him the rain stopped and the sun came out to play. He’d make a point of learning Spanish as fluently as possible; it’d take a long time, but he was prepared and it gave him more time with this gorgeous young man; more time to prove his father wrong and decide what he was going to do. He forced the thought of marrying some foreign princess from his mind.

  “Have you been practicing?” said Dante.

  “Only in all of my free time,” he grinned.

  Dante laughed. “Then how about we conduct today’s lesson entirely in Spanish? You can use the dictionary to look up words you don’t understand and ask questions in whichever language you want, but be reminded I will only answer in Spanish.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He didn’t want the afternoon to end, they had three hours until the meeting and he was going to make the most of every second. Every smile; every brush of the arm or flirtatious glance, it was all worth it.

  The work was mentally tiring but he was adjusting to the language with the ease of the blood in his veins, like a calling. Toward the end of the session Sir Wintor walked in to pick up some ancient texts and Will swept Dante behind a towering bookcase to snog him senseless.

  But the time came to say goodbye and he hoped it wouldn’t be for the last time.

  He arrived to the meeting slightly rumpled with kiss-swollen lips, thanking the gods his father wasn’t already there but when he did burst in looking urgent, he dropped his gaze.

  “I’m sure Gerard has been kind enough to brief you all on the situation. With reinforcements London is expected to be reclaimed within a day, however, the warlocks are sending their own warriors. They’re not quite so keen to lose governmental power in our capital,” said Nathaniel.

  “People are being forced to evacuate against their wishes,” said Sir Felwell, the oldest but surprisingly least senior member of Council.

  “For their own safety,” said the King.

  “They have the right to choice—”

  “Anyone who refuses will be left behind,” Gerard snapped.

  Everyone stared.

  “That’s the policy, we can’t risk more lives than necessary fighting idiots who don’t want to be saved from their own stupidity.”

  Harsh, but true.

  “What about people with disabilities?”

  “Accommodated for by policy.”


  “Stop looking for moral problems in every situation, Felwell. There’s more pressing matters at hand,” said Gerard.

n,” The King said calmly. “The Emperor of Nepal has had an uprising within the capital and there’s been a massacre. The military have been brought in but the magical charge is causing more violent storms and destruction.”

  “Damn that man for allowing integration!” Gerard pounded a burning fist on the table leaving scorch marks.

  Will flinched and caught Evan staring at him. His green eyes narrowed suspiciously.

  “Nevertheless this mania is like a widespread disease, rebels have flared up in the name of the Dark Warlock Artemis demanding takeover. Both worlds are in serious danger, the magical more than ever now the rifts are closed,” said the King. “I cannot assist foreign nations when our own funding and manpower has been stretched to the limit and beyond.”

  “Of course not. That would be absurd,” Gerard sliced through Felwell’s protests. “We should continue as planned with a small entourage as agreed.”

  “Now, really—”

  “These rebels dislike the regime and dislike the gods’ rule. Their desires are for a combined world of dark magic, obliteration of the non-magical race that cannot be enslaved and a demon on the throne, apparently the feelings are cropping up elsewhere in the world. This rebellion of monsters has been brewing for many hundreds of years. Artemis and Undermouth are the figureheads, the commanding officers of the movement, but what their supporters fail to realise is they’re not in it for the good of the people, they’re in it for the greed of themselves and their supporters know they’ll be rewarded handsomely for their troubles.”

  Felwell and Winscott pursed their lips.

  Will swallowed, Nath’s face was stony; unreadable. He wondered just what game Nath was playing because something didn’t feel right.

  “Undermouth has agreed to deliberation time. I have one month to hand over my crown or come up with a better solution that will end this entire mess for our own nation and others. It was one of our formerly united countries that has defected to the dark side. My father struggled to hold Wales in its own standing but the country was determined to fall and I won’t see this one follow the same path.”

  “What are you going to do, Your Majesty?” asked Sir Alvarez.

  “Perhaps a trade?” suggested Felwell.

  “For now I’m going to take the time to decide. I’ve many more tricks up my sleeve to keep this country and my palace safe. Our forces are out there fighting and vigilante groups have cropped up. I’m amazed at how the country is responding,” Nath continued, a tiny smile bracing his lips.

  “They’re taking a leaf from your book,” said Will. He felt his father’s eyes on him in an instant but the gaze was cool and calculating, the fury was gone. “They’re rising up for ya.”

  “Or for themselves because they can’t count on anyone here,” Gerard snapped.

  Will stared.

  Nath cleared his throat. “This week alone fourteen rebel groups have been disbanded, fifteen warlocks have been arrested and four werewolves have been tried and executed for mauling innocent civilians. I am doing all I can without risking more lives. Look outside,” he gestured to the grand gabled window behind them. “The sky is a bloody pulp again, the storms over the oceans are making travel treacherous and magical sites around the world are exploding. We are all trapped like a bag of rats, and two thirds of the military have abandoned me or been killed. My hands are tied until the month is up.” His eyes were stormy, furious and Will had never seen him so serious. He’d never even seen Elijah stare Gerard down before.

  “Then perhaps the solution isn’t war, but peace,” said Sir Alvarez.

  Everyone turned to stare.

  “Come off it, man, these warlocks don’t do tea and a chat, they want war and violent; magic and death. An all-out attack on the Dead Country palace like the King already suggested would end this,” said Gerard.

  “I wasn’t suggesting tea and biscuits,” Sir Alvarez continued calmly, “I think looking to the light of the gods and leading the country in example would do some good, for if we fight force with force it only encourages more violence.”

  Gerard looked livid; the rest of Council shocked.

  “I agree,” said Evan softly. His eyes darted around and his cheeks turned a sweetened shade of pink. “Sending innocents into unnecessary battles will only result in more loss and it gives the dark side exactly what they want. Unlike us they don’t give a shit if they lose people because they can manufacture more abominations. We’ve seen them,” he gestured to Nath and then to Will. “These photos all over the papers of these horrors and they’re not just here, they’re everywhere. When the Dead Country finish building their army they’re gonna unleash it on us all.”

  Will’s heart sank and he sighed. “He’s right,” he hated admitting when the commoner was correct, but this time he was.

  Gerard was on his feet livid, a purple vein throbbing in his temple. “No. We should send military forces to end this once and for all. We should call all eligible people to serve for their country,” he pressed. “We fight them head-on. So what’s the plan?” He turned to the King with surprising speed.

  Nath stared. “I won’t summon innocent and untrained civilians to their deaths and against their wishes.”

  “Why not? You need them and they’re your subjects. By law you can make them go.”

  “By law I can but by consciousness I will not,” Nath said simply. “I have one month.”

  “Why don’t you just hand the crown over now and get it over with?” Gerard asked venomously.

  “I’ve no intention of ever handing my crown over, I will destroy the lot of them and their hell hold of a country before that happens,” the King’s voice was quiet and haunting. Only Evan and Will could look at him.

  Evan with terror and respect, he with admiration. Nath continued to stare at Gerard with a burning gaze. The atmosphere prickled, hot with anger and glittered with magic. The fireplace crawled up the hearth with black-tinged talons and smelled delightfully woodsy.

  “I refuse to force innocent people to their deaths in my name and I’m not quite sure why, if your best interests are indeed this country, you’d want to risk any more harm,” Nath said slowly.

  Gerard’s left eye twitched and he sat very still a moment before clearing his throat. “Of course the interests of the country are at the forefront of my mind. That’s why I want this over with as soon as possible. I’m passionate about our safety and your reign.”

  “I think one month is an ideal time to come to an agreement,” said Sir Alvarez.

  Gerard turned and the look he gave was vicious.

  Sir Alvarez flinched slightly but continued, the brave, stupid man. “And there will be the mission. We must hold together for we are not the only nation suffering.”


  “Yes, we are all faithful to His Majesty and the throne of Enchanted Britain.”

  “You’ve had your fingers in the Spanish Emperor’s money pot for years doing him service, don’t pretend you’ve been here all along,” Gerard snapped.

  Sir Alvarez looked at him in shock. His eyebrows rumpled and he said, “I did excellent service to the late King and would have come here sooner if it wasn’t for unforeseen circumstances.”

  The room became very tense, atmosphere denser than cafeteria porridge. Will glanced at Nath who appeared bored and disgusted by the bickering. He watched his father’s tanned face turn burgundy for five seconds before returning to normal.

  “Maybe we should put our differences outside of this chamber to one side and focus first on the country,” said Evan.

  Will stared at him, surprised. He’d never known the Prince to be so forward with nobility. He glanced around and noticed a couple members watching Evan carefully.

  “You’ve not had much to say for yourself,” Gerard turned on him so suddenly he thought he was about to be on the receiving end of his father’s fury.

  A flash of terror struck him as the memories of earlier flashed before his eyes. He cleared his throat and straight
ened up. “I’ll do what His Majesty commands,” he said carefully.

  There was a fleeting look of anger but Gerard relaxed and nodded.

  “We won’t need a month when we go on this mission,” said Nathaniel

  “You’re absolutely right, it’ll all be over once we leave,” said Gerard.

  Evan was staring at Gerard but he couldn’t tell why, even the damn commoner was becoming unreadable.

  In the end, Nath’s word was law and whether his father liked it or not he had to follow orders, but he seemed to be treating Nath more as an obstacle than his king. Will sighed and walked the long, glittering corridors to his mam’s parlour for dinner. It was a matter of two hours before they’d slip out, the wait would be intense but he has to behave as though nothing was wrong. Shouldn’t be too hard when he’d done it all his life.


  “Your sister will be back next weekend for a few days. Her tour is heading to the Fae Colonies before they reach the Americas so she’ll have time to come home for once,” his mam smiled over spiced lamb and vegetables.

  “That’s nice. Maybe she’ll go to work with Dad and he’ll stop nagging me.”

  “He wants you prepared to inherit an empire and see you established in your own right.”

  Will stared at his mother across the table, candles flickered and classical music lulled him to relaxation. “Doesn’t feel like preparation, most of the time he’s yelling at me.”

  “Because you disobey him,” she said simply, sipping her orange wine.

  “I’m a grown man I don’t have to listen to everything he says his word isn’t gospel,” he replied bitterly.

  Marianne sighed delicately and magicked a napkin from the drawer to dab her lipstick. “He may not always be right but he’s your father and he wants what’s best for you and you should obey him.”

  Will’s stomach tightened in fury. He wanted to shout at her, smash everything off of the table and throw it in the fireplace. He was so livid he could set the whole place alight and laugh as it burned to cinders, and then he’d take his punishment. Fire prickled his skin and goose flesh appeared with force as he fought to keep his magic under control. Being a pyromancer was hard when he was this angry. “It doesn’t seem like obedience gets me anywhere either…”


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